Why doesn't the DOJ Civil Rights Division defend the 2nd?


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
According to the US Department of Justice website "The Civil Rights Division protects the civil and constitutional rights of all people in this country, enforcing the Constitution and federal laws of the United States in pursuit of our founding ideals – fundamental fairness, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all.".

So why doesn't the division litigate against states and other units of government in the defense of the 2nd amendment?

Prosecute violations of criminal statutes that prohibit specified acts of interference with federally protected rights and activities

I know:



"the treatment of the Second Amendment as a disfavored right" - Justice Thomas
According to the US Department of Justice website "The Civil Rights Division protects the civil and constitutional rights of all people in this country, enforcing the Constitution and federal laws of the United States in pursuit of our founding ideals – fundamental fairness, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all.".

So why doesn't the division litigate against states and other units of government in the defense of the 2nd amendment?

Prosecute violations of criminal statutes that prohibit specified acts of interference with federally protected rights and activities

I know:



"the treatment of the Second Amendment as a disfavored right" - Justice Thomas
is that what their appropriations and authorization task them with? if so, they are doing it.
According to the US Department of Justice website "The Civil Rights Division protects the civil and constitutional rights of all people in this country, enforcing the Constitution and federal laws of the United States in pursuit of our founding ideals – fundamental fairness, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all.".

So why doesn't the division litigate against states and other units of government in the defense of the 2nd amendment?

Prosecute violations of criminal statutes that prohibit specified acts of interference with federally protected rights and activities

I know:



"the treatment of the Second Amendment as a disfavored right" - Justice Thomas
Until a state militia member, makes a complaint.................
What do they have to litigate?
the Right was given to the People, not the Militia.
That's what the teabagger court claimed.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Why did the authors of the bill of rights include in the very first words of the amendment "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"?

Why didn't they just write "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"?

PRECURSOR Definition & Usage Examples​

https://www.dictionary.com › browse › precursors'

precursor · a person or thing that precedes, as in a job, a method, etc.; predecessor. · a person, animal, or thing that goes before and indicates the approach of ...
in those days, who made up militias?

the old, the infirm, women, those under the age of 16?
That's what the teabagger court claimed.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Why did the authors of the bill of rights include in the very first words of the amendment "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"?

Why didn't they just write "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"?

PRECURSOR Definition & Usage Examples

View attachment 882775
https://www.dictionary.com › browse › precursors'
precursor · a person or thing that precedes, as in a job, a method, etc.; predecessor. · a person, animal, or thing that goes before and indicates the approach of ...
English tutor here.
The ppl are the militia.
The term is used to make it clear that we have a duty to organize against the govt.
I charge $20/hour.
Yes it does.
The Militia is the people.
Except you. You are the reason the militia, and the 2nd, exist.
in those days of yore, militias were composed of able-bodied males, ages 16-45, (57 in some states), no females, no one under the age of 16, no one infirm, physically or mentally. so when they wrote the 2nd, they included ALL, not just those qualified to be in a militia.
English tutor here.
The ppl are the militia.
But people declaring themselves as militia, doesn't cut it.
The term is used to make it clear that we have a duty to organize against the govt.
No you don't.
I charge $20/hour.
Anyone that stupid, deserves what they get.

Just like donating to Trump.

Trump's Repeating Donation Tactics Led to Millions in ...​

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics

Aug 7, 2021 — Donald Trump and the Republican Party returned $12.8 million to donors in the first half of the year, a sign that their aggressive ...
You don't seem to grasp the meaning of words or sentence structure.

A word for a relationship in which one thing (or state) must ...​

English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
https://english.stackexchange.com › questions › a-wor...

Aug 14, 2014 — A prerequisite is something that must exist for another to exist.


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