Why hasn't San Francisco begged for Syrian refugees to come there???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?

Maybe because space is at a premium, and even the house my Dad was born in, raised and lived in, my Grandmother spent most of her life in, I lived in for a year taking care fo her, and she eventually died in, despite being 836 sq. feet is worth $782,000. :)

212 Ordway Street, San Francisco, CA | Trulia.com
You would think they should support their wonderful leader?...
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?

Maybe because space is at a premium, and even the house my Dad was born in, raised and lived in, my Grandmother spent most of her life in, I lived in for a year taking care fo her, and she eventually died in, despite being 836 sq. feet is worth $782,000. :)

212 Ordway Street, San Francisco, CA | Trulia.com

Are you saying that great compassionate liberal city of San Francisco does not have any public housing for poor people? I think you are wrong. Where else do the illegal immigrants live in that sanctuary city?
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?

Maybe because space is at a premium, and even the house my Dad was born in, raised and lived in, my Grandmother spent most of her life in, I lived in for a year taking care fo her, and she eventually died in, despite being 836 sq. feet is worth $782,000. :)

212 Ordway Street, San Francisco, CA | Trulia.com

Are you saying that great compassionate liberal city of San Francisco does not have any public housing for poor people? I think you are wrong. Where else do the illegal immigrants live in that sanctuary city?

Wasn't so compassionate when I lived there :)
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?
Has anyone "begged"? Or is there another process? How do you know that they are not accepting any? How do you know they are clutching pearls like so many brave southern red states are?
It is becoming a Hipster city now, $$$$$ from the High Tech companies.

Homeless shelters have a 4- 6 month wait list right now, and there is no where for the refugees to go.
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?
Man, you really stepped on your crank this time: California, Bay Area politicians won't shut the door on Syrian refugees

The Invisible People: Syrian Refugees (MLF)

Gov. Jerry Brown will allow Syrian refugees after vetting process
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?
Man, you really stepped on your crank this time: California, Bay Area politicians won't shut the door on Syrian refugees

The Invisible People: Syrian Refugees (MLF)

Gov. Jerry Brown will allow Syrian refugees after vetting process

I guess the OP is too damn dumb to know how to use the Google. :)
Hmmm. Seems liberal wonderland San Fran would have publicly opened their arms to the Syrian refugees....being a Sanctuary City and all. Why not?? Seems Portland hasn't either. Libs....are your far left cities not being tolerant and welcoming?

California was one of the first states to agree to take refugees.

Are you one of those dumbasses who can't tell the difference between a city and a state?

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