Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

And again Mr Jones as true to the truthers creed ignores the fact that there were no recordings of any explosions that could be confused with those sounds that an actual controlled demolition would make.

I am not going to waste my time posting more videos of what should have been heard. We've all heard it before, but not on 9-11-01. I think I'll just add a neg instead.
And again Alzheimer Ollie forgets to watch the video of the CD expert in which he clearly mentions that thermitic cutter charges would not make the very loud explosions, like the ones in your posted videos, and he also mention that it certainly could have been done with remote detonators.
The videos you post are videos of what one would see and hear in a CD that was not a covert clandestine operation, that was made to look like 2 planes were the cause of the buildings demise you stupid jerk.
Ask it ...its a paid troll

Hey, candycorn, a person with all of the credibility expected from a 9/11 Troofer has said that I should ask you if you are a paid troll.

Are you a troll at all?

Are you a PAID troll?

Is there a YouTube video that qualifies in the "mind" of a Troofer as "proof" of his claim?

No. I'm a plant. What type of plant am I?


No, I am not paid.

There are no paid posters on this or any other board. The entire idea is so preposterous that it borders on the insane; Can you imagine someone paying me for posting 3 times a day? If I were getting paid, don't you think I'd be here 24/7 posting any and all jibberish on every topic? Hell, Christopher alone could have funded my last trip to Taos!
Ask it ...its a paid troll

Hey, candycorn, a person with all of the credibility expected from a 9/11 Troofer has said that I should ask you if you are a paid troll.

Are you a troll at all?

Are you a PAID troll?

Is there a YouTube video that qualifies in the "mind" of a Troofer as "proof" of his claim?

No. I'm a plant. What type of plant am I?


No, I am not paid.

There are no paid posters on this or any other board. The entire idea is so preposterous that it borders on the insane; Can you imagine someone paying me for posting 3 times a day? If I were getting paid, don't you think I'd be here 24/7 posting any and all jibberish on every topic? Hell, Christopher alone could have funded my last trip to Taos!

cornyhole... paid troll
Can the collision of an aluminum aircraft into rusty steel beams cause a thermite reaction creating iron spheroids?

Can the collision of the WTC aluminum facade & its rusty steel beams during the collapse cause a thermite reaction creating iron spheroids?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4De8-B1CSk"]Thermite Balls[/ame]

You Bet It Can!!!

Truthers have a huge problem.
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Hey, candycorn, a person with all of the credibility expected from a 9/11 Troofer has said that I should ask you if you are a paid troll.

Are you a troll at all?

Are you a PAID troll?

Is there a YouTube video that qualifies in the "mind" of a Troofer as "proof" of his claim?

No. I'm a plant. What type of plant am I?


No, I am not paid.

There are no paid posters on this or any other board. The entire idea is so preposterous that it borders on the insane; Can you imagine someone paying me for posting 3 times a day? If I were getting paid, don't you think I'd be here 24/7 posting any and all jibberish on every topic? Hell, Christopher alone could have funded my last trip to Taos!

cornyhole... paid troll

eots--treasonous tub of shit.

Who knows? :)

id-eots is, after all is said and done, an idiot.

He cites Jowenko becaus Jowenko is an expert's expert expert. Or sumpin' like that. So he accepts the expert expert on demolition when the expert expert says shit like that "in his expert opinion" WTC7 came down via a controlled demolition. But it is not as clear that id-eots accepts Jowenko when the expert expert says he doesn't find sufficient evidence that the Twin Towers came down via controlled demolition.

Did I mention that id-eots is an idiot?

No, it means you are an incoherent rambling jerk off

No. You, you candy ass pussy, have conclusively proved that you are nothing more than a dishonest piece of shit. So, once again, eat shit and fuck off, scumbag.

Jowenko did offer an "expert" opinion without knowing the facts. And tools like you lap that shit right the fuck up and spread it around as though it was worthwhile. It isn't. You are just a rancid ass clown, id-eots.

With all due respect.
Grow is not th term used for the expansion of metal, regardless of how much you flail and spin...lol

Really asshole? Do you even look up stuff before posting it? Obviously not.

Thermal Expansion Calculations

Enter your length of pipe and pipe temperature to calculate the thermal growth in inches for the various materials.

What a dumbass.

The fires in the WTC buildings did not reach the temps required to
cause the expansion of the stee

I stopped reading here. Until you understand what you are talking about, your bullshit has no place here. If what you say is correct, then how did this happen this STEEL railroad?

Are you telling me the temperatures on this day were GREATER than an office fire????

What an idiot.

