Why does your religion condemn people?

  1. [QUOTE="sealybobo, post: 2

Dr. Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist pastor, says that the Roman Catholic Church is the result of the Babylonian cult system founded by the Book of Revelation in a video posted on YouTube by RWW Blog.

Do you see the Dr. next to his name? That means he has better than a masters in religion. Who are you to say he is wrong?

When someone asks me who the real christian is him or you, I say he is. You're a cherry picker.[/QUOTE]

Well I never heard of M. Jeffress , and I welcome you to the thread. I don't mind being called a " Cherry Picker", one could not pick the cherries if they were not there to pick. I can live with anyone accused of cherry picking , as long as they give you plenty of cherries to consider. And I do that here.

Concerning this Babylonian cult system you bring up, I consider all churches on this planet as being highly infected or influenced by each other's doctrines and historical teachings. There are no clean hands. None that I can see; no church is unaffected. We all are guilty. That is WHY Jesus died once FOR ALL, Heb. 7:25-27, 1 Pet. 3:18. He died for ALL so that human religions cannot change that " All" to mean " Just some, or usually " Just them." He died for ALL because we ALL need that from him. Salvation has been given as a totally free gift from this enigmatic God, Romans 5:18. And no pastor can limit that gift to just his group or any other group.

But your right about the Christian thing, I am not a Christian and hold absolutely no interest in becoming one. I am a believer in God and I have not graduated beyond that. I don't need or search for Christian approval, nothing stands between me and God; no labels, no titles, no religions, no churches. And I don't want anything else getting into my head; been there, done that. Christianity does not hold a monopoly on the truth.
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There have only been two who have. There's no shame in it. The only shame comes from when you rationalize otherwise, like you do.
What "otherwise" am I rationing? All I'm saying is that i see no real proof for the god you claim who cares if we follow the hidden meaning of some fairy tales or not.
Well since my proof goes way beyond that, it's pretty obvious you are being disingenuous again, sweetie.
Your only proof is the universe, which in no way points directly to the god of the bible. It just doesn't. But you're welcome to try to prove that it does. Go ahead, we'll wait. :popcorn:
I've explained it dozens of times, sweetie.

Grind that ax some more and it just might make you feel better about yourself.
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
Did you ever try to discuss about icecream? Phasouynaue a of
And some people are honest unlike you.

So if they didn't know the breadth of the world maybe the account is of a regional flood of Mesopotamia.
The people who wrote about Jesus had never met him either. The bible is a joke book.

But at least you didn't dispute that you don't follow the bible. Good for you.

Nazi, you are the joker. And you are wrong with everything what you say about the Christian religion. Hate makes blind - even if it is only a learned hate because of brainwashing political propaganda. Try to speak about something what you love: ice cream for example. This will help you much more. You are in all your "discussions" (=defamations) convincing only yourself always again from your own idiocies. No one is able to be your Nanny and to correct only the worst of your mistakes.

I don't hate the bible,

Bible? You know what a bible is? For heavens sake what had happened?

my contention is that you can't make a real connection between the universe and the god of the bible.

I am the connection between god and the universe.

If you do, I'm open and willing to change my mind. So no hate. Not even for Germans. :biggrin:

You are definitely an Anti-semite and you hate Germans. And you are a liar too. You will is to hurt other people - that's all. You are not interested in any form of truth.

I once found a bible in my house. I didn't know how it got there. So I threw it out. Am I going to hell?

I like Jews, and Israel is a great country. You Germans, I'd like you a lot better if you'd stop letting in all the fucking muslims.

Only God knows, but I doubt it would be for that.
What "otherwise" am I rationing? All I'm saying is that i see no real proof for the god you claim who cares if we follow the hidden meaning of some fairy tales or not.
Well since my proof goes way beyond that, it's pretty obvious you are being disingenuous again, sweetie.
Your only proof is the universe, which in no way points directly to the god of the bible. It just doesn't. But you're welcome to try to prove that it does. Go ahead, we'll wait. :popcorn:
I've explained it dozens of times, sweetie.

Grind that ax some more and it just might make you feel better about yourself.
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Well since my proof goes way beyond that, it's pretty obvious you are being disingenuous again, sweetie.
Your only proof is the universe, which in no way points directly to the god of the bible. It just doesn't. But you're welcome to try to prove that it does. Go ahead, we'll wait. :popcorn:
I've explained it dozens of times, sweetie.

