Why don't people want to know the truth about 9/11?

Come on Mr. Jones.

Please post the link that proves there is a temperature in which steel starts to thermally expand. You made the claim. I'm challenging you to show me the validity of it.

Read the part you emboldened again...I am asking YOU to prove this if you deny it, quit trying to say I'm making a claim I am clearly not.

Yes you are; you're claiming that "its been shown" dumbass!

I see you can't comprehend what is being said either, must be a terrible thing living with that affliction..that and being a penis hungry troll that goes by the gay name of "candycorn" :lol:
AKA as the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing in a straight down manner that produced 2.25 seconds of freefall?

Perfect example of how stupid you truly are. You say ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing straight down.

I see the east penthouse collapse first, then the west. That's not the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing at once dumbass.
You are weak...you resort to nit picking non sense...it is obvious the main part of the building is the 47 stories, and it is obvious the 47 story part of the building is the MAIN structure..and it is obvious that the 47 story main part of the building comes straight down..or do you see it collapsing to the side, or perhaps you would argue that it collapsed straight up....fucking weak ass imbecile.
Have you figured out why the 1975 WTC fire, that burned longer, and more intensely didn't collapse the building...there weren't even sprinklers installed in them back then..Why are you ignoring this?

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AKA as the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing in a straight down manner that produced 2.25 seconds of freefall?

Perfect example of how stupid you truly are. You say ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing straight down.

I see the east penthouse collapse first, then the west. That's not the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing at once dumbass.
You are weak...you resort to nit picking non sense...it is obvious the main part of the building is the 47 stories, and it is obvious the 47 story part of the building is the MAIN structure..and it is obvious that the 47 story main part of the building comes straight down..or do you see it collapsing to the side, or perhaps you would argue that it collapsed straight up....fucking weak ass imbecile.
Have you figured out why the 1975 WTC fire, that burned longer, and more intensely didn't collapse the building...there weren't even sprinklers installed in them back then..Why are you ignoring this?

What you just said is NOT "obvious." It is, in point of fact, false.

No surprise.

9/11 Troofers lie.

You are almost all fucking scumbag liars.

When reality gets in the way of your idiotic "theories," you shit-munchers simply deny reality and lie about actual facts.

Fuck off shit bird.
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Perfect example of how stupid you truly are. You say ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing straight down.

I see the east penthouse collapse first, then the west. That's not the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing at once dumbass.
You are weak...you resort to nit picking non sense...it is obvious the main part of the building is the 47 stories, and it is obvious the 47 story part of the building is the MAIN structure..and it is obvious that the 47 story main part of the building comes straight down..or do you see it collapsing to the side, or perhaps you would argue that it collapsed straight up....fucking weak ass imbecile.
Have you figured out why the 1975 WTC fire, that burned longer, and more intensely didn't collapse the building...there weren't even sprinklers installed in them back then..Why are you ignoring this?

What you just said is NOT "obvious." It is, in point of fact, false.

No surprise.

9/11 Troofers lie.

You are almost all fucking scumbag liars.

When reality gets in the way of your idiotic "theories," you shit-munchers simply deny reality and lie about actual facts.

Fuck off shit bird.
You poor sad sack of shit..How pathetic to have a video of the collapse of a building on 9-11 right in front of you, that shows clearly the 47 story main building come down and you can not even be man enough to admit what your own eyes see, and then call it "false"?? You should be lobotomized....No maybe you already were.
Your name really should be "Liarbility"

and btw, what facts are you saying I am lying about?
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Perfect example of how stupid you truly are. You say ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing straight down.

I see the east penthouse collapse first, then the west. That's not the ENTIRE BUILDING collapsing at once dumbass.
You are weak...you resort to nit picking non sense...it is obvious the main part of the building is the 47 stories, and it is obvious the 47 story part of the building is the MAIN structure..and it is obvious that the 47 story main part of the building comes straight down..or do you see it collapsing to the side, or perhaps you would argue that it collapsed straight up....fucking weak ass imbecile.
Have you figured out why the 1975 WTC fire, that burned longer, and more intensely didn't collapse the building...there weren't even sprinklers installed in them back then..Why are you ignoring this?

What you just said is NOT "obvious." It is, in point of fact, false.

No surprise.

9/11 Troofers lie.

You are almost all fucking scumbag liars.

When reality gets in the way of your idiotic "theories," you shit-munchers simply deny reality and lie about actual facts.

Fuck off shit bird.

blah blah blah scumbag blah blah blah twoofer blah blah blah ... lol what a loser !!
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You are weak...you resort to nit picking non sense...it is obvious the main part of the building is the 47 stories, and it is obvious the 47 story part of the building is the MAIN structure..and it is obvious that the 47 story main part of the building comes straight down..or do you see it collapsing to the side, or perhaps you would argue that it collapsed straight up....fucking weak ass imbecile.
Have you figured out why the 1975 WTC fire, that burned longer, and more intensely didn't collapse the building...there weren't even sprinklers installed in them back then..Why are you ignoring this?


What you just said is NOT "obvious." It is, in point of fact, false.

No surprise.

9/11 Troofers lie.

You are almost all fucking scumbag liars.

When reality gets in the way of your idiotic "theories," you shit-munchers simply deny reality and lie about actual facts.

