Why Exclude Muslims?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
Why do I support blocking the entry of thousands of (Syrian) Muslims into the U.S.? The simple answer is I am afraid of the Islamic faith. This religion intimidates me because of its amply demonstrated ability to transform certain of its adherents into suicidal mass murderers.

I do regret finding it necessary to openly discriminate against the majority of Muslims who are not radicalized jihadists but the fact is my country has already been attacked by, and is presently being threatened by, radicalized Muslims and there is no way to positively determine which of the proposed Muslim (Syrian) refugees are radicalized and which are not. So I am unwilling to jeopardize the lives of my loved ones, my own life and the lives of my countrymen for the sake of being politically correct.

Again, I am anti-Islam because that religion transforms certain of its adherents into homicidal maniacs who are willing to die to strike at non-Muslims. And of those refugees who are not radical Islamists, who knows how many will become radicalized because they are disappointed with the conditions they experience here in America?

So I am willing to accept any Syrian who is a Christian (or a Jew) and can prove it. But no Muslims! And that's not prejudice. It's common sense.
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
It's common sense, so to a leftist it seems stewpud.

yes, muslims are so fucking nuts that they kill different muslims.

civil war? you think the bombing in France was part of a civil war?
lining people up to saw off their heads?

wow, you are one truly dumb person
I don't really think we should take anyone from that region at this time. They are just too messed up! Your post makes me think of an interesting question though. Why, when all of those women and children were being brutalized, raped, solid into slavery, and their family members were being killed in Iraq, why were we not accepting THOSE people as refugees?
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
Tell that to the loved ones of the 9/11 victims. And translate it to French for the survivors of the recent Paris attacks by radical Muslims.
That's stupid . Especially since its Muslims killing Muslims . It's more civil war bullshit than anything .
It's common sense, so to a leftist it seems stewpud.

yes, muslims are so fucking nuts that they kill different muslims.

civil war? you think the bombing in France was part of a civil war?
lining people up to saw off their heads?

wow, you are one truly dumb person

Well France IS bombing ISIS . I don't understand why they act so surprised that ISIS would plot an attack on france .

"This is an act of war". Well you ARE at war ! People are so spoiled when it comes to war . It's just stuff happening "over there ". When it comes to their doorstep they are all shocked .
Well shit happens . Ain't that what we say whenever there's a mass shooting in the us ? After all we can't talk gun control .
So much terrible stuff happens around the world, and yet we are paying special attention to THIS particular situation and wanting to take THESE particular people in as "refugees" when I've heard of the same things happening in Africa and other places in the world. Why? Doesn't anyone ask themselves why?
Mikey, there are already 2.5 million muslims living in the US and it's bee going pretty well so far ...

I really do not think Islam is any more evil than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.

Here is a good take on religious extremism:
Why do I support blocking the entry of thousands of (Syrian) Muslims into the U.S.? The simple answer is I am afraid of the Islamic faith. This religion intimidates me because of its amply demonstrated ability to transform certain of its adherents into suicidal mass murderers.

I do regret finding it necessary to openly discriminate against the majority of Muslims who are not radicalized jihadists but the fact is my country has already been attacked by, and is presently being threatened by, radicalized Muslims and there is no way to positively determine which of the proposed Muslim (Syrian) refugees are radicalized and which are not. So I am unwilling to jeopardize the lives of my loved ones, my own life and the lives of my countrymen for the sake of being politically correct.

Again, I am anti-Islam because that religion transforms certain of its adherents into homicidal maniacs who are willing to die to strike at non-Muslims. And of those refugees who are not radical Islamists, who knows how many will become radicalized because they are disappointed with the conditions they experience here in America?

So I am willing to accept any Syrian who is a Christian (or a Jew) and can prove it. But no Muslims! And that's not prejudice. It's common sense.
Your fear us unwarranted, subjective, and not 'justification' to deny refugees asylum in the United States.

Nor is discriminating against Muslims 'justified' as a consequence of the actions by a tiny, non-representative few.

Surrendering to your fear is exactly what the terrorists want you to do.
It is not practical to fly those fuckers halfway across the world to relocate here. Let the neighboring countries absorb them. Why not pressure the Arab League to take these pricks?
I don't really think we should take anyone from that region at this time. They are just too messed up! Your post makes me think of an interesting question though. Why, when all of those women and children were being brutalized, raped, solid into slavery, and their family members were being killed in Iraq, why were we not accepting THOSE people as refugees?
I think the underlying answer to that question is the fact that such brutality is and has been happening in many parts of the world, mainly Africa and Indonesia, and there simply is no way our Country could possibly accommodate them all. So who do we accommodate and why?

If you live in a big City, every time you walk down a main street you pass dozens of people who are destitute, hungry and homeless. And if you decide to help a few of them, what do you do when the line forms? Because there are more than those few dozen. There are thousands.

You do what you can based on your ability and you turn your back on the rest. Unless you don't mind becoming destitute yourself.
Why do I support blocking the entry of thousands of (Syrian) Muslims into the U.S.? The simple answer is I am afraid of the Islamic faith. This religion intimidates me because of its amply demonstrated ability to transform certain of its adherents into suicidal mass murderers.

I do regret finding it necessary to openly discriminate against the majority of Muslims who are not radicalized jihadists but the fact is my country has already been attacked by, and is presently being threatened by, radicalized Muslims and there is no way to positively determine which of the proposed Muslim (Syrian) refugees are radicalized and which are not. So I am unwilling to jeopardize the lives of my loved ones, my own life and the lives of my countrymen for the sake of being politically correct.

Again, I am anti-Islam because that religion transforms certain of its adherents into homicidal maniacs who are willing to die to strike at non-Muslims. And of those refugees who are not radical Islamists, who knows how many will become radicalized because they are disappointed with the conditions they experience here in America?

So I am willing to accept any Syrian who is a Christian (or a Jew) and can prove it. But no Muslims! And that's not prejudice. It's common sense.
Your fear us unwarranted, subjective, and not 'justification' to deny refugees asylum in the United States.

Nor is discriminating against Muslims 'justified' as a consequence of the actions by a tiny, non-representative few.

Surrendering to your fear is exactly what the terrorists want you to do.
I agree that the op is painting with a broad brush, but so are you. These Syrian fuckers have been aligned with Iran and hostile toward the west for a LONG time. It is just not appropriate to burden our citizens with their care.
Did Woodie Wilson admit German refugees while we were trying to protect France from the Hun invaders? Did FDR admit German refugees while Allied bombers were obliterating German cities? FDR even imprisoned Japanese American citizens (and some Germans) during the conflict. Did Harry Truman admit Korean refugees during the Korean Conflict? Did LBJ admit North Vietnamese refugees during the Vietnam war? Why should we admit 20,000 terrorist age "refugees" from freaking Syria when we could put a coalition together and kill every jihad SOB on the planet? There must be something else at stake in the political world. Do democrats view potential terrorists as their new base when the rest of the freaking Country abandoned democrat party policies?
Why do I support blocking the entry of thousands of (Syrian) Muslims into the U.S.? The simple answer is I am afraid of the Islamic faith.
I am willing to accept any Syrian who is a Christian (or a Jew) and can prove it. But no Muslims! And that's not prejudice. It's common sense.
I can understand your concern for irrational beliefs, so I accept & raise you one --
I am willing to accept any Syrian who is non-religious, secular and "can prove it".

I wonder about that last step :)

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