Why Don't the Democrats Discuss Obama's Policies?

They CAN'T........

IMO the O and his "policies" have left the Dem party in shambles and shock.

Our Congress has been so quiet, one must wonder whether both parties have formed an agreement to just lay low until after the election.

My guess is that the relationship between the O and the other Dem members of Congress went south a long time ago and I would also guess that despite whatever efforts they made to make this campaign competitive, I think they know they are going to lose.

I just hope like hell when this is all over, cooler heads will prevail and we can begin to get this country back on track.

They've just added Sandra Fluke as a speaker at their convention to talk up the "war on women." Pure dog and pony.
It's an election year and it seems all the democrats want to discuss is contrived "Dog and Pony Shows". This is a serious election, and Obama's policies are off the table.
I would like to see the left defend what Obama's accomplishments have been, both the good and the bad.

Arent they still under orders to not discuss accomplishments.

They were ordered to do so in 2010, I dont recall the order being rescinded.
Nobody want to discuss 4 years of abject failure... that's why they're fixated on tax returns, gay marriage and Ann Romney's horse.
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obama's policies created more jobs than under Bush, because 8.3 unemployment is a lower rate than 4.9 unemployment.
Many liberals are too stupid to know his policies or don't want to openly talk about them.

They like the utopian view of Obamacare but have no clue how much it costs and how many jobs it has costed too.

They like the utopian "be friendlier" with foreign policy idea, but can't identify if it works or how it works.

They like the green energy scams to save the planet, but can't talk about the energy output and costs of these bogus plans/companies.
Why? Because when talking to Republicans facts don't matter. All that matters to them is the noise coming out of their echo chamber. Any variance from that noise is met with a wide range of mostly insults and lies.

Oh please Queenie.................

Did you want to discuss the two thousand felonies committed by Obamas FBI.

We dont stop there either.

Look, an insult and a lie.

It's an election year and it seems all the democrats want to discuss is contrived "Dog and Pony Shows". This is a serious election, and Obama's policies are off the table.
I would like to see the left defend what Obama's accomplishments have been, both the good and the bad.

Instead of starting a troll thread about this why didn't you just start thread on whatever aspect of Obama's policy you wanted to talk about and go from there?
We barely survived Bush. Obama is better. Romney/Ryan too radical and scary.

We are currently living Obama policies. I don't want to live Romney/Ryan policies - whatever they are at the moment.
Why? Because when talking to Republicans facts don't matter. All that matters to them is the noise coming out of their echo chamber. Any variance from that noise is met with a wide range of mostly insults and lies.

Oh please Queenie.................

Did you want to discuss the two thousand felonies committed by Obamas FBI.

We dont stop there either.

if they were guilty of anything, i'm sure the house would have drafted articles of impeachment already.

so just more sound and fury signifying nothing from the obama deranged.
It's an election year and it seems all the democrats want to discuss is contrived "Dog and Pony Shows". This is a serious election, and Obama's policies are off the table.
I would like to see the left defend what Obama's accomplishments have been, both the good and the bad.

Serious election? Are you fucking kidding me?

Who cares if the "Democrats won't discuss their policies?" ... oh boo-hoo those meanies won't talk ... oh no! ..

There's no difference between the two. One starves the Treasury, the other drains it.

Same result.

Same disaster.
Obama hasn't been able to pass anything since 2/2010. This is the Pub mindless obstruction and fear mongering economy. Thank God the stimulus was passed.

Thanks for the SECOND Pub Great World Depression, moron dupes.

Francodouche, how many bills has drooling Harry allowed up for a vote? There's your obstruction.
We barely survived Bush. Obama is better. Romney/Ryan too radical and scary.

We are currently living Obama policies. I don't want to live Romney/Ryan policies - whatever they are at the moment.

Radical and scary, huh?
Like trying to balance an actual budget?
Like trying to reduce unemployment and reduce the deficit?

yeah, to a far leftwinger, that would sound radical and scary.....I see your point now.
We barely survived Bush. Obama is better. Romney/Ryan too radical and scary.

We are currently living Obama policies. I don't want to live Romney/Ryan policies - whatever they are at the moment.

Radical and scary, huh?
Like trying to balance an actual budget?
Like trying to reduce unemployment and reduce the deficit?

yeah, to a far leftwinger, that would sound radical and scary.....I see your point now.

Lakhota.....simple caveman poster......he no grok budget......he no grok reduce deficit. Lahkota.....simple caveman poster......fear thing he no grok.
I guess that is what needs to be said when the president didn't have his eye on the ball for the first two years of his presidency. His policies toward corporations, small businesses, energy and Obamacare was a downer for any type of serious recovery. just sayin....

Except they weren't, as evidenced by Corporate profits being at an *all time high.

Tell us again how Corporations are doing better than ever, in history, and at the same time Obama is some big drag on their success.....

These platitudes you just typed, which are without merit, are exactly why "fuck it" comes to mind when considering putting any time or effort into a discussion of any issues.

You contribute to the same ole' same ole' partisan rhetoric, then make a thread like this wondering why nobody wants to have a serious discussion.

And let me post-face (as opposed to preface, if you will) this by saying - - - Democrat partisans are also playing these corny little games, too.

Really? The first year and half was hammering down his healthcare bill, GT. Nothing serious was being dealt with regarding the economy. Perception has kept the money tight with corporations, small businesses....the unknown will do that, deny that all you want. Energy? For crying out loud, he stated that the coal industry is going to pay dearly.
Oil exploration was hurt with the BP spill and limited in the Gulf, while we send money over to Brazil for their oil exploration in the Gulf. What kind of messages are being sent?

The ACA is a MAJOR building block to a thriving economy. Damn it all......why can't you nutters see connections?
Except they weren't, as evidenced by Corporate profits being at an *all time high.

Tell us again how Corporations are doing better than ever, in history, and at the same time Obama is some big drag on their success.....

These platitudes you just typed, which are without merit, are exactly why "fuck it" comes to mind when considering putting any time or effort into a discussion of any issues.

You contribute to the same ole' same ole' partisan rhetoric, then make a thread like this wondering why nobody wants to have a serious discussion.

And let me post-face (as opposed to preface, if you will) this by saying - - - Democrat partisans are also playing these corny little games, too.

Really? The first year and half was hammering down his healthcare bill, GT. Nothing serious was being dealt with regarding the economy. Perception has kept the money tight with corporations, small businesses....the unknown will do that, deny that all you want. Energy? For crying out loud, he stated that the coal industry is going to pay dearly.
Oil exploration was hurt with the BP spill and limited in the Gulf, while we send money over to Brazil for their oil exploration in the Gulf. What kind of messages are being sent?

The ACA is a MAJOR building block to a thriving economy. Damn it all......why can't you nutters see connections?

Maybe those connections can only be seen through rose colored glasses?

Please re-read this thread. GT has been kind enough to spend some time trying to reason with you and discuss the issues in a respectful manner.

Learn something. Please. The country needs you people to fucking learn something.

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