Grind that ax some more and it just might make you feel better about yourself.
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
If they are seeking they shall find. If they are not seeking, they are condemned already. They must exist forever apart from GOD so that those that sought GOD and find Christ can live forever with GOD. GOD does not discriminate.
Where did you find this b------t?
In the Bible. Where did you discover YOURS?
I'm looking for an actual god, not a load of malarkey.
Read the Bible.
I can't get past the first chapter with creating everything in 6 days and the flood that nobody believes happened.

and.....the hero dies in the end !

That was not a worldwide flood and it didn't last for 40 days burying all the mountain tops and everything. Please try again.
And you base this on what absolute evidence. There is no proof that the surface of the earth is millions of years old. Take a flat china plate made 100 years ago and drop it on the floor, the pieces are not any newer and yet the surface is no longer flat! The ocean was not 7 miles deep and the mountain ranges we have today did not exist prior to the FLOOD. That is my educated guess answer to you. And there is NO ONE living today who can without lying say that he or she knows for certain that I cannot be right. What they can say is that their hunches are based upon a variety of educated guesses that hang on naturalistic assumptions ...
There's no scientific proof of what you claim, so you can believe what you want, but real thinking people know you to be wrong.
And, there is is no observable or repeatable proof for what you believe. You have only THEORY. I'm just as real as you and your gang.
It has been observed by scientists that what you claim is b------t. Otherwise, find me a site of real scientists to back up your claim of a worldwide flood.
No, these scientists have not observed anything. They have concocted a nice naturalistic tale. Evolutionists have unashamedly applied bias and discrimination towards anyone daring to challenge their "brilliance".
We are not condemning people. I have no ability to control where you go after you die.

If I demanded that you go to Heaven... do I have any ability to make that happen?
If I demanded that you go to hell.... do I have any ability to make that happen?

No. I have no control over where you go.

I can only tell you what the Bible says: All people... everyone... including me... are all going to hell. We are all sinners, all evil, and all do evil things. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We say evil things and hurt people. We do wrong things, knowing it is wrong.

All of us. Every single one. We are all marching on a road to hell.

The Bible says there is a person, who is standing by the road, saying come to me and follow me, and be saved. His name is Jesus Christ the Lord.

If we follow him as Lord, and our Savior, we can be saved from the path WE have chosen to be on.

If you don't want to believe all that, that's on you. But don't act like we have any control over where you go.

In my view, humans have no control over salvation, peace, love or hate. We have no control over past, present or future things;,

We all will be with God up ahead. There is no such thing as hell; its a monster lie that monsters need to sedate people.
You do realize that very little is written about hell in the Bible, right?

If we are to believe you every other sentence is about hell.
You are then unaware that the Bible speaks far more regarding HELL than about HEAVEN?

German Luther bible: 20 times the german word for hell, 801 times the german word for heaven. ("hell" = 2.5%, "heaven" = 97.5%))
King James bible: 54 times the word "hell", 691 times the word "heaven". ("hell" = 7.8%, "heaven" = 92.2%)

Thee bible mentions hell a bit over 120 times, heaven is mentioned a bit over 1500 times , its not even close.

Do you know why you say so? The English word "hell" is not so strict as the German word "Hölle". On the other side is the German word "Himmel" not so strict as the English word "heaven". Where do your numbers come from? And what changes this really? The relation is the same. 120/1500*100=8 => 8% "hell", 92 % "heaven". The Christian religion is dominated by "heaven" and not by "hell".

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Come on! Be at least honest with yourself. Far more people believe that the Flood actually happened than "NOBODY". I wouldn't be surprised that as many as 50% or more of the world population believes that an extreme world event happened that involved a worldwide FLOOD! Once you move beyond that fact, a GOD creating the entire Universe in 6 days and resting on the 7th (creating the work week) suddenly seems far more palatable.
There's no geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
See this for starters: Evidence for a Flood | Science | Smithsonian
That was not a worldwide flood and it didn't last for 40 days burying all the mountain tops and everything. Please try again.
And you base this on what absolute evidence. There is no proof that the surface of the earth is millions of years old. Take a flat china plate made 100 years ago and drop it on the floor, the pieces are not any newer and yet the surface is no longer flat! The ocean was not 7 miles deep and the mountain ranges we have today did not exist prior to the FLOOD. That is my educated guess answer to you. And there is NO ONE living today who can without lying say that he or she knows for certain that I cannot be right. What they can say is that their hunches are based upon a variety of educated guesses that hang on naturalistic assumptions ...
There's no scientific proof of what you claim, so you can believe what you want, but real thinking people know you to be wrong.

