Why don't people watch films?

Hi Lucy
I'm glad you watched Vampire over London
I'll start a thread about my country asap promise :)
When did you buy this country?
They are too slow.
Older films tend to be slower and younger people get impatient. Film buffs understand why these films are slow developing. In most of the better older drama, the director is developing his characters so the audience understands the feelings and motives of the characters. In most older dramas, the action is what occurs between the characters. In those days they didn't have special effects, dolby sound or even color so the director had to make his audience feel the hate, love, joy, sorrow of the characters. And that is done by acting, something we don't see a lot of in movies today.
Well I watched this old movie that looked like it would be good. It was like a James Bond but not as much action. Too much slow boring talking scenes. Not enough fighting and interesting things going on. Car chases that went no where. They should have just killed him but for some reason they didn’t. He was an American spy in Germany and everyone seemed to know it. Even the bad guys.

The Quiller Memorandum. Watch it and tell me quinton terrantino wouldn’t have made a much more interesting movie. Well the truth is this is what a lot of movies were like back then. You can make excuses for them but the truth is that was a time when movies weren’t very good.

Like I said in my previous post watch journey to the center of the earth and Indiana Jones and you’ll see how far movies have come even without the special effects Indiana Jones is a much more fast paced action movie. The producers and directors in the past didn’t do a good job.

I know what you’re saying about developing characters and all that but for god sakes speed it up.

And now that I think about it quinton Tarantino tends to let his scenes drag on too but at least you can tell someone’s about to get fucked up. Lol
I saw the movie last year on TV.
The Quiller Memorandum was not a very good movie. It had a simplest plot and for some unknown reasons the director and script writer tried to create a dreamlike atmosphere where the characters were almost speaking in code. I thought it was a boring movie. And yes, just about any director could have made the book which was excellent into a better movie. This was the year the James Bond movie Thunderball came out, a much better action movie but not great.

I think the best action movies of the 60's were
Bonnie and Cylde
The Wild Bunch
Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid
The Dirty Dozen

However, I the best movies of 60's weren't action movies. My favorites were:
The Apartment
To Kill A Mockingbird
Lawrence of Arabia
The Graduate
The Music Man
The Producers
The Heat of the Night
My Fair Lady
Ride the High Country
The Longest Day
A lot of slow movies but I like a lot of them.
They are too slow.
Older films tend to be slower and younger people get impatient. Film buffs understand why these films are slow developing. In most of the better older drama, the director is developing his characters so the audience understands the feelings and motives of the characters. In most older dramas, the action is what occurs between the characters. In those days they didn't have special effects, dolby sound or even color so the director had to make his audience feel the hate, love, joy, sorrow of the characters. And that is done by acting, something we don't see a lot of in movies today.
Well I watched this old movie that looked like it would be good. It was like a James Bond but not as much action. Too much slow boring talking scenes. Not enough fighting and interesting things going on. Car chases that went no where. They should have just killed him but for some reason they didn’t. He was an American spy in Germany and everyone seemed to know it. Even the bad guys.

The Quiller Memorandum. Watch it and tell me quinton terrantino wouldn’t have made a much more interesting movie. Well the truth is this is what a lot of movies were like back then. You can make excuses for them but the truth is that was a time when movies weren’t very good.

Like I said in my previous post watch journey to the center of the earth and Indiana Jones and you’ll see how far movies have come even without the special effects Indiana Jones is a much more fast paced action movie. The producers and directors in the past didn’t do a good job.

I know what you’re saying about developing characters and all that but for god sakes speed it up.

And now that I think about it quinton Tarantino tends to let his scenes drag on too but at least you can tell someone’s about to get fucked up. Lol
I saw the movie last year on TV.
The Quiller Memorandum was not a very good movie. It had a simplest plot and for some unknown reasons the director and script writer tried to create a dreamlike atmosphere where the characters were almost speaking in code. I thought it was a boring movie. And yes, just about any director could have made the book which was excellent into a better movie. This was the year the James Bond movie Thunderball came out, a much better action movie but not great.

