Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

So, I see this crazy arguement is still going on and no one has yet gone to the trouble of visiting a real demolition site to see what it takes to conduct a controlled demolition?? It woudn't be because if you did you'd quickly learn how crazy the demolition theory is??? Talk about people with their heads in the sand. Try learning something first before opening your mouths.

this guy has...

him as well..

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So, I see this crazy arguement is still going on and no one has yet gone to the trouble of visiting a real demolition site to see what it takes to conduct a controlled demolition?? It woudn't be because if you did you'd quickly learn how crazy the demolition theory is??? Talk about people with their heads in the sand. Try learning something first before opening your mouths.

You STILL want to keep coming back making yourself look like a moron? You just got your ass handed to you on a platter and taken to school by these two posters son.You obviously slept through junior high school science classes.:lol::lol::lol:
9/11 troofers are scum sucking morons. They may pose a danger to themselves and others. Be wary around those fucking shitheads.

That is all.
Go look up "expands" in a thesaurus (if you can put your weed down long enough) and tell me what you find under words beginning with "G" in the list.

What a dope.


Grow is not th term used for the expansion of metal, regardless of how much you flail and spin...lol

Really asshole? Do you even look up stuff before posting it? Obviously not.

Thermal Expansion Calculations

Enter your length of pipe and pipe temperature to calculate the thermal growth in inches for the various materials.

What a dumbass.

The fires in the WTC buildings did not reach the temps required to
cause the expansion of the steel, and certainly not cause melting of the steel, to produce the type of collapse that occurred.
According to your Expansion Calculator, for piping, even entering temps of 600F degrees to a 100 ft length, produces only slight variations of expansion.
This is for piping, :lol: gauge thickness unknown..not for the massively huge beams and support structure that was used in the construction of the WTC.
Quote from the FEMA report into the collapse of WTC's One and Two (Chapter Two).
"The time to consume the jet fuel can be reasonably computed. At the upper bound, if one assumes that all 10,000 gallons of fuel were evenly spread across a single building floor, it would form a pool that would be consumed by fire in less than 5 minutes"

So, you say that the temps from the combustible materials inside the building were hot enough to cause this expansion and in such uniformity, that the building collapsed in a straight down symmetrical fashion? The evidence against your theory is overwhelming, for even just one building, and to believe it happened in 3 buildings...in one day...for the first time ever..is plain fucking outrageously nuts. :cuckoo:

The temperature was nowhere near high enough to be caused by office fires to even begin explaining the World Trade Center Tower collapse.
building fires with hydrocarbon fuels do not cause the straight down collapse of steel buildings, in seconds.

Quote from the FEMA report (Appendix A).
"In the mid-1990s British Steel and the Building Research Establishment performed a series of six experiments at Cardington to investigate the behavior of steel frame buildings. These experiments were conducted in a simulated, eight-story building. Secondary steel beams were not protected. Despite the temperature of the steel beams reaching 800-900° C (1,500-1,700° F) in three of the tests (well above the traditionally assumed critical temperature of 600° C (1,100° F), no collapse was observed in any of the six experiments."
The North Tower suffered no major structural damage from the intense office fire of February 23, 1975, we can conclude that the ensuing office fires of September 11, 2001, also did little extra damage to the towers.

WTC North Tower fire on February 13, 1975 lasted 3 to 4 hrs= no collapse
WTC North tower fire on September 11, 2001 lasted 1¾ * hrs=total collapse and pulverization
WTC South tower fire on September 11, 2001 lasted 1 * hr.=total collapse and pulverization
WTC 7 fire on September 11, 2001 duration/intensity unknown=total collapse and pulverisation
1st Interstate Bank fire on May 4-5, 1988 lasted 3.5hrs=no collapse
Broadgate Phase 8 fire on June 23rd, 1990 lasted 4.5hrs.=no collapse
1 New York Plaza Fire on August 5, 1970 lasted 6hrs=no collapse
One Meridian Plaza fire on February 23-24, 1991 lasted 19hrs.=no collapse. History is very much against your theory.
And not a mention of all the support beams and floors that were damaged and destroyed by airliners flying into them at full speed. It wasn't just the fires. Why can't you people learn anything? It's simply not that simple.

It is this simple though. There are no recordings of any sounds that sound like a controlled demolition. There is not one inch of Det cord found in the debris. You have zero physical proof that the 911CR or NIST reports are wrong on any main point. You have nothing except opinion. And worst of all You don't understand that you have nothing.....

Which is why I'm not going to attempt to teach the unteachable anymore. To stupid to learn is to stupid to learn.....
And not a mention of all the support beams and floors that were damaged and destroyed by airliners flying into them at full speed. It wasn't just the fires. Why can't you people learn anything? It's simply not that simple.

It is this simple though. There are no recordings of any sounds that sound like a controlled demolition. There is not one inch of Det cord found in the debris. You have zero physical proof that the 911CR or NIST reports are wrong on any main point. You have nothing except opinion. And worst of all You don't understand that you have nothing.....

