Why Egypt Closed The Gaza Border

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― Albert Einstein

Most Respectfully,

Einstein thought it was a huge mistake for Zionist to move to Palestine and he was right.

How many times have Jews went back to Palestine only to leave again. How many times is that temple going to be rebuilt? (the one King Darius I and Herod paid for?)

Einstein was right.
Can you imagine the the Egyptian death toll if Egypt ever opens the Gaza border with Hamas as the duly elected government of the Palestinian people themselves? Oh wait I forgot, the Palestinians & their supporters claim they need the border open for basic survival needs & medical treatment of the noble peace loving Palestinians who elected Hamas to govern them.

Egypt shuts border with Gaza, thwarts bid to smuggle rockets into Sinai | The Times of Israel
This is from your link.

Egypt closed the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip on Friday, preventing ambulances and passenger buses from leaving.
Does it make you happy people can't get the healthcare they need, as a result of your vicious and inhuman attacks?

Nothing to do with hamas then stealing the medical supplies in the first place, then using the hospitals as rocket launch pads hoping no one will notice. Considering how much gaza gets in UN aid and charity and the fact that Israel built them modern hospitals in the 1970's why do they need to migrate to other nations for medical care. Nothing to do with Israel defending themselves from attacks, but all to do with the way hamas is treating the people of gaza.

But you are blinded to the truth by your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED, what happened did some nice Jewish girl turn you down and laugh in your face. Or was it a Jewish boy ?

Oh I knew this would happen the name calling , Nazi anti semitic , oh it gets old.

I still say the 3 teens were a false flag done by Israel, they might even still be alive, but I think they were sacrifices for the "cause". I say that because they were found (right) 18 days later with no worms or maggots after laying for 18 days in over 100 degree heat. Also they had talked about a bill for exchanging prisoners for kidnapped victims 10 days before. Its obvious this was the work of Israel to find a reason to enter Gaza and piss Hamas off to fire. So obvious.
I'm glad you got that off your heart.
My heart? My heart has nothing to do with this. I told you, I don't give a shit about this conflict. I just don't like lying ass hypocrites (such as yourself), trying to tell me the emperor has new clothes.
Well so save yourself from 'lying ass hypocrites' and just don't comment here.
As a leader of the Palestinians(in Gaza) I would've make sure nobody would create another reason to kill any Palestinian...
There is no "reason" for you to create. The Israeli's would just make up another reason to kill you, like they did with Hamas and the 3 teens.

viola! The truth finally comes to the surface for all to see.
You don't want peace, you want land!​
You just want the Pals to go away. It's official, you're trying to wipe them out, not the other way around.
Asylum in Egypt is a temporarily solution but the best solution for the Gazans, peace could be negotiated better from a point of no threat to everyone instead of negotiating under fire, and if Israel doesn't want peace - so what? this is what every Palestinian leader think - why they are doing nothing about it? good question.
And by launching rockets you 'create' reasons for Israel to assault, the three teens conspiracy is bullshit Billo, you didn't hear that one of the terrorists captured and confessed already was a Hamas member? of course you don't, lets blame Israel for more conspiracies!

Does that include the Likud Party?
Sorry to inform you but we are democracy, the Likud elected by Israel back the majority interest of the Israelis, and the Likud does great for Israel, and its none of your fucking business like you always say.
and invest the billions of aid to promote the education and wealth of the Palestinians -
Oh, you're so full of shit! The only thing you want to do with Palestinian's, is kill them.
I Said that from a point of view of a Palestinian leader, Arafat was a billionaire do you know that?

As a Gazan Palestinian I would've do at least one of the following.
1.Gather everyone I can secretly/publicly to resist/revolt Hamas leadership.
2.Escape to Egypt/Israel and start working on how to remove Hamas from leadership, decrease Hamas popularity, and separating the Hamas from Palestinians.
3.Build a shelter for my family and friends as far as possible from any possible clash.
4.I Would try to infiltrate Hamas military wing and take it down from the inside.