Fuck off shit bird.
You poor sad sack of shit..How pathetic to have a video of the collapse of a building on 9-11 right in front of you, that shows clearly the 47 story main building come down and you can not even be man enough to admit what your own eyes see, and then call it "false"?? You should be lobotomized....No maybe you already were.
Your name really should be "Liarbility"

The liar remains you, shit for brain sack of crap lying fuckwad Trooofer scum.

The video IS right in front of us and YOU are the one clearly lying about it, you scumbag moron.

This was ALREADY pointed out to you, too. So you lie on top of prior lies despite valid refutations and video evidence. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You are an abysmally stupid lying sack of shit. But you are a 9/11 Troofer, so that's just redundant.

Mr. Jones. Not that fuckstain "Alex" by any chance?

You are weak...you resort to nit picking non sense...it is obvious the main part of the building is the 47 stories, and it is obvious the 47 story part of the building is the MAIN structure..and it is obvious that the 47 story main part of the building comes straight down..or do you see it collapsing to the side, or perhaps you would argue that it collapsed straight up....fucking weak ass imbecile.
Have you figured out why the 1975 WTC fire, that burned longer, and more intensely didn't collapse the building...there weren't even sprinklers installed in them back then..Why are you ignoring this?


What you just said is NOT "obvious." It is, in point of fact, false.

No surprise.

9/11 Troofers lie.

You are almost all fucking scumbag liars.

When reality gets in the way of your idiotic "theories," you shit-munchers simply deny reality and lie about actual facts.

Fuck off shit bird.

blah blah blah scumbag blah blah blah twoofer blah blah blah ... lol what a loser !!

When you suck off Mr. Jones, do you gargle his load before you have to choose between "spit or swallow?"


Fuck yourself, you lowlife lying sack of rancid pus.
What you just said is NOT "obvious." It is, in point of fact, false.

No surprise.

9/11 Troofers lie.

You are almost all fucking scumbag liars.

When reality gets in the way of your idiotic "theories," you shit-munchers simply deny reality and lie about actual facts.

Fuck off shit bird.

blah blah blah scumbag blah blah blah twoofer blah blah blah ... lol what a loser !!

When you suck off Mr. Jones, do you gargle his load before you have to choose between "spit or swallow?"


Fuck yourself, you lowlife lying sack of rancid pus.

And there you have it folks..Liarbility in all his sick glory..Never answers anything about the actual topic, and instead exposes his sick homo fantasies on a public political forum.
This one will be saved for the archives in case anyone forgets what a sick fuck you truly are.
What you just said is NOT "obvious." It is, in point of fact, false.

No surprise.

9/11 Troofers lie.

You are almost all fucking scumbag liars.

When reality gets in the way of your idiotic "theories," you shit-munchers simply deny reality and lie about actual facts.

Fuck off shit bird.
You poor sad sack of shit..How pathetic to have a video of the collapse of a building on 9-11 right in front of you, that shows clearly the 47 story main building come down and you can not even be man enough to admit what your own eyes see, and then call it "false"?? You should be lobotomized....No maybe you already were.
Your name really should be "Liarbility"

The liar remains you, shit for brain sack of crap lying fuckwad Trooofer scum.

The video IS right in front of us and YOU are the one clearly lying about it, you scumbag moron.

This was ALREADY pointed out to you, too. So you lie on top of prior lies despite valid refutations and video evidence. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You are an abysmally stupid lying sack of shit. But you are a 9/11 Troofer, so that's just redundant.

Mr. Jones. Not that fuckstain "Alex" by any chance?


Watch it and weep you sorry ass loser :lol:
WTC 7 47 stories coming straight down, no lies just actual FACTS!!!

Ha Ha you crying sack of blubbering shit :lol::lol:

Your government lied to you pussy, what ya going to do about it? What you always do..deny reality and look like the stupid sick little crying bitch that you truly are!! :lol: :lol:

C'mon show us all how you loose your lil' temper and throw a hissy fit!! Ha Ha priceless :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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blah blah blah scumbag blah blah blah twoofer blah blah blah ... lol what a loser !!

When you suck off Mr. Jones, do you gargle his load before you have to choose between "spit or swallow?"


Fuck yourself, you lowlife lying sack of rancid pus.

And there you have it folks..Liarbility in all his sick glory..Never answers anything about the actual topic, and instead exposes his sick homo fantasies on a public political forum.
This one will be saved for the archives in case anyone forgets what a sick fuck you truly are.

Speaking of sick fucks, and yes I was talking about you, you dishonest rodent twat, you are EXACTLY the kind of lying shit-stain who DENIES what is PLAINLY visible on a videotape YOU offer as "evidence" of your false claim. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Try to smarten up for one moment of your worthless life, scumbag.

When you falsely CLAIM that Bldg 7 went "straight down," you imbecile, you post a video image that shows that part of the building (the penthouse section) CLEARLY started to go down BEFORE the first trace of a hint of a collapse of the main portion of the building.

What this MEANS, you bald-faced liar, is that YOUR sub-moronic CONTENTION translates as follows: "if you discount the part that proves me wrong, this video substantiates my idiotic position!" :cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

You couldn't have done a better job proving yourself to be valueless in terms of an honest discussion on this topic even if you were a founding member of a debwunker group!

See? I can even use your imbecile ghey jargon, shit bird.

