Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

I guess you're too stupid to see the sentence before the bong comment?

The thermal expansion number was for Mr. Jones who seems to think that the fireproofing of steel was to keep heat from transferring to other components that have a (I laugh at this every time) lower flash point.

I didn't post it to point out that engineers just learned about thermal expansion.


then builders were well aware of how much steel expanded per degree and factored that in to the design obviously...this is the reasons that hi-rise buildings do not collapse in fires


Please eots. Let us bask in your structural design knowledge. Pray tell, how do the structural engineers accommodate for this thermal expansion of columns and beams in a steel structure?

If a column or beam grows due to heat in a fire, how do they compensate for that growth?

Let's see what you've got.


not into playing your games if you have a statement to make ..make it ..instead of trying to hide behind your lame riddler routine...are you trying to imply the effects of fire are not compensated for in a hi-rise building design .
then builders were well aware of how much steel expanded per degree and factored that in to the design obviously...this is the reasons that hi-rise buildings do not collapse in fires


Please eots. Let us bask in your structural design knowledge. Pray tell, how do the structural engineers accommodate for this thermal expansion of columns and beams in a steel structure?

If a column or beam grows due to heat in a fire, how do they compensate for that growth?

Let's see what you've got.


not into playing your games if you have a statement to make ..make it ..instead of trying to hide behind your lame riddler routine...are you trying to imply the effects of fire are not compensated for in a hi-rise building design .

You are saying that they do, thus implying you know how it's done. Show me what you are basing this claim on. How is thermal expansion due to fire designed into a building's structure?
then builders were well aware of how much steel expanded per degree and factored that in to the design obviously

Just to make sure eots.

Are you making that statement above because to are 100% sure that they do or are you just assuming.

If you are 100% sure, how do you know this? Where you told by a structural engineer? Did they explain how thermal expansion in a structure due to fire was accounted for?

Please eots. Let us bask in your structural design knowledge. Pray tell, how do the structural engineers accommodate for this thermal expansion of columns and beams in a steel structure?

If a column or beam grows due to heat in a fire, how do they compensate for that growth?

Let's see what you've got.


not into playing your games if you have a statement to make ..make it ..instead of trying to hide behind your lame riddler routine...are you trying to imply the effects of fire are not compensated for in a hi-rise building design .

You are saying that they do, thus implying you know how it's done. Show me what you are basing this claim on. How is thermal expansion due to fire designed into a building's structure?

He hasn't a clue, I know though.......
Here you go eots. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's take the beam I circled in red. It is bolted on both ends making a rigid connection. If that beam expands (or grows in length due to that expansion) lengthwise, what happens? How did the designers account for that thermal expansion from fires you so vehemently claim that they did.
Hi Gam:

This fool comes to this Conspiracy Theories Forum every day to defend Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the murderers of innocent Americans with stupidity like this:

Here you go eots. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's take the beam I circled in red. It is bolted on both ends making a rigid connection. If that beam expands (or grows in length due to that expansion) lengthwise, what happens? How did the designers account for that thermal expansion from fires you so vehemently claim that they did.

The single component of any steel-framed skyscraper does not simply heat up and expand independent of the entire network!!!!! If heat enters that beam at any point, that heat energy is spread throughout the entire steel-framed network faster than any single component can heat up. Period. That is why no steel-framed skyscraper has ever burned down in history and why none ever will; because that is impossible and you now it.

WTC-7 was taken down by controlled demolition (topic) like WTC-1 and WTC-2 and that is plainly obvious to anyone after careful examination of all the facts. And guess what?

Flight 93 Empty Hole Topic


This is still the picture of an empty hole outside Shanksville that has nothing to do with any crashed jetliner, if this idiot wants to push official cover story lies to the end of time.

What Happened At The Pentagon


There is no way any 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this Pentagon wall. The Pentagon was struck by a Hughes-Raytheon Hypersonic Missile at 9:31:39 AM and attacked a second time by an A-3 Jet painted up by Cheney and Rumsfeld to look like a real AA Jetliner. American Airlines has NEVER issued the N644AA registry to ANY Boeing 757 Jetliner in history (link). The Govt documentation itself proves 9/11 was an inside job (link) and Gam cannot debunk a single word.

But hey, the guy can draw circles around red-iron beams with the best of them and ask stupid questions ...