Furthermore, here is a chart that shows how much certain materials expand per degree.
Thermal Expansion Metals
Grow is not th term used for the expansion of metal, regardless of how much you flail and spin...lol

Really asshole? Do you even look up stuff before posting it? Obviously not.

Thermal Expansion Calculations

Enter your length of pipe and pipe temperature to calculate the thermal growth in inches for the various materials.

What a dumbass.
According to your Expansion Calculator, for piping, even entering temps of 600F degrees to a 100 ft length, produces only slight variations of expansion.

Slight variations???? What the fuck are you smoking? Obviously the same shit as eots. I'll make you look stupid yet again. Take a look at this page:
Pipes and Tubes - Temperature Expansion

100 feet of steel pipe is heated from 32 to 212 degrees. It expands 1.728 inches. Now let me ask you something. If I have 100 ft of pipe anchored down at both ends with U-bolts, what is going to give? Will the pipe buckle like the railroad or will it shear one of the weaker U-bolt connections?

What you fail to get is that when steel expands, that expansion has to go somewhere. Bolted connections are NOT going to stand up to thermal expansion and make steel beams or columns buckle instead of shearing off.

Why do you continue to make it seem like you are versed in construction design and the like?
So, you say that the temps from the combustible materials inside the building were hot enough to cause this expansion and in such uniformity, that the building collapsed in a straight down symmetrical fashion?


As has already been explained to you numerous times, components in a building design are calculated to work TOGETHER to support loads. When you start to fail components such as connections that were sheared due to thermal expansion, you start to take away from the design as a whole. When components start to fail, the load they helped support must be transfered elsewhere and thus put additional load on the remaining structure. That structure can only handle a certain amount until it fails completely.

You keep using the term symmetrical. That collapse was FAR from symmetrical as the east penthouse collapse followed by the west side. THEN the perimeter collapsed.

Let's discuss something. When the east penthouse collapsed and then the west side, what was left?
Quote from the FEMA report (Appendix A).
"In the mid-1990s British Steel and the Building Research Establishment performed a series of six experiments at Cardington to investigate the behavior of steel frame buildings. These experiments were conducted in a simulated, eight-story building. Secondary steel beams were not protected. Despite the temperature of the steel beams reaching 800-900° C (1,500-1,700° F) in three of the tests (well above the traditionally assumed critical temperature of 600° C (1,100° F), no collapse was observed in any of the six experiments."
The North Tower suffered no major structural damage from the intense office fire of February 23, 1975, we can conclude that the ensuing office fires of September 11, 2001, also did little extra damage to the towers.

WTC North Tower fire on February 13, 1975 lasted 3 to 4 hrs= no collapse
WTC North tower fire on September 11, 2001 lasted 1¾ * hrs=total collapse and pulverization
WTC South tower fire on September 11, 2001 lasted 1 * hr.=total collapse and pulverization
WTC 7 fire on September 11, 2001 duration/intensity unknown=total collapse and pulverisation
1st Interstate Bank fire on May 4-5, 1988 lasted 3.5hrs=no collapse
Broadgate Phase 8 fire on June 23rd, 1990 lasted 4.5hrs.=no collapse
1 New York Plaza Fire on August 5, 1970 lasted 6hrs=no collapse
One Meridian Plaza fire on February 23-24, 1991 lasted 19hrs.=no collapse. History is very much against your theory.

SO you think that every single building should act exactly them same in a fire no matter WHAT the design?

Is that your thinking?
The evidence against your theory is overwhelming, for even just one building, and to believe it happened in 3 buildings...in one day...for the first time ever..is plain fucking outrageously nuts. :cuckoo:

What evidence????

You idiots keep saying that.

Show me the evidence that you are using. Show me where in history a skyscraper with the same design as the twin towers, being struck by jets in the upper third, has NOT collapsed.

Can you do that?

No? Why is that? Because it never happened. How can you say that the evidence is against me when there is none for the scenario under discussion?
Spoken like a true OCTASS pussy. You can continue to ignore all the inconsistencies, absurdities, cover ups, lies,
the witnesses testimonies, the families seeking the truth, the 9-11 commission rejecting the report, and countless of other credible people, scholars, engineers, architects, FDNY, CD experts, military pilots, CIA, FBI whistle blowers, all you have is cowardice and ignorance. Why do you assholes hate the USA, the constitution, and instead kiss the asses of the criminals that have hijacked the nation? Because you are scum sucking treasonous fucks, that's why.

And all your little dweeb jargon terms are fucking ghey as hell, by the way. OCT and debwunkers. You guys sound like fucking imbeciles because you ARE fucking imbeciles.

Make sure the attendant does his job. You must not be permitted to be near sharp objects.

