Why exactly are you unwilling to pay for other people's medical care?

Legislating morality is exactly the argument used by people who say "sometimes coercion is justified".


Your agreement isn't necessary for it to be so.

Add "moral" to the ever-growing list of words whose meaning eludes you...

Your response will be a variation on "BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!11!"

Morality involves making the distinction between what's right/wrong or good/bad. What I do know is that it's not your place to determine what's right/wrong or good/bad when it comes to anyone else's money. In other words, don't push your morals on me. You're trying to say that taxpayers providing healthcare and education to someone that can't afford it is right/good. You have that right. What you don't have the right to do is determine whether or not I believe the same way.
Legislating morality is exactly the argument used by people who say "sometimes coercion is justified".


Your agreement isn't necessary for it to be so.

Add "moral" to the ever-growing list of words whose meaning eludes you...

Your response will be a variation on "BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!11!"

I don't think it's moral to kill the life of an unborn child. Is it OK for me to make that decision for someone else? I don't think two fags should get married. Is it OK for me to make that decision?
I don't think we should do away with government. Sometimes coercion is justified. But "I want" or even "I need" isn't a moral justification.
Can't disagree...because any attempt to legislate morality ends up more trouble than it's worth. Stoning adulterers would take up way too much of people's time. ;)

I don't see keeping America's people healthy and educated as a moral issue but rather a practicality. YMMV.

But is it moral? Arguably, it's "practical" to pull a gun on your doctor and force her to provide you with health care, but is it moral? Seriously, why is it ok for government to do something that it would be obviously wrong for an individual to do?

The entire argument used by the left, despite what they say, is a moral argument. When they say providing healthcare and education, as just two examples, is the right thing to do, that's a moral argument. Determining right or wrong is what morality is all about.

And now he not only talks around me, he attributes things I didn't say.

You said providing healthcare and education isn't a moral issue.

Legislating morality means things like "We should pass laws making this a Christian nation" and "We should pass laws requiring prayer in [public] schools" and "We think sodomy is disgusting, so we need to outlaw SSM."

Practicality is a whole 'nother category.
Legislating morality is exactly the argument used by people who say "sometimes coercion is justified".


Your agreement isn't necessary for it to be so.

Add "moral" to the ever-growing list of words whose meaning eludes you...

Your response will be a variation on "BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!11!"

Morality involves making the distinction between what's right/wrong or good/bad.

We have a winnah!

Doesn't your church teach you that? If you feel you need the government to enforce it, that's more than a little disturbing.
Can't disagree...because any attempt to legislate morality ends up more trouble than it's worth. Stoning adulterers would take up way too much of people's time. ;)

I don't see keeping America's people healthy and educated as a moral issue but rather a practicality. YMMV.

But is it moral? Arguably, it's "practical" to pull a gun on your doctor and force her to provide you with health care, but is it moral? Seriously, why is it ok for government to do something that it would be obviously wrong for an individual to do?

The entire argument used by the left, despite what they say, is a moral argument. When they say providing healthcare and education, as just two examples, is the right thing to do, that's a moral argument. Determining right or wrong is what morality is all about.

And now he not only talks around me, he attributes things I didn't say.

You said providing healthcare and education isn't a moral issue.

Legislating morality means things like "We should pass laws making this a Christian nation" and "We should pass laws requiring prayer in [public] schools" and "We think sodomy is disgusting, so we need to outlaw SSM."

Practicality is a whole 'nother category.

Add practicality to the list of words you don't know.
Legislating morality is exactly the argument used by people who say "sometimes coercion is justified".


Your agreement isn't necessary for it to be so.

Add "moral" to the ever-growing list of words whose meaning eludes you...

Your response will be a variation on "BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!11!"

Morality involves making the distinction between what's right/wrong or good/bad.

We have a winnah!

Doesn't your church teach you that? If you feel you need the government to enforce it, that's more than a little disturbing.

You're the one that wants the government to enforce morality especially what you consider moral matters.

My church teaches me that it's my decision to make for me not yours to make on my behalf.
Community colleges are a joke to be frank. Well, I'm being harsh there....they are a joke because they are being forced to do the education that the high schools USED to do. Far too many kids going to community colleges are having to enroll in remedial math, English and science classes first, because the education they received in high school was sub par.

