Why have a standing Army Policy?

Someone has not read History. WW2 proved we needed a large standing Army. Korea proved we could not disband it at the end of the War.

Our military needs to grow by several divisions of active duty troops and we need the States to return to ACTIVE militia training.

We need to INCREASE Defense spending.
I worry most about the lessons of the war in Iraq/Afghanistan leading us to a point where we are so focued on small-scale asymetrical war that we reorganize ourselves so far towards that extreme that we lose the ability to effectively fight a conventional war.

A fuckin men, I agree with both posts.
What country would be stupid enough to attempt an invasion of America?
Once we undertake your plan, a successful invasion could be brought by three squirrels and a rabid mongoose.

How would they invade, from where, how many? Just more reason to put US troops on US soil, before disbanding them.
Your lack of relevant education is showing.
Troops on our shores don't protect us from invation, ships at sea do.
Just like they protect SLOC.

Figure out that SLOC is yet?
The Militias are a bunch of redneck drunk pieces of shit, I don't want them "defending" anything, and the National Guard are mostly weekend warriors, we need a strong Active Duty Military.

Then defend it yourself. You do have choice. In fact if your feeling macho, just jump right over to Afghan as a mercenary soldier. Personally, I don't care if they piss all over themselves.

What the fuck are you talking about?:cuckoo:

Well you seem so insecure about the militia & National Guard protecting you, then protect yourself just like the rest of America can do. I used to say something like, if you feel macho, jump. Some here think we have national interests, which mean foreign interests, and so let them go fight those wars. US Troops belong on US soil.

There wouldn't be enough people to defend NJ.
The National guard is part of the DoD, isn't it?

Malitias? good lord, you clearly don't understand what goes into training people to work as a unit, let alone get the basics done.

Boot camp is 8 - 12 weeks. And that's just to learn the basics.

I'm all for closing overseas bases. Let those countreis fend for themselves.

But 95% is comical.

What would you do with all the Vets that are suddenly unemployed and unprepared for civilian life?

How many billion do you figure you need to polish toilet seats?

You clearly have no grasp of what it takes to be a soldier or sailor, none.

8 weeks of boot camp
6 weeks of sub school
36 weeks of 'A' School
10 weeks of 'C' School
8 months of working on my quals to get my Dolphins

You truly expect a militia or weekend warriors do what full time active duty Vets do?

This is a good idea only in your head, in reality, it's suicide and has been shown to fail time and time again.
I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.

Just when I thought you could not get any more ignorant... you take it to a whole new level

Well, fuck you in your ass if that makes you feel better, you lil cocksucker.
I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).
Um.... no. More like 18-18.5% of total federal outlays.
You're confusing "the budget" with "discretionary spending".

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.
This completely ignores the current state of the world and the subsequent threats to our national interest.

Why do we have national interests that require us to have troops all over the planet and to be almost perpetually in a state of war(s)?

You don't see other nations having to do that. What makes them special? What makes South Korea, or Germany, or Japan, or Brazil, or South Africa, or Russia, or Australia so different that they can seem to get by just find, national interest-wise,

without doing what we do?

I was hoping they would remember we have diplomats for a reason, but alas, they can only hurl insults and finger fuck themselves. :dunno:
Someone has not read History. WW2 proved we needed a large standing Army. Korea proved we could not disband it at the end of the War.
And did we have a large standing army? NO!!?? And is Korea the 51st State? Maybe I missed something. Bring the US Troops home to US soil, and let the UN do their job.
Our military needs to grow by several divisions of active duty troops and we need the States to return to ACTIVE militia training.

We need to INCREASE Defense spending.

I think you forgot what the US military is supposed to do. Try reading the Constitution, will you.
Someone has not read History. WW2 proved we needed a large standing Army. Korea proved we could not disband it at the end of the War.

Our military needs to grow by several divisions of active duty troops and we need the States to return to ACTIVE militia training.

We need to INCREASE Defense spending.

See? Here's the mainstream Conservative insanity in a nutshell.

We are, as a country, on a tax cut and spend anyway death spiral and it's people like this kind who are responsible.
I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.

Wonderful idea.

And when some country decides to take advantage of that policy by mounting an invasion we can expect the militia to get their act together, meet up, reactivate all their equipment, and repel the invasion instantly.

Now I know why you think this is a good idea, you are bat shit crazy.

What country would be stupid enough to attempt an invasion of America? How would they invade, from where, how many? Just more reason to put US troops on US soil, before disbanding them. Bush Sr. spent about 2-3 months in the ME, just getting ready to invade. We send troops to the ME all the time that have no training. They learn to die over there.

Are we going to hurl names asshole?? I care less if you like the idea. How many troops do you want on US soil besides the National Guard? How about we cut 90% of the military budget? You like that?

Japan attacked us because we didn't have a standing Army, or a Navy, that was anywhere near large enough to worry them. The reason no country wants to take us on now is that we have that Army you think is useless.

Like I said, bat shit crazy.
Why do we have national interests that require us to have troops all over the planet and to be almost perpetually in a state of war(s)?
The most obvious reason is that the global economy is interdependent.