You poor sad sack of shit..How pathetic to have a video of the collapse of a building on 9-11 right in front of you, that shows clearly the 47 story main building come down and you can not even be man enough to admit what your own eyes see, and then call it "false"?? You should be lobotomized....No maybe you already were.
Your name really should be "Liarbility"

The liar remains you, shit for brain sack of crap lying fuckwad Trooofer scum.

The video IS right in front of us and YOU are the one clearly lying about it, you scumbag moron.

This was ALREADY pointed out to you, too. So you lie on top of prior lies despite valid refutations and video evidence. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You are an abysmally stupid lying sack of shit. But you are a 9/11 Troofer, so that's just redundant.

Mr. Jones. Not that fuckstain "Alex" by any chance?


Watch it and weep you sorry ass loser :lol:
WTC 7 47 stories coming straight down, no lies just actual FACTS!!!

Ha Ha you crying sack of blubbering shit :lol::lol:

Your government lied to you pussy, what ya going to do about it? What you always do..deny reality and look like the stupid sick little crying bitch that you truly are!! :lol: :lol:

C'mon show us all how you loose your lil' temper and throw a hissy fit!! Ha Ha priceless :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I see Mr. Jones is still showing off his video with the "clear explosions" going off of the non-explosives he then claims were used. Fucking retard can't even keep his stories straight! :lol: Man, truthtards are really sinking below the scum line. How pathetic!
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When you suck off Mr. Jones, do you gargle his load before you have to choose between "spit or swallow?"


Fuck yourself, you lowlife lying sack of rancid pus.

And there you have it folks..Liarbility in all his sick glory..Never answers anything about the actual topic, and instead exposes his sick homo fantasies on a public political forum.
This one will be saved for the archives in case anyone forgets what a sick fuck you truly are.

Speaking of sick fucks, and yes I was talking about you, you dishonest rodent twat, you are EXACTLY the kind of lying shit-stain who DENIES what is PLAINLY visible on a videotape YOU offer as "evidence" of your false claim. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Try to smarten up for one moment of your worthless life, scumbag.

When you falsely CLAIM that Bldg 7 went "straight down," you imbecile, you post a video image that shows that part of the building (the penthouse section) CLEARLY started to go down BEFORE the first trace of a hint of a collapse of the main portion of the building.

What this MEANS, you bald-faced liar, is that YOUR sub-moronic CONTENTION translates as follows: "if you discount the part that proves me wrong, this video substantiates my idiotic position!" :cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

You couldn't have done a better job proving yourself to be valueless in terms of an honest discussion on this topic even if you were a founding member of a debwunker group!

See? I can even use your imbecile ghey jargon, shit bird.

Are you lying twats actually saying that the building did not collapse in a straight down manner???Are you fuckwads really this purposefully blind?? Look at the fucking thing assholes!!
Do you see it fall to one side? You know the side that is supposed to have all this fire induced "thermal expansion" No you clearly don't.

You just don't want to understand how absurd your explanation , or lack of one really is..Listen-
While heat does indeed expand steel and concrete, the primary method for deducing that the heat generated in WTC 7 was enough to “damage the floor framing on multiple floors” was based on model simulations where inputs could be easily “tweaked” to produce the desired results.
Is there any physical evidence of the steel from WTC 7 to corroborate this model? Nope.
Equally important, did NIST conduct any laboratory analysis, with a full scale beam–column set up in a furnace in an effort to replicate the simulation results? Nope.
Since the model input can significantly affect the output and the conclusions are so remarkable, and since it the first time in history that a building globally collapsed allegedly due to “thermal expansion”, a full scale fire test simulation should have been done, in fact they still could do it.

Because the temperatures did not last for the minimum time necessary to generate the heat on the beam–column system for them to predict that thermal expansion could have occurred, no physical evidence was found indicating beam joint failures, no testing was done to confirm this, and the fact that thermal expansion never caused a global collapse on any steel structure, it is very highly unlikely that thermal expansion could possibly be the real cause of the structures total straight down global collapse.

Do you assholes even know that thermal expansion of floor beams breaking its beam seat connection and then causing a global collapse has never happened before, and very highly unlikely? Structural engineers do not even design connections for lateral forces from thermal expansion because it is so rare. No structure before or after 9/11 has ever globally failed due to “thermal expansion” and it’s very doubtful if it was the cause of the collapse of WTC 7.
And BTW- Thermal expansion for a 53 foot beam with a delta “T” of 654 F (752 – body temp) is less then 2.7 inches. But you ignorant fucks believe what you want to.

Other pages in NCSTAR 1-9 indicate sag in the floor system due to the heat. (NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 1 Chapter 8, Page 323: “Elevated temperatures in the floor elements led to thermal expansion, with or without thermal weakening and sagging".
This "sagging" The sagging effect is also indicated graphically in NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 2 Page 56.

But guess what? Any sag effects need to be subtracted from the lengthening effects of "thermal expansion". Also, any warping of the flange or web will also consume some distance and must be subtracted from any elongation and assumed forces of the thermal expansion.
NIST is claiming that girders basically just “walked off” their beam seats at the major connections with Column 79 and a few others. But the elongation from thermal expansion, even if the sagging effects are ignored, is only a couple of inches at most, yet the beam seats are longer. How can the girders “walk off” their beam seats if the seats are longer then the possible expansion?

