Why gay marriage is wrong!

Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit. If government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America, same sex marriages would be a completely moot issue.

You won't hear too many anti-gays screaming for government to get out of their marriages, though. They enjoy all those cash and prizes they get from the government, and they do not want to share. In fact, they literally want gays to go to hell before they will share those government gifts.
They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?


As someone else pointed out- I would really like you to point out when that happened?

However, I can point to you where the Christian majority has specifically turned down homosexuals from having civil unions with the same benefits of marriage.

The controversy is that there are people like yourself who want homosexuals to be discriminated against.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

Wow- the stock Conservative answer: allowing two humans to marry is just the same as marrying an animal.
And the stock conservative answer is just as ignorant and idiotic now as it was the first time it was used.
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?

In what way do gays "intrude in our lives"?

Sexual deviancy is the accepting of that which is NOT true, as truth. Not the least of which is that people of the same gender are suitable for sexual interaction with one another. The very design of human physiology provides all of the evidence that any reasonable person needs to conclude that such is simply and inalterably not true.

Where people promote the idea that falsity is truth... they misinform themselves and their neighbors. Robbing those who they so influence, of the means to make sound decisions; not only in their personal lives but in their choices for government representation and advocacies for public policy.

And that is but ONE way that the mentally disordered intrude in the lives of others, but that alone is enough.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

Wow- the stock Conservative answer: allowing two humans to marry is just the same as marrying an animal.

Which just means they think too much about that sort of thing...

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation, just as un-Constitutional as denying same-sex couples access to marriage law.

Moreover, no one is in any position to 'offer' any American his civil rights, those rights are inalienable and manifest as a consequence of one's humanity, neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man, including the right to due process and equal protection of the law.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into marriage contracts, to deny them access to a law they're eligible to participate in violates the 14th Amendment, as is seeking to contrive some discriminatory nonsense such as 'civil unions.'

There is only one marriage law in each of the 50 states, marriage law that can accommodate both same- and opposite-sex couples.
No, everyone gets it.

You and many other Christians on the right seek to use the power and authority of the state to disadvantage gay Americans.

Your reasoning is a fabrication... with no relationship to reality.

There is no such thing as a "Gay American". An American is one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America.

No where in those principles is there a premise that provides for the dismissal of reality in favor of deceit, wherein the laws of nature are to be dismissed and otherwise rejected, as a means to justify abnormal, destructive behavior.

No where... of course you're invited to provide where such is the case.
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong
We don't need bias here but does anybody have any weighty argument for homosexual marriage?
Without words about choice and freedom of love please.
Why gay marriage is good and why it is becoming legal so fast?

Reason 11 = 'gay' means happy. "Marriage" means unhappy. :)

Gay does mean happy... and it is there that we can know that the use of gay to identify sexual deviancy is, in and of itself, a deceit.

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.
You know, it's really inconsiderate of you to use logic against these loons. They have no defense against it. Most unfair of you. You should be ashamed of yourself.
No, everyone gets it.

You and many other Christians on the right seek to use the power and authority of the state to disadvantage gay Americans.

Your reasoning is a fabrication... with no relationship to reality.

There is no such thing as a "Gay American". An American is one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America.

Of course there is. As there's nothing particularly antithetical in same sex unions and being an American.
No, everyone gets it.

You and many other Christians on the right seek to use the power and authority of the state to disadvantage gay Americans.

There is no such thing as a "Gay American". .

As much as there is a thing as a "Conservative American" or a "Liberal American" or a "Christian American"- but maybe you prefer to just acknowledge that we are all Americans- and that you love all of your neighbors regardless........

Nahhh- we know thats not true.

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.
You know, it's really inconsiderate of you to use logic against these loons. They have no defense against it. Most unfair of you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

LOL.....Keys? Logic?


“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.

There's thousands of years of precedence on using race or outward appearance as the basis of prejudice. Yet you dismiss it as wrong. So its clearly not the antiquity of the justification that is your basis. But your agreement or disagreement with the justification.

Which is subjective personal opinion.

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex unions. Its like eating a cheeseburger or doing work on Sunday.......an act that is 'wrong' because we think it is. And with marriage being nothing more than our invention, it is subject to the same standards. There's nothing inherent to it. Its a matter of what we decide it is.

And in 37 of 50 States, we've decided that it includes same sex unions.