You don't see other nations having to do that. What makes them special?
Easy. They can't.

What makes South Korea, or Germany, or Japan, or Brazil, or South Africa, or Russia, or Australia so different that they can seem to get by just find, national interest-wise,
without doing what we do?
-We- do it, as they cannot..

We cannot. We are in a debt death spiral. We're going to end up as a giant 3rd world country where our only merit will be a massive bloated military sucking up every nickel we produce.
Wonderful idea.

And when some country decides to take advantage of that policy by mounting an invasion we can expect the militia to get their act together, meet up, reactivate all their equipment, and repel the invasion instantly.

Now I know why you think this is a good idea, you are bat shit crazy.

What country would be stupid enough to attempt an invasion of America? How would they invade, from where, how many? Just more reason to put US troops on US soil, before disbanding them. Bush Sr. spent about 2-3 months in the ME, just getting ready to invade. We send troops to the ME all the time that have no training. They learn to die over there.

Are we going to hurl names asshole?? I care less if you like the idea. How many troops do you want on US soil besides the National Guard? How about we cut 90% of the military budget? You like that?

Japan attacked us because we didn't have a standing Army, or a Navy, that was anywhere near large enough to worry them. The reason no country wants to take us on now is that we have that Army you think is useless.

Like I said, bat shit crazy.

You are truly clueless. What nation do we risk being attacked by if we didn't have a massive standing army?
8 months of working on my quals to get my Dolphins
He has no idea what those are.

come to think of it, most people wouldn't.

It would take a long time to explain 'quals', but basically I learned everything about the sub. well,,, 95%, we were not allowed into the reactor room.

The Dolphins

Watch a movie that has people on subs, they will have gold or silver Dolphins over thier pockets or on thier hats. Those are earned, fail to do so, and you are out, and sent to the surface fleet. A fate far, far worse that death by bunga bunga.
What country would be stupid enough to attempt an invasion of America? How would they invade, from where, how many? Just more reason to put US troops on US soil, before disbanding them. Bush Sr. spent about 2-3 months in the ME, just getting ready to invade. We send troops to the ME all the time that have no training. They learn to die over there.

Are we going to hurl names asshole?? I care less if you like the idea. How many troops do you want on US soil besides the National Guard? How about we cut 90% of the military budget? You like that?

Japan attacked us because we didn't have a standing Army, or a Navy, that was anywhere near large enough to worry them. The reason no country wants to take us on now is that we have that Army you think is useless.

Like I said, bat shit crazy.

You are truly clueless. What nation do we risk being attacked by if we didn't have a massive standing army?

We cannot. We are in a debt death spiral.
Sure we can. All we need to do is redirect our priorities.
Given the danger of letting someone else protect our national interest, the priority level for this needs to be high.

We're going to end up as a giant 3rd world country where our only merit will be a massive bloated military sucking up every nickel we produce.
Hyperbole and melodrama are not support for a sound point.
What country would be stupid enough to attempt an invasion of America? How would they invade, from where, how many? Just more reason to put US troops on US soil, before disbanding them. Bush Sr. spent about 2-3 months in the ME, just getting ready to invade. We send troops to the ME all the time that have no training. They learn to die over there.

Are we going to hurl names asshole?? I care less if you like the idea. How many troops do you want on US soil besides the National Guard? How about we cut 90% of the military budget? You like that?

Japan attacked us because we didn't have a standing Army, or a Navy, that was anywhere near large enough to worry them. The reason no country wants to take us on now is that we have that Army you think is useless.

Like I said, bat shit crazy.

You are truly clueless. What nation do we risk being attacked by if we didn't have a massive standing army?

Every single nation that wants to make a statement. You seem to be operating under the delusion that people are rational.
What country would be stupid enough to attempt an invasion of America?
Once we undertake your plan, a successful invasion could be brought by three squirrels and a rabid mongoose.
Don't think so. We cannot be invaded by land or sea. That leaves air and missiles. If a country wants to play nukes, you can't stop them. If they come by air we blow them ouf of the sky. No need for anyone to be paranoid. Do you think Germans wake up thinking about invasions?? Christ, most of you people have enough guns & ammo to stop a land invasion anyway. Or is this a cowardly chicken thingy going on here?
How would they invade, from where, how many? Just more reason to put US troops on US soil, before disbanding them.
Your lack of relevant education is showing.
Troops on our shores don't protect us from invation, ships at sea do.
Just like they protect SLOC.

Figure out that SLOC is yet?

My lack of education? LOL! I did my nam time. Who said anything about troops swimming out to ships to do battle? Oh, that is right! You did. Now what makes you think a troop ship could get within a 1000 miles of our shoreline? We could blow out of the water with a missile, etc. Take a deep breath, you are safe in America.:lol::lol: And you don't engage ships with ships anymore. Maybe a sub, but most likely a missile.
Some here think we have national interests, which mean foreign interests...
It's almost as if you are -trying- to show us how wrong you can be.
If so, you're doing a bang-up job.

Yeah right, you are the guy that thinks US Troops should be butchered off US soil. How wrong is that? Don't feed me bullshit about National Interests of corporations and Empire building. That is how wrong you are.

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