I think the best action movies of the 60's were
Bonnie and Cylde
The Wild Bunch
Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid
The Dirty Dozen

However, I the best movies of 60's weren't action movies. My favorites were:
The Apartment
To Kill A Mockingbird
Lawrence of Arabia
The Graduate
The Music Man
The Producers
The Heat of the Night
My Fair Lady
Ride the High Country
The Longest Day
A lot of slow movies but I like a lot of them.
After 70 years years of watching every genre and best films to the worst films, I've found the most rewarding films are those with strong character development. They can be action movies, romances, comedies, or dramas it doesn't matter. What does matter is that the actor creates a three dimensional character with a rich back story, not a cliche, a caricature, or a thin external representation of someone who barely resembles a human being. If the combination of script, direction, and acting create a real person on the screen, the audience will become involved and the movie is much more likely to be successful.
I don't like newer movies, and I don't like CGI, so I watch older movies. I much prefer the actors also. It seems to have become much worse the last ten years as prior, there would at least be one every now and the I liked.
I don't like newer movies, and I don't like CGI, so I watch older movies. I much prefer the actors also. It seems to have become much worse the last ten years as prior, there would at least be one every now and the I liked.
Like me you seem to be out of touch with the younger generation that prefers sex, filth, violence, stupidity, super heroes set in a make believe world of buildings falling, worlds colliding, and battle after battle.

However, there are some really good modern movies with real actors, good scripts, and a story to tell. For example:
The King's Speech
Midnight in Paris
Hidden Figures
The Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
Dances with Wolves
Forrest Gump
As Good as It Gets
Life Is Beautiful
Good Will Hunting
True Lies
Groundhog Day
In the Line of Fire
The Madness of King George

A Few Good Men
The Cider House Rules
Sense and Sensibility

Last edited:
^^^^^I've seen about half of those movies, but many are not that new. For instance, Shawshank Redemption (good movie) was from 1994. That's 25 years ago. I am talking more in the last ten to fifteen years. But, thanks there are several I haven't seen.
I don't like newer movies, and I don't like CGI, so I watch older movies. I much prefer the actors also. It seems to have become much worse the last ten years as prior, there would at least be one every now and the I liked.
Like me you seem to be out of touch with the younger generation that prefers sex, filth, violence, stupidity, super heroes set in a make believe world of buildings falling, worlds colliding, and battle after battle.

However, there are some really good modern movies with real actors, good scripts, and a story to tell. For example:
The King's Speech
Midnight in Paris
Hidden Figures
The Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
Dances with Wolves
Forrest Gump
As Good as It Gets
Life Is Beautiful
Good Will Hunting
True Lies
Groundhog Day
In the Line of Fire
The Madness of King George

A Few Good Men
The Cider House Rules
Sense and Sensibility

Children of Men
They are too slow.
Older films tend to be slower and younger people get impatient. Film buffs understand why these films are slow developing. In most of the better older drama, the director is developing his characters so the audience understands the feelings and motives of the characters. In most older dramas, the action is what occurs between the characters. In those days they didn't have special effects, dolby sound or even color so the director had to make his audience feel the hate, love, joy, sorrow of the characters. And that is done by acting, something we don't see a lot of in movies today.
Well I watched this old movie that looked like it would be good. It was like a James Bond but not as much action. Too much slow boring talking scenes. Not enough fighting and interesting things going on. Car chases that went no where. They should have just killed him but for some reason they didn’t. He was an American spy in Germany and everyone seemed to know it. Even the bad guys.

The Quiller Memorandum. Watch it and tell me quinton terrantino wouldn’t have made a much more interesting movie. Well the truth is this is what a lot of movies were like back then. You can make excuses for them but the truth is that was a time when movies weren’t very good.

Like I said in my previous post watch journey to the center of the earth and Indiana Jones and you’ll see how far movies have come even without the special effects Indiana Jones is a much more fast paced action movie. The producers and directors in the past didn’t do a good job.

