Zone1 Why Doesn't God Just Show Himself?

"tell me you don't know what the word "objective" means without saying you don't know what the word "objective" means."
The difference between objective and subjective is bias. Bias can be eliminated by not having a preference for an outcome.

The fact of the matter is I have tested both paths and you have not. So from that perspective, you cannot be objective at all about this because you have never tested it. I have and you are criticizing what I have done without you yourself having attempted it.
You think God is a show pony? Or pulling levers, turning knobs and pushing buttons? That's polytheism not monotheism.

It's your perception of God that is flawed. Not God.
A. You don't know what "polytheism" and "monotheism" mean.

B. If there is this all knowing all seeing all powerful super compassionate being why is there a homeless guy huddled anywhere against the cold?
Bias can be eliminated by not having a preference for an outcome.
YOu didn't have a preference for the outcome of your own life.

Pull the other one, it's got bells on.
A. You don't know what "polytheism" and "monotheism" mean.

B. If there is this all knowing all seeing all powerful super compassionate being why is there a homeless guy huddled anywhere against the cold?

YOu didn't have a preference for the outcome of your own life.

Pull the other one, it's got bells on.
When you die to self, that is correct. You will see reality and you will find peace.
You think God is a show pony? Or pulling levers, turning knobs and pushing buttons? That's polytheism not monotheism.

It's your perception of God that is flawed. Not God.
my perception of god existing in each of us? did i miss that much in the gospels?

no. i expect god to show up, through me, as early and as often as possible. note. i am not god, but what could a soul be if not a reflection of the divine?
my perception of god existing in each of us? did i miss that much in the gospels?

no. i expect god to show up, through me, as early and as often as possible. note. i am not god, but what could a soul be if not a reflection of the divine?
My bad, I miss read the earlier post. I think you are 100% correct. Shine like a lamp.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear in that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the World. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. As we let our own Light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Because it's much easier to control people if you can get them to turn off critical thinking.
Lot's of people confuse critical theory for critical thinking. They were conditioned for it and didn't even know it.
A. You don't know what "polytheism" and "monotheism" mean.

B. If there is this all knowing all seeing all powerful super compassionate being why is there a homeless guy huddled anywhere against the cold?
I do know the difference and also the history. Would you like to debate it in the bull ring?

As for the age old militant atheist argument of why do bad things happen to good people... you don't have perfect knowledge so you can't see and probably don't believe that good comes from bad just as order comes from chaos. Apparently you believe God can only exist if everything is perfect which is an intellectually dead end argument. You have no understanding how truth is discovered and the role conflict and confusion play in the discovery of truth. You strike me as someone who has never attempted to look at the full picture of almost anything. The bias in you is strong. It's ironic we are having a discussion on objectivity when you may be one of the least objective people on this board. You don't know what is right, you only know everything is wrong. I pity you.
i might sometimes answer more seriously that god shows herself whenever you see the homeless huddled in the cold and etc with the music from the spca commercial in background.......but

i like your answer as well.
You aren't asking the right questions. That homeless person may very well have chosen drug addiction over a home. Might have rejected medication as telling them what to do. Could have chosen the freedom of homelessness over the burdens of a job, paying rent, bills.
You aren't asking the right questions. That homeless person may very well have chosen drug addiction over a home. Might have rejected medication as telling them what to do. Could have chosen the freedom of homelessness over the burdens of a job, paying rent, bills.
a junkie could use a blanket on a cold night. might be your fentanyl addled brother. merry christmas.
a junkie could use a blanket on a cold night. might be your fentanyl addled brother. merry christmas.
Not only do I not have a brother, those who are fentanyl addled might not be be cold. He would likely be stabbed and his blanket stolen.

Best to buy a blanket or two and donate them to an animal shelter to someone who would appreciate it.
Interesting video some will understand and some will mock. "Those who have ears to hear, will hear"

Why does God not show himself?

Did it do him any good when he showed himself to Adam and Eve in the Garden? Did it do him any good when he parted the Red Sea to free his people and then send them manna from heaven to eat on the ground in the morning? Nope, they all lost faith in him anyway.

That is why God is after faith in him as he has no interest in proving he exists.

So, imagine knowing God exists and not wanting to place your faith in him, knowing you are damned. That would be torment on earth as well as the next life. I say it's a form of mercy to them to not prove to them he exists.
Before coming to this earth we all lived in the presents of God and we were all faithful then. We all chose to follow our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ in the war in heaven and thus were allowed to come to this earth and receive a body of flesh and bones. We all passed the test of following God while in his presence, even though there were those who didn't and were cast to this earth with Satan as his angels.

In this life God is testing to see if we will choose good over evil and his ways based on faith without being in his presence. In this way we become a better being by choosing in and of ourselves to follow goodness rather than doing so because you are in the presence of your Father in Heaven. Choosing good over evil of your own choice and volition while not being in the presence of God makes you a much better person in and of yourself. This is what God wants us to be, good beings in and of ourselves!
We didn't come to this universe. We are from this universe. We are this universe.
I feel a bit sorry for those that have never seen Him or stood in His presence.

Faith is a gift. You are either given it or not.

So your belief in a god depends on whether or not that god gave you the gift of belief?

If that is true then why denigrate people who do not believe?

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