Remember, there is no marriage in nature. There's fucking. Which isn't the same thing.

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.

There's thousands of years of precedence on using race or outward appearance as the basis of prejudice. Yet you dismiss it as wrong. So its clearly not the antiquity of the justification that is your basis. But your agreement or disagreement with the justification.

Which is subjective personal opinion.

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex unions. Its like eating a cheeseburger or doing work on Sunday.......an act that is 'wrong' because we think it is. And with marriage being nothing more than our invention, it is subject to the same standards. There's nothing inherent to it. Its a matter of what we decide it is.

And in 37 of 50 States, we've decided that it includes same sex unions.

Remember, there is no marriage in nature. There's fucking. Which isn't the same thing.
No civilization should condone sexual deviancy. It is ultimately destructive to society. Look at our AIDS ecademic. Who was mostly responsible for the spread of this disease? It was homosexusls, bisexuals and to a lesser extent straights who had unprotected sex with multiple partners. These are all sexually deviant, or immoral behaviors. And that is exactly the reason AIDS became an epidemic. And all the behaviors I mentioned are condemned in the Bible. Maybe we, as a society, should start paying attention to what it says.

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.

There's thousands of years of precedence on using race or outward appearance as the basis of prejudice. Yet you dismiss it as wrong. So its clearly not the antiquity of the justification that is your basis. But your agreement or disagreement with the justification.

Which is subjective personal opinion.

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex unions. Its like eating a cheeseburger or doing work on Sunday.......an act that is 'wrong' because we think it is. And with marriage being nothing more than our invention, it is subject to the same standards. There's nothing inherent to it. Its a matter of what we decide it is.

And in 37 of 50 States, we've decided that it includes same sex unions.

Remember, there is no marriage in nature. There's fucking. Which isn't the same thing.
No civilization should condone sexual deviancy. It is ultimately destructive to society. Look at our AIDS ecademic. Who was mostly responsible for the spread of this disease? It was homosexusls, bisexuals and to a lesser extent straights who had unprotected sex with multiple partners. These are all sexually deviant, or immoral behaviors. And that is exactly the reason AIDS became an epidemic. And all the behaviors I mentioned are condemned in the Bible. Maybe we, as a society, should start paying attention to what it says.

i am waiting for you to tell us what sexual deviancy caused Ebola. I'm sure that I won't have to wait very long for your answer.
It is ultimately destructive to society.

How? Gay guys hold hands and....what? How is society 'destroyed'?

Look at our AIDS ecademic.

Most AIDS suffers are straight. And of course, there's almost no HIV among lesbians. If the threat is inherent to same sex unions, wouldn't it be ANY same sex union?

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex couples. Why then would we exclude them from marriage? It makes no sense.

And if you were genuinely concerned about multiple sex partners and the spreading of AIDS, wouldn't the monogamy of marriage be something you'd *encourage* rather than oppose?

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.

There's thousands of years of precedence on using race or outward appearance as the basis of prejudice. Yet you dismiss it as wrong. So its clearly not the antiquity of the justification that is your basis. But your agreement or disagreement with the justification.

Which is subjective personal opinion.

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex unions. Its like eating a cheeseburger or doing work on Sunday.......an act that is 'wrong' because we think it is. And with marriage being nothing more than our invention, it is subject to the same standards. There's nothing inherent to it. Its a matter of what we decide it is.

And in 37 of 50 States, we've decided that it includes same sex unions.

Remember, there is no marriage in nature. There's fucking. Which isn't the same thing.
No civilization should condone sexual deviancy. It is ultimately destructive to society. Look at our AIDS ecademic. Who was mostly responsible for the spread of this disease? It was homosexusls, bisexuals and to a lesser extent straights who had unprotected sex with multiple partners. These are all sexually deviant, or immoral behaviors. And that is exactly the reason AIDS became an epidemic. And all the behaviors I mentioned are condemned in the Bible. Maybe we, as a society, should start paying attention to what it says.

i am waiting for you to tell us what sexual deviancy caused Ebola. I'm sure that I won't have to wait very long for your answer.

H1N1.The Spanish Flu. The Black Death. Small pox. Typhoid. Malaria. Tuberculosis.

I mean, if sexual deviancy is the cause of illnesses, then surely he'll be able to explain how all these other diseases were caused by sexual deviancy

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