It truly is a crime what is being done to these kids. It truly is.

True, but once one is past that - or actually shows up with that education already - community colleges can be very helpful for taking transferable undergrad courses at a much lower cost than at a university.

There are some truly great community colleges out there, however most are being dumbed down just like the high schools. I agree that for kids on a tight budget the CC route is essential. But we really need to stop dumbing the whole system down so that progressives can feel good about themselves. they are screwing the children of this country over.
Generally, community colleges are open enrollment, which means that any high school graduate is eligible to attend and it should remain so. No matter how badly someone screwed up in high school they have the opportunity to improve their education in a community college.

There are two tracks in a community, an AA or AS degree whose credits are transferable will transfer to 4 year schools and various paraprofessional degrees and certificates which do not. The qualify of programs vary just as they do in 4 years schools.

If they can't do the level of work that they should do in high school, they don't belong in college.

Then you'll be happy to know that the Sanders plan includes an academic requirement.

When his plan includes him reaching into his own pocket and funding it, that will make me happy.

Your agreement isn't necessary for it to be so.

Add "moral" to the ever-growing list of words whose meaning eludes you...

Your response will be a variation on "BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!11!"

Morality involves making the distinction between what's right/wrong or good/bad.

We have a winnah!

Doesn't your church teach you that? If you feel you need the government to enforce it, that's more than a little disturbing.

You're the one that wants the government to enforce morality especially what you consider moral matters.

True, but once one is past that - or actually shows up with that education already - community colleges can be very helpful for taking transferable undergrad courses at a much lower cost than at a university.

There are some truly great community colleges out there, however most are being dumbed down just like the high schools. I agree that for kids on a tight budget the CC route is essential. But we really need to stop dumbing the whole system down so that progressives can feel good about themselves. they are screwing the children of this country over.
Generally, community colleges are open enrollment, which means that any high school graduate is eligible to attend and it should remain so. No matter how badly someone screwed up in high school they have the opportunity to improve their education in a community college.

There are two tracks in a community, an AA or AS degree whose credits are transferable will transfer to 4 year schools and various paraprofessional degrees and certificates which do not. The qualify of programs vary just as they do in 4 years schools.

If they can't do the level of work that they should do in high school, they don't belong in college.

Then you'll be happy to know that the Sanders plan includes an academic requirement.

When his plan includes him reaching into his own pocket and funding it, that will make me happy.

Are you a hedge-fund manager?
Your agreement isn't necessary for it to be so.

Add "moral" to the ever-growing list of words whose meaning eludes you...

Your response will be a variation on "BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!11!"

Morality involves making the distinction between what's right/wrong or good/bad.

We have a winnah!

Doesn't your church teach you that? If you feel you need the government to enforce it, that's more than a little disturbing.

You're the one that wants the government to enforce morality especially what you consider moral matters.


Again, your agreement isn't necessary for it to be true. You keep forgetting that retard. Must be genetic.
There are some truly great community colleges out there, however most are being dumbed down just like the high schools. I agree that for kids on a tight budget the CC route is essential. But we really need to stop dumbing the whole system down so that progressives can feel good about themselves. they are screwing the children of this country over.
Generally, community colleges are open enrollment, which means that any high school graduate is eligible to attend and it should remain so. No matter how badly someone screwed up in high school they have the opportunity to improve their education in a community college.

There are two tracks in a community, an AA or AS degree whose credits are transferable will transfer to 4 year schools and various paraprofessional degrees and certificates which do not. The qualify of programs vary just as they do in 4 years schools.

If they can't do the level of work that they should do in high school, they don't belong in college.

Then you'll be happy to know that the Sanders plan includes an academic requirement.

When his plan includes him reaching into his own pocket and funding it, that will make me happy.

Are you a hedge-fund manager?

Irrelevant. That he expects others to be forced to do what he won't do himself is the issue.
Add "moral" to the ever-growing list of words whose meaning eludes you...

Your response will be a variation on "BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!!!!11!"

Morality involves making the distinction between what's right/wrong or good/bad.