The problem is that you are the only "really thinking" idiot of the world. What is the scientific prove of the beauty of a sunrise after you woke a whole night at the campfire university with music and discussions? The neurotransmitter absorption of sliced brains? The fog/daylight relation? …

In my view, humans have no control over salvation, peace, love or hate. We have no control over past, present or future things;,

We all will be with God up ahead. There is no such thing as hell; its a monster lie that monsters need to sedate people.
You do realize that very little is written about hell in the Bible, right?

If we are to believe you every other sentence is about hell.
You are then unaware that the Bible speaks far more regarding HELL than about HEAVEN?

German Luther bible: 20 times the german word for hell, 801 times the german word for heaven. ("hell" = 2.5%, "heaven" = 97.5%))
King James bible: 54 times the word "hell", 691 times the word "heaven". ("hell" = 7.8%, "heaven" = 92.2%)

Thee bible mentions hell a bit over 120 times, heaven is mentioned a bit over 1500 times , its not even close.

Oklahoma Mom Who Married Her Own Daughter Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Incest

Did you ever try to discuss about icecream? Phasouynaue a of
And some people are honest unlike you.

So if they didn't know the breadth of the world maybe the account is of a regional flood of Mesopotamia.
The people who wrote about Jesus had never met him either. The bible is a joke book.

But at least you didn't dispute that you don't follow the bible. Good for you.

Nazi, you are the joker. And you are wrong with everything what you say about the Christian religion. Hate makes blind - even if it is only a learned hate because of brainwashing political propaganda. Try to speak about something what you love: ice cream for example. This will help you much more. You are in all your "discussions" (=defamations) convincing only yourself always again from your own idiocies. No one is able to be your Nanny and to correct only the worst of your mistakes.

I don't hate the bible,

Bible? You know what a bible is? For heavens sake what had happened?

my contention is that you can't make a real connection between the universe and the god of the bible.

I am the connection between god and the universe.

If you do, I'm open and willing to change my mind. So no hate. Not even for Germans. :biggrin:

You are definitely an Anti-semite and you hate Germans. And you are a liar too. You will is to hurt other people - that's all. You are not interested in any form of truth.

I once found a bible in my house.

How came it at this position? Did someone try to stone you with bibles?

I didn't know how it got there.

Me too. Ask Sigmund Freud.

So I threw it out.

Good decision. The book always suffers a lot when Nazis read it.

Am I going to hell?

I don't know where's hell going to.

I like Jews,

What a nonsense. Someone who loves Jews speaks not as a liar in your impertinent defaming way with me.

and Israel is a great country.

It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?

You Germans,

We what?

I'd like you a lot better if you'd stop letting in all the fucking muslims.

Your problem is a typical problem of the English speaking world: You know nothing very loud. And Yes: We will not stop to work together with the "rest of the world" only because the USA drives crazy within the own political vacuum.

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There's no geologic proof of a worldwide flood.
See this for starters: Evidence for a Flood | Science | Smithsonian
That was not a worldwide flood and it didn't last for 40 days burying all the mountain tops and everything. Please try again.
And you base this on what absolute evidence. There is no proof that the surface of the earth is millions of years old. Take a flat china plate made 100 years ago and drop it on the floor, the pieces are not any newer and yet the surface is no longer flat! The ocean was not 7 miles deep and the mountain ranges we have today did not exist prior to the FLOOD. That is my educated guess answer to you. And there is NO ONE living today who can without lying say that he or she knows for certain that I cannot be right. What they can say is that their hunches are based upon a variety of educated guesses that hang on naturalistic assumptions ...
There's no scientific proof of what you claim, so you can believe what you want, but real thinking people know you to be wrong.

The problem is that you are the only "really thinking" idiot of the world. What is the scientific prove of the beauty of a sunrise after you woke a whole night at the campfire university with music and discussions? The neurotransmitter absorption of sliced brains? The fog/daylight relation? …

The scientific proof that the earth rotates. Now you know.
Did you ever try to discuss about icecream? Phasouynaue a of
The people who wrote about Jesus had never met him either. The bible is a joke book.