Listen up, you foul lowlife scumbag shithead. The fucking bad guys called "al qaeda" did it. They hate America. By claiming [with not one hint of rationality] that any of US did it to ourselves, as you scumbag Troofers always end up claiming, YOU are the pussies who demonstrate a hatred of America. You loathsome diseased clit.

Seriously. You just can't suck enough, you low life scumbag moron. Eat shit, fuckface. Gag on it. Puke and then lick that up and swallow it, too. You vermin Troofers make me nauseated. You are beyond stupid. What fucking assholes you guys are.

And I say all of that with all due respect, which is to say: none.

My dweeb jargon? You can't even spell Truthers properly, spelling it like a dweeb juvenile :lol:
You don't know the first thing about Al CIA Duh
you fucking asshole, you willfully ignorant pathetic official BS story cock swallowing slave, I'm glad you're nauseated, the feeling is mutual, but you are a breed more detestable then that which you abhor, because anybody with any sense can see what the fuck is wrong with the official fairy tale and are not afraid to speak out like your pussy ass refuses to do.
You're the kind of motherfucker that if the TSA required to start collecting DNA by probing your rectum, you'd drop your panties, and spread wide, all in the name of protecting you from AL-CIA-DUH :lol: You fucking bootlicking pussy.
You're a pathetic excuse for a human, and one of the worst examples of an easily manipulated, and indoctrinated asshole on this forum.
Like always, you are woefully stupid about the 9-11 attacks and can only vomit the party line rhetorical bullshit, but that's all you are good at, even though most people on here who do care about the topic put your sorry ass to shame constantly, yet you come on here and continue to present to all what a slimebag you are.
Facts have been presented that counter the official theory and put it and you assholes to shame, not even your precious 9-11commision report is credible, yet you continue to ignore facts such as this instead of showing the slightest bit of concern, this only substantiates that you truly are, a traitor to the nation you live in and to the American people, why don't you pack up and get the fuck out of our country.

This coming from the asshole that thought fire proofing of steel beams was to PROTECT the surrounding components with lower "flash points"!!!!

Enjoy. (It's on YouTube, so you KNOW it's all authentic!)



Demolition expert???

Are you high again? He was a staff photographer and someone who HANDLED explosives and placed them? Are you telling me that a welder is an expert in structural design and can speak on that subject with authority?

You're a dumbass.
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And again Mr Jones as true to the truthers creed ignores the fact that there were no recordings of any explosions that could be confused with those sounds that an actual controlled demolition would make.

I am not going to waste my time posting more videos of what should have been heard. We've all heard it before, but not on 9-11-01. I think I'll just add a neg instead.
And again Alzheimer Ollie forgets to watch the video of the CD expert in which he clearly mentions that thermitic cutter charges would not make the very loud explosions, like the ones in your posted videos, and he also mention that it certainly could have been done with remote detonators.
The videos you post are videos of what one would see and hear in a CD that was not a covert clandestine operation, that was made to look like 2 planes were the cause of the buildings demise you stupid jerk.

Can your expert explain to us how these charges were protected from the Aircraft so that they wouldn't ignite before they were supposed to? Can he even explain how they were installed so that they would remain in place when that fully loaded aircraft smashed into the building? Maybe he can explain how the demo crew got into the building and placed all these charges without anyone seeing them or getting suspicious? Maybe he can then tell us why he no longer works for CDI? Sorry but your version never happened.
And again Mr Jones as true to the truthers creed ignores the fact that there were no recordings of any explosions that could be confused with those sounds that an actual controlled demolition would make.

I am not going to waste my time posting more videos of what should have been heard. We've all heard it before, but not on 9-11-01. I think I'll just add a neg instead.
And again Alzheimer Ollie forgets to watch the video of the CD expert in which he clearly mentions that thermitic cutter charges would not make the very loud explosions, like the ones in your posted videos, and he also mention that it certainly could have been done with remote detonators.
The videos you post are videos of what one would see and hear in a CD that was not a covert clandestine operation, that was made to look like 2 planes were the cause of the buildings demise you stupid jerk.

Can your expert explain to us how these charges were protected from the Aircraft so that they wouldn't ignite before they were supposed to? Can he even explain how they were installed so that they would remain in place when that fully loaded aircraft smashed into the building? Maybe he can explain how the demo crew got into the building and placed all these charges without anyone seeing them or getting suspicious? Maybe he can then tell us why he no longer works for CDI? Sorry but your version never happened.

he did you were not listening

If anybody wanted to know the truth about 9/11/2001, the last person he'd speak with is a fucking scumbag 9/11 Troofer. 9/11 Troofers are incapable of honesty. Fucking scumbags that they are.

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