I know what you’re saying about developing characters and all that but for god sakes speed it up.

And now that I think about it quinton Tarantino tends to let his scenes drag on too but at least you can tell someone’s about to get fucked up. Lol
I saw the movie last year on TV.
The Quiller Memorandum was not a very good movie. It had a simplest plot and for some unknown reasons the director and script writer tried to create a dreamlike atmosphere where the characters were almost speaking in code. I thought it was a boring movie. And yes, just about any director could have made the book which was excellent into a better movie. This was the year the James Bond movie Thunderball came out, a much better action movie but not great.

I think the best action movies of the 60's were
Bonnie and Cylde
The Wild Bunch
Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid
The Dirty Dozen

However, I the best movies of 60's weren't action movies. My favorites were:
The Apartment
To Kill A Mockingbird
Lawrence of Arabia
The Graduate
The Music Man
The Producers
The Heat of the Night
My Fair Lady
Ride the High Country
The Longest Day
A lot of slow movies but I like a lot of them.
After 70 years years of watching every genre and best films to the worst films, I've found the most rewarding films are those with strong character development. They can be action movies, romances, comedies, or dramas it doesn't matter. What does matter is that the actor creates a three dimensional character with a rich back story, not a cliche, a caricature, or a thin external representation of someone who barely resembles a human being. If the combination of script, direction, and acting create a real person on the screen, the audience will become involved and the movie is much more likely to be successful.
Since having this conversation I’ve taped a bunch of old movies. Movies I wouldn’t have watched otherwise. There was a Charlton Heston marathon. Besides the Ten Commandments and Ben hur I’m not a fan. But those movies were good. All the other movies were too slow and boring. And those movies illustrate just how one dimensional of an actor he was. People loved him and he was a big star but I just don’t like his stuff overall including planet of the apes. Too slow and cheesy. Could have been much better. That’s not his fault though so I’m not knocking his acting I’m knocking his movies.

I’m watching a Humphrey bogart movie the treasure of the Sierra madre. Searching for gold in the Mexican mountains. Great movie so far. I’ve seen him in other movies I like his stuff but I need to see more. It really depends on the plot. I don’t want to see him in a love story with Lauren Bacall. Boring. I remember liking the African queen with Katherine Hepburn because of the setting. Casablanca I remember as being boring but maybe I’d like it now.

I’m looking over his movies. I want to see a few of them. Beat the devil, dark passage, the Caine mutiny. Are these good movies?
Stand By Me is one all Americans should see.

Also: To Kill a Mockingbird.
Because of development a lot of kids don’t remember america like stand by me. I grew up in a place like stand by me with woods and train tracks. Out in the country. Wonderful
Stand By Me is one all Americans should see.

Also: To Kill a Mockingbird.



Sargeant York and Yankee Doodle Dandy. :funnyface:

Keep trying...

GFY! Jerry Lewis for you! Just because you're being an asshat.

Full metal jacket. Great movie. It’s almost like two movies. On in basic training then one fighting the Vietnam Kong.

Me ruv you rong time. Lol too bookoo

Reminds me of stripes. First basic training then the war.
Older films tend to be slower and younger people get impatient. Film buffs understand why these films are slow developing. In most of the better older drama, the director is developing his characters so the audience understands the feelings and motives of the characters. In most older dramas, the action is what occurs between the characters. In those days they didn't have special effects, dolby sound or even color so the director had to make his audience feel the hate, love, joy, sorrow of the characters. And that is done by acting, something we don't see a lot of in movies today.
Well I watched this old movie that looked like it would be good. It was like a James Bond but not as much action. Too much slow boring talking scenes. Not enough fighting and interesting things going on. Car chases that went no where. They should have just killed him but for some reason they didn’t. He was an American spy in Germany and everyone seemed to know it. Even the bad guys.

