Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?


If anybody wanted to know the truth about 9/11/2001, the last person he'd speak with is a fucking scumbag 9/11 troofer. 9/11 troofers are incapable of honesty. Fucking scumbags that they are.

blah ,blah, blah...you say nothing..you are meaningless
Enjoy. (It's on YouTube, so you KNOW it's all authentic!)



Demolition expert???

Are you high again? He was a staff photographer and someone who HANDLED explosives and placed them? Are you telling me that a welder is an expert in structural design and can speak on that subject with authority?

You're a dumbass.

Well, he may be an expert when compared to the common twoofer; in the land of blind men; the man with one eye is the king.
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so is your claim that these controlled demolition experts are not who they say they are ??...is that how you maintain your ignorance


demolition expert???

Are you high again? He was a staff photographer and someone who handled explosives and placed them? Are you telling me that a welder is an expert in structural design and can speak on that subject with authority?

You're a dumbass.

well, he may be an expert when compared to the common twoofer; in the land of blind men; the man with one eye is the king.

wtf do you know troll
We know that your "expert" says that you have to cut the stairwells, and use a cutting torch on the support beams, and remove the elevator cars before you plant the charges...... How did they do that on 9-11-01?

Fail, massive fail... BTW your interview was massively edited, again.....
Really asshole? Do you even look up stuff before posting it? Obviously not.

Thermal Expansion Calculations

What a dumbass.

The fires in the WTC buildings did not reach the temps required to
cause the expansion of the stee

I stopped reading here. Until you understand what you are talking about, your bullshit has no place here. If what you say is correct, then how did this happen this STEEL railroad?

Are you telling me the temperatures on this day were GREATER than an office fire????

What an idiot.

Furthermore, here is a chart that shows how much certain materials expand per degree.
Thermal Expansion Metals

Look, let's say a part of the building did get hot enough (though there is plenty of argumentative evidence that says it didn't)
and cause this thermal expansion, does it not make sense to you that that part of the structure would then deform and that there would be evidence of such deformations, and that therefore we would have seen the building come down in a manner more conclusive with this kind of sporadic damage?
It has not been proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that these fires did get hot enough to cause the amount of thermal expansion, to all the points, and at the precise time to cause the straight down collapse of the building, but this is alleged to have happened to all 3 buildings on the same day, something that has never before happened in a hi-rise fire in history, despite many other fires in hi-rises that burned for substantially longer periods of time.
You are comparing a set of railroad tracks to the massive components of the material used in the WTC.
Let me ask you something about that picture...have you ever witnessed railroad tracks deform like that in your life? Could that very old and dated picture represent an anomaly that occurred, say due to using material of shitty quality?
You are also comparing expansion temps of piping...are these local temps on one part of the piping? Or does it refer to the entire length of say a 100ft section?
I have bent and custom fabricated piping of various gauges and installed the piping with MIG welders, and also oxy- acetylene welded them at times. Never has the temps of the welding caused my entire project to deform, or fallen down from its anchoring due to do thermal expansion.
Most of my custom projects were for making custom exhaust on modified and race vehicles, where the exhaust headers can reach temps of 1200 to 1500 deg. coming out of the head.
Again NEVER have I or anyone else I worked with encountered enough thermal expansion that would even be noticeable, or ruined the project. Your comparisons are a fail..the temps in the 3 buildings have been proven to not have reached the very high temps, and for the needed duration to cause the straight down collapse of all 3 WTC buildings.
Again the WTC towers suffered different damage from the 2 planes, yet collapsed in the same straight down manner, and WTC 7 had hydrocarbon office fires, was not hit by a plane, yet collapsed in the same straight down manner...all displayed CD style destruction.

It is visibly obvious to anyone with any common sense, but when we have many people in the field of building construction, engineering, science etc.. explaining the inconsistencies and what has turned out to be outlandish lies and fabrications found in the NIST report..well it really shows that the science the gov used in it's theory is not credible.
We know that your "expert" says that you have to cut the stairwells, and use a cutting torch on the support beams, and remove the elevator cars before you plant the charges...... How did they do that on 9-11-01?

Fail, massive fail... BTW your interview was massively edited, again.....
Obviously it wasn't done on 9-11 you nitwit!! The WTC had in its history, many renovations and repairs.


Demolition expert???

