Why does your religion condemn people?

C'mon, let's have some examples that should be obvious to me.
If I have to explain it then clearly it is not obvious to you, right?
Okay, time for you to dance around because you have nothing. Go for it.
So just to be clear, you can't think of one single reason that the biological and moral laws mean that the creator cares about us, right? Not one.
No. But keep dancing, it's fun to watch. :biggrin:
I thought agnostics were supposed to be thinkers.
You have to actually say something first for me to think about, not just keep dancing around.:dance:
If I have to explain it then clearly it is not obvious to you, right?
Okay, time for you to dance around because you have nothing. Go for it.
So just to be clear, you can't think of one single reason that the biological and moral laws mean that the creator cares about us, right? Not one.
No. But keep dancing, it's fun to watch. :biggrin:
I thought agnostics were supposed to be thinkers.
You have to actually say something first for me to think about, not just keep dancing around.:dance:
I think making you dance around like this is fun, sis.

Last edited:
Okay, time for you to dance around because you have nothing. Go for it.
So just to be clear, you can't think of one single reason that the biological and moral laws mean that the creator cares about us, right? Not one.
No. But keep dancing, it's fun to watch. :biggrin:
I thought agnostics were supposed to be thinkers.
You have to actually say something first for me to think about, not just keep dancing around.:dance:
I think making you dance around like this is fun, sis.
So last chance, what are some moral and biological laws?
So just to be clear, you can't think of one single reason that the biological and moral laws mean that the creator cares about us, right? Not one.
No. But keep dancing, it's fun to watch. :biggrin:
I thought agnostics were supposed to be thinkers.
You have to actually say something first for me to think about, not just keep dancing around.:dance:
I think making you dance around like this is fun, sis.
So last chance, what are some moral and biological laws?
You don't know?

Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?
Which religion doesn’t condemn others?

None that I am aware of.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?
Which religion doesn’t condemn others?

None that I am aware of.

It is human nature to condemn others, and its the nature of religion to play god with others by lifting themselves up by putting others down. Humans have an inward perverted need to see and imagine others suffering , and religious humans think God is perverted enough to constantly punish weak people forever in some horrid lake of fire. To constantly punish any human forever in a perverted pain amplifier for any reason ,

...is insane...
No. But keep dancing, it's fun to watch. :biggrin:
I thought agnostics were supposed to be thinkers.
You have to actually say something first for me to think about, not just keep dancing around.:dance:
I think making you dance around like this is fun, sis.
So last chance, what are some moral and biological laws?
You don't know?

As usual you have nothing, what a bore you are.
I thought agnostics were supposed to be thinkers.
You have to actually say something first for me to think about, not just keep dancing around.:dance:
I think making you dance around like this is fun, sis.
So last chance, what are some moral and biological laws?
You don't know?

As usual you have nothing, what a bore you are.
I have it all. I am a thinking man.
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
GOD judges those who do not believe what HE has to say. GOD isn't the author of fairly tales. And those who do not believe what GOD says, accept abortion and euthanasia and taking recreational drugs and promoting sexual deviancy ---- all the time insisting they aren't hurting anybody.... Your lips to GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
GOD judges those who do not believe what HE has to say. GOD isn't the author of fairly tales. And those who do not believe what GOD says, accept abortion and euthanasia and taking recreational drugs and promoting sexual deviancy ---- all the time insisting they aren't hurting anybody.... Your lips to GOD.

God is not going to judge humanity, that is just what you have been taught. In John 5:22 Jesus says that the Father judges " No Man", but has committed all that to Jesus. Now that is scripture, so its Jesus who will deal with humanity. And I love just how Jesus has already done his work. In John 12:47, Jesus teaching here, not any religious preacher;, " If any man hear my words and believe not, " I Judge him NOT!" For I came not to judge the world, but to SAVE THE WORLD! All you believers running around condemning unbelievers, don't know what your doing. Jesus was charged by God to save a world, not a group of assorted believers. Just read about it in 1John 4:14, Everyone is included, but you religious people love to exclude others and always speak about judging and condemning others.