Hi Gam:

This fool comes to this Conspiracy Theories Forum every day to defend Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the murderers of innocent Americans with stupidity like this:

Here you go eots. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's take the beam I circled in red. It is bolted on both ends making a rigid connection. If that beam expands (or grows in length due to that expansion) lengthwise, what happens? How did the designers account for that thermal expansion from fires you so vehemently claim that they did.

The single component of any steel-framed skyscraper does not simply heat up and expand independent of the entire network!!!!! If heat enters that beam at any point, that heat energy is spread throughout the entire steel-framed network faster than any single component can heat up. Period. That is why no steel-framed skyscraper has ever burned down in history and why none ever will; because that is impossible and you now it.

WTC-7 was taken down by controlled demolition (topic) like WTC-1 and WTC-2 and that is plainly obvious to anyone after careful examination of all the facts. And guess what?

Flight 93 Empty Hole Topic


This is still the picture of an empty hole outside Shanksville that has nothing to do with any crashed jetliner, if this idiot wants to push official cover story lies to the end of time.

What Happened At The Pentagon


There is no way any 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this Pentagon wall. The Pentagon was struck by a Hughes-Raytheon Hypersonic Missile at 9:31:39 AM and attacked a second time by an A-3 Jet painted up by Cheney and Rumsfeld to look like a real AA Jetliner. American Airlines has NEVER issued the N644AA registry to ANY Boeing 757 Jetliner in history (link). The Govt documentation itself proves 9/11 was an inside job (link) and Gam cannot debunk a single word.

But hey, the guy can draw circles around red-iron beams with the best of them and ask stupid questions ...


Go hunt for brown dwarfs, you even make PE look intelligent.
Hi Ollie:

Go hunt for brown dwarfs, you even make PE look intelligent.

Yeah? Ollie is another one-liner Official Cover Story defender of murderers of innocent Americans like Gam and the rest of his troll crew. At least I come to the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to post my conspiracy theories so everyone has the opportunity to weigh the facts and judge for themselves. What about you?

Everyone defending official cover story murderers of innocent Americans is worthy to burn with Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest right along along with them. Ollie cannot offer a rebuttal to a single word posted above either. Right? Of course not. Even if Ollie had the intelligence, you could not make a case for the Official Cover Story LIE any better than Gam or anyone else.

Hi Ollie:

Go hunt for brown dwarfs, you even make PE look intelligent.

Yeah? Ollie is another one-liner Official Cover Story defender of murderers of innocent Americans like Gam and the rest of his troll crew. At least I come to the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to post my conspiracy theories so everyone has the opportunity to weigh the facts and judge for themselves. What about you?

Everyone defending official cover story murderers of innocent Americans is worthy to burn with Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest right along along with them. Ollie cannot offer a rebuttal to a single word posted above either. Right? Of course not. Even if Ollie had the intelligence, you could not make a case for the Official Cover Story LIE any better than Gam or anyone else.


No, you, like the other truthers, come in here to ignore the actual facts that are presented because they don't fit in with what you want to be true.
Here you go eots. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's take the beam I circled in red. It is bolted on both ends making a rigid connection. If that beam expands (or grows in length due to that expansion) lengthwise, what happens? How did the designers account for that thermal expansion from fires you so vehemently claim that they did.

you are playing silly little games and trying to pretend it is some kind of rational question worth taking the time to answer in depth when it is not...without question engineers build tolerances into their designs in both construction and materials to allow for the effects of heat
so if you have a statement or fact you wish to present, do so...if you wish to pretend and hide behind your pseudo -intellectual riddler routine...go fuck yourself
No, you, like the other truthers, come in here to ignore the actual facts that are presented because they don't fit in with what you want to be true.

No, you, like the other debwunkers come in here to ignore the actual facts that are presented because they don't fit in with what you want to be true ...blah blah blah
Last edited:
Hi Gam:

This fool comes to this Conspiracy Theories Forum every day to defend Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the murderers of innocent Americans with stupidity like this:

Here you go eots. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's take the beam I circled in red. It is bolted on both ends making a rigid connection. If that beam expands (or grows in length due to that expansion) lengthwise, what happens? How did the designers account for that thermal expansion from fires you so vehemently claim that they did.