You assholes come on here, and all you do is ridicule and make asses of yourselves, instead of being seriously interested in the facts, and what NIST is pulling over your stupid ass faces.
Posting ridiculous pictures of twisted railroad tracks, and going on about structural support, never stopping to think that a rigid part of a structure will fucking resist coming straight fucking down while being pulled by the part that is under attack!
You fucks are so willfully blinded that you actually DENY a video that shows you the straight down collapse of WTC 7!

Steel structure beam to beam, or beam to column connections have been riveted, bolted, welded or a combination thereof for over a hundred fucking years! With no significant “thermal expansion” sheering problems during much hotter fires that lasted a hell of a lot longer, which is one reason it’s simply not necessary to include in any structural design analysis, it just has NEVER happened, let alone to 3 buildings in 1 damed day!

Because no steel structure has ever failed globally due to fire, and this fire was a cool office fire, and in sporadic locations, when compared to historical fires, the suggestion that thermal expansion of the floor beam system was the trigger for global collapse is highly improbable and definitely should not be considered the leading theory for the collapses, given the overwhelming evidence for a hypothetical blast scenario.

But you stupid fucks can not even bring yourselves to admit what the video of the collapse shows you..which is a straight down, vertical collapse of 47 stories!!
And there you have it folks..Liarbility in all his sick glory..Never answers anything about the actual topic, and instead exposes his sick homo fantasies on a public political forum.
This one will be saved for the archives in case anyone forgets what a sick fuck you truly are.

Speaking of sick fucks, and yes I was talking about you, you dishonest rodent twat, you are EXACTLY the kind of lying shit-stain who DENIES what is PLAINLY visible on a videotape YOU offer as "evidence" of your false claim. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Try to smarten up for one moment of your worthless life, scumbag.

When you falsely CLAIM that Bldg 7 went "straight down," you imbecile, you post a video image that shows that part of the building (the penthouse section) CLEARLY started to go down BEFORE the first trace of a hint of a collapse of the main portion of the building.

What this MEANS, you bald-faced liar, is that YOUR sub-moronic CONTENTION translates as follows: "if you discount the part that proves me wrong, this video substantiates my idiotic position!" :cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

You couldn't have done a better job proving yourself to be valueless in terms of an honest discussion on this topic even if you were a founding member of a debwunker group!

See? I can even use your imbecile ghey jargon, shit bird.

Are you lying twats actually saying that the building did not collapse in a straight down manner???Are you fuckwads really this purposefully blind?? Look at the fucking thing assholes!!
Do you see it fall to one side? You know the side that is supposed to have all this fire induced "thermal expansion" No you clearly don't.

You just don't want to understand how absurd your explanation , or lack of one really is..Listen-
While heat does indeed expand steel and concrete, the primary method for deducing that the heat generated in WTC 7 was enough to “damage the floor framing on multiple floors” was based on model simulations where inputs could be easily “tweaked” to produce the desired results.
Is there any physical evidence of the steel from WTC 7 to corroborate this model? Nope.
Equally important, did NIST conduct any laboratory analysis, with a full scale beam–column set up in a furnace in an effort to replicate the simulation results? Nope.
Since the model input can significantly affect the output and the conclusions are so remarkable, and since it the first time in history that a building globally collapsed allegedly due to “thermal expansion”, a full scale fire test simulation should have been done, in fact they still could do it.

Because the temperatures did not last for the minimum time necessary to generate the heat on the beam–column system for them to predict that thermal expansion could have occurred, no physical evidence was found indicating beam joint failures, no testing was done to confirm this, and the fact that thermal expansion never caused a global collapse on any steel structure, it is very highly unlikely that thermal expansion could possibly be the real cause of the structures total straight down global collapse.

Do you assholes even know that thermal expansion of floor beams breaking its beam seat connection and then causing a global collapse has never happened before, and very highly unlikely? Structural engineers do not even design connections for lateral forces from thermal expansion because it is so rare. No structure before or after 9/11 has ever globally failed due to “thermal expansion” and it’s very doubtful if it was the cause of the collapse of WTC 7.
And BTW- Thermal expansion for a 53 foot beam with a delta “T” of 654 F (752 – body temp) is less then 2.7 inches. But you ignorant fucks believe what you want to.

Other pages in NCSTAR 1-9 indicate sag in the floor system due to the heat. (NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 1 Chapter 8, Page 323: “Elevated temperatures in the floor elements led to thermal expansion, with or without thermal weakening and sagging".
This "sagging" The sagging effect is also indicated graphically in NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 2 Page 56.

But guess what? Any sag effects need to be subtracted from the lengthening effects of "thermal expansion". Also, any warping of the flange or web will also consume some distance and must be subtracted from any elongation and assumed forces of the thermal expansion.
NIST is claiming that girders basically just “walked off” their beam seats at the major connections with Column 79 and a few others. But the elongation from thermal expansion, even if the sagging effects are ignored, is only a couple of inches at most, yet the beam seats are longer. How can the girders “walk off” their beam seats if the seats are longer then the possible expansion?

You assholes come on here, and all you do is ridicule and make asses of yourselves, instead of being seriously interested in the facts, and what NIST is pulling over your stupid ass faces.
Posting ridiculous pictures of twisted railroad tracks, and going on about structural support, never stopping to think that a rigid part of a structure will fucking resist coming straight fucking down while being pulled by the part that is under attack!
You fucks are so willfully blinded that you actually DENY a video that shows you the straight down collapse of WTC 7!

