Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

You haven't proven tax receipts went down due to Republican tax cuts. The only thing that has gotten worse is that we continue spending more.
It is democrats who are clueless as the results of tax cuts.
Economists also generally agree that large tax changes can move the economy. For example, tax cuts can temporarily stimulate economic activity by boosting demand. In the longer run, a tax system with low rates and a broad base is more likely to promote prosperity than one with high rates and a narrow base.

Tax Policy Center › briefing-book › what-d...

The only reason why enemy democrats like tax increases is because they think that the wealthy are being punished. Even if the poor see no benefit and the middle class is hurt, democrats will cling to the idea that it takes from the rich and that's enough.
Economists also generally agree that large tax changes can move the economy.
No they don't.
It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

We do...that is why we support them.....the wealth, freedom and prosperity for the entire country because we lower taxes is something we care deeply about........we want our family to spend that money, we don't want to give it to corrupt politicians who steal, waste, and lose it....and use it for themselves and their fat cat buddies........

You, however, don't seem to mind making poor politicians rich over their careers as they use our tax money for their own ends....

Why is that?
Biden attempted to make the child tax credits permanent and pass a new permanent middle class tax cut for BBB but couldn’t get all the democrats on board. That’s definitely more than I can say for Republicans who didn’t even try.

I’m not giving you a link because I already know how your dumbass is going to react. You’re desperately going to ask new questions about it on the spot that you hope I won’t answer while never providing your own sources. You aren’t clever. Your game is just old. You have nothing intellectual to on offer this board.

Look it up yourself. Not only did the 2009 stimulus include a middle class tax cut, but it cut taxes for small businesses.

Biden attempted to make the child tax credits permanent and pass a new permanent middle class tax cut for BBB but couldn’t get all the democrats on board.

Why didn't he make the Trump cuts permanent? He'd have gotten Republican votes for that too.
He could have been a uniter, instead of a divider.

Not only did the 2009 stimulus include a middle class tax cut, but it cut taxes for small businesses.

Tax cut? You mean the temporary $600 credit? Why didn't he permanently cut middle class taxes?

Small business tax cut? You mean allowing 50% first year depreciation? Why didn't he make it 100%, like Trump did?
Biden attempted to make the child tax credits permanent and pass a new permanent middle class tax cut for BBB but couldn’t get all the democrats on board.

Why didn't he make the Trump cuts permanent? He'd have gotten Republican votes for that too.
He could have been a uniter, instead of a divider.

Not only did the 2009 stimulus include a middle class tax cut, but it cut taxes for small businesses.

Tax cut? You mean the temporary $600 credit? Why didn't he permanently cut middle class taxes?

Small business tax cut? You mean allowing 50% first year depreciation? Why didn't he make it 100%, like Trump did?

Cause they don't want you keeping the money you earn........that allows you to do dumb things like whatever you want that they don't want you to do........so the less you have, the more they like it.....
It is democrats who are clueless as the results of tax cuts.
Economists also generally agree that large tax changes can move the economy. For example, tax cuts can temporarily stimulate economic activity by boosting demand. In the longer run, a tax system with low rates and a broad base is more likely to promote prosperity than one with high rates and a narrow base.

Tax Policy Center › briefing-book › what-d...

The only reason why enemy democrats like tax increases is because they think that the wealthy are being punished. Even if the poor see no benefit and the middle class is hurt, democrats will cling to the idea that it takes from the rich and that's enough.
As far as boosting demand, this ONLY happens in the poor and middle class. It doesn’t boost demand for top earners.
It’s a pretty basic concept. If spending is not adequately cut and taxes are cut (something republicans do), this means that there is less revenue to pay for spending. If bewilders me how republicans think you can cut taxes and think it doesn’t have consequences. We know it has consequences because the deficit blew up under Trump.

Oh and news flash: trickle down economics is not a real thing. Why would corporations bother investing in labor when it is easier for them to just keep the huge amount of money they save from tax cuts? After all their profits are already at an all time high.

Moderate tax cuts usually do not reduce income to the federal spending monster

Its the ever growing spending thats the problem
Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;



Please f yourself.

President proposes...
Moderate tax cuts usually do not reduce income to the federal spending monster

Its the ever growing spending thats the problem

Imagine you have an accountant you hand your money to........to take care of your daily needs....and you find out he not only stole huge parts of that money, but he lost lots of it, and invested it in things that lost money.....and he has put you in debt....

According to democrats and other leftists.....this means you have to give that accountant even more money in order to pay for the losses and cover the things he was supposed to spend the money on.....and if you don't, you are the bad guy, not the idiot who took your money....

That is the logic they use....
Don't be shy...use the whole word.....

Thomas Sowell.....Walter Willaims.....Ludwig von Mises.....Friedrich Bastiat......Milton Friedman.......right off the top of my head.......
Only 2 of whom are alive.

At least one, just barely.

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