Are you high again? He was a staff photographer and someone who HANDLED explosives and placed them? Are you telling me that a welder is an expert in structural design and can speak on that subject with authority?

You're a dumbass.

Well, he may be an expert when compared to the common twoofer; in the land of blind men; the man with one eye is the king.

He is also an expert compared to the common OCTA internet propaganda spewing troll.
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If anybody wanted to know the truth about 9/11/2001, the last person he'd speak with is a fucking scumbag 9/11 Troofer. 9/11 Troofers are incapable of honesty. Fucking scumbags that they are.
If anybody wanted to know the truth about 9/11/2001, all one has to do is research the opinions of the many credible experts, especially those who don't have to rely on government contracts or funding, and aren't afraid to speak truth to power. "troofers"--and you actually came on here to post that those with the alternative hypothesis to the attack on 9-11, are "dweebs" for calling you assholes OCTAss or debunkers :lol: what a fucking hypocrite!

You are a hypocritical scumbag of the highest order, and I say that with all due respect to you also, which obviously is absolutely none.
The fires in the WTC buildings did not reach the temps required to
cause the expansion of the stee

I stopped reading here. Until you understand what you are talking about, your bullshit has no place here. If what you say is correct, then how did this happen this STEEL railroad?

Are you telling me the temperatures on this day were GREATER than an office fire????

What an idiot.

Furthermore, here is a chart that shows how much certain materials expand per degree.
Thermal Expansion Metals

Look, let's say a part of the building did get hot enough (though there is plenty of argumentative evidence that says it didn't)
and cause this thermal expansion, does it not make sense to you that that part of the structure would then deform and that there would be evidence of such deformations, and that therefore we would have seen the building come down in a manner more conclusive with this kind of sporadic damage?
It has not been proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that these fires did get hot enough to cause the amount of thermal expansion, to all the points, and at the precise time to cause the straight down collapse of the building, but this is alleged to have happened to all 3 buildings on the same day, something that has never before happened in a hi-rise fire in history, despite many other fires in hi-rises that burned for substantially longer periods of time.
You are comparing a set of railroad tracks to the massive components of the material used in the WTC.
Let me ask you something about that picture...have you ever witnessed railroad tracks deform like that in your life? Could that very old and dated picture represent an anomaly that occurred, say due to using material of shitty quality?
You are also comparing expansion temps of piping...are these local temps on one part of the piping? Or does it refer to the entire length of say a 100ft section?
I have bent and custom fabricated piping of various gauges and installed the piping with MIG welders, and also oxy- acetylene welded them at times. Never has the temps of the welding caused my entire project to deform, or fallen down from its anchoring due to do thermal expansion.
Most of my custom projects were for making custom exhaust on modified and race vehicles, where the exhaust headers can reach temps of 1200 to 1500 deg. coming out of the head.
Again NEVER have I or anyone else I worked with encountered enough thermal expansion that would even be noticeable, or ruined the project. Your comparisons are a fail..the temps in the 3 buildings have been proven to not have reached the very high temps, and for the needed duration to cause the straight down collapse of all 3 WTC buildings.
Again the WTC towers suffered different damage from the 2 planes, yet collapsed in the same straight down manner, and WTC 7 had hydrocarbon office fires, was not hit by a plane, yet collapsed in the same straight down manner...all displayed CD style destruction.

It is visibly obvious to anyone with any common sense, but when we have many people in the field of building construction, engineering, science etc.. explaining the inconsistencies and what has turned out to be outlandish lies and fabrications found in the NIST report..well it really shows that the science the gov used in it's theory is not credible.

dont you love it how when the OCTA'S are getting their ass handed to them on a platter they get so desperate they resort to that old railroad picture? apples to oranges.:lol::lol::lol:
Demolition expert???

Are you high again? He was a staff photographer and someone who HANDLED explosives and placed them? Are you telling me that a welder is an expert in structural design and can speak on that subject with authority?

You're a dumbass.

Well, he may be an expert when compared to the common twoofer; in the land of blind men; the man with one eye is the king.

He is also an expert compared to the common OCTA internet propaganda spewing troll.

So then welders are experts at structural design? Is that your reasoning? A person who uses a computer is an expert computer programming?

Come on now.
Look, let's say a part of the building did get hot enough (though there is plenty of argumentative evidence that says it didn't)
and cause this thermal expansion,

Let's break your post down bit by bit.