Steel structure beam to beam, or beam to column connections have been riveted, bolted, welded or a combination thereof for over a hundred fucking years! With no significant “thermal expansion” sheering problems during much hotter fires that lasted a hell of a lot longer, which is one reason it’s simply not necessary to include in any structural design analysis, it just has NEVER happened, let alone to 3 buildings in 1 damed day!

Because no steel structure has ever failed globally due to fire, and this fire was a cool office fire, and in sporadic locations, when compared to historical fires, the suggestion that thermal expansion of the floor beam system was the trigger for global collapse is highly improbable and definitely should not be considered the leading theory for the collapses, given the overwhelming evidence for a hypothetical blast scenario.

But you stupid fucks can not even bring yourselves to admit what the video of the collapse shows you..which is a straight down, vertical collapse of 47 stories!!

Hey fuck brain. YOU are the lying diseased twat. And yes, you ARE lying by claiming that the building went straight down. You fucking cock scraper. The penthouse area went first. Then the rest of the building came down. Thus, your lie is flatly exposed, you scumbag obvious lying rodent twat.

When the building went down, gravity took it DOWN. That happens more or less in a straight line in ALL cases, you fucking idiot.

It offers no proof of any kind whatsofucking ever of anything supportive of your mutant and absurd conspiracy theory.

You keep trying. You keep lying. You keep failing.

You are a scumbag rancid piece or rat twat. Since you are so far beyond stupid, it is not surprising that you fail to grasp how badly you have failed to persuade any thinking person of anything. You are that stupid.

Speaking of sick fucks, and yes I was talking about you, you dishonest rodent twat, you are EXACTLY the kind of lying shit-stain who DENIES what is PLAINLY visible on a videotape YOU offer as "evidence" of your false claim. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Try to smarten up for one moment of your worthless life, scumbag.

When you falsely CLAIM that Bldg 7 went "straight down," you imbecile, you post a video image that shows that part of the building (the penthouse section) CLEARLY started to go down BEFORE the first trace of a hint of a collapse of the main portion of the building.

What this MEANS, you bald-faced liar, is that YOUR sub-moronic CONTENTION translates as follows: "if you discount the part that proves me wrong, this video substantiates my idiotic position!" :cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

You couldn't have done a better job proving yourself to be valueless in terms of an honest discussion on this topic even if you were a founding member of a debwunker group!

See? I can even use your imbecile ghey jargon, shit bird.

Are you lying twats actually saying that the building did not collapse in a straight down manner???Are you fuckwads really this purposefully blind?? Look at the fucking thing assholes!!
Do you see it fall to one side? You know the side that is supposed to have all this fire induced "thermal expansion" No you clearly don't.

You just don't want to understand how absurd your explanation , or lack of one really is..Listen-
While heat does indeed expand steel and concrete, the primary method for deducing that the heat generated in WTC 7 was enough to “damage the floor framing on multiple floors” was based on model simulations where inputs could be easily “tweaked” to produce the desired results.
Is there any physical evidence of the steel from WTC 7 to corroborate this model? Nope.
Equally important, did NIST conduct any laboratory analysis, with a full scale beam–column set up in a furnace in an effort to replicate the simulation results? Nope.
Since the model input can significantly affect the output and the conclusions are so remarkable, and since it the first time in history that a building globally collapsed allegedly due to “thermal expansion”, a full scale fire test simulation should have been done, in fact they still could do it.

Because the temperatures did not last for the minimum time necessary to generate the heat on the beam–column system for them to predict that thermal expansion could have occurred, no physical evidence was found indicating beam joint failures, no testing was done to confirm this, and the fact that thermal expansion never caused a global collapse on any steel structure, it is very highly unlikely that thermal expansion could possibly be the real cause of the structures total straight down global collapse.

Do you assholes even know that thermal expansion of floor beams breaking its beam seat connection and then causing a global collapse has never happened before, and very highly unlikely? Structural engineers do not even design connections for lateral forces from thermal expansion because it is so rare. No structure before or after 9/11 has ever globally failed due to “thermal expansion” and it’s very doubtful if it was the cause of the collapse of WTC 7.
And BTW- Thermal expansion for a 53 foot beam with a delta “T” of 654 F (752 – body temp) is less then 2.7 inches. But you ignorant fucks believe what you want to.

Other pages in NCSTAR 1-9 indicate sag in the floor system due to the heat. (NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 1 Chapter 8, Page 323: “Elevated temperatures in the floor elements led to thermal expansion, with or without thermal weakening and sagging".
This "sagging" The sagging effect is also indicated graphically in NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 2 Page 56.

But guess what? Any sag effects need to be subtracted from the lengthening effects of "thermal expansion". Also, any warping of the flange or web will also consume some distance and must be subtracted from any elongation and assumed forces of the thermal expansion.
NIST is claiming that girders basically just “walked off” their beam seats at the major connections with Column 79 and a few others. But the elongation from thermal expansion, even if the sagging effects are ignored, is only a couple of inches at most, yet the beam seats are longer. How can the girders “walk off” their beam seats if the seats are longer then the possible expansion?

