Why don't you dumbass liberals WAIT until Trump actually takes office before you say he's reneging

You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.
Not that I wouldn't like to have a spree involving crimes, but I have yet to do it...
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

No I don't do those things.

When Trump makes statements that indicate he may be 'reneging' why should people ignore them?
Why wait, When he himself has already said he isn't building a wall he isn't repealing Obamacare. And he clearly isn't draining the swamp with all the establishment choices he is making for transition team and his cabinet. Republicans got conned.

Quit begging. It doesn't look good on you.

What part of that was begging? You apparently don't grasp the English language if you thought any of that was begging.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

Yes the far left has embraced fascism!

Proving that the true fascist are the far left.
Yesterday Trump took a phrase he said a zillion times to cheering crowds, "Repeal and Replace", and changed it to "Amend, Repeal or Replace", and no amount of spin or attacks or personal insults can change that fact.

He's not even in office yet.

His fans had better do their stretching now, some serious contorting is clearly on the way.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.
First of all, you are saying everyone who is against Trump believes in vandalism and destroying property.

Second, Trump is the only one I've seen call for assassination.

Third, why are you so opposed to people using their freedom of speech? Does it scare you?
Your deflection is pathetic.
Fail. I've nailed you Dumbfucks to the wall with this thread so flail away with more retarded accusations.....please
Your dumbass couldn't explain WHY Trump is a better candidate than Hillary and you know it.

Ask me ---- i'll be happy to answer the question.
Do it. Explain what makes Trump a good president elect and compare him to Hillary. When bringing up all the bad qualities of Hillary, explain why Trump doesn't have them. Explain what makes him different.

You needn't worry about me addressing Hillary - 1) she's irrelevant, and 2) I don't want to get my keyboard dirty.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, proposes to create policies that 1) create jobs, 2) increase security, 3) enhance the military, 4) get the immigration problem under control, 5) address education inequities, 6) revamp healthcare, and 7) stop the massive onslaught of government intrusion into our personal lives.

Frankly, if he accomplishes one of those - any one of those - he will be a resounding success.

Now, as for his personal attributes - Trump is a businessman. As such, he has run large companies with a focus on enhanced profitability, a decidedly lacking attribute in our government. He understands completing projects on time and under budget. Clearly, he understands how to use the government morass to his advantage, and understands how to manipulate his way thru the swamp. The character assassination by the leftist propaganda machine notwithstanding (have you noticed how those women who accused him of sexually assaulting him disappeared after he threatened to sue?), you cannot be a successful businessman if you are not a man of honor and honesty. It just won't work. His charitable activities are above reproach - most of which are done without fanfare or hoopla).

But ... his best attribute??? He is NOT Hillary Clinton and he is NOT Barack Obama. You may not like what he has to say, but you can be damn sure what he says is what he means.
Mainly because the GOP would obstruct anything they tried....now Trump will do what they wanted to do with GOP and Dem help. See fix O-Care, legalize pot, fix immigration, etc etc- And of course give himself a big tax cut...
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

No. I didn't.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.
I don't give a fucking shit that Hillary isn't president. I care that Trump is. You dumbasses royally fucked up and you will figure that out in less than a year's time.

No. You dumbasses royally fucked up and you had better figure that out real quick.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

It's only retarded to racists such as yourself. I don't give a fuck whether he's taken office yet or not. I don't want a racist and misogynist bully like Trump to be president. You have no moral decency, so it obviously doesn't matter to you.

Now be a good little liberal and learn when to STFU.
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Why don't you dumbass liberals WAIT until Trump actually takes office before you say he's reneging

Because they are racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, seditious, treasonous, flag-burning anarchists, as seen by their own actions.
This is what happens when you reward tantrum throwing crybabies participation trophies.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

It's only retarded to racists such as yourself. I don't give a fuck whether he's taken office yet or not. I don't want a racist and misogynist bully like Trump to be president. You have no moral decency, so it obviously doesn't matter to you.

Right now, voters are protesting I am mad as hell and letting off steam

The real protests will come later
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

It's only retarded to racists such as yourself. I don't give a fuck whether he's taken office yet or not. I don't want a racist and misogynist bully like Trump to be president. You have no moral decency, so it obviously doesn't matter to you.
Racist? That's all you got? You're an idiot.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.
I don't give a fucking shit that Hillary isn't president. I care that Trump is. You dumbasses royally fucked up and you will figure that out in less than a year's time.
No, that's been the problem for the past eight years.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.



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