1. At what temperature does steel start to expand? You're saying that thermal expansion doesn't start until a certain temperature. What is that temperature?

2. If a beam is anchored at both ends with bolted connections and that steel beam expands by 1", where does that expansion go? Does the beam buckle or would it shear the bolts?
And again Mr Jones as true to the truthers creed ignores the fact that there were no recordings of any explosions that could be confused with those sounds that an actual controlled demolition would make.

I am not going to waste my time posting more videos of what should have been heard. We've all heard it before, but not on 9-11-01. I think I'll just add a neg instead.
And again Alzheimer Ollie forgets to watch the video of the CD expert in which he clearly mentions that thermitic cutter charges would not make the very loud explosions, like the ones in your posted videos, and he also mention that it certainly could have been done with remote detonators.
The videos you post are videos of what one would see and hear in a CD that was not a covert clandestine operation, that was made to look like 2 planes were the cause of the buildings demise you stupid jerk.

Can your expert explain to us how these charges were protected from the Aircraft so that they wouldn't ignite before they were supposed to? Can he even explain how they were installed so that they would remain in place when that fully loaded aircraft smashed into the building? Maybe he can explain how the demo crew got into the building and placed all these charges without anyone seeing them or getting suspicious? Maybe he can then tell us why he no longer works for CDI? Sorry but your version never happened.

Your argument comes from the point of view that if no one can show you the exact plan, or det cord etc.. then the WHOLE alternative hypothesis is flawed, which is another fallacy you boneheads use..it's so obvious.
One need not show you the precise plan and execution of it, or hand you the conspirators confession on a silver platter..there are many things that no one can explain without a real non bias new investigation.
The WTC buildings did not collapse and pulverize the way they said it did, many credible experts back this up.
In other words just because we don't know the exact people involved, or when the cutting charges were placed, or by what crew, doesn't mean that the buildings were NOT destroyed in a manner other then what has been told to us.
Look, let's say a part of the building did get hot enough (though there is plenty of argumentative evidence that says it didn't)
and cause this thermal expansion,
Let's break your post down bit by bit.

1. At what temperature does steel start to expand? You're saying that thermal expansion doesn't start until a certain temperature. What is that temperature?
You are claiming to be the expert here, you tell us.

2. If a beam is anchored at both ends with bolted connections and that steel beam expands by 1", where does that expansion go? Does the beam buckle or would it shear the bolts?
You are saying that the entire steel beams in question in the WTC buildings got hot enough to expand, when it has been shown that there were only sporadic fires of less intensity to cause this. Am I wrong? Prove it then.
And for you to assume that a mere 1" of expansion will cause the straight down collapse of 3 buildings is just plain fucking lunacy :cuckoo: Why didn't it collapse in a manner more consistent with the damage caused by the sporadic and highly displaced fires, in other word..some partial collapse?
You do realize that heating steel in one spot does not mean the entire length of that beam is going to be the same temp along its entire length don't you?
does it not make sense to you that that part of the structure would then deform and that there would be evidence of such deformations, and that therefore we would have seen the building come down in a manner more conclusive with this kind of sporadic damage?

For fuck sake Mr. Jones. The building did not come down all at the same friggin time!!!! How many times must you be told this. The east penthouse collapsed into the building. Then it progressed west. Then the perimeter fell.

Now, is that a symmetrical collapse or sporadic. I can''t believe I'm having this conversation with you.
You are claiming to be the expert here, you tell us.

Sorry. You made the claim that steel doesn't start to expand until a certain temperature, not me. So back up your claim or don't you know. That means you're making false claims doesn't it? SO again. What's the temperature at which steel starts to thermally expand?

You are saying that the entire steel beams in question in the WTC buildings got hot enough to expand, when it has been shown that there were only sporadic fires of less intensity to cause this. Am I wrong? Prove it then.
I'm trying to, but you won't answer the question. At what temperature does steel start to expand? You have made a claim, now back it up with some links or evidence. Otherwise your claim is bullshit and you don't have a clue.
You are saying that the entire steel beams in question in the WTC buildings got hot enough to expand, when it has been shown that there were only sporadic fires of less intensity to cause this. Am I wrong? Prove it then.
And for you to assume that a mere 1" of expansion will cause the straight down collapse of 3 buildings is just plain fucking lunacy :cuckoo: Why didn't it collapse in a manner more consistent with the damage caused by the sporadic and highly displaced fires, in other word..some partial collapse?
You do realize that heating steel in one spot does not mean the entire length of that beam is going to be the same temp along its entire length don't you?

