Why Has Joe Biden Had Such High Disapproval Numbers Since Becoming President?

Why Has Joe Biden Had Such High Disapproval Numbers Since Becoming President?

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There's no great food shortage and the prices aren't that bad. Keep grasping at straws.

The GOP better find someone a whole lot better than Trump if they want to win the general.
no one said anything about food shortages and the prices aint that bad?.....you wealthy assholes all sound alike....
He’s presiding over one of the worst economies in American history.

As the years of the Biden presidency have gone on the price of homes have continuously gone up along with interest rates on loans. People can say whatever they want about it they can attempt to blame the lockdowns or the virus.

And that’s the thing with Mr. Trump. He was put in a very difficult position with the virus first occurred he…. Everything was going great and then we had the coronavirus. If Mr. Trump was elected in 2020 I have no doubt our economy would be much better today. Trump has only so much power contrary to what these idiots Who say he’s a dictator say. But maybe he could’ve done something differently during the lockdowns.

a great leader ship can overcome those things and clearly the Biden administration has not for whatever reason. Biden has had plenty of time and he has failed.
It’s funny how the day Biden was elected all the 24/7 coverage of covid and Covid infection and death numbers instantly disappeared. According to the CDC, in August there have been almost 2,700 people admitted to hospitals for Covid PER DAY. No news coverage at all.
No of course not. It's the independents and fences sitters, but they would rather have Milquetoast than Bluto as president. I've never liked Biden, the consummate politician. He's just a better man than Donnie Dangerously (which isn't a real high bar).
Neither one is a shining example of humanity, but Biden is, and always has been, an apparatchik; he’s never held a real job, never made a payroll or been forced to produce anything in his entire life. He’s the epitome of a professional politician, a sociopath with no morals or integrity beyond being faithful to whomever has most recently bought him. There is an old definition of a honest politician: it’s someone who stays bought.
Any poll suggesting anything close to 40% approval must have been conducted at a moonbat university campus.

Everyone else hates the potato.
Biden's low approval ratings are obviously because he played a role in deliberately starting the war in the Ukraine, that risks WWIII, going all the way back to 2014 when we bribed the coup originally.

He is also the evil author of the horrific 1994 Federal Crime Bill, unofficially known as the "War on Drugs", with all the other illegal laws embedded.
Who Does Biden have such low approval numbers? Inquiring minds want to know. Please select all answers you think apply.
The answer is simple and not part of your list. He took the presidency in the middle of a pandemic of which effects have given us years of economic hardships. Presidents get low approval ratings during economic hardships. So despite the USA recovering better than most all other major countries in the world the people are still feeling pain.

Agree or disagree?
Biden's low approval ratings are obviously because he played a role in deliberately starting the war in the Ukraine, that risks WWIII, going all the way back to 2014 when we bribed the coup originally.

He is also the evil author of the horrific 1994 Federal Crime Bill, unofficially known as the "War on Drugs", with all the other illegal laws embedded.
He played no role whatsoever in starting that war. Putin started it

No one here bribed anyone

You are an absolute LIAR
The answer is simple and not part of your list. He took the presidency in the middle of a pandemic of which effects have given us years of economic hardships. Presidents get low approval ratings during economic hardships. So despite the USA recovering better than most all other major countries in the world the people are still feeling pain.

Agree or disagree?
LOL. So, Biden gets a break because of the pandemic but the pandemic was all Trump's fault.
LOL. So, Biden gets a break because of the pandemic but the pandemic was all Trump's fault.
Haha, when did I say anything about a pass or that the pandemic was trumps fault?! Are you talking to me right now or the invisible strawman?!

Do you agree or disagree with what I said… why or why not? Try to stay on topic and have a real talk if you can

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