Sometimes deciding not to take action is the best thing you can ever do otherwise.
but of course none of this ever happened because its reality, this kind of -can I call it hopes? - belong to science fiction and dreams.
And you Billo supporting Hamas, don't be a fraud, they are doing whats wrong for the Palestinians, forget about the Israelis - they are killing Palestinians by doing so, the 'not good' consequence for their action is DEAD PALESTINIANS...Is that make you happy?
You watch too much TV.
1.The Arab Spring is real.
2.Many people like Mosab Yousef did it, remember him? pretty real.
3.They made 7-15 miles of tunnels, I'm sure they are capable of digging one for each family, and cover it with the concrete they get free.
4.Nothing stand before the power of will, I'm ex counter-terrorist so I can tell :lol:

But instead of talking directly you just take half of the answers and analyze them with your twisted logic to get the conclusion you want, lame as usual Billo.

As a leader of the Palestinians(in Gaza) I would've make sure nobody would create another reason to kill any Palestinian...

Well I'll tell you what, I do care unlike your divine ignorance, you are such a fraud and hypocrite telling you don't care and later blast everyone who does for their opinion.
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Forgive me, but I am getting sick and fucking tired of the Pali shills on this board. They are just plain stupid assholes. They never answer a direct question, though they claim to. Or if the fucking idiots do, they either answer with a stupid question or the assholes will deflect and act as though you asked a different question.

And what gets me the best is when you show them pure proof to dis prove their point or that they're wrong . . . . silence!

Because they're too busy trolling the fucking board with multiple threads about their 'poor peaceful Palestinians'.

Fuck them all!

Sorry. I just had to get that off my chest.
Now that you got that off your chest, ask me a direct question and I'll answer it.

It won't be the first time.

Here you go then dildo a straight question lets see if you can give a straight answer

Why did you LIE about hamas not firing over 200 rockets at Israel in the months before July 4th ?

You mean after the Israel ground operation arresting over 450 and killing nine?
Wow, answered one question. Actually more, but not all. I'd give a fifty-fifty. And the one you linked doesn't have any thanks from me.
If that was the only reason Palestinians went into Egypt, the Rafah crossing would be opened.

What are you talking about? The Palestinians have no desire to attack Egypt.

Explain these events then

August 2012 Sinai attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The August 2012 Sinai attack occurred on 5 August 2012, when armed men ambushed an Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored cars, which they used to infiltrate into Israel. The attackers broke through the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Israel, where one of the vehicles exploded. They then engaged in a firefight with soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, during which six of the attackers were killed. No Israelis were injured.

Hamas Denies Role in Attack on Egyptian Military Post

This story smells like bullshit for several reasons.

The major goal of Hamas since 2005 through today is to break the siege. Morsi was president and Hamas was making progress toward that goal. Why would Hamas piss that all away by attacking Egypt?

An Egyptian military post was attacked killing 16 troops while experiencing no casualties themselves. Do you really believe that Hamas has that level of expertise?

They stole 2 armored cars and made it inside Israel where all were killed leaving nobody to interrogate.

Following that attack, President Morsi sacked a number of Army generals and instructed security to bring perpetrators to justice as he himself launched Operation Eagle cracking on attackers. But seven months have passed, and still no solid information about who was behind the attack.

My vote goes to false flag.
What are you talking about? The Palestinians have no desire to attack Egypt.

Explain these events then

August 2012 Sinai attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The August 2012 Sinai attack occurred on 5 August 2012, when armed men ambushed an Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored cars, which they used to infiltrate into Israel. The attackers broke through the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Israel, where one of the vehicles exploded. They then engaged in a firefight with soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, during which six of the attackers were killed. No Israelis were injured.

Hamas Denies Role in Attack on Egyptian Military Post

This story smells like bullshit for several reasons.

