Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes

The point is, you cannot equate 4 million Scandinavians with 350,000,000 diverse Americans.

Nitpick time ...

Finns are not Scandinavian. They are an ethnically and linguistically separate group, related to Estonians and Hungarians and Sami.

The Scandinavian nations are Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. Different languages, but mutually understandable to some degree. Swedes will say the Danes sound mushy, the Norwegians sound chipper, and the Icelanders sound archaic. Finnish is a completely different language.

The Sami would be the indigenous people of northern Norway-Sweden-Finland-Russia (Murmansk area). The old name for them is "Laplander", but that's considered pejorative now, much like using the word "indian" to refer to Native Americans.
You see a Government that cares about its people. I see Millions of dollars a year being wasted on parents who should damn well be able to support a child before having one, and if they can't.... well, too damn bad.

Childbirth and education.... 2 things the US Government has no legitimate mandate to legislate or spend money on. :)

They can't afford to when the Government takes 75% of their pay check each week.
That's awful to have to start your baby in cardboard box, but it gives you an incite to the left that this is wonderful look at all the free stuff.

Apparently, they like the cardboard box. I don't see anything awful about it. And since the wealthy and the poor receive the gift, it's more of a tradition.

They have no choice, when you don't have a choice you live with it and like it. So yes they will say they like it.
You don't see anything wrong with the Government taking 75% of your check and having babies sleep in cardboard boxes?
Why would you be for a lesser quality of life and everyone doing the same thing?
Diversity of life is what makes life interesting and equality makes it so boring.
This is exactly why some of them want to move here, for our diversity and to make their own choices and have a better quality of life. Which we are losing fast because of people who think like you do.
We are not Europe, we are America.
If you want government to take most of your hard earned money and want everything equal with no choices or freedom, move there. I think that you would change your mind after you got there.
Babies should be in wood or metal framed beds not boxes, that's what poor people have to do.
Then force the rich to do the same thing?
What is wrong with some Americans that thinks this is O.K.?

A nice place for the baby to sleep, and basic supplies, would be appreciated by millions of dependent class mothers.

Complete bullshit. Even the wealthier citizens get the box. It's a damn tradition, and has been since 1930. And those so-called dependent mothers are more educated than we are.

I meant dependent class mothers here, dumbass.
Finland is not a vast diverse federation of 50 States. Their total population is 5.5 million, about half the population of Los Angeles. Finns are 80% Lutheran. They have a literacy rate of 100%. And, they do not have an immigration problem or any sizeable ethnic minority underclass.

Finland is a homogeneous society, and unlike California (for example) they don't have a minority group like the Hmong who are masters at becoming professional benefit exploiters.

It's a different situation there and the model doesn't translate to other places.
I read something about this last week. Imagine that, a Government that cares about its people! I also read that Finland ranks #1 in education, even though children do not start school until they are 7. Maybe we should look into that.
Maybe we should look into being all white Fascist/Nazi tundra dwellers.
The Right is making gains there.
The point is, you cannot equate 4 million Scandinavians with 350,000,000 diverse Americans.

You can look at what they do, but you cannot just assume it would work here.
I'm betting it would work, but the Right doesn't like to disturb the status quo.
Work in what way?

Women have traditionally stashed children in drawers and boxes. Meh.
Sounds like something you should look into.

Would you support the government simply taking the child for the first 5 years of life, to ensure that they get an "equal start?" Some mothers are better than others, it would be unfair for some children to have better mothers. Far better that the state establish itself as mother and father from the start.

Sure, you have accepted the role of government as your mommy and daddy, but not all do....
Work in what way?

Women have traditionally stashed children in drawers and boxes. Meh.

You need to read the thread.

I did read the thread.

I just didn't read your asinine posts, because I have you on ignore. I figured out fast that you never had anything of interest to add to the convo.

And I see that I was absolutely 100 percent correct. Just because you've taken the conversation somewhere else doesn't mean that you have a clue what the hell you're talking about.
Sounds like something you should look into.

Would you support the government simply taking the child for the first 5 years of life, to ensure that they get an "equal start?" Some mothers are better than others, it would be unfair for some children to have better mothers. Far better that the state establish itself as mother and father from the start.

Sure, you have accepted the role of government as your mommy and daddy, but not all do....

Of course she would. Like all progressives, who believe breeding should be controlled, and the upbringing of the next generation supervised by, the State.
Work in what way?

Women have traditionally stashed children in drawers and boxes. Meh.

You need to read the thread.

I did read the thread.

I just didn't read your asinine posts, because I have you on ignore. I figured out fast that you never had anything of interest to add to the convo.

And I see that I was absolutely 100 percent correct. Just because you've taken the conversation somewhere else doesn't mean that you have a clue what the hell you're talking about.

You don't have me on ignore, or you wouldn't be responding. Nitwit.
Sounds like something you should look into.

Would you support the government simply taking the child for the first 5 years of life, to ensure that they get an "equal start?" Some mothers are better than others, it would be unfair for some children to have better mothers. Far better that the state establish itself as mother and father from the start.

Sure, you have accepted the role of government as your mommy and daddy, but not all do....

That's simply too ridiculous to address.
That's simply too ridiculous to address.

