Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

We know you did, a real shitty one....And you swallowed their Keynesian crapola like it was ambrosia.

A fucking idiot savant if there ever was one.
Do they teach higher revenues cause bigger deficits in any college? Even one that would let the Simp Horsesass in?
Do they teach higher revenues cause bigger deficits in any college? Even one that would let the Simp Horsesass in?
What he's doing is what all disingenuous moonbat turds do, in pointing to the short-term downturn in revenues while ignoring the increases that occur when economic activity picks up, with more resources left in the hands of those who earned them.

Not that I'm any fan at all of The State having more money to piss away.
Can you figure out why what you "know" is at odds with the facts?
Your "facts" are always cherry picked for maximum leftoid hack effect.

Seriously, your economic "knowledge" is on a par with another Keynesian idiot savant, who has claimed that the WTC collapses were economic stimulus, and that an alien invasion would be a boon to the economy.

Just give it up.
How would anyone get you to stop voting for big spenders who pledge to smite libs?
Your "facts" are always cherry picked for maximum leftoid hack effect.

Seriously, your economic "knowledge" is on a par with another Keynesian idiot savant, who has claimed that the WTC collapses were economic stimulus, and that an alien invasion would be a boon to the economy.

Just give it up.
If you won't even try to compete in the marketplace of facts, there isn't much for us to share.
Your "facts" are always cherry picked for maximum leftoid hack effect.

Seriously, your economic "knowledge" is on a par with another Keynesian idiot savant, who has claimed that the WTC collapses were economic stimulus, and that an alien invasion would be a boon to the economy.

Just give it up.
This from a proponent of voodoo economics
This from a proponent of voodoo economics

I don't GAF about increasing revenues to The State...The income tax is straight-up theft, and we'd all be better off without it altogether....The problem continues to be, and always has been, profligate spending.

So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

I don't GAF about increasing revenues to The State...The income tax is straight-up theft, and we'd all be better off without it altogether....The problem continues to be, and always has been, profligate spending.

So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.
So how do you plan to pay for stuff?

You don't?

You're nuts.

Voodoo economics would be a step UP for you.

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