Why gay marriage is wrong!

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 states it is the joining of two consenting adults regardless of their gender. Most likely all 50 come June. Other than whining on the internet there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

And when a person makes poor decisions, their viability is set at risk... and when a persons viability is damaged, they become a burden to everyone around them; which sets the viability of THOSE people at risk... and so it goes until one day, ya look around and your would-be president is licensing the nation governed by a mass-murdering cult to secure nuclear weapons and men are demanding as a RIGHT, the means to marry one another... at which time, you're pretty much screwed.

Thus we can know that the problem is not some deviation from the physical laws of nature, but a deviation from sound reasoning, a perversion of the human intellect... OKA: Old Fashion EVIL.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit. If government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America, same sex marriages would be a completely moot issue.

You won't hear too many anti-gays screaming for government to get out of their marriages, though. They enjoy all those cash and prizes they get from the government, and they do not want to share. In fact, they literally want gays to go to hell before they will share those government gifts.
They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, OKA: Reality.

There is no marriage in nature. We made it up. And it is whatever we say it is.

Sometimes it one man and one woman. Sometimes in one man and many woman. Sometimes its one man and one man. Sometimes its one woman and one woman.

It all depends on how we choose to define it.

Remember, your subjective personal opinions aren't 'reality'. They're just your opinions.
So, according to you, someone could marry their dog. Got it. You're a pervert.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit. If government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America, same sex marriages would be a completely moot issue.

You won't hear too many anti-gays screaming for government to get out of their marriages, though. They enjoy all those cash and prizes they get from the government, and they do not want to share. In fact, they literally want gays to go to hell before they will share those government gifts.
They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?

First, civil unions didn't have the same benefits as married couples. Second, 'separate but equal' doesn't have a superb pedigree. If marriage and civil unions are the same......then civil unions are unnecessary. As marriage works in both situations.

Gays were offered civil unions not because they are the same. But because they aren't.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, OKA: Reality.

There is no marriage in nature. We made it up. And it is whatever we say it is.

Sometimes it one man and one woman. Sometimes in one man and many woman. Sometimes its one man and one man. Sometimes its one woman and one woman.

It all depends on how we choose to define it.

Remember, your subjective personal opinions aren't 'reality'. They're just your opinions.
Do, according to you, someone could marry their dog. Git it. You're a pervert.

Have we agreed that someone can marry a dog?

Nope. Thus, according to me, it wouldn't be recognized as marriage.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit. If government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America, same sex marriages would be a completely moot issue.

You won't hear too many anti-gays screaming for government to get out of their marriages, though. They enjoy all those cash and prizes they get from the government, and they do not want to share. In fact, they literally want gays to go to hell before they will share those government gifts.
They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?

And the instant states started allowing them the socially conservative states banned those as well. It was too much like marriage for their liking. Now suddenly they are all cool with civil unions b/c they see the writing on the wall.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit. If government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America, same sex marriages would be a completely moot issue.

You won't hear too many anti-gays screaming for government to get out of their marriages, though. They enjoy all those cash and prizes they get from the government, and they do not want to share. In fact, they literally want gays to go to hell before they will share those government gifts.
They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?

In what state did gays "turn down" civil unions? I can list quite a few that specifically wrote in prohibitions on civil unions into their anti gay marriage laws...
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit. If government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America, same sex marriages would be a completely moot issue.

You won't hear too many anti-gays screaming for government to get out of their marriages, though. They enjoy all those cash and prizes they get from the government, and they do not want to share. In fact, they literally want gays to go to hell before they will share those government gifts.
They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?

And the instant states started allowing them the socially conservative states banned those as well. It was too much like marriage for their liking. Now suddenly they are all cool with civil unions b/c they see the writing on the wall.

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Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

When did we agree that you could marry your dog?
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

Wow- the stock Conservative answer: allowing two humans to marry is just the same as marrying an animal.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, OKA: Reality.

There is no marriage in nature. We made it up. And it is whatever we say it is.

Sometimes it one man and one woman. Sometimes in one man and many woman. Sometimes its one man and one man. Sometimes its one woman and one woman.

It all depends on how we choose to define it.

Remember, your subjective personal opinions aren't 'reality'. They're just your opinions.
So, according to you, someone could marry their dog. Got it. You're a pervert.

That's correct... The Advocacy to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents through Sexual Deviancy... has long ago dropped the pretense that their demand to accommodate their kink, will not require that the US Culture accept every pitiful manifestation of perversion.

They simply do not care... because they're animated by Relativism, OKA: Evil.
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong
We don't need bias here but does anybody have any weighty argument for homosexual marriage?
Without words about choice and freedom of love please.
Why gay marriage is good and why it is becoming legal so fast?

Specifically? It helps children of same sex couples. It helps same sex couples. It helps encourage monogamy, which strengthen society. Just off the top of my head.
Paul never even met Jesus. His authority to preach came from the Apostles, not Jesus.

Paul was a man, inspired by Jesus, but he was not with Jesus like the Apostles.
Paul's authority came from Christ. Same as the other apostles. He even corrected Peter about some false teachings he was spouting. Paul was their equal in every way.
But America is not a Christian theocracy.

If you want religion to write laws for society, try Sharia.
Your reply has nothing to do do with what I posted. Are you lost? Wrong thread, maybe?
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
No, everyone gets it.

You and many other Christians on the right seek to use the power and authority of the state to disadvantage gay Americans as a matter of Constitutional law and codified public policy, to “keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives” by denying them access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment.

You advocate segregation for gay Americans, as well as laws and measures designed to make discrimination against gays official government policy in the hope gay Americans will be sufficiently intimidated to remove themselves from public life so that you'll not see and hear that which you find so 'offensive.'

That's not how America works, that's not how the rule of law works, and that's not how the Constitution works.

That you and most others on the right have an unwarranted fear of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty is not justification to discriminate against those whom you fear and hate.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

When did we agree that you could marry your dog?
Didn't you claim that marriage was whatever we said it was? So go marry your dog. Who's going to stop you. One perversion is pretty much like another.
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?

In what way do gays "intrude in our lives"? Gays don't come to our homes and force their way in, showing up uninvited to our BBQ's and other social events.

The only difference I see since gay marriage was legalized is that I occasionally see same sex couples holding hands on the street. Otherwise, nothing else about our lives has changed since gay marriage was legalized.

It appears that despite your protestations that you are fine with gay marriage as long as you aren't inconvenienced by it, you aren't fine with the idea of gay couples having a PDA in your presence. That's YOUR problem, not theirs.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

When did we agree that you could marry your dog?
Didn't you claim that marriage was whatever we said it was? So go marry your dog. Who's going to stop you. One perversion is pretty much like another.

And when did we say that marriage is marrying your dog? Can you show me the law or court ruling.

Because I totally missed it.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

The instant you can get your dog to legally consent to a marriage contract I'll gladly support your union. Will you be registered at PetSmart?

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