Why Does The Vatican Protect This Bastard?


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
I don't get it. He is 1/100000000th of the man Pope John Paul II was, yet they let him tarnish the Pope's funeral and embarass the Church.

Cardinal Law should no longer be a cardinal, he should be sitting in a Mass. jail cell being somebody's bitch, getting molested in the same way those poor kids were by Catholic priests who violated everything sacred about Christianity and humanity.


Vatican police quell Cardinal Law protest
Role of honor in papal ceremonies called ‘hurtful’ to abuse victims
The Associated Press
Updated: 11:39 a.m. ET April 11, 2005
VATICAN CITY - A small but symbolic protest by victims of sex abuse at the hands of American clergy was stymied Monday when police escorted one of the organizers off St. Peter’s Square before she could distribute fliers.

Several uniformed officers walked Barbara Blaine, founder of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, behind barricades set up at the entrance to the square. The officers did not explain why they escorted Blaine off the piazza, and she had no immediate comment.

Blaine and another leader of the group brought their campaign for reform to the center of Roman Catholicism, demanding that Vatican officials bar Cardinal Bernard Law from celebrating an important Mass mourning Pope John Paul II.

They arrived in Rome just hours before Monday’s service at St. Peter’s Basilica and condemned what they called the Vatican’s “hurtful decision” to choose Law for the honor.

I was thinking the same thing. I thought, maybe they were trying to give him some prestige back or something. But this is not the way to do it. Further, like you said, this guy deserves so much less.
Yurt said:
I was thinking the same thing. I thought, maybe they were trying to give him some prestige back or something. But this is not the way to do it. Further, like you said, this guy deserves so much less.

Shameful to the Pope and everyone else. And this guy is just reveling in getting off w/ little to no punishment.
I know that the American catholic church had a lot of children's rape affairs - unfortunatly not only the US church... - .
Did this cardinal Law protect the priests who raped the kids ?

I'm not really aware of this affair.

But I understand it hurts you.
padisha emperor said:
I know that the American catholic church had a lot of children's rape affairs - unfortunatly not only the US church... - .
Did this cardinal Law protect the priests who raped the kids ?

I'm not really aware of this affair.

But I understand it hurts you.

Basically, Cardinal Law refused to punish the priests who had been found guilty of child rape. Horrendous leadership on his part.
padisha emperor said:
I know that the American catholic church had a lot of children's rape affairs - unfortunatly not only the US church... - .
Did this cardinal Law protect the priests who raped the kids ?

I'm not really aware of this affair.

But I understand it hurts you.

He also helped shift around the pedophile priests into unsuspecting parrishes by writing for them "warm" letters of praise for their service.
gop_jeff said:
Basically, Cardinal Law refused to punish the priests who had been found guilty of child rape. Horrendous leadership on his part.

Even worse than that - the sorry bastard quietly transferred pedophile priests to other parrishes and never warned the new parrish about the fact that the new priest had molested children in his former position. Law was instrumental in covering up the crimes of the child molestors. He should be in prison, not in the Vatican delivering a mass for the Pope.
NATO AIR said:
I don't get it. He is 1/100000000th of the man Pope John Paul II was, yet they let him tarnish the Pope's funeral and embarass the Church.

Cardinal Law should no longer be a cardinal, he should be sitting in a Mass. jail cell being somebody's bitch, getting molested in the same way those poor kids were by Catholic priests who violated everything sacred about Christianity and humanity.

I agree but here is something worth noting regarding this situation...

Protection Racketeers
By George Neumayr
Published 4/12/2005 12:15:28 AM
The same media outlets that report with outrage Cardinal Bernard Law's presence in Vatican City approach the equally disgraceful Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony with hushed attention. Among other staggering details of the abuse scandal under him is that Cardinal Mahony housed a pedophile priest in his own rectory, a move Law never even tried. Yet the mainstream media over the last few weeks have been treating Mahony as an unimpeachable source, using him as ecclesiastical cover for their now-rote liberal solutions to problems in the Church that he helped create.

Recall that Mahony, dipping into the faithful's pockets, hired Sitrick and Company (a public relations firm Enron used) to help him spin his complicity in the scandal. Not fooled, former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, who investigated the scandal until Mahony and other bishops blackballed him into resigning, likened Mahony's conduct to "La Cosa Nostra."