The major goal of Hamas since 2005 through today is to break the siege. Morsi was president and Hamas was making progress toward that goal. Why would Hamas piss that all away by attacking Egypt?

An Egyptian military post was attacked killing 16 troops while experiencing no casualties themselves. Do you really believe that Hamas has that level of expertise?

They stole 2 armored cars and made it inside Israel where all were killed leaving nobody to interrogate.

Following that attack, President Morsi sacked a number of Army generals and instructed security to bring perpetrators to justice as he himself launched Operation Eagle cracking on attackers. But seven months have passed, and still no solid information about who was behind the attack.

My vote goes to false flag.

What are you talking about? The Palestinians have no desire to attack Egypt.

Explain these events then

August 2012 Sinai attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The August 2012 Sinai attack occurred on 5 August 2012, when armed men ambushed an Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored cars, which they used to infiltrate into Israel. The attackers broke through the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Israel, where one of the vehicles exploded. They then engaged in a firefight with soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, during which six of the attackers were killed. No Israelis were injured.

Hamas Denies Role in Attack on Egyptian Military Post

This story smells like bullshit for several reasons.

The major goal of Hamas since 2005 through today is to break the siege. Morsi was president and Hamas was making progress toward that goal. Why would Hamas piss that all away by attacking Egypt?

An Egyptian military post was attacked killing 16 troops while experiencing no casualties themselves. Do you really believe that Hamas has that level of expertise?

They stole 2 armored cars and made it inside Israel where all were killed leaving nobody to interrogate.

Following that attack, President Morsi sacked a number of Army generals and instructed security to bring perpetrators to justice as he himself launched Operation Eagle cracking on attackers. But seven months have passed, and still no solid information about who was behind the attack.

My vote goes to false flag.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― Albert Einstein

Most Respectfully,

Einstein thought it was a huge mistake for Zionist to move to Palestine and he was right.

How many times have Jews went back to Palestine only to leave again. How many times is that temple going to be rebuilt? (the one King Darius I and Herod paid for?)

Einstein was right.

NEVER they have been ethnically cleansed by the arab muslims over the last 1400 years if that is what you mean..............
This is from your link.

Does it make you happy people can't get the healthcare they need, as a result of your vicious and inhuman attacks?

Nothing to do with hamas then stealing the medical supplies in the first place, then using the hospitals as rocket launch pads hoping no one will notice. Considering how much gaza gets in UN aid and charity and the fact that Israel built them modern hospitals in the 1970's why do they need to migrate to other nations for medical care. Nothing to do with Israel defending themselves from attacks, but all to do with the way hamas is treating the people of gaza.

But you are blinded to the truth by your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED, what happened did some nice Jewish girl turn you down and laugh in your face. Or was it a Jewish boy ?

Oh I knew this would happen the name calling , Nazi anti semitic , oh it gets old.

I still say the 3 teens were a false flag done by Israel, they might even still be alive, but I think they were sacrifices for the "cause". I say that because they were found (right) 18 days later with no worms or maggots after laying for 18 days in over 100 degree heat. Also they had talked about a bill for exchanging prisoners for kidnapped victims 10 days before. Its obvious this was the work of Israel to find a reason to enter Gaza and piss Hamas off to fire. So obvious.

Of course it was the mossad all along who kidnapped the teens, stole the Palestinian car, mimicked the voices of the hamas agents and planted the bodies. Then they engineered the increases in hamas rockets and the murder of the Palestinian boy.

How do you know the bodies weren't fly blown, were you there to see them. Or did you know were they were and kept going back every day to check on them.

As dildo would say you are full of shit.

By the way I breed maggots and know they stop producing in hot weather because the heat kills the eggs and immature larvae
Now that you got that off your chest, ask me a direct question and I'll answer it.

It won't be the first time.

Here you go then dildo a straight question lets see if you can give a straight answer

Why did you LIE about hamas not firing over 200 rockets at Israel in the months before July 4th ?