How do you ensure an equal start if you don't have the state manage the early, formative years of children?

State-start is an effective program, but only does so much. State-start waits until children are 3, and still isn't mandatory. Sure, it does nothing to ready children for school, but then, that never was the goal.

{by third grade, the $8 billion Head Start program had little to no impact on cognitive, social-emotional, health, or parenting practices of participants. On a few measures, access to Head Start had harmful effects on children.}

Head Start Impact Evaluation Report Finally Released

Children must be cured of independence and attachment to the family at a young age, so that loyalty to the party and the state never waivers...
Work in what way?

Women have traditionally stashed children in drawers and boxes. Meh.

You need to read the thread.

I did read the thread.

I just didn't read your asinine posts, because I have you on ignore. I figured out fast that you never had anything of interest to add to the convo.

And I see that I was absolutely 100 percent correct. Just because you've taken the conversation somewhere else doesn't mean that you have a clue what the hell you're talking about.

You don't have me on ignore, or you wouldn't be responding. Nitwit.

I wanted to see who the idiots were in this thread.
That's simply too ridiculous to address.

How do you ensure an equal start if you don't have the state manage the early, formative years of children?

State-start is an effective program, but only does so much. State-start waits until children are 3, and still isn't mandatory. Sure, it does nothing to ready children for school, but then, that never was the goal.

{by third grade, the $8 billion Head Start program had little to no impact on cognitive, social-emotional, health, or parenting practices of participants. On a few measures, access to Head Start had harmful effects on children.}

Head Start Impact Evaluation Report Finally Released

Children must be cured of independence and attachment to the family at a young age, so that loyalty to the party and the state never waivers...
Head Start!

I remember an America where a head start was cheating.

After all these years of programs, I wonder why the achievement and wealth gap is increasing , not decreasing.
They have no choice, when you don't have a choice you live with it and like it. So yes they will say they like it.
You don't see anything wrong with the Government taking 75% of your check and having babies sleep in cardboard boxes?
Why would you be for a lesser quality of life and everyone doing the same thing?
Diversity of life is what makes life interesting and equality makes it so boring.
This is exactly why some of them want to move here, for our diversity and to make their own choices and have a better quality of life. Which we are losing fast because of people who think like you do.
We are not Europe, we are America.
If you want government to take most of your hard earned money and want everything equal with no choices or freedom, move there. I think that you would change your mind after you got there.
Babies should be in wood or metal framed beds not boxes, that's what poor people have to do.
Then force the rich to do the same thing?
What is wrong with some Americans that thinks this is O.K.?

Almost everything you've said is false. I read that they have to register for the gift, and almost everyone does. Not only that, but most take the gift over the cash...even the wealthier folks. And yes they have a choice. They can simply buy a bed. They pretty much have to since that tiny bed is temporary. And no, our quality of life is not better. Their life expectancy rate proves that. But don't worry, they still have a problem with income inequality, you'll be happy to hear.

So, you tell me, why shouldn't we look at what they are offering as far as education goes, when they're ranking # 1? Do you like lagging behind Finland? Are you waiting for perfection? If so, you're going to be waiting a long time.

OECD Better Life Index

Then stop voting for the Dems because they are not fixing the problem at all just throwing money at it and it goes for the teachers pensions instead of the students.

I think you're just parroting what you've heard on right wing news. Can you show me an example of a Republican doing something to even the playing field in public education, that will benefit children who are the most in need? After all, when everyone is given opportunities, even our most vulnerable, that's when we really see successful results as a whole.

As far as the cardboard crib topic, I find it odd that you think its so awful, yet Finland has the lowest mortality rate. Do you think you might be in denial?

I think that you are.
Republicans vouchers systems are working very well for our low income children.
Do some research on it.
More of them are staying in school and continue to go on to college.

Then I'm sure you have a link for these success stories, or stats.

Voucher study focuses on high school graduation First strong evidence of educational attainment gains
Study Proves School Voucher Program Improves Public Schools News LifeSite
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I disagree. I don't think it's a sin for the Government to try to end hunger in this country. Also, I see nothing wrong with looking into where other countries are succeeding to improve our own system, instead of staying stuck in "fail" mode.

Whether it's a sin or not is totally irrelevant. The only relevant factor is what the US Constitution says about it; and the Constitution is very clear that there is no legitimate mandate for Social Spending in the US. Without a Constitutional Amendment NONE of that spending or legislation will ever be legitimate.

What we're doing isn't working, unless you're proud to be # 1 in incarceration. I'm not. I know we can do better.

Honestly, I'd rather be #1 in Executions of felons, violent offenders, drug users and other moral deviants than incarcerations. The way we're going to do better is to go back to the way things were PRIOR to 1860, not since then.

I don't know how I managed to miss this posting. Your "Neanderthal" attitude is amusing, but did you just say you want to go back to the way things were prior to 1860? Surely you meant 1960. Did you mean 1960? LOL!

Now the 1960's I can see, because our economy was growing, and a man could support his family without a college education. In 1860 the Southern states were dependent on slavery, and women could not vote. There were no child labor laws and folks didn't live very long. You might want to think that over for a bit.

No, he means 1860. He is batshit insane and evil on the level of Stalin.

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