Which is why I'm not going to attempt to teach the unteachable anymore. To stupid to learn is to stupid to learn.....
Your new name should be Ollie Alzheimer because all that you mention here has been brought to your attention and explained to you already.
There have been countless videos and witnesses that heard multiple explosions including FDNY, demolition experts know that Det cord wouldn't have been used in a clandestine operation and, there are multiple sources of credible people in all walks of civilian and military life including the 9-11 commission members themselves that now reject their own 9-11 report, and have shown the NIST report to be junk science and a farce. You are an ignorant, unreachable fool, who insists that the growing numbers of true Americans that know they have been lied to are "unteachable"?
You don't attempt to teach anybody anything, what you do is spread tired old propaganda that has been shown to be less then credible by experts, like the CD expert in the video that was posted.
Well, thank God that there are still normal thinking citizens that haven't been totally brainwashed (teached) to display the amount of cowardice and ignorance like you do.
Since your memory is so bad I suggest you go back to the countless posts and threads that school you on why your stupid and outdated arguments are BS, or perhaps you are truly a textbook case of a willfully ignorant brainwashed stooge.
The opinions that a rouge element within the American government assisted in the 9-11 attacks, or let it happen, and covered it up comes from a vast segment of public, private, government, and military circles who have bravely put their reputations on the line and made their opinions publicly known from all over the world.
Those people show more bravery now compared to your boastful military service way back when, they are putting their lives and their families lives on the line by coming out and speaking truth to power.

You on the other hand are just an old scared fool that can't or wont
except what has been done to this nation, and who doesn't have the balls to so much as even question the true facts of the attack that these highly regarded patriots have brought to the peoples attention.
And not a mention of all the support beams and floors that were damaged and destroyed by airliners flying into them at full speed. It wasn't just the fires. Why can't you people learn anything? It's simply not that simple.

It is this simple though. There are no recordings of any sounds that sound like a controlled demolition. There is not one inch of Det cord found in the debris. You have zero physical proof that the 911CR or NIST reports are wrong on any main point. You have nothing except opinion. And worst of all You don't understand that you have nothing.....

Which is why I'm not going to attempt to teach the unteachable anymore. To stupid to learn is to stupid to learn.....
Your new name should be Ollie Alzheimer because all that you mention here has been brought to your attention and explained to you already.
There have been countless videos and witnesses that heard multiple explosions including FDNY, demolition experts know that Det cord wouldn't have been used in a clandestine operation and, there are multiple sources of credible people in all walks of civilian and military life including the 9-11 commission members themselves that now reject their own 9-11 report, and have shown the NIST report to be junk science and a farce. You are an ignorant, unreachable fool, who insists that the growing numbers of true Americans that know they have been lied to are "unteachable"?
You don't attempt to teach anybody anything, what you do is spread tired old propaganda that has been shown to be less then credible by experts, like the CD expert in the video that was posted.
Well, thank God that there are still normal thinking citizens that haven't been totally brainwashed (teached) to display the amount of cowardice and ignorance like you do.
Since your memory is so bad I suggest you go back to the countless posts and threads that school you on why your stupid and outdated arguments are BS, or perhaps you are truly a textbook case of a willfully ignorant brainwashed stooge.
The opinions that a rouge element within the American government assisted in the 9-11 attacks, or let it happen, and covered it up comes from a vast segment of public, private, government, and military circles who have bravely put their reputations on the line and made their opinions publicly known from all over the world.
Those people show more bravery now compared to your boastful military service way back when, they are putting their lives and their families lives on the line by coming out and speaking truth to power.

You on the other hand are just an old scared fool that can't or wont
except what has been done to this nation, and who doesn't have the balls to so much as even question the true facts of the attack that these highly regarded patriots have brought to the peoples attention.

Wrong. There were some videos demonstrating some stuff that sounded a little bit like explosions and some people HEARD what they said sounded like explosions, but nobody can say that they DID hear an explosion as opposed to the sound of the fucking buildings making loud BANGS as they fucking collapsed.

There is not one single solitary iota of credible evidence of any intentional demolition of the buildings. There never has been and there never can be. The notion remains not just facially absurd, but absolutely ridiculous.

You 9/11 Troofers are all fucking scumbags.

End of story.
And not a mention of all the support beams and floors that were damaged and destroyed by airliners flying into them at full speed. It wasn't just the fires. Why can't you people learn anything? It's simply not that simple.

It is this simple though. There are no recordings of any sounds that sound like a controlled demolition. There is not one inch of Det cord found in the debris. You have zero physical proof that the 911CR or NIST reports are wrong on any main point. You have nothing except opinion. And worst of all You don't understand that you have nothing.....

Which is why I'm not going to attempt to teach the unteachable anymore. To stupid to learn is to stupid to learn.....
Your new name should be Ollie Alzheimer because all that you mention here has been brought to your attention and explained to you already.
There have been countless videos and witnesses that heard multiple explosions including FDNY, demolition experts know that Det cord wouldn't have been used in a clandestine operation and, there are multiple sources of credible people in all walks of civilian and military life including the 9-11 commission members themselves that now reject their own 9-11 report, and have shown the NIST report to be junk science and a farce. You are an ignorant, unreachable fool, who insists that the growing numbers of true Americans that know they have been lied to are "unteachable"?
You don't attempt to teach anybody anything, what you do is spread tired old propaganda that has been shown to be less then credible by experts, like the CD expert in the video that was posted.
Well, thank God that there are still normal thinking citizens that haven't been totally brainwashed (teached) to display the amount of cowardice and ignorance like you do.
Since your memory is so bad I suggest you go back to the countless posts and threads that school you on why your stupid and outdated arguments are BS, or perhaps you are truly a textbook case of a willfully ignorant brainwashed stooge.
The opinions that a rouge element within the American government assisted in the 9-11 attacks, or let it happen, and covered it up comes from a vast segment of public, private, government, and military circles who have bravely put their reputations on the line and made their opinions publicly known from all over the world.
Those people show more bravery now compared to your boastful military service way back when, they are putting their lives and their families lives on the line by coming out and speaking truth to power.

