Why Don't the Democrats Discuss Obama's Policies?


Please re-read this thread. GT has been kind enough to spend some time trying to reason with you and discuss the issues in a respectful manner.

Learn something. Please. The country needs you people to fucking learn something.
I suggest that you read what I've posted and then you can actual say that you have learned a lesson today. GT has given his point of view and I gave mine. We both dicussed in a respectful manner, LL. You need to bone up on your messiah and at least admit he is nothing like the person you voted for.
It's an election year and it seems all the democrats want to discuss is contrived "Dog and Pony Shows". This is a serious election, and Obama's policies are off the table.
I would like to see the left defend what Obama's accomplishments have been, both the good and the bad.

They are not talking about Obama's record because he can be attacked there.
The left's plan is to talk about abortion,women's rights,the war on women,birth control,
gay pride,gays in the military,gays on parade,gays on a Saturday night,rape,abortion.

And the media is lockstep with them and the subject never changes to this countries
future and who would be better to lead us.

Then we have this dumb ass Republican AHole who comes along and gives the Democrat
party another week of headlines.

Did anyone check this dumbass to make sure he is not a Democrat plant.??? :mad:
We barely survived Bush. Obama is better. Romney/Ryan too radical and scary.

We are currently living Obama policies. I don't want to live Romney/Ryan policies - whatever they are at the moment.

Sure, Bush fucked up, but it was because of policies that favored people that couldn't pay and trying to stop all failures. Our economic system can't work as long as the government wants to stick its ugly neck into it. It has never worked.

Businesses fail if their idea's don't work.

Capitalism works best when market forces rule it. Government try's to do something then it throws it out of wack.
It's an election year and it seems all the democrats want to discuss is contrived "Dog and Pony Shows". This is a serious election, and Obama's policies are off the table.
I would like to see the left defend what Obama's accomplishments have been, both the good and the bad.

They are not talking about Obama's record because he can be attacked there.
The left's plan is to talk about abortion,women's rights,the war on women,birth control,
gay pride,gays in the military,gays on parade,gays on a Saturday night,rape,abortion.

And the media is lockstep with them and the subject never changes to this countries
future and who would be better to lead us.

Then we have this dumb ass Republican AHole who comes along and gives the Democrat
party another week of headlines.

Did anyone check this dumbass to make sure he is not a Democrat plant.??? :mad:

It's all greed for power over the future of our country. Disgusting.
The economy was shedding 800,00 jobs per month when he took office. It has created 4.5M private sector jobs in the past 3 years.

The economy was an annualized 9% of its income when Obama took office. It has since been growing for 12 straight quarters.

The President stuck to his promise and timeline in Iraq and to his promise (with a delay due to the situation on the ground) in Afghanistan.

The President ordered the death of OBL. On the other hand, GITMO is still open.

The President rescinded DADT.

The President quit defending DOMA and took steps towards recognizing all marriages.

The President passed the most significant health care reform package since LBJ and significant, if watered-down, financial reform.

Well let's see
Bush got the master mind behind 9/11 and all key figures that coordinated the attack. and Bin Ladin wasn't wanted by the FBI for the attacks on 9/11.
DADT exactly how does that change the unemployment numbers?

The economy was an annualized 9% of its income when Obama took office. It has since been growing for 12 straight quarters.

42 straight months of unemployment above 8%

The President passed the most significant health care reform package since LBJ and significant, if watered-down, financial reform.
Unwanted by majority of Americans.

The President stuck to his promise and timeline in Iraq and to his promise (with a delay due to the situation on the ground) in Afghanistan.
Bush plan

Now let's see Here's a short list
obama signed the ndaa indefinite detention clause
Gave aid to America's enemy in libya
by passed congress on many issues
Losing America's money on failed green energy
Still controls GM
Ended Due process
Record number of Americans on food stamps.
Gitmo still opened


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQFEY9RIRJA]Cricket Chirping - YouTube[/ame]
It's an election year and it seems all the democrats want to discuss is contrived "Dog and Pony Shows". This is a serious election, and Obama's policies are off the table.
I would like to see the left defend what Obama's accomplishments have been, both the good and the bad.

The answer is obvious....


  • $obama crystal ball.jpg
    $obama crystal ball.jpg
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I'm mad as hell that I'm out of rep...off to slumber now.

Great thread Meister, you troll...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tJXjt5D4zY&feature=related]ill never smoke weed with willie again. - YouTube[/ame]

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