Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

you may be a crashing bore and utterly unpersuasive, but at least you know your script, shitface.

Yes. Folks have done criminal shit in the past. And some of the criminal shit done in history has been done via conspiracy.

What is lacking from your moronic theory, however, shitbird, is any hint of rational support.

You are a mindless fucking drone.

In order for the twin towers to have come down via some criminal conspiracy involving persons in positions of power within the u.s. Government, you dishonest diseased asshole, those individuals would not only have had to have coordinated with the al qaeda scum who did the actual deeds, but they would have also had to have planted these mythical high explosives within various locations inside the towers (and presumably within bldg 7, too). such explosives would require miles of wiring and nobody saw any such thing.

alternatively, in your scumbag empty-minded view of how things "must have" happened, the explosives would have to have been secretly planted at very precise structural points within the buildings (nobody saw any such thing being done, though, oddly enough) and then detonated wirelessly and remotely to coincide with al qaeda's jetliner attacks.

Scumbag mutant motherfuckers like you and your idiot ilk don't even begin to see how ridiculous your scenario is. And it raises tons of questions which you assholes couldn't possibly ever answer.

Again, shit-fuckers like you are diseased maggots. Fuck off, shitstain.

With all due respect.

post of the year right there.

a rant full of inaccuracy ,fallacy and strawmen

Shut the fuck up you worthless sack of shit.
you may be a crashing bore and utterly unpersuasive, but at least you know your script, shitface.

Yes. Folks have done criminal shit in the past. And some of the criminal shit done in history has been done via conspiracy.

What is lacking from your moronic theory, however, shitbird, is any hint of rational support.

You are a mindless fucking drone.

In order for the twin towers to have come down via some criminal conspiracy involving persons in positions of power within the u.s. Government, you dishonest diseased asshole, those individuals would not only have had to have coordinated with the al qaeda scum who did the actual deeds, but they would have also had to have planted these mythical high explosives within various locations inside the towers (and presumably within bldg 7, too). such explosives would require miles of wiring and nobody saw any such thing.

alternatively, in your scumbag empty-minded view of how things "must have" happened, the explosives would have to have been secretly planted at very precise structural points within the buildings (nobody saw any such thing being done, though, oddly enough) and then detonated wirelessly and remotely to coincide with al qaeda's jetliner attacks.

Scumbag mutant motherfuckers like you and your idiot ilk don't even begin to see how ridiculous your scenario is. And it raises tons of questions which you assholes couldn't possibly ever answer.

Again, shit-fuckers like you are diseased maggots. Fuck off, shitstain.

With all due respect.

post of the year right there.

a rant full of inaccuracy ,fallacy and strawmen

No fallacy. No inaccuracy. No straw man. In short, as is always expected when a scumbag Troofer bleats, the claims made by the Troofer are lies.
All of this shit coming from an ass-hole that uses a coke head as his avatar.

Nobody asked for your always worthless opinions, Booger. So, just shut the fuck up, ya pussy. You are using a dead bird as your avie, you simpleton. To more accurately reflect you, it should be bird shit.

And I believe the late great comic genious, John Belushi, was a heroin addict, by the way, you ignorant shit muncher. He's not a user of anything anymore, being dead and all, you fucking moron.
a rant full of inaccuracy ,fallacy and strawmen

shut the fuck up you worthless sack of shit.

you have no credibility agent cornhole you are a hired troll

Another entirely made-up claim from the always dishonest hack Troofer, id-eots, for which he has no evidence, no proof and no concern about the lack of proof.

That's why we call him "id-eots." Unpersuasive dishonest hack Troofer fuck stick that he is, he is suitable only for outright constant derision. All Troofers should be closely monitored since they may pose a danger to others and themselves. Keep those shit birds away from sharp objects.
Ask it ...its a paid troll

Hey, candycorn, a person with all of the credibility expected from a 9/11 Troofer has said that I should ask you if you are a paid troll.

Are you a troll at all?

Are you a PAID troll?

Is there a YouTube video that qualifies in the "mind" of a Troofer as "proof" of his claim?
So an expert in controlled demolition that works for the very company used as the foremost authority in all debwunker videos is considered random and meaningless by liarabilty...what a foolish little man he is
Enjoy. (It's on YouTube, so you KNOW it's all authentic!)

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Let's try again to get this through the amazingly dense pinhead of that fuck-stick id-eots in the hopes that it might find the incredibly microscopic target known as his brain:

There is not one scintilla of actual evidence that anybody did plant (or that anybody could have planted) explosive demolition charges at the Twin Towers. It requires mental gymnastic beyond the paranormal to conceive of all that would have had to have been "true," for any of that fantasy bullshit to be real.