But at least you didn't dispute that you don't follow the bible. Good for you.

Nazi, you are the joker. And you are wrong with everything what you say about the Christian religion. Hate makes blind - even if it is only a learned hate because of brainwashing political propaganda. Try to speak about something what you love: ice cream for example. This will help you much more. You are in all your "discussions" (=defamations) convincing only yourself always again from your own idiocies. No one is able to be your Nanny and to correct only the worst of your mistakes.

I don't hate the bible,

Bible? You know what a bible is? For heavens sake what had happened?

my contention is that you can't make a real connection between the universe and the god of the bible.

I am the connection between god and the universe.

If you do, I'm open and willing to change my mind. So no hate. Not even for Germans. :biggrin:

You are definitely an Anti-semite and you hate Germans. And you are a liar too. You will is to hurt other people - that's all. You are not interested in any form of truth.

I once found a bible in my house.

How came it at this position? Did someone try to stone you with bibles?

I didn't know how it got there.

Me too. Ask Sigmund Freud.

So I threw it out.

Good decision. The book always suffers a lot when Nazis read it.

Am I going to hell?

I don't know where's hell going to.

I like Jews,

What a nonsense. Someone who loves Jews speaks not as a liar in your impertinent defaming way with me.

and Israel is a great country.

It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?

You Germans,

We what?

I'd like you a lot better if you'd stop letting in all the fucking muslims.

Your problem is a typical problem of the English speaking world: You know nothing very loud. And Yes: We will not stop to work together with the "rest of the world" only because the USA drives crazy within the own political vacuum.

"It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?" You're the anti-semite.
That was not a worldwide flood and it didn't last for 40 days burying all the mountain tops and everything. Please try again.
And you base this on what absolute evidence. There is no proof that the surface of the earth is millions of years old. Take a flat china plate made 100 years ago and drop it on the floor, the pieces are not any newer and yet the surface is no longer flat! The ocean was not 7 miles deep and the mountain ranges we have today did not exist prior to the FLOOD. That is my educated guess answer to you. And there is NO ONE living today who can without lying say that he or she knows for certain that I cannot be right. What they can say is that their hunches are based upon a variety of educated guesses that hang on naturalistic assumptions ...
There's no scientific proof of what you claim, so you can believe what you want, but real thinking people know you to be wrong.
And, there is is no observable or repeatable proof for what you believe. You have only THEORY. I'm just as real as you and your gang.
It has been observed by scientists that what you claim is b------t. Otherwise, find me a site of real scientists to back up your claim of a worldwide flood.
No, these scientists have not observed anything. They have concocted a nice naturalistic tale. Evolutionists have unashamedly applied bias and discrimination towards anyone daring to challenge their "brilliance".
So you can't find a site of real scientists to back up your claim. Got it. Loser.
Your only proof is the universe, which in no way points directly to the god of the bible. It just doesn't. But you're welcome to try to prove that it does. Go ahead, we'll wait. :popcorn:
I've explained it dozens of times, sweetie.

Grind that ax some more and it just might make you feel better about yourself.
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
I've explained it dozens of times, sweetie.

Grind that ax some more and it just might make you feel better about yourself.
That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
You think I'm going to argue with you about this?

You asked how I knew the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and cares about us. The answer is biological and moral laws tell us that. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
That was not a worldwide flood and it didn't last for 40 days burying all the mountain tops and everything. Please try again.
And you base this on what absolute evidence. There is no proof that the surface of the earth is millions of years old. Take a flat china plate made 100 years ago and drop it on the floor, the pieces are not any newer and yet the surface is no longer flat! The ocean was not 7 miles deep and the mountain ranges we have today did not exist prior to the FLOOD. That is my educated guess answer to you. And there is NO ONE living today who can without lying say that he or she knows for certain that I cannot be right. What they can say is that their hunches are based upon a variety of educated guesses that hang on naturalistic assumptions ...
There's no scientific proof of what you claim, so you can believe what you want, but real thinking people know you to be wrong.

The problem is that you are the only "really thinking" idiot of the world. What is the scientific prove of the beauty of a sunrise after you woke a whole night at the campfire university with music and discussions? The neurotransmitter absorption of sliced brains? The fog/daylight relation? …

The scientific proof that the earth rotates. Now you know.