Do you understand structural design? All components work together to support a load. If you start failing individual components, then the remaining components have to take over that part of the load. I gave you a simple example before, but you ignored it.
So, you say that the temps from the combustible materials inside the building were hot enough to cause this expansion and in such uniformity, that the building collapsed in a straight down symmetrical fashion?


As has already been explained to you numerous times, components in a building design are calculated to work TOGETHER to support loads. When you start to fail components such as connections that were sheared due to thermal expansion, you start to take away from the design as a whole. When components start to fail, the load they helped support must be transfered elsewhere and thus put additional load on the remaining structure. That structure can only handle a certain amount until it fails completely.

You keep using the term symmetrical. That collapse was FAR from symmetrical as the east penthouse collapse followed by the west side. THEN the perimeter collapsed.

Let's discuss something. When the east penthouse collapsed and then the west side, what was left?

Here is the unedited collapse of the WTC 7 building..do you see the big main part of the building, AKA as the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing in a straight down manner that produced 2.25 seconds of freefall?


You are doing mental gymnastics to overlook this fact...all the BS about one particular support beam or trusses you say actually caused this? With only sporadic office fires, and it didn't show signs of deformation that sporadic fires and temps, in a few areas of the building had?

NISTs explanation is crazy, we would expect to see some partial collapsing and deformation..but in all 3 buildings we witnessed straight down global collapses. NIST theory and your adherence to it is absolutely fucking nuts.
If you have three people sharing the load of a steel pipe and the middle person drops out, do the people on either end now evenly take up the load that the middle person was handling or is it transfered to only one end?
So, you say that the temps from the combustible materials inside the building were hot enough to cause this expansion and in such uniformity, that the building collapsed in a straight down symmetrical fashion?


As has already been explained to you numerous times, components in a building design are calculated to work TOGETHER to support loads. When you start to fail components such as connections that were sheared due to thermal expansion, you start to take away from the design as a whole. When components start to fail, the load they helped support must be transfered elsewhere and thus put additional load on the remaining structure. That structure can only handle a certain amount until it fails completely.

You keep using the term symmetrical. That collapse was FAR from symmetrical as the east penthouse collapse followed by the west side. THEN the perimeter collapsed.

Let's discuss something. When the east penthouse collapsed and then the west side, what was left?

Here is the unedited collapse of the WTC 7 building..do you see the big main part of the building, AKA as the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing in a straight down manner that produced 2.25 seconds of freefall?


You are doing mental gymnastics to overlook this fact...all the BS about one particular support beam or trusses you say actually caused this? With only sporadic office fires, and it didn't show signs of deformation that sporadic fires and temps, in a few areas of the building had?

NISTs explanation is crazy, we would expect to see some partial collapsing and deformation..but in all 3 buildings we witnessed straight down global collapses. NIST theory and your adherence to it is absolutely fucking nuts.

Where did the load that the central beams were supporting go Mr. Jones when those columns failed?
You are saying that the entire steel beams in question in the WTC buildings got hot enough to expand, when it has been shown that there were only sporadic fires of less intensity to cause this. Am I wrong? Prove it then.
And for you to assume that a mere 1" of expansion will cause the straight down collapse of 3 buildings is just plain fucking lunacy :cuckoo: Why didn't it collapse in a manner more consistent with the damage caused by the sporadic and highly displaced fires, in other word..some partial collapse?
You do realize that heating steel in one spot does not mean the entire length of that beam is going to be the same temp along its entire length don't you?

Do you understand structural design? All components work together to support a load. If you start failing individual components, then the remaining components have to take over that part of the load. I gave you a simple example before, but you ignored it.
Then we would expect to see the part of the building that fails, deform, or give way FIRST, while dragging the other part of it with it, this would not happen all at once dipshit, and there would be and obvious delay as the stable part of the building would resist...Instead all 3 buildings came down in a manner that is reminiscent of CDs.
The 3 buildings suffered asymmetrical damage, yet came down in a symmetrical manner you dumbfuck..that is WHY many experts started questiong all this in the FIRST place.
You have no fucking sense, or are trying to deliberately mislead what people actually fucking saw, and what the experts in the field are saying. I would rather believe those folks then someone who can't even admit what they actually saw.

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