You on the other hand are just an old scared fool that can't or wont
except what has been done to this nation, and who doesn't have the balls to so much as even question the true facts of the attack that these highly regarded patriots have brought to the peoples attention.

Wrong. There were some videos demonstrating some stuff that sounded a little bit like explosions and some people HEARD what they said sounded like explosions, but nobody can say that they DID hear an explosion as opposed to the sound of the fucking buildings making loud BANGS as they fucking collapsed.

There is not one single solitary iota of credible evidence of any intentional demolition of the buildings. There never has been and there never can be. The notion remains not just facially absurd, but absolutely ridiculous.

You 9/11 Troofers are all fucking scumbags.

End of story.
Spoken like a true OCTASS pussy. You can continue to ignore all the inconsistencies, absurdities, cover ups, lies,
the witnesses testimonies, the families seeking the truth, the 9-11 commission rejecting the report, and countless of other credible people, scholars, engineers, architects, FDNY, CD experts, military pilots, CIA, FBI whistle blowers, all you have is cowardice and ignorance. Why do you assholes hate the USA, the constitution, and instead kiss the asses of the criminals that have hijacked the nation? Because you are scum sucking treasonous fucks, that's why.
Your new name should be Ollie Alzheimer because all that you mention here has been brought to your attention and explained to you already.
There have been countless videos and witnesses that heard multiple explosions including FDNY, demolition experts know that Det cord wouldn't have been used in a clandestine operation and, there are multiple sources of credible people in all walks of civilian and military life including the 9-11 commission members themselves that now reject their own 9-11 report, and have shown the NIST report to be junk science and a farce. You are an ignorant, unreachable fool, who insists that the growing numbers of true Americans that know they have been lied to are "unteachable"?
You don't attempt to teach anybody anything, what you do is spread tired old propaganda that has been shown to be less then credible by experts, like the CD expert in the video that was posted.
Well, thank God that there are still normal thinking citizens that haven't been totally brainwashed (teached) to display the amount of cowardice and ignorance like you do.
Since your memory is so bad I suggest you go back to the countless posts and threads that school you on why your stupid and outdated arguments are BS, or perhaps you are truly a textbook case of a willfully ignorant brainwashed stooge.
The opinions that a rouge element within the American government assisted in the 9-11 attacks, or let it happen, and covered it up comes from a vast segment of public, private, government, and military circles who have bravely put their reputations on the line and made their opinions publicly known from all over the world.
Those people show more bravery now compared to your boastful military service way back when, they are putting their lives and their families lives on the line by coming out and speaking truth to power.

You on the other hand are just an old scared fool that can't or wont
except what has been done to this nation, and who doesn't have the balls to so much as even question the true facts of the attack that these highly regarded patriots have brought to the peoples attention.

Wrong. There were some videos demonstrating some stuff that sounded a little bit like explosions and some people HEARD what they said sounded like explosions, but nobody can say that they DID hear an explosion as opposed to the sound of the fucking buildings making loud BANGS as they fucking collapsed.

There is not one single solitary iota of credible evidence of any intentional demolition of the buildings. There never has been and there never can be. The notion remains not just facially absurd, but absolutely ridiculous.

You 9/11 Troofers are all fucking scumbags.

End of story.
Spoken like a true OCTASS pussy. You can continue to ignore all the inconsistencies, absurdities, cover ups, lies,
the witnesses testimonies, the families seeking the truth, the 9-11 commission rejecting the report, and countless of other credible people, scholars, engineers, architects, FDNY, CD experts, military pilots, CIA, FBI whistle blowers, all you have is cowardice and ignorance. Why do you assholes hate the USA, the constitution, and instead kiss the asses of the criminals that have hijacked the nation? Because you are scum sucking treasonous fucks, that's why.

And all your little dweeb jargon terms are fucking ghey as hell, by the way. OCT and debwunkers. You guys sound like fucking imbeciles because you ARE fucking imbeciles.

Make sure the attendant does his job. You must not be permitted to be near sharp objects.

Listen up, you foul lowlife scumbag shithead. The fucking bad guys called "al qaeda" did it. They hate America. By claiming [with not one hint of rationality] that any of US did it to ourselves, as you scumbag Troofers always end up claiming, YOU are the pussies who demonstrate a hatred of America. You loathsome diseased clit.

Seriously. You just can't suck enough, you low life scumbag moron. Eat shit, fuckface. Gag on it. Puke and then lick that up and swallow it, too. You vermin Troofers make me nauseated. You are beyond stupid. What fucking assholes you guys are.

And I say all of that with all due respect, which is to say: none.

Wrong. There were some videos demonstrating some stuff that sounded a little bit like explosions and some people HEARD what they said sounded like explosions, but nobody can say that they DID hear an explosion as opposed to the sound of the fucking buildings making loud BANGS as they fucking collapsed.

There is not one single solitary iota of credible evidence of any intentional demolition of the buildings. There never has been and there never can be. The notion remains not just facially absurd, but absolutely ridiculous.

You 9/11 Troofers are all fucking scumbags.

End of story.
Spoken like a true OCTASS pussy. You can continue to ignore all the inconsistencies, absurdities, cover ups, lies,
the witnesses testimonies, the families seeking the truth, the 9-11 commission rejecting the report, and countless of other credible people, scholars, engineers, architects, FDNY, CD experts, military pilots, CIA, FBI whistle blowers, all you have is cowardice and ignorance. Why do you assholes hate the USA, the constitution, and instead kiss the asses of the criminals that have hijacked the nation? Because you are scum sucking treasonous fucks, that's why.

And all your little dweeb jargon terms are fucking ghey as hell, by the way. OCT and debwunkers. You guys sound like fucking imbeciles because you ARE fucking imbeciles.