The single component of any steel-framed skyscraper does not simply heat up and expand independent of the entire network!!!!! If heat enters that beam at any point, that heat energy is spread throughout the entire steel-framed network faster than any single component can heat up. Period.

Really? When an office fire happens, are you applying heat to just one point of a beam? What a moron. I guess heat doesn't build up in the room at all right?

Tell you what. Let's take a steel beam and apply a 600 degree flame to one end for 30 minutes. Based on your argument, the steel beam will keep up with the 600 degree flame and transfer all that heat away from that end and it will stay cool?

Here you go eots. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's take the beam I circled in red. It is bolted on both ends making a rigid connection. If that beam expands (or grows in length due to that expansion) lengthwise, what happens? How did the designers account for that thermal expansion from fires you so vehemently claim that they did.

you are playing silly little games and trying to pretend it is some kind of rational question worth taking the time to answer in depth when it is not...without question engineers build tolerances into their designs in both construction and materials to allow for the effects of heat
so if you have a statement or fact you wish to present, do so...if you wish to pretend and hide behind your pseudo -intellectual riddler routine...go fuck yourself

That's what I thought you pussy.

I'll ask you again since you know for sure. In a RIGID structural steel design, how do structural engineers allow for thermal expansion due to an office fire? How do they allow for the possible weakening of a component due to fire?

What do they do? Are you assuming they do this or do you have 100% confirmation from a structural engineer?

According to your idiotic friend Terral, a structural steel framework is such a good conductor of heat, that they don't NEED fireproofing at all OR design to allow for ANY of this. The heat is just whisked away throughout the structure without any problems whatsoever.

You two need to have a discussion because you're contradicting on another.
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Hi Ollie:

Go hunt for brown dwarfs, you even make PE look intelligent.

Yeah? Ollie is another one-liner Official Cover Story defender of murderers of innocent Americans like Gam and the rest of his troll crew. At least I come to the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to post my conspiracy theories so everyone has the opportunity to weigh the facts and judge for themselves. What about you?

Everyone defending official cover story murderers of innocent Americans is worthy to burn with Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest right along along with them. Ollie cannot offer a rebuttal to a single word posted above either. Right? Of course not. Even if Ollie had the intelligence, you could not make a case for the Official Cover Story LIE any better than Gam or anyone else.


Hey Terral.

If steel is such a great conductor of heat, why do they need to fire proof it?
Here you go assholes. Explain why Terral's thermal conductivity bullshit didn't work on this structural steel design.

Friggin' morons.

Hi Gam:

This fool comes to this Conspiracy Theories Forum every day to defend Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the murderers of innocent Americans with stupidity like this:

Here you go eots. Put your money where your mouth is. Let's take the beam I circled in red. It is bolted on both ends making a rigid connection. If that beam expands (or grows in length due to that expansion) lengthwise, what happens? How did the designers account for that thermal expansion from fires you so vehemently claim that they did.

The single component of any steel-framed skyscraper does not simply heat up and expand independent of the entire network!!!!! If heat enters that beam at any point, that heat energy is spread throughout the entire steel-framed network faster than any single component can heat up. Period. That is why no steel-framed skyscraper has ever burned down in history and why none ever will; because that is impossible and you now it.

WTC-7 was taken down by controlled demolition (topic) like WTC-1 and WTC-2 and that is plainly obvious to anyone after careful examination of all the facts. And guess what?

Flight 93 Empty Hole Topic


This is still the picture of an empty hole outside Shanksville that has nothing to do with any crashed jetliner, if this idiot wants to push official cover story lies to the end of time.

What Happened At The Pentagon


There is no way any 100-ton Jetliner crashed into this Pentagon wall. The Pentagon was struck by a Hughes-Raytheon Hypersonic Missile at 9:31:39 AM and attacked a second time by an A-3 Jet painted up by Cheney and Rumsfeld to look like a real AA Jetliner. American Airlines has NEVER issued the N644AA registry to ANY Boeing 757 Jetliner in history (link). The Govt documentation itself proves 9/11 was an inside job (link) and Gam cannot debunk a single word.

But hey, the guy can draw circles around red-iron beams with the best of them and ask stupid questions ...


Except for the fact that 100s of eyewitness on the freeway acknowledged seeing the plane....:eek:

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