I know that you are "real thinking". How everyone knows the Earth rotates because babies in their cribs are swinging and are singing bmmm bmmmm. God told them to do so.

Did you ever try to discuss about icecream? Phasouynaue a of
Nazi, you are the joker. And you are wrong with everything what you say about the Christian religion. Hate makes blind - even if it is only a learned hate because of brainwashing political propaganda. Try to speak about something what you love: ice cream for example. This will help you much more. You are in all your "discussions" (=defamations) convincing only yourself always again from your own idiocies. No one is able to be your Nanny and to correct only the worst of your mistakes.

I don't hate the bible,

Bible? You know what a bible is? For heavens sake what had happened?

my contention is that you can't make a real connection between the universe and the god of the bible.

I am the connection between god and the universe.

If you do, I'm open and willing to change my mind. So no hate. Not even for Germans. :biggrin:

You are definitely an Anti-semite and you hate Germans. And you are a liar too. You will is to hurt other people - that's all. You are not interested in any form of truth.

I once found a bible in my house.

How came it at this position? Did someone try to stone you with bibles?

I didn't know how it got there.

Me too. Ask Sigmund Freud.

So I threw it out.

Good decision. The book always suffers a lot when Nazis read it.

Am I going to hell?

I don't know where's hell going to.

I like Jews,

What a nonsense. Someone who loves Jews speaks not as a liar in your impertinent defaming way with me.

and Israel is a great country.

It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?

You Germans,

We what?

I'd like you a lot better if you'd stop letting in all the fucking muslims.

Your problem is a typical problem of the English speaking world: You know nothing very loud. And Yes: We will not stop to work together with the "rest of the world" only because the USA drives crazy within the own political vacuum.

"It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?" You're the anti-semite.

You still call a descendent of Jewish victims of the shoa, "Anti-Semite"? Can it be your attempts to try to hurt everyone, who agrees not with you, condemns yourself, so you never will be able to live in the grace of god? Your criminal energy is titanically high - your shy to use this criminal energy nearly not existing. Poor prognosis.

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That's it, run from the discussion. As usual.
How can I have run from the conversation when I have explained it to you dozens of times?
You've said that the universe is proof of a god/creator. But how does it prove the god of the bible who gives a shit what we do is the one who made the universe?
Biological and moral laws.
Biological laws, you mean the laws of nature? Which ones are in the bible?

Moral laws are subjective, Hitler thought that was he was doing was morally right and if he hadn't tried to take Russia, he probably would have had a positive outcome.
You think I'm going to argue with you about this?

You asked how I knew the God of the Bible is the Creator of the universe and cares about us. The answer is biological and moral laws tell us that. It's as obvious as the nose on your face.
What biological and moral laws? You mean like cancer being a biological law?

What's a moral law made by god? Give some examples...
I don't hate the bible,

Bible? You know what a bible is? For heavens sake what had happened?

my contention is that you can't make a real connection between the universe and the god of the bible.

I am the connection between god and the universe.

If you do, I'm open and willing to change my mind. So no hate. Not even for Germans. :biggrin:

You are definitely an Anti-semite and you hate Germans. And you are a liar too. You will is to hurt other people - that's all. You are not interested in any form of truth.

I once found a bible in my house.

How came it at this position? Did someone try to stone you with bibles?

I didn't know how it got there.

Me too. Ask Sigmund Freud.

So I threw it out.

Good decision. The book always suffers a lot when Nazis read it.

Am I going to hell?

I don't know where's hell going to.

I like Jews,

What a nonsense. Someone who loves Jews speaks not as a liar in your impertinent defaming way with me.

and Israel is a great country.

It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?

You Germans,

We what?

I'd like you a lot better if you'd stop letting in all the fucking muslims.

Your problem is a typical problem of the English speaking world: You know nothing very loud. And Yes: We will not stop to work together with the "rest of the world" only because the USA drives crazy within the own political vacuum.

"It is a very little great country. A lot of dangerous violence in this area of the world. Hell loves violence, isn't it?" You're the anti-semite.

You still call a descendent of Jewish victims of the shoa, "Anti-Semite"? Can it be your attempts to try to hurt everyone, who agrees not with you, condemns yourself, so you never will be able to live in the grace of god? Your criminal energy is titanically high - your shy to use this criminal energy nearly not existing. Poor prognosis.

You just dissed Israel in your previous post. Why?

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