Make sure the attendant does his job. You must not be permitted to be near sharp objects.

Listen up, you foul lowlife scumbag shithead. The fucking bad guys called "al qaeda" did it. They hate America. By claiming [with not one hint of rationality] that any of US did it to ourselves, as you scumbag Troofers always end up claiming, YOU are the pussies who demonstrate a hatred of America. You loathsome diseased clit.

Seriously. You just can't suck enough, you low life scumbag moron. Eat shit, fuckface. Gag on it. Puke and then lick that up and swallow it, too. You vermin Troofers make me nauseated. You are beyond stupid. What fucking assholes you guys are.

And I say all of that with all due respect, which is to say: none.

My dweeb jargon? You can't even spell Truthers properly, spelling it like a dweeb juvenile :lol:
You don't know the first thing about Al CIA Duh
you fucking asshole, you willfully ignorant pathetic official BS story cock swallowing slave, I'm glad you're nauseated, the feeling is mutual, but you are a breed more detestable then that which you abhor, because anybody with any sense can see what the fuck is wrong with the official fairy tale and are not afraid to speak out like your pussy ass refuses to do.
You're the kind of motherfucker that if the TSA required to start collecting DNA by probing your rectum, you'd drop your panties, and spread wide, all in the name of protecting you from AL-CIA-DUH :lol: You fucking bootlicking pussy.
You're a pathetic excuse for a human, and one of the worst examples of an easily manipulated, and indoctrinated asshole on this forum.
Like always, you are woefully stupid about the 9-11 attacks and can only vomit the party line rhetorical bullshit, but that's all you are good at, even though most people on here who do care about the topic put your sorry ass to shame constantly, yet you come on here and continue to present to all what a slimebag you are.
Facts have been presented that counter the official theory and put it and you assholes to shame, not even your precious 9-11commision report is credible, yet you continue to ignore facts such as this instead of showing the slightest bit of concern, this only substantiates that you truly are, a traitor to the nation you live in and to the American people, why don't you pack up and get the fuck out of our country.
There's 2 pictures. The 1 at the top shows the explosion abut an hour after the plane hit. You're the liar and a stupid one at that. I'm finished with every conservative asshole in America. I won't respond to any conservative about anything.

Dear Miller: You just answered your own question. Do you realize this?
When you close your mind to counterexplanations by others who oppose you,
then others close their minds to counterexplanations you provide!

When you open your mind equally to both sides,
you will invite others to meet you halfway.

There are VERY FEW people willing to be completely open to both sides and not cling to one bias or another. Those people will probably be able to sift through all the information, all the rebuttals back and forth, and come up with objective lists of what can be ruled out and what is still able to be questioned and not confirmed one way or another.

So only if you are in THAT group of people, who are completely open minded to BOTH SIDES equally, would I say you have a right to ask for openmindedness.

If you have picked your side, as most people have, you will get the same in return.
That's just how human reactions work.

You do the same thing here, so again, I hope you recognize the answer to your own question. Others are likely asking the SAME THING YOU ARE but from the opposite side: why are conspiracy theorists like you so closeminded they don't want to know the truth?

Spoken like a true OCTASS pussy. You can continue to ignore all the inconsistencies, absurdities, cover ups, lies,
the witnesses testimonies, the families seeking the truth, the 9-11 commission rejecting the report, and countless of other credible people, scholars, engineers, architects, FDNY, CD experts, military pilots, CIA, FBI whistle blowers, all you have is cowardice and ignorance. Why do you assholes hate the USA, the constitution, and instead kiss the asses of the criminals that have hijacked the nation? Because you are scum sucking treasonous fucks, that's why.

And all your little dweeb jargon terms are fucking ghey as hell, by the way. OCT and debwunkers. You guys sound like fucking imbeciles because you ARE fucking imbeciles.

Make sure the attendant does his job. You must not be permitted to be near sharp objects.

Listen up, you foul lowlife scumbag shithead. The fucking bad guys called "al qaeda" did it. They hate America. By claiming [with not one hint of rationality] that any of US did it to ourselves, as you scumbag Troofers always end up claiming, YOU are the pussies who demonstrate a hatred of America. You loathsome diseased clit.

Seriously. You just can't suck enough, you low life scumbag moron. Eat shit, fuckface. Gag on it. Puke and then lick that up and swallow it, too. You vermin Troofers make me nauseated. You are beyond stupid. What fucking assholes you guys are.

And I say all of that with all due respect, which is to say: none.

My dweeb jargon? You can't even spell Truthers properly, spelling it like a dweeb juvenile :lol:
You don't know the first thing about Al CIA Duh

Wow...if someone handed my ass to me like Liability did to you; I'd get pissed off too. I'd probably maintain my composure in an attempt to save face though but I guess when you get owned like that; theres no need to try to claim it didn't happen.

Yikes; you should go away...very far away until we forget about you. PS: Most of us already have.
All of this shit coming from an ass-hole that uses a coke head as his avatar.
And again Mr Jones as true to the truthers creed ignores the fact that there were no recordings of any explosions that could be confused with those sounds that an actual controlled demolition would make.

I am not going to waste my time posting more videos of what should have been heard. We've all heard it before, but not on 9-11-01. I think I'll just add a neg instead.
Spoken like a true OCTASS pussy. You can continue to ignore all the inconsistencies, absurdities, cover ups, lies,
the witnesses testimonies, the families seeking the truth, the 9-11 commission rejecting the report, and countless of other credible people, scholars, engineers, architects, FDNY, CD experts, military pilots, CIA, FBI whistle blowers, all you have is cowardice and ignorance. Why do you assholes hate the USA, the constitution, and instead kiss the asses of the criminals that have hijacked the nation? Because you are scum sucking treasonous fucks, that's why.