You assholes come on here, and all you do is ridicule and make asses of yourselves, instead of being seriously interested in the facts, and what NIST is pulling over your stupid ass faces.
Posting ridiculous pictures of twisted railroad tracks, and going on about structural support, never stopping to think that a rigid part of a structure will fucking resist coming straight fucking down while being pulled by the part that is under attack!
You fucks are so willfully blinded that you actually DENY a video that shows you the straight down collapse of WTC 7!

Steel structure beam to beam, or beam to column connections have been riveted, bolted, welded or a combination thereof for over a hundred fucking years! With no significant “thermal expansion” sheering problems during much hotter fires that lasted a hell of a lot longer, which is one reason it’s simply not necessary to include in any structural design analysis, it just has NEVER happened, let alone to 3 buildings in 1 damed day!

Because no steel structure has ever failed globally due to fire, and this fire was a cool office fire, and in sporadic locations, when compared to historical fires, the suggestion that thermal expansion of the floor beam system was the trigger for global collapse is highly improbable and definitely should not be considered the leading theory for the collapses, given the overwhelming evidence for a hypothetical blast scenario.

But you stupid fucks can not even bring yourselves to admit what the video of the collapse shows you..which is a straight down, vertical collapse of 47 stories!!

Hey fuck brain. YOU are the lying diseased twat. And yes, you ARE lying by claiming that the building went straight down. You fucking cock scraper. The penthouse area went first. Then the rest of the building came down. Thus, your lie is flatly exposed, you scumbag obvious lying rodent twat.

When the building went down, gravity took it DOWN. That happens more or less in a straight line in ALL cases, you fucking idiot.

It offers no proof of any kind whatsofucking ever of anything supportive of your mutant and absurd conspiracy theory.

You keep trying. You keep lying. You keep failing.

You are a scumbag rancid piece or rat twat. Since you are so far beyond stupid, it is not surprising that you fail to grasp how badly you have failed to persuade any thinking person of anything. You are that stupid.


blah blah blah blah ! ,blah blah ????
Are you lying twats actually saying that the building did not collapse in a straight down manner???Are you fuckwads really this purposefully blind?? Look at the fucking thing assholes!!
Do you see it fall to one side? You know the side that is supposed to have all this fire induced "thermal expansion" No you clearly don't.

You just don't want to understand how absurd your explanation , or lack of one really is..Listen-
While heat does indeed expand steel and concrete, the primary method for deducing that the heat generated in WTC 7 was enough to “damage the floor framing on multiple floors” was based on model simulations where inputs could be easily “tweaked” to produce the desired results.
Is there any physical evidence of the steel from WTC 7 to corroborate this model? Nope.
Equally important, did NIST conduct any laboratory analysis, with a full scale beam–column set up in a furnace in an effort to replicate the simulation results? Nope.
Since the model input can significantly affect the output and the conclusions are so remarkable, and since it the first time in history that a building globally collapsed allegedly due to “thermal expansion”, a full scale fire test simulation should have been done, in fact they still could do it.

Because the temperatures did not last for the minimum time necessary to generate the heat on the beam–column system for them to predict that thermal expansion could have occurred, no physical evidence was found indicating beam joint failures, no testing was done to confirm this, and the fact that thermal expansion never caused a global collapse on any steel structure, it is very highly unlikely that thermal expansion could possibly be the real cause of the structures total straight down global collapse.

Do you assholes even know that thermal expansion of floor beams breaking its beam seat connection and then causing a global collapse has never happened before, and very highly unlikely? Structural engineers do not even design connections for lateral forces from thermal expansion because it is so rare. No structure before or after 9/11 has ever globally failed due to “thermal expansion” and it’s very doubtful if it was the cause of the collapse of WTC 7.
And BTW- Thermal expansion for a 53 foot beam with a delta “T” of 654 F (752 – body temp) is less then 2.7 inches. But you ignorant fucks believe what you want to.

Other pages in NCSTAR 1-9 indicate sag in the floor system due to the heat. (NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 1 Chapter 8, Page 323: “Elevated temperatures in the floor elements led to thermal expansion, with or without thermal weakening and sagging".
This "sagging" The sagging effect is also indicated graphically in NCSTAR 1-9 Vol. 2 Page 56.

But guess what? Any sag effects need to be subtracted from the lengthening effects of "thermal expansion". Also, any warping of the flange or web will also consume some distance and must be subtracted from any elongation and assumed forces of the thermal expansion.
NIST is claiming that girders basically just “walked off” their beam seats at the major connections with Column 79 and a few others. But the elongation from thermal expansion, even if the sagging effects are ignored, is only a couple of inches at most, yet the beam seats are longer. How can the girders “walk off” their beam seats if the seats are longer then the possible expansion?

You assholes come on here, and all you do is ridicule and make asses of yourselves, instead of being seriously interested in the facts, and what NIST is pulling over your stupid ass faces.
Posting ridiculous pictures of twisted railroad tracks, and going on about structural support, never stopping to think that a rigid part of a structure will fucking resist coming straight fucking down while being pulled by the part that is under attack!
You fucks are so willfully blinded that you actually DENY a video that shows you the straight down collapse of WTC 7!

Steel structure beam to beam, or beam to column connections have been riveted, bolted, welded or a combination thereof for over a hundred fucking years! With no significant “thermal expansion” sheering problems during much hotter fires that lasted a hell of a lot longer, which is one reason it’s simply not necessary to include in any structural design analysis, it just has NEVER happened, let alone to 3 buildings in 1 damed day!