This is why idiot Troofers lap that shit up. They are fucking too dumb to breathe.
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At last. id-eots speaking as clearly as he has ever spoken on the topic.

NOW it's beyond doubt!

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All of this shit coming from an ass-hole that uses a coke head as his avatar.

Nobody asked for your always worthless opinions, Booger. So, just shut the fuck up, ya pussy. You are using a dead bird as your avie, you simpleton. To more accurately reflect you, it should be bird shit.

And I believe the late great comic genious, John Belushi, was a heroin addict, by the way, you ignorant shit muncher. He's not a user of anything anymore, being dead and all, you fucking moron.

I thought he was talking about Brian Griffin:

All of this shit coming from an ass-hole that uses a coke head as his avatar.

Nobody asked for your always worthless opinions, Booger. So, just shut the fuck up, ya pussy. You are using a dead bird as your avie, you simpleton. To more accurately reflect you, it should be bird shit.

And I believe the late great comic genious, John Belushi, was a heroin addict, by the way, you ignorant shit muncher. He's not a user of anything anymore, being dead and all, you fucking moron.

I thought he was talking about Brian Griffin:


Who knows? :)

id-eots is, after all is said and done, an idiot.

He cites Jowenko becaus Jowenko is an expert's expert expert. Or sumpin' like that. So he accepts the expert expert on demolition when the expert expert says shit like that "in his expert opinion" WTC7 came down via a controlled demolition. But it is not as clear that id-eots accepts Jowenko when the expert expert says he doesn't find sufficient evidence that the Twin Towers came down via controlled demolition.

Did I mention that id-eots is an idiot?
A guy with the uername wolf nipple chips (probably a family name, I'm guessing :D ) says something kinda interesting about hte findings of the "expert" jowenko:

Jowenko admits to not knowing the building. In that interview he isn't even familiar with the buildings structure, the height, the floor height, he hasn't even seen the building as it was before, except for a basic floor plan, a picture of the rubble and a movie of the collapse. No doubt the guy interviewing him forgot to show him the clip where the penthouse collapses far before anything else. "Believe me, not your own eyes" Right, so your saw hundreds of bright flashes and heard huge cracking explosions did you?

entered by : wolf_nipple_chips
Submitted on : Sep 26,2006 6:04:14 am
-- Jowenko admits to not knowing the building. In th: rate the comment

I do find it funny when an "expert" shares an expert "opinion" without having bothered himself with the nasty churlish business of getting to know anything very detailed about the matter in question.
Nobody asked for your always worthless opinions, Booger. So, just shut the fuck up, ya pussy. You are using a dead bird as your avie, you simpleton. To more accurately reflect you, it should be bird shit.

And I believe the late great comic genious, John Belushi, was a heroin addict, by the way, you ignorant shit muncher. He's not a user of anything anymore, being dead and all, you fucking moron.

I thought he was talking about Brian Griffin:


Who knows? :)

id-eots is, after all is said and done, an idiot.

He cites Jowenko becaus Jowenko is an expert's expert expert. Or sumpin' like that. So he accepts the expert expert on demolition when the expert expert says shit like that "in his expert opinion" WTC7 came down via a controlled demolition. But it is not as clear that id-eots accepts Jowenko when the expert expert says he doesn't find sufficient evidence that the Twin Towers came down via controlled demolition.

Did I mention that id-eots is an idiot?

No, it means you are an incoherent rambling jerk off
A guy with the uername wolf nipple chips (probably a family name, I'm guessing :D ) says something kinda interesting about hte findings of the "expert" jowenko:

Jowenko admits to not knowing the building. In that interview he isn't even familiar with the buildings structure, the height, the floor height, he hasn't even seen the building as it was before, except for a basic floor plan, a picture of the rubble and a movie of the collapse. No doubt the guy interviewing him forgot to show him the clip where the penthouse collapses far before anything else. "Believe me, not your own eyes" Right, so your saw hundreds of bright flashes and heard huge cracking explosions did you?

entered by : wolf_nipple_chips
Submitted on : Sep 26,2006 6:04:14 am
-- Jowenko admits to not knowing the building. In th: rate the comment

I do find it funny when an "expert" shares an expert "opinion" without having bothered himself with the nasty churlish business of getting to know anything very detailed about the matter in question.

blah,blah, blah what ??..did you say something ???...anything specific...details ?

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