And all your little dweeb jargon terms are fucking ghey as hell, by the way. OCT and debwunkers. You guys sound like fucking imbeciles because you ARE fucking imbeciles.

Make sure the attendant does his job. You must not be permitted to be near sharp objects.

Listen up, you foul lowlife scumbag shithead. The fucking bad guys called "al qaeda" did it. They hate America. By claiming [with not one hint of rationality] that any of US did it to ourselves, as you scumbag Troofers always end up claiming, YOU are the pussies who demonstrate a hatred of America. You loathsome diseased clit.

Seriously. You just can't suck enough, you low life scumbag moron. Eat shit, fuckface. Gag on it. Puke and then lick that up and swallow it, too. You vermin Troofers make me nauseated. You are beyond stupid. What fucking assholes you guys are.

And I say all of that with all due respect, which is to say: none.

My dweeb jargon? You can't even spell Truthers properly, spelling it like a dweeb juvenile :lol:
You don't know the first thing about Al CIA Duh
you fucking asshole, you willfully ignorant pathetic official BS story cock swallowing slave, I'm glad you're nauseated, the feeling is mutual, but you are a breed more detestable then that which you abhor, because anybody with any sense can see what the fuck is wrong with the official fairy tale and are not afraid to speak out like your pussy ass refuses to do.
You're the kind of motherfucker that if the TSA required to start collecting DNA by probing your rectum, you'd drop your panties, and spread wide, all in the name of protecting you from AL-CIA-DUH :lol: You fucking bootlicking pussy.
You're a pathetic excuse for a human, and one of the worst examples of an easily manipulated, and indoctrinated asshole on this forum.
Like always, you are woefully stupid about the 9-11 attacks and can only vomit the party line rhetorical bullshit, but that's all you are good at, even though most people on here who do care about the topic put your sorry ass to shame constantly, yet you come on here and continue to present to all what a slimebag you are.
Facts have been presented that counter the official theory and put it and you assholes to shame, not even your precious 9-11commision report is credible, yet you continue to ignore facts such as this instead of showing the slightest bit of concern, this only substantiates that you truly are, a traitor to the nation you live in and to the American people, why don't you pack up and get the fuck out of our country.

There has yet to be one rational argument from you scumbag Troofers to support the insane (completely baseless) suggestion that anybody in the USA other than some al qaeda terrorists committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities, you fucking asshole.

Not one of you mental midgets has the ability to answer the most basic of questions. They have been posed to you anal sphincters repeatedly and just as frequently ducked.

You have absolutely no hint of cred. Fuck off.
And all your little dweeb jargon terms are fucking ghey as hell, by the way. OCT and debwunkers. You guys sound like fucking imbeciles because you ARE fucking imbeciles.

Make sure the attendant does his job. You must not be permitted to be near sharp objects.

Listen up, you foul lowlife scumbag shithead. The fucking bad guys called "al qaeda" did it. They hate America. By claiming [with not one hint of rationality] that any of US did it to ourselves, as you scumbag Troofers always end up claiming, YOU are the pussies who demonstrate a hatred of America. You loathsome diseased clit.

Seriously. You just can't suck enough, you low life scumbag moron. Eat shit, fuckface. Gag on it. Puke and then lick that up and swallow it, too. You vermin Troofers make me nauseated. You are beyond stupid. What fucking assholes you guys are.

And I say all of that with all due respect, which is to say: none.

My dweeb jargon? You can't even spell Truthers properly, spelling it like a dweeb juvenile :lol:
You don't know the first thing about Al CIA Duh
you fucking asshole, you willfully ignorant pathetic official BS story cock swallowing slave, I'm glad you're nauseated, the feeling is mutual, but you are a breed more detestable then that which you abhor, because anybody with any sense can see what the fuck is wrong with the official fairy tale and are not afraid to speak out like your pussy ass refuses to do.
You're the kind of motherfucker that if the TSA required to start collecting DNA by probing your rectum, you'd drop your panties, and spread wide, all in the name of protecting you from AL-CIA-DUH :lol: You fucking bootlicking pussy.
You're a pathetic excuse for a human, and one of the worst examples of an easily manipulated, and indoctrinated asshole on this forum.
Like always, you are woefully stupid about the 9-11 attacks and can only vomit the party line rhetorical bullshit, but that's all you are good at, even though most people on here who do care about the topic put your sorry ass to shame constantly, yet you come on here and continue to present to all what a slimebag you are.
Facts have been presented that counter the official theory and put it and you assholes to shame, not even your precious 9-11commision report is credible, yet you continue to ignore facts such as this instead of showing the slightest bit of concern, this only substantiates that you truly are, a traitor to the nation you live in and to the American people, why don't you pack up and get the fuck out of our country.

There has yet to be one rational argument from you scumbag Troofers to support the insane (completely baseless) suggestion that anybody in the USA other than some al qaeda terrorists committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities, you fucking asshole.

Not one of you mental midgets has the ability to answer the most basic of questions. They have been posed to you anal sphincters repeatedly and just as frequently ducked.

You have absolutely no hint of cred. Fuck off.

