Why Has Joe Biden Had Such High Disapproval Numbers Since Becoming President?

Why Has Joe Biden Had Such High Disapproval Numbers Since Becoming President?

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If Joe Biden was a dog, a responsible dog owner would be considering putting him down.

Seriously, making him President, the most difficult job in the world, is elder abuse.

Joe isn’t really running anything but someone is telling him what to say and do. We didn’t vote for that someone to run this nation.
Like I have said 100 times here.
Essentially - we do not currently have a President.
Please - look at his daily schedule. President's schedules have been public for years.
LOOK - at Biden's schedule everyday. The man literally does nothing all day - everyday.
Maybe - maybe an hour or two a day. Maybe.
Who Does Biden have such low approval numbers? Inquiring minds want to know. Please select all answers you think apply.
Because Joe could
Walk on Water
Heal the Sick
Raise the dead
Fix climate change
Eliminate all taxes
Eliminate crime

and 87% of the people responding to your "poll" would hate him because he's not a MAGAT.

really is that simple.
Like I have said 100 times here.
Essentially - we do not currently have a President.
Please - look at his daily schedule. President's schedules have been public for years.
LOOK - at Biden's schedule everyday. The man literally does nothing all day - everyday.
Maybe - maybe an hour or two a day. Maybe.
Biden would be wearing a robe and flip-flops screaming at the kids to get off is lawn if he hadn't been appointed president.
Remember how he was awarded the nomination after getting fourth place in the Iowa Caucus?

Bernie Sanders should have won the Democrat Nomination...but the Deep State helped Biden win. Mayor Pete and Pocahontas both beat Biden in Iowa.

Let's face it......Biden isn't running the White House.
Obama is.
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Because Joe could
Walk on Water
Heal the Sick
Raise the dead
Fix climate change
Eliminate all taxes
Eliminate crime

and 87% of the people responding to your "poll" would hate him because he's not a MAGAT.

really is that simple.
You forgot: Cured cancer as we know it.
Sealed the border.
Pinched 8 year old girls titty nipples.
Sniffed hair.
Didn't fall down.
Broke the Olympic high jump record.
Destroyed Trump in a cage match behind the barn.
Freed the slaves.
Swam the English Channel under water.
81,000,000 million votes.
You forgot: Cured cancer as we know it.
Sealed the border.
Pinched 8 year old girls titty nipples.
Sniffed hair.
Didn't fall down.
Broke the Olympic high jump record.
Destroyed Trump in a cage match behind the barn.
Freed the slaves.
Swam the English Channel under water.
81,000,000 million votes.
See what I mean?

Reality deprived MAGATS.
Like Biden says……I don’t need to beat the Almighty, I only have to beat the alternative

Guess What?
The alternative is Trump

Like Biden says……I don’t need to beat the Almighty, I only have to beat the alternative

Guess What?
The alternative is Trump

Maybe he will beat them all. But he can't beat Old Ned. When Old Ned gets a hold on Joe, he is going to cook Old Joe like a hot dog.

Who Does Biden have such low approval numbers? Inquiring minds want to know. Please select all answers you think apply.
I would rate him extremely poor for (not necessarily in this order):
--the economy/inflation/massive spending on unsupportable things
--the border and allowing unconscionable millions of illegals, some/many of which are very bad actors, into the country
--lack of ethics and unconstitutional weaponization of the government to go after/suppress/silence/punish political opposition
--personal integrity and veracity in his professional role
--putting sociopolitical engineering/indoctrination ahead of competence and benefit to America and Americans
--competence in identifying and solving problems and/or putting America and Americans first

There is more but that's for starters I believe I share these personal opinions with a lot of very good people.

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