You mean after the Israel ground operation arresting over 450 and killing nine?

Cant you read English the rockets were fired over a period on months not days, and like all police actions arrests are made to eliminate people from the inquiry. How many people have been killed by the US police in the last week during inquiries into criminal acts, 30 or 50 or 100 or even more ? Look at dildo's link that goes back 4 months and see how hamas fires a rocket and Israel responds, then two days later hames fires another rocket and Israel responds
What are you talking about? The Palestinians have no desire to attack Egypt.

Explain these events then

August 2012 Sinai attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The August 2012 Sinai attack occurred on 5 August 2012, when armed men ambushed an Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored cars, which they used to infiltrate into Israel. The attackers broke through the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Israel, where one of the vehicles exploded. They then engaged in a firefight with soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, during which six of the attackers were killed. No Israelis were injured.

Hamas Denies Role in Attack on Egyptian Military Post

This story smells like bullshit for several reasons.

The major goal of Hamas since 2005 through today is to break the siege. Morsi was president and Hamas was making progress toward that goal. Why would Hamas piss that all away by attacking Egypt?

An Egyptian military post was attacked killing 16 troops while experiencing no casualties themselves. Do you really believe that Hamas has that level of expertise?

They stole 2 armored cars and made it inside Israel where all were killed leaving nobody to interrogate.

Following that attack, President Morsi sacked a number of Army generals and instructed security to bring perpetrators to justice as he himself launched Operation Eagle cracking on attackers. But seven months have passed, and still no solid information about who was behind the attack.

My vote goes to false flag.

Not according to their charter that states the aim is the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews

Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas
Explain these events then

August 2012 Sinai attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The August 2012 Sinai attack occurred on 5 August 2012, when armed men ambushed an Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored cars, which they used to infiltrate into Israel. The attackers broke through the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Israel, where one of the vehicles exploded. They then engaged in a firefight with soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, during which six of the attackers were killed. No Israelis were injured.

Hamas Denies Role in Attack on Egyptian Military Post

This story smells like bullshit for several reasons.

The major goal of Hamas since 2005 through today is to break the siege. Morsi was president and Hamas was making progress toward that goal. Why would Hamas piss that all away by attacking Egypt?

An Egyptian military post was attacked killing 16 troops while experiencing no casualties themselves. Do you really believe that Hamas has that level of expertise?

They stole 2 armored cars and made it inside Israel where all were killed leaving nobody to interrogate.

Following that attack, President Morsi sacked a number of Army generals and instructed security to bring perpetrators to justice as he himself launched Operation Eagle cracking on attackers. But seven months have passed, and still no solid information about who was behind the attack.

My vote goes to false flag.


You are outvoted by at least 3 million to one
As with Jordan, Egypt knows the Palestinians well. How can anyone blame Egypt for closing the border when Israel granted the Palestinians request for Gaza?
Let us all join together & hope Israel doesn't have to massacre around 20,000 Palestinians like Jordan had to for a lasting peace from them.
Here you go then dildo a straight question lets see if you can give a straight answer

Why did you LIE about hamas not firing over 200 rockets at Israel in the months before July 4th ?
I'll answer the question, when you provide the post I allegedly said that in.
Here you go then dildo a straight question lets see if you can give a straight answer

Why did you LIE about hamas not firing over 200 rockets at Israel in the months before July 4th ?
I'll answer the question, when you provide the post I allegedly said that in.

You posted that about a month ago.
I then posted the Wikipedia Sderot article and you told me the article means nothing and to go fuck myself.
These are special moments and you forget so quickly.
LIAR all you did was arrange some figures when the facts show Israel responded to hamas rockets within 12 hours, then hamas launched more attacks 2 or 3 days later. That is not responding it is waiting to attack again.
I arranged all the events in chronological order, from earliest to latest.

It's not my fault Israel started shooting first.

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