Because no steel structure has ever failed globally due to fire, and this fire was a cool office fire, and in sporadic locations, when compared to historical fires, the suggestion that thermal expansion of the floor beam system was the trigger for global collapse is highly improbable and definitely should not be considered the leading theory for the collapses, given the overwhelming evidence for a hypothetical blast scenario.

But you stupid fucks can not even bring yourselves to admit what the video of the collapse shows you..which is a straight down, vertical collapse of 47 stories!!

Hey fuck brain. YOU are the lying diseased twat. And yes, you ARE lying by claiming that the building went straight down. You fucking cock scraper. The penthouse area went first. Then the rest of the building came down. Thus, your lie is flatly exposed, you scumbag obvious lying rodent twat.

When the building went down, gravity took it DOWN. That happens more or less in a straight line in ALL cases, you fucking idiot.

It offers no proof of any kind whatsofucking ever of anything supportive of your mutant and absurd conspiracy theory.

You keep trying. You keep lying. You keep failing.

You are a scumbag rancid piece or rat twat. Since you are so far beyond stupid, it is not surprising that you fail to grasp how badly you have failed to persuade any thinking person of anything. You are that stupid.


blah blah blah blah ! ,blah blah ????

Sadly, that is about as coherent as id-eots ever gets.

Of course, even when he is trying to use actual words, he just lies. That's no surprise. All 9/11 Troofers lie compulsively. They detest facts and truth. Ironic handle those scumbags use.
The other 2 people would not automatically collapse to the fucking ground you dumbass! They would resist doing so if even for a little while! Perhaps an individual on one side or the other would give out first, and the pipe would tilt in that direction. You make too easy!:lol:

The 3 buildings came straight fucking down as though all the support beams lost their integrity at the same fucking time!!
That is why people with common sense and knowledge started to question the whole collapse scenario.

You dumbass!

Not if the load was too great for two people to handle!!!

What a dipshit. I guess, based on your logic, that being a welder makes you an expert in structural design.


Here you are in this post claiming to have some expert knowledge in the collapse scenario because you worked with piping, does that make you an expert?

Wrong dipshit.

I worked in an engineering firm for many years. Piping design was just ONE of my jobs. I was an on-site construction supervisor for many different steel mill projects INCLUDING blast furnace renovations. I did rolling mill studies. I designed hydraulic systems for casting plants. I did on-site damage assessment for disaster sites including the Shell Oil site in Belpre, OH (Belpre blast alarm ignored says Shell-14/11/1994-ECN) and at the IMC/Angus nitroparaffin plant in Sterlington, LA (Belpre blast alarm ignored says Shell-14/11/1994-ECN). I did design work for the Army Corp of Engineers on the Toole, Utah Chemical Agent Disposal facility (Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). I was a project supervisor for the installation of an Oxygen pipe line in the River Rouge steel mill in Michigan. I've done structural, architectural, and mechanical design. I've done HVAC design.

So yeah, I say I know what I'm talking about.

What have you done?
Again I will ask you, how can the displaced, and sporadic fires in 3 buildings cause the straight down collapse of these 3 buildings? Your explanation suggest that these fires jumped to all the critical load bearing supports, at the exact time, and with the required intensity, to "thermally expand" these huge columns, and beams, and trusses,
to cause all 3 buildings to come down..in the first time in history..in a manner that displayed almost all the traits of a CD!

And this is where your ignorance in the matters of structural design and loads comes into play.

What you fail to understand, as I have told you many times, you you remove/weaken one or more structural components in a STEEL FRAMEWORK (one that is designed to work together as a whole), you start to over-stress the remaining components. Not only does thermal expansion shear bolted connections, put you are weakening the internal steel structure with heat. Not melted, WEAKENING.

You also try and distort the truth about the twin towers. There was structural damage from the planes you moron.
And for you to assume that a mere 1" of expansion will cause the straight down collapse of 3 buildings is just plain fucking lunacy :cuckoo:


You're just too stupid to even BEGIN to understand. If a steel column expands, it will shear the bolted connections thus rendering the structure weaker as a whole. This didn't happen in one spot you fucking imbecile. Not to mention that the heat WEAKENS, not MELTS, steel components. If you put a load on a steel beam, and apply heat, it starts to lose it's ability to support that load. As the temperature climbs, the weaker it gets. You idiots can't seem to grasp that. o talk to a structural engineer and ask about it.