We have a winnah!

Doesn't your church teach you that? If you feel you need the government to enforce it, that's more than a little disturbing.

You're the one that wants the government to enforce morality especially what you consider moral matters.


Again, your agreement isn't necessary for it to be true.

And yet you keep responding to my posts.
Morality involves making the distinction between what's right/wrong or good/bad.

We have a winnah!

Doesn't your church teach you that? If you feel you need the government to enforce it, that's more than a little disturbing.

You're the one that wants the government to enforce morality especially what you consider moral matters.


Again, your agreement isn't necessary for it to be true.

And yet you keep responding to my posts.

Just trying to educate someone spreading untruths. I've realized that in some cases like yours, stupid can't be educated.
Generally, community colleges are open enrollment, which means that any high school graduate is eligible to attend and it should remain so. No matter how badly someone screwed up in high school they have the opportunity to improve their education in a community college.

There are two tracks in a community, an AA or AS degree whose credits are transferable will transfer to 4 year schools and various paraprofessional degrees and certificates which do not. The qualify of programs vary just as they do in 4 years schools.

If they can't do the level of work that they should do in high school, they don't belong in college.

Then you'll be happy to know that the Sanders plan includes an academic requirement.

When his plan includes him reaching into his own pocket and funding it, that will make me happy.

Are you a hedge-fund manager?

Irrelevant. That he expects others to be forced to do what he won't do himself is the issue.
No, the fact that you repeatedly fail to understand that the plan involves small fees on hedge funds is the issue.

Let me put it in language you can understand: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.
If they can't do the level of work that they should do in high school, they don't belong in college.

Then you'll be happy to know that the Sanders plan includes an academic requirement.

When his plan includes him reaching into his own pocket and funding it, that will make me happy.

Are you a hedge-fund manager?

Irrelevant. That he expects others to be forced to do what he won't do himself is the issue.
No, the fact that you repeatedly fail to understand that the plan involves small fees on hedge funds is the issue.

Let me put it in language you can understand: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.

When it's about the government forcing ANYONE, it's about me. Next think you'll say is being forced to fund social welfare leeches isn't about me.
Then you'll be happy to know that the Sanders plan includes an academic requirement.

When his plan includes him reaching into his own pocket and funding it, that will make me happy.

Are you a hedge-fund manager?

Irrelevant. That he expects others to be forced to do what he won't do himself is the issue.
No, the fact that you repeatedly fail to understand that the plan involves small fees on hedge funds is the issue.

Let me put it in language you can understand: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.

When it's about the government forcing ANYONE...

Then since it isn't, it's still not about you.
When his plan includes him reaching into his own pocket and funding it, that will make me happy.

Are you a hedge-fund manager?

Irrelevant. That he expects others to be forced to do what he won't do himself is the issue.
No, the fact that you repeatedly fail to understand that the plan involves small fees on hedge funds is the issue.

Let me put it in language you can understand: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.

When it's about the government forcing ANYONE...

Then since it isn't, it's still not about you.

When it's about destroying the country, it's about me.
Are you a hedge-fund manager?

Irrelevant. That he expects others to be forced to do what he won't do himself is the issue.
No, the fact that you repeatedly fail to understand that the plan involves small fees on hedge funds is the issue.

Let me put it in language you can understand: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.

When it's about the government forcing ANYONE...

Then since it isn't, it's still not about you.

When it's about destroying the country, it's about me.

Well, then, you'd best pick up some work gloves at Walmart and go help Donny build his Great Big Wall.

Hyperbole R Us.

Irrelevant. That he expects others to be forced to do what he won't do himself is the issue.
No, the fact that you repeatedly fail to understand that the plan involves small fees on hedge funds is the issue.

Let me put it in language you can understand: IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU.

When it's about the government forcing ANYONE...

Then since it isn't, it's still not about you.

When it's about destroying the country, it's about me.

Well, then, you'd best pick up some work gloves at Walmart and go help Donny build his Great Big Wall.

Hyperbole R Us.

I prefer armed guards at the border. If they can climb a wall once, they can climb it again. If they aren't able to climb anymore, problem solved.

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