Me? Look moron, there are mass quantities of government covert BS that has been done to the people of this nation by lunatic criminal evil motherfuckers all throughout our history.
You show no interest in attaining the basic knowledge of this history that many people who actually take the time to research already know. You come on here with other assholes who flippantly deny the existence of the criminal behavior and past deceptions and cover ups
and you look like idiots for denying it, brainwashed dupes, disinformation agents paid or otherwise, willfully ignorant morons that can't ever possibly admit the criminal actions of their government because you are trying to save whatever face or pride you think you have from arguing from a point of denial all these years on boards like these...or you really are fucking traitors and wish to adhere and kiss up to a tyrannical controlling form of government in hopes you can get your ass probed before every flight....I think you fucks are a combination of all the above.

You say there is no credible evidence that the attacks like 9-11 could have originated in the minds of evil scum like the writers of the PNAC, you either haven't read about it or are what others say about you- that you are in a state of denial-or what I say about you which is you're a scumbag traitor that does know all about it, and are here to purposefully argue in defense of the all controlling government,

either way you and others like you are the enemy to the nation, and to the people who want the truth, who want the style of government
this nation was founded on, and who want to keep the liberties and economy, and rights that the fucking government has slowly been taking away from them and still is...in the name of keeping them safe from ALCIADUH-- You can hate on people like us all you want, but rest assured we hate motherfuckers like you 10 times worse because you are against the country and way of life that many came here for and died for, and instead you are on the side of the bastards that take it away.
When you really think about it..You actually side with the terrorists.
My dweeb jargon? You can't even spell Truthers properly, spelling it like a dweeb juvenile :lol:
You don't know the first thing about Al CIA Duh
you fucking asshole, you willfully ignorant pathetic official BS story cock swallowing slave, I'm glad you're nauseated, the feeling is mutual, but you are a breed more detestable then that which you abhor, because anybody with any sense can see what the fuck is wrong with the official fairy tale and are not afraid to speak out like your pussy ass refuses to do.
You're the kind of motherfucker that if the TSA required to start collecting DNA by probing your rectum, you'd drop your panties, and spread wide, all in the name of protecting you from AL-CIA-DUH :lol: You fucking bootlicking pussy.
You're a pathetic excuse for a human, and one of the worst examples of an easily manipulated, and indoctrinated asshole on this forum.
Like always, you are woefully stupid about the 9-11 attacks and can only vomit the party line rhetorical bullshit, but that's all you are good at, even though most people on here who do care about the topic put your sorry ass to shame constantly, yet you come on here and continue to present to all what a slimebag you are.
Facts have been presented that counter the official theory and put it and you assholes to shame, not even your precious 9-11commision report is credible, yet you continue to ignore facts such as this instead of showing the slightest bit of concern, this only substantiates that you truly are, a traitor to the nation you live in and to the American people, why don't you pack up and get the fuck out of our country.

There has yet to be one rational argument from you scumbag Troofers to support the insane (completely baseless) suggestion that anybody in the USA other than some al qaeda terrorists committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities, you fucking asshole.

Not one of you mental midgets has the ability to answer the most basic of questions. They have been posed to you anal sphincters repeatedly and just as frequently ducked.

You have absolutely no hint of cred. Fuck off.

Me? Look moron, there are mass quantities of government covert BS that has been done to the people of this nation by lunatic criminal evil motherfuckers all throughout our history.
You show no interest in attaining the basic knowledge of this history that many people who actually take the time to research already know. You come on here with other assholes who flippantly deny the existence of the criminal behavior and past deceptions and cover ups
and you look like idiots for denying it, brainwashed dupes, disinformation agents paid or otherwise, willfully ignorant morons that can't ever possibly admit the criminal actions of their government because you are trying to save whatever face or pride you think you have from arguing from a point of denial all these years on boards like these...or you really are fucking traitors and wish to adhere and kiss up to a tyrannical controlling form of government in hopes you can get your ass probed before every flight....I think you fucks are a combination of all the above.

You say there is no credible evidence that the attacks like 9-11 could have originated in the minds of evil scum like the writers of the PNAC, you either haven't read about it or are what others say about you- that you are in a state of denial-or what I say about you which is you're a scumbag traitor that does know all about it, and are here to purposefully argue in defense of the all controlling government,

either way you and others like you are the enemy to the nation, and to the people who want the truth, who want the style of government
this nation was founded on, and who want to keep the liberties and economy, and rights that the fucking government has slowly been taking away from them and still is...in the name of keeping them safe from ALCIADUH-- You can hate on people like us all you want, but rest assured we hate motherfuckers like you 10 times worse because you are against the country and way of life that many came here for and died for, and instead you are on the side of the bastards that take it away.
When you really think about it..You actually side with the terrorists.

You may be a crashing bore and utterly unpersuasive, but at least you know your script, shitface.

Yes. Folks have done criminal shit in the past. And some of the criminal shit done in history has been done via conspiracy.

What is lacking from your moronic theory, however, shitbird, is any hint of rational support.

You are a mindless fucking drone.

In order for the Twin Towers to have come down via some criminal conspiracy involving persons in positions of power within the U.S. government, you dishonest diseased asshole, those individuals would not only have had to have coordinated with the al qaeda scum who did the actual deeds, but they would have also had to have planted these mythical high explosives within various locations inside the towers (and presumably within Bldg 7, too). Such explosives would require MILES of wiring and nobody saw any such thing.

Alternatively, in your scumbag empty-minded view of how things "must have" happened, the explosives would have to have been secretly planted at very precise structural points within the buildings (nobody saw any such thing being done, though, oddly enough) and then detonated wirelessly and remotely to coincide with al qaeda's jetliner attacks.

Scumbag mutant motherfuckers like you and your idiot ilk don't even begin to see how ridiculous your scenario is. And it raises tons of questions which you assholes couldn't possibly ever answer.