The con job goes on. Indeed, Mahony looked downright excited at the chance to reappear on the scene as a voice for "change." Before the Pope had even died, Mahony rushed over to Rome on a first-class flight (it came out), so eager was he to wedge his finger into the Conclave pie as quickly as possible. Once in Vatican City, he immediately turned up on numerous talk shows to mourn a pope he never paid the slightest attention to on doctrinal matters. (Pope John Paul II would from time to time look over at Mahony and say "Hollywood," not exactly a compliment, though Mahony tells the story as if it were.) At one televised mass last week I noticed Mahony checking his watch: Where did he have to go? What, had Hardball called?

What's the difference between the fate of Cardinal Law and Cardinal Mahony? The Boston Globe. Mahony has Los Angeles Times religion reporter Larry Stammer in his pocket, as was revealed in 2002 by a leaked e-mail from the Los Angeles chancery in which Mahony promised a colleague that "Larry Stammer" would whip up a positive story for them ("he stands ready to help if we have a story we want to get out," the e-mail said). Unlike Law who had serious reporters on his heels, Mahony has long benefited from the somnolent coverage of West Coast media liberals willing to excuse his protection of pedophiles in gratitude for his political and doctrinal liberalism.

On Monday TAS asked David Clohessy, executive director of the Survivor Network of Those Abused by Priests, if he has noticed the media's coddling of Mahony. "You are right," he said. "The word that comes to mind for me about Mahony is disingenuousness. He postures so shamelessly as a reformer." Clohessy's explanation for the media's abetting of Mahony's snow job: "He works harder at PR than most bishops. He'll use any opportunity to look better." And, says Clohessy, he's more "liberal," and the "press likes him for that reason."

The Los Angeles Times, which is notorious for giving the Catholic Church unsolicited advice, all of which amounts to demanding that the Church ape the paper's liberalism, has never called on it to sack Mahony, though it normally whines about unaccountable churchmen. Instead, the Times (with the exception of columnist Steve Lopez, who has a liberal axe to grind against the Church but is at least not blind to Mahony's obvious scams) is helping Mahony position himself as a post-Conclave liberal reformer. Good old Larry Stammer was on the flight to Rome with Mahony, serving the cardinal once again as a stenographer.

"Mahony said there would be those, including him, who would call for changes in how the church is run," reported Stammer. "For one thing, he favors discussion about allowing married priests in the Latin Rite of the church. For another, he believes that there will be a major push for a less centralized church that allows bishops more leeway in deciding local issues."

The Los Angeles Times can at once criticize the Pope as a centralizer, then complain he didn't centralize enough during the abuse scandal, then turn to a cardinal whose scandals were made possible by that decentralization to call through him for an even more "less centralized church."

wow, to hell with mahony then too... what a creepy bastard
thank you for sharing that bonnie
The Catholic Church shot itself in the foot when it didn't treat these cases as crimes committed by the Clergy and instead tried to pay off families and hide the information.

This actually makes it so the NAMBLA members are attracted to the position, they have access to children and will be protected by their superiors.

If they had simply treated these as crimes from the beginning they could have avoided so much of this embarassment.
I think this is a serious issue the Catholic Church has to deal with the clean house. What do you think would happen if by some off chance one of these guys became the next pope?

Catholics better be praying some guy like this or some liberal doesnt end up as Pope. Many of the doctrinal matters may have been settled already but if there is a liberal Pope there that thinks things need to be changed then there is going to be a major fight and schism in the Catholic Church.
Avatar4321 said:
I think this is a serious issue the Catholic Church has to deal with the clean house. What do you think would happen if by some off chance one of these guys became the next pope?

Catholics better be praying some guy like this or some liberal doesnt end up as Pope. Many of the doctrinal matters may have been settled already but if there is a liberal Pope there that thinks things need to be changed then there is going to be a major fight and schism in the Catholic Church.

I agree Avatar, but the process for choosing a Pope is done very carefully, I don't think any pedophiles will slip through. I also do hope the Pope that is chosen sticks to Christ's teachings and that does include holding sinners within the church morally and legally responsible for their actions.

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