Why does your religion condemn people?

Bible? You know what a bible is? For heavens sake what had happened?

I am the connection between god and the universe.

You are definitely an Anti-semite and you hate Germans. And you are a liar too. You will is to hurt other people - that's all. You are not interested in any form of truth.

I once found a bible in my house.

How came it at this position? Did someone try to stone you with bibles?

I didn't know how it got there.

Me too. Ask Sigmund Freud.

So I threw it out.

Good decision. The book always suffers a lot when Nazis read it.

Am I going to hell?

I don't know where's hell going to.

I like Jews,

What a nonsense. Someone who loves Jews speaks not as a liar in your impertinent defaming way with me.

and Israel is a great country.

It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?

You Germans,

We what?

I'd like you a lot better if you'd stop letting in all the fucking muslims.

Your problem is a typical problem of the English speaking world: You know nothing very loud. And Yes: We will not stop to work together with the "rest of the world" only because the USA drives crazy within the own political vacuum.

"It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?" You're the anti-semite.

You still call a descendent of Jewish victims of the shoa, "Anti-Semite"? Can it be your attempts to try to hurt everyone, who agrees not with you, condemns yourself, so you never will be able to live in the grace of god? Your criminal energy is titanically high - your shy to use this criminal energy nearly not existing. Poor prognosis.

You just dissed Israel in your previous post. Why?

Why for heavens sake gave god you a head when air is able to live free too?
I've explained it dozens of times, sweetie.

Grind that ax some more and it just might make you feel better about yourself.
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY.

What a nonsense.

Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.

No comment
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?

You don't know what you are speaking about and I don't discuss with Nazis about the Jewish religion or try to explain Nazis like you the belief of the people of the "Jewish church", how the old Nazis once often had called the Christian church.

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How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.

That's not the theme of this story. The theme is that every child is able to understand this story - only the pseudo-intellectuals today don't understand it any longer. Everyone was able to be Noah. But only Noah was Noah. Compare it with Germany. If Hitler or Taz calls everyone to spring out of a window into a world war - don't do it. But if you spring into a world war and explosions of nukes overflow the whole planet - don't give the responsibility to god. The might of the nature is incalculable.

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I do not follow a religion.

I certainly do condemn all those who are so addicted to virtue signaling that they tolerate all manner of evil in order to be p.c. and receive props from their peeps, however.

I would rather hang with a devout Christian who takes the words of Jesus seriously than a person who has no sense of right and wrong, any day.
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
lol....there you go with the God is a meanie flood story again...sheesh.

99% of all species that ever existed are extinct numbnuts. Why aren't you crying about all the innocent dinosaur babies that were just wiped off the face of the planet? No tears for Neanderthals? Denisovans?

You might not realize this but you have an expiration date too....The very same God who gives life can take it away as if he was in charge of something. The bastard! lol....

"There is no proof of God but he must be a heartless meanie." I get it, thats your story and your sticking with it. Okie dokie and a whoop di doo..

Now that that's settled and while you're still alive, it might behoove you investigate the reason why homo sapiens are sometimes visited with afflictions and other times enjoy periods of well-being.

You might discover a pattern reflected in your own experiences knowing good and evil. You might even learn to stop crying about everything like you were hemorrhaging for decades from a mortal wound, choose good, reject evil, and be healed....

Now that would be a miracle!
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How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
You think I'm going to argue with you about this?

You asked how I knew the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and cares about us. The answer is biological and moral laws tell us that. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
What biological and moral laws? You mean like cancer being a biological law?

What's a moral law made by god? Give some examples...
Are you telling me it's not obvious to you?
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
lol....there you go with the God is a meanie flood story again...sheesh.

99% of all species that ever existed are extinct numbnuts. Why aren't you crying about all the innocent dinosaur babies that were just wiped off the face of the planet? No tears for Neanderthals? Denisovans?

You might not realize this but you have an expiration date too....The very same God who gives life can take it away as if he was in charge of something. The bastard! lol....

"There is no proof of God but he must be a heartless meanie." I get it, thats your story and your sticking with it. Okie dokie and a whoop di doo..

Now that that's settled and while you're still alive, it might behoove you investigate the reason why homo sapiens are sometimes visited with afflictions and other times enjoy periods of well-being.

You might discover a pattern reflected in your own experiences knowing good and evil. You might even learn to stop crying about everything like you were hemorrhaging for decades from a mortal wound, choose good, reject evil, and be healed....

Now that would be a miracle!
This guy thinks the worldwide flood actually happened that way. At least he's not a god-fearing bible denier like you are.
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
You think I'm going to argue with you about this?

You asked how I knew the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and cares about us. The answer is biological and moral laws tell us that. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
What biological and moral laws? You mean like cancer being a biological law?

What's a moral law made by god? Give some examples...
Are you telling me it's not obvious to you?
C'mon, let's have some examples that should be obvious to me.
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
You think I'm going to argue with you about this?

You asked how I knew the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and cares about us. The answer is biological and moral laws tell us that. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
What biological and moral laws? You mean like cancer being a biological law?

What's a moral law made by god? Give some examples...
Are you telling me it's not obvious to you?
C'mon, let's have some examples that should be obvious to me.
If I have to explain it then clearly it is not obvious to you, right?
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?
Which religion doesn’t condemn others?
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
You think I'm going to argue with you about this?

You asked how I knew the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and cares about us. The answer is biological and moral laws tell us that. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
What biological and moral laws? You mean like cancer being a biological law?

What's a moral law made by god? Give some examples...
Are you telling me it's not obvious to you?
C'mon, let's have some examples that should be obvious to me.
If I have to explain it then clearly it is not obvious to you, right?
Okay, time for you to dance around because you have nothing. Go for it.
You think I'm going to argue with you about this?

You asked how I knew the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and cares about us. The answer is biological and moral laws tell us that. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
What biological and moral laws? You mean like cancer being a biological law?

What's a moral law made by god? Give some examples...
Are you telling me it's not obvious to you?
C'mon, let's have some examples that should be obvious to me.
If I have to explain it then clearly it is not obvious to you, right?
Okay, time for you to dance around because you have nothing. Go for it.
So just to be clear, you can't think of one single reason that the biological and moral laws mean that the creator cares about us, right? Not one.
What biological and moral laws? You mean like cancer being a biological law?

What's a moral law made by god? Give some examples...
Are you telling me it's not obvious to you?
C'mon, let's have some examples that should be obvious to me.
If I have to explain it then clearly it is not obvious to you, right?
Okay, time for you to dance around because you have nothing. Go for it.
So just to be clear, you can't think of one single reason that the biological and moral laws mean that the creator cares about us, right? Not one.
No. But keep dancing, it's fun to watch. :biggrin:
Are you telling me it's not obvious to you?
C'mon, let's have some examples that should be obvious to me.
If I have to explain it then clearly it is not obvious to you, right?
Okay, time for you to dance around because you have nothing. Go for it.
So just to be clear, you can't think of one single reason that the biological and moral laws mean that the creator cares about us, right? Not one.
No. But keep dancing, it's fun to watch. :biggrin:
I thought agnostics were supposed to be thinkers.

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