Again, shit-fuckers like you are diseased maggots. Fuck off, shitstain.

With all due respect.
There has yet to be one rational argument from you scumbag Troofers to support the insane (completely baseless) suggestion that anybody in the USA other than some al qaeda terrorists committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities, you fucking asshole.

Not one of you mental midgets has the ability to answer the most basic of questions. They have been posed to you anal sphincters repeatedly and just as frequently ducked.

You have absolutely no hint of cred. Fuck off.

Me? Look moron, there are mass quantities of government covert BS that has been done to the people of this nation by lunatic criminal evil motherfuckers all throughout our history.
You show no interest in attaining the basic knowledge of this history that many people who actually take the time to research already know. You come on here with other assholes who flippantly deny the existence of the criminal behavior and past deceptions and cover ups
and you look like idiots for denying it, brainwashed dupes, disinformation agents paid or otherwise, willfully ignorant morons that can't ever possibly admit the criminal actions of their government because you are trying to save whatever face or pride you think you have from arguing from a point of denial all these years on boards like these...or you really are fucking traitors and wish to adhere and kiss up to a tyrannical controlling form of government in hopes you can get your ass probed before every flight....I think you fucks are a combination of all the above.

You say there is no credible evidence that the attacks like 9-11 could have originated in the minds of evil scum like the writers of the PNAC, you either haven't read about it or are what others say about you- that you are in a state of denial-or what I say about you which is you're a scumbag traitor that does know all about it, and are here to purposefully argue in defense of the all controlling government,

either way you and others like you are the enemy to the nation, and to the people who want the truth, who want the style of government
this nation was founded on, and who want to keep the liberties and economy, and rights that the fucking government has slowly been taking away from them and still is...in the name of keeping them safe from ALCIADUH-- You can hate on people like us all you want, but rest assured we hate motherfuckers like you 10 times worse because you are against the country and way of life that many came here for and died for, and instead you are on the side of the bastards that take it away.
When you really think about it..You actually side with the terrorists.

You may be a crashing bore and utterly unpersuasive, but at least you know your script, shitface.
Hardly a script asshole, it's the truth.

Yes. Folks have done criminal shit in the past. And some of the criminal shit done in history has been done via conspiracy.
Great you admit the government has in the past been involved in "conspiracy"..now how about telling us which one is a cause of concern for you?
What is lacking from your moronic theory, however, shitbird, is any hint of rational support.
Wrong shitface, there are countless rational, professional people who have come out and exposed the cover up and lies...including the writers of the 9-11 commission! You fail to see that the many credible outspoken critics of the governments fairy tale are more credible then you morons. They have positions that suggest mightily that they know what they're talking about, I would link it for you but you are a hopeless dupe that wont admit the truth anyway.

You are a mindless fucking drone.
You are doing a very good job of proving this about yourself. The 9-11 commission had suggested that the government had a "lack of imagination" when it came to the possibilities of America being attacked, but that hold true for assholes like you also.

In order for the Twin Towers to have come down via some criminal conspiracy involving persons in positions of power within the U.S. government, you dishonest diseased asshole, those individuals would not only have had to have coordinated with the al qaeda scum who did the actual deeds, but they would have also had to have planted these mythical high explosives within various locations inside the towers (and presumably within Bldg 7, too).
There have been theories put together that make sense that this is a strong possibility go and catch up on the interesting relationship AlQaeda has had with our government. Your lack of willingness to actually research what others are claiming in their hypothesis is astounding, you're a lazy stooge who finds it easier to just bash shit you know nothing about or researched.

Such explosives would require MILES of wiring and nobody saw any such thing.
Again..not fucking true! Nobody saw anything..do you know the meaning of clandestine you sorry fuck? Watch the video of the CD expert on a thread in this forum for starters..everyone knows that this is a false argument you treasonous fucks use all the time.

Alternatively, in your scumbag empty-minded view of how things "must have" happened, the explosives would have to have been secretly planted at very precise structural points within the buildings (nobody saw any such thing being done, though, oddly enough) and then detonated wirelessly and remotely to coincide with al qaeda's jetliner attacks.
That's right it was done as a secret covert operation that those involved were quite capable of undertaking and carrying out, and did.
All anyone with any semblance of brain activity has to do is LOOK at the way the fucking buildings came down and LOOK at all the strange anomalies of that day, and LOOK at the strange coincidences. Good God are you that fucking much of an ignorant asshole? I guess yes. The fucking buildings all displayed the classic traits of a CD you fucking moron!

Scumbag mutant motherfuckers like you and your idiot ilk don't even begin to see how ridiculous your scenario is. And it raises tons of questions which you assholes couldn't possibly ever answer.
We are not the mutants, fucks like you are the mutational result of mass government brainwashing and propaganda campaigns that have been handed down from generation to generation. You wont stop and look at how ridiculous the 9-11 fairy tale really is, despite the very persuasive arguments of highly credible people. You'd rather not look into any of this on a serious quest because you are a traitorous coward who finds it best to toe the line or else.

Again, shit-fuckers like you are diseased maggots. Fuck off, shitstain.
Awe whats the matter you little pussy can't stand the heat, when someone stands up to your trolling ass?
Stay in denial we don't need cowards like you to fight with us.
There has yet to be one rational argument from you scumbag Troofers to support the insane (completely baseless) suggestion that anybody in the USA other than some al qaeda terrorists committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities, you fucking asshole.

Not one of you mental midgets has the ability to answer the most basic of questions. They have been posed to you anal sphincters repeatedly and just as frequently ducked.

You have absolutely no hint of cred. Fuck off.