God said Jesus is a WORLD Saviour! All unbelievers are already included in salvation, and you cannot subtract them. In John 8 : 15 Jesus taught that he judges no man; this is because all of humanity is already saved. He came to SEEK and Save the LOST! Jesus said he came NOT for the righteous, ( or believers), but for sinners to repentance ( or unbelievers). Jesus taught this in Luke 5:32. He came to earth to save all those unbelievers that some of you believers are condemning. Luke 3:6, " ALL FLESH shall see the salvation of God!" The true judgment is that there will be no judgment! So you Christians who got your people popcorn to pop in your hell fire teachings, can stop licking your chops, there will be no roasting.

In Job 23:13 " God is of ONE MIND, who can change his mind? ( certainly not the religious who are condemning unbelievers. You cannot change the desires of God). The latter part of verse 13, " What God desires, THAT HE DOES!" Well just what does God desire? 1 Tim. 2:4-6, " God desires that ALL Humans be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. ALL are included, Jesus gave himself as a ransom FOR ALL! Everyone has been pardoned. I know some of you believers don't like this, but its absolutely nothing you can do about it. God desires ALL of humanity. And none of you who believe in your hells and judging people so harshly, you don't have a say in this , and humanity is fortunate of that.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
GOD judges those who do not believe what HE has to say. GOD isn't the author of fairly tales. And those who do not believe what GOD says, accept abortion and euthanasia and taking recreational drugs and promoting sexual deviancy ---- all the time insisting they aren't hurting anybody.... Your lips to GOD.
If he had something to say he’d say it. Instead I have to believe your religion? I don’t think so
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
GOD judges those who do not believe what HE has to say. GOD isn't the author of fairly tales. And those who do not believe what GOD says, accept abortion and euthanasia and taking recreational drugs and promoting sexual deviancy ---- all the time insisting they aren't hurting anybody.... Your lips to GOD.

God is not going to judge humanity, that is just what you have been taught. In John 5:22 Jesus says that the Father judges " No Man", but has committed all that to Jesus. Now that is scripture, so its Jesus who will deal with humanity. And I love just how Jesus has already done his work. In John 12:47, Jesus teaching here, not any religious preacher;, " If any man hear my words and believe not, " I Judge him NOT!" For I came not to judge the world, but to SAVE THE WORLD! All you believers running around condemning unbelievers, don't know what your doing. Jesus was charged by God to save a world, not a group of assorted believers. Just read about it in 1John 4:14, Everyone is included, but you religious people love to exclude others and always speak about judging and condemning others.

God said Jesus is a WORLD Saviour! All unbelievers are already included in salvation, and you cannot subtract them. In John 8 : 15 Jesus taught that he judges no man; this is because all of humanity is already saved. He came to SEEK and Save the LOST! Jesus said he came NOT for the righteous, ( or believers), but for sinners to repentance ( or unbelievers). Jesus taught this in Luke 5:32. He came to earth to save all those unbelievers that some of you believers are condemning. Luke 3:6, " ALL FLESH shall see the salvation of God!" The true judgment is that there will be no judgment! So you Christians who got your people popcorn to pop in your hell fire teachings, can stop licking your chops, there will be no roasting.