The Quiller Memorandum. Watch it and tell me quinton terrantino wouldn’t have made a much more interesting movie. Well the truth is this is what a lot of movies were like back then. You can make excuses for them but the truth is that was a time when movies weren’t very good.

Like I said in my previous post watch journey to the center of the earth and Indiana Jones and you’ll see how far movies have come even without the special effects Indiana Jones is a much more fast paced action movie. The producers and directors in the past didn’t do a good job.

I know what you’re saying about developing characters and all that but for god sakes speed it up.

And now that I think about it quinton Tarantino tends to let his scenes drag on too but at least you can tell someone’s about to get fucked up. Lol
I saw the movie last year on TV.
The Quiller Memorandum was not a very good movie. It had a simplest plot and for some unknown reasons the director and script writer tried to create a dreamlike atmosphere where the characters were almost speaking in code. I thought it was a boring movie. And yes, just about any director could have made the book which was excellent into a better movie. This was the year the James Bond movie Thunderball came out, a much better action movie but not great.

I think the best action movies of the 60's were
Bonnie and Cylde
The Wild Bunch
Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid
The Dirty Dozen

However, I the best movies of 60's weren't action movies. My favorites were:
The Apartment
To Kill A Mockingbird
Lawrence of Arabia
The Graduate
The Music Man
The Producers
The Heat of the Night
My Fair Lady
Ride the High Country
The Longest Day
A lot of slow movies but I like a lot of them.
After 70 years years of watching every genre and best films to the worst films, I've found the most rewarding films are those with strong character development. They can be action movies, romances, comedies, or dramas it doesn't matter. What does matter is that the actor creates a three dimensional character with a rich back story, not a cliche, a caricature, or a thin external representation of someone who barely resembles a human being. If the combination of script, direction, and acting create a real person on the screen, the audience will become involved and the movie is much more likely to be successful.
Since having this conversation I’ve taped a bunch of old movies. Movies I wouldn’t have watched otherwise. There was a Charlton Heston marathon. Besides the Ten Commandments and Ben hur I’m not a fan. But those movies were good. All the other movies were too slow and boring. And those movies illustrate just how one dimensional of an actor he was. People loved him and he was a big star but I just don’t like his stuff overall including planet of the apes. Too slow and cheesy. Could have been much better. That’s not his fault though so I’m not knocking his acting I’m knocking his movies.

I’m watching a Humphrey bogart movie the treasure of the Sierra madre. Searching for gold in the Mexican mountains. Great movie so far. I’ve seen him in other movies I like his stuff but I need to see more. It really depends on the plot. I don’t want to see him in a love story with Lauren Bacall. Boring. I remember liking the African queen with Katherine Hepburn because of the setting. Casablanca I remember as being boring but maybe I’d like it now.

I’m looking over his movies. I want to see a few of them. Beat the devil, dark passage, the Caine mutiny. Are these good movies?

"The African Queen" in my opinion a VERY boring film seen once do not want to watch again.

Re. Humphrey Bogart films I recommend:

"Key Largo" 1948:

Key Largo (film) - Wikipedia

"The Roaring Twenties" 1939:

The Roaring Twenties - Wikipedia

"Angels With Dirty Faces" 1938:

Angels with Dirty Faces - Wikipedia

"High Sierra" 1941:

High Sierra (film) - Wikipedia

"The Maltese Falcon" 1941:

The Maltese Falcon (1941 film) - Wikipedia

"The Two Mrs. Carrolls" 1947:

The Two Mrs. Carrolls - Wikipedia

"Dark Passage" 1947:

Dark Passage (film) - Wikipedia

"Beat The Devil" 1953:

Beat the Devil (film) - Wikipedia

"The Big Sleep" 1946:

The Big Sleep (1946 film) - Wikipedia

"The Enforcer" (sometimes called "Murder Inc.") 1951:

The Enforcer (1951 film) - Wikipedia

"The Harder They Fall" 1956 this Humphrey Bogart's final film, excellent involving gangsters and boxing:

The Harder They Fall - Wikipedia

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