Me? Look moron, there are mass quantities of government covert BS that has been done to the people of this nation by lunatic criminal evil motherfuckers all throughout our history.
You show no interest in attaining the basic knowledge of this history that many people who actually take the time to research already know. You come on here with other assholes who flippantly deny the existence of the criminal behavior and past deceptions and cover ups
and you look like idiots for denying it, brainwashed dupes, disinformation agents paid or otherwise, willfully ignorant morons that can't ever possibly admit the criminal actions of their government because you are trying to save whatever face or pride you think you have from arguing from a point of denial all these years on boards like these...or you really are fucking traitors and wish to adhere and kiss up to a tyrannical controlling form of government in hopes you can get your ass probed before every flight....I think you fucks are a combination of all the above.

You say there is no credible evidence that the attacks like 9-11 could have originated in the minds of evil scum like the writers of the PNAC, you either haven't read about it or are what others say about you- that you are in a state of denial-or what I say about you which is you're a scumbag traitor that does know all about it, and are here to purposefully argue in defense of the all controlling government,

either way you and others like you are the enemy to the nation, and to the people who want the truth, who want the style of government
this nation was founded on, and who want to keep the liberties and economy, and rights that the fucking government has slowly been taking away from them and still is...in the name of keeping them safe from ALCIADUH-- You can hate on people like us all you want, but rest assured we hate motherfuckers like you 10 times worse because you are against the country and way of life that many came here for and died for, and instead you are on the side of the bastards that take it away.
When you really think about it..You actually side with the terrorists.

You may be a crashing bore and utterly unpersuasive, but at least you know your script, shitface.

Yes. Folks have done criminal shit in the past. And some of the criminal shit done in history has been done via conspiracy.

What is lacking from your moronic theory, however, shitbird, is any hint of rational support.

You are a mindless fucking drone.

In order for the Twin Towers to have come down via some criminal conspiracy involving persons in positions of power within the U.S. government, you dishonest diseased asshole, those individuals would not only have had to have coordinated with the al qaeda scum who did the actual deeds, but they would have also had to have planted these mythical high explosives within various locations inside the towers (and presumably within Bldg 7, too). Such explosives would require MILES of wiring and nobody saw any such thing.

Alternatively, in your scumbag empty-minded view of how things "must have" happened, the explosives would have to have been secretly planted at very precise structural points within the buildings (nobody saw any such thing being done, though, oddly enough) and then detonated wirelessly and remotely to coincide with al qaeda's jetliner attacks.

Scumbag mutant motherfuckers like you and your idiot ilk don't even begin to see how ridiculous your scenario is. And it raises tons of questions which you assholes couldn't possibly ever answer.

Again, shit-fuckers like you are diseased maggots. Fuck off, shitstain.

With all due respect.

Post of the year right there.
me? Look moron, there are mass quantities of government covert bs that has been done to the people of this nation by lunatic criminal evil motherfuckers all throughout our history.
You show no interest in attaining the basic knowledge of this history that many people who actually take the time to research already know. You come on here with other assholes who flippantly deny the existence of the criminal behavior and past deceptions and cover ups
and you look like idiots for denying it, brainwashed dupes, disinformation agents paid or otherwise, willfully ignorant morons that can't ever possibly admit the criminal actions of their government because you are trying to save whatever face or pride you think you have from arguing from a point of denial all these years on boards like these...or you really are fucking traitors and wish to adhere and kiss up to a tyrannical controlling form of government in hopes you can get your ass probed before every flight....i think you fucks are a combination of all the above.

You say there is no credible evidence that the attacks like 9-11 could have originated in the minds of evil scum like the writers of the pnac, you either haven't read about it or are what others say about you- that you are in a state of denial-or what i say about you which is you're a scumbag traitor that does know all about it, and are here to purposefully argue in defense of the all controlling government,

either way you and others like you are the enemy to the nation, and to the people who want the truth, who want the style of government
this nation was founded on, and who want to keep the liberties and economy, and rights that the fucking government has slowly been taking away from them and still is...in the name of keeping them safe from alciaduh-- you can hate on people like us all you want, but rest assured we hate motherfuckers like you 10 times worse because you are against the country and way of life that many came here for and died for, and instead you are on the side of the bastards that take it away.
When you really think about it..you actually side with the terrorists.

you may be a crashing bore and utterly unpersuasive, but at least you know your script, shitface.

Yes. Folks have done criminal shit in the past. And some of the criminal shit done in history has been done via conspiracy.

What is lacking from your moronic theory, however, shitbird, is any hint of rational support.

You are a mindless fucking drone.

In order for the twin towers to have come down via some criminal conspiracy involving persons in positions of power within the u.s. Government, you dishonest diseased asshole, those individuals would not only have had to have coordinated with the al qaeda scum who did the actual deeds, but they would have also had to have planted these mythical high explosives within various locations inside the towers (and presumably within bldg 7, too). such explosives would require miles of wiring and nobody saw any such thing.

alternatively, in your scumbag empty-minded view of how things "must have" happened, the explosives would have to have been secretly planted at very precise structural points within the buildings (nobody saw any such thing being done, though, oddly enough) and then detonated wirelessly and remotely to coincide with al qaeda's jetliner attacks.

Scumbag mutant motherfuckers like you and your idiot ilk don't even begin to see how ridiculous your scenario is. And it raises tons of questions which you assholes couldn't possibly ever answer.

Again, shit-fuckers like you are diseased maggots. Fuck off, shitstain.

With all due respect.

post of the year right there.

a rant full of inaccuracy ,fallacy and strawmen

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