In Job 23:13 " God is of ONE MIND, who can change his mind? ( certainly not the religious who are condemning unbelievers. You cannot change the desires of God). The latter part of verse 13, " What God desires, THAT HE DOES!" Well just what does God desire? 1 Tim. 2:4-6, " God desires that ALL Humans be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. ALL are included, Jesus gave himself as a ransom FOR ALL! Everyone has been pardoned. I know some of you believers don't like this, but its absolutely nothing you can do about it. God desires ALL of humanity. And none of you who believe in your hells and judging people so harshly, you don't have a say in this , and humanity is fortunate of that.
God never said anything and scripture is man made up writings.
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
GOD judges those who do not believe what HE has to say. GOD isn't the author of fairly tales. And those who do not believe what GOD says, accept abortion and euthanasia and taking recreational drugs and promoting sexual deviancy ---- all the time insisting they aren't hurting anybody.... Your lips to GOD.
If he had something to say he’d say it. Instead I have to believe your religion? I don’t think so
You are asked to place your faith and trust in the LORD JESUS the MESSIAH. Nothing more, nothing less. Your "works" are not good enough. I don't know what else you could expect from GOD. He did everything for you and all you have to do is trust in HIM. There is no religion involved --- it is a personal relationship between you and the LORD. I don't know hat else you think you're going to do?
You have to actually say something first for me to think about, not just keep dancing around.:dance:
I think making you dance around like this is fun, sis.
So last chance, what are some moral and biological laws?
You don't know?

As usual you have nothing, what a bore you are.
I have it all. I am a thinking man.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

"Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them". God was the one who assaulted them.

If things on this planet are horrible, it's god's fault, he made EVERYTHING!
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
GOD judges those who do not believe what HE has to say. GOD isn't the author of fairly tales. And those who do not believe what GOD says, accept abortion and euthanasia and taking recreational drugs and promoting sexual deviancy ---- all the time insisting they aren't hurting anybody.... Your lips to GOD.

God is not going to judge humanity, that is just what you have been taught. In John 5:22 Jesus says that the Father judges " No Man", but has committed all that to Jesus. Now that is scripture, so its Jesus who will deal with humanity. And I love just how Jesus has already done his work. In John 12:47, Jesus teaching here, not any religious preacher;, " If any man hear my words and believe not, " I Judge him NOT!" For I came not to judge the world, but to SAVE THE WORLD! All you believers running around condemning unbelievers, don't know what your doing. Jesus was charged by God to save a world, not a group of assorted believers. Just read about it in 1John 4:14, Everyone is included, but you religious people love to exclude others and always speak about judging and condemning others.

God said Jesus is a WORLD Saviour! All unbelievers are already included in salvation, and you cannot subtract them. In John 8 : 15 Jesus taught that he judges no man; this is because all of humanity is already saved. He came to SEEK and Save the LOST! Jesus said he came NOT for the righteous, ( or believers), but for sinners to repentance ( or unbelievers). Jesus taught this in Luke 5:32. He came to earth to save all those unbelievers that some of you believers are condemning. Luke 3:6, " ALL FLESH shall see the salvation of God!" The true judgment is that there will be no judgment! So you Christians who got your people popcorn to pop in your hell fire teachings, can stop licking your chops, there will be no roasting.

In Job 23:13 " God is of ONE MIND, who can change his mind? ( certainly not the religious who are condemning unbelievers. You cannot change the desires of God). The latter part of verse 13, " What God desires, THAT HE DOES!" Well just what does God desire? 1 Tim. 2:4-6, " God desires that ALL Humans be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. ALL are included, Jesus gave himself as a ransom FOR ALL! Everyone has been pardoned. I know some of you believers don't like this, but its absolutely nothing you can do about it. God desires ALL of humanity. And none of you who believe in your hells and judging people so harshly, you don't have a say in this , and humanity is fortunate of that.
You forgot John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.

The simple fact is that unless one believes in the Jesus the Messiah that individual is already headed for hell. This goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. They were separated from GOD and it is only when one places his trust in GOD for his salvation which is now through accepting Jesus, there can be no other remission for sin and that individual is already condemned for all eternity. And after this life is over everyone is sealed to their choice..
Hitler thought what he was doing was right for GERMANY. Morality is subjective to only those who don't believe in GOD.
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
How do you know a god will judge you?
Because drowning nearly everyone, including babies, in a flood is morally acceptable?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
GOD judges those who do not believe what HE has to say. GOD isn't the author of fairly tales. And those who do not believe what GOD says, accept abortion and euthanasia and taking recreational drugs and promoting sexual deviancy ---- all the time insisting they aren't hurting anybody.... Your lips to GOD.
How do you know that a god said anything?

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