In combustion science, there are three basic types of flames, namely, a jet burner, a pre-mixed flame, and a diffuse flame.
Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types.
If the fuel and the oxidant start at ambient temperature, a maximum flame temperature can be defined. For carbon burning in pure oxygen, the maximum is 3,200°C; for hydrogen it is 2,750°C. Thus, for virtually any hydrocarbons, the maximum flame temperature, starting at ambient temperature and using pure oxygen, is approximately 3,000°C.
This maximum flame temperature is reduced by two-thirds if air is used rather than pure oxygen. The reason is that every molecule of oxygen releases the heat of formation of a molecule of carbon monoxide and a molecule of water. If pure oxygen is used, this heat only needs to heat two molecules (carbon monoxide and water), while with air, these two molecules must be heated plus four molecules of nitrogen. Thus, burning hydrocarbons in air produces only one-third the temperature increase as burning in pure oxygen.
But it is very difficult to reach this maximum temperature with a diffuse flame. There is nothing to ensure that the fuel and air in a diffuse flame are mixed in the best ratio.
Typically, diffuse flames are fuel rich, meaning that the excess fuel molecules, which are unburned, must also be heated. It is known that most diffuse fires are fuel rich because blowing on a campfire or using a blacksmith’s bellows increases the rate of combustion by adding more oxygen. This fuel-rich diffuse flame can drop the temperature by up to a factor of two again. This is why the temperatures in a residential fire are usually in the 500°C to 650°C
It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke.
Factors such as flame volume and quantity of soot decrease the radiative heat loss in the fire, moving the temperature closer to the maximum of 1,000°C. However, it is highly unlikely that the steel at the WTC experienced temperatures above the 750–800°C range.

What a fucking dishonest prick you are! You try and pass off the above paragraph as if YOU wrote it on your own and try to get some credibility for yourself? You disgust me. I KNEW it sounded way more intelligent then you could possibly be on this subject so I searched for a line of text from above. What did I find? You fucking copy and pasted it from another site. Why wasn't it in quotes and why didn't you link the source you dishonest fuckwit?

You've been busted. This is how you assholes operate.

Here is the site you copied it from.
George Washington's Blog: Jet Fuel Made the WTC Fires <i>Cooler</i>

And here is the exact same paragraph from the site.
In combustion science, there are three basic types of flames, namely, a jet burner, a pre-mixed flame, and a diffuse flame. A jet burner generally involves mixing the fuel and the oxidant in nearly stoichiometric proportions and igniting the mixture in a constant-volume chamber. Since the combustion products cannot expand in the constant-volume chamber, they exit the chamber as a very high velocity, fully combusted, jet. This is what occurs in a jet engine, and this is the flame type that generates the most intense heat.

In a pre-mixed flame, the same nearly stoichiometric mixture is ignited as it exits a nozzle, under constant pressure conditions. It does not attain the flame velocities of a jet burner. An oxyacetylene torch or a Bunsen burner is a pre-mixed flame.

In a diffuse flame, the fuel and the oxidant are not mixed before ignition, but flow together in an uncontrolled manner and combust when the fuel/oxidant ratios reach values within the flammable range. A fireplace flame is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire.

Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types.

If the fuel and the oxidant start at ambient temperature, a maximum flame temperature can be defined. For carbon burning in pure oxygen, the maximum is 3,200°C; for hydrogen it is 2,750°C. Thus, for virtually any hydrocarbons, the maximum flame temperature, starting at ambient temperature and using pure oxygen, is approximately 3,000°C.

This maximum flame temperature is reduced by two-thirds if air is used rather than pure oxygen. The reason is that every molecule of oxygen releases the heat of formation of a molecule of carbon monoxide and a molecule of water. If pure oxygen is used, this heat only needs to heat two molecules (carbon monoxide and water), while with air, these two molecules must be heated plus four molecules of nitrogen. Thus, burning hydrocarbons in air produces only one-third the temperature increase as burning in pure oxygen because three times as many molecules must be heated when air is used. The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1,000°C—hardly sufficient to melt steel at 1,500°C.

But it is very difficult to reach this maximum temperature with a diffuse flame. There is nothing to ensure that the fuel and air in a diffuse flame are mixed in the best ratio. Typically, diffuse flames are fuel rich, meaning that the excess fuel molecules, which are unburned, must also be heated. It is known that most diffuse fires are fuel rich because blowing on a campfire or using a blacksmith’s bellows increases the rate of combustion by adding more oxygen. This fuel-rich diffuse flame can drop the temperature by up to a factor of two again. This is why the temperatures in a residential fire are usually in the 500°C to 650°C range. It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke. Soot is generated by incompletely burned fuel; hence, the WTC fire was fuel rich—hardly surprising with 90,000 L of jet fuel available. Factors such as flame volume and quantity of soot decrease the radiative heat loss in the fire, moving the temperature closer to the maximum of 1,000°C. However, it is highly unlikely that the steel at the WTC experienced temperatures above the 750–800°C range."

You dumbass!

Not if the load was too great for two people to handle!!!

What a dipshit. I guess, based on your logic, that being a welder makes you an expert in structural design.


Here you are in this post claiming to have some expert knowledge in the collapse scenario because you worked with piping, does that make you an expert?

Wrong dipshit.

I worked in an engineering firm for many years. Piping design was just ONE of my jobs. I was an on-site construction supervisor for many different steel mill projects INCLUDING blast furnace renovations. I did rolling mill studies. I designed hydraulic systems for casting plants. I did on-site damage assessment for disaster sites including the Shell Oil site in Belpre, OH (Belpre blast alarm ignored says Shell-14/11/1994-ECN) and at the IMC/Angus nitroparaffin plant in Sterlington, LA (Belpre blast alarm ignored says Shell-14/11/1994-ECN). I did design work for the Army Corp of Engineers on the Toole, Utah Chemical Agent Disposal facility (Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). I was a project supervisor for the installation of an Oxygen pipe line in the River Rouge steel mill in Michigan. I've done structural, architectural, and mechanical design. I've done HVAC design.

So yeah, I say I know what I'm talking about.

What have you done?

you are not a engineer

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