Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

There are a lot of white supremacist organizations out there, Gramps. "Klan" is shorthand, but you know that.
Do you even have a clue about how many black and brown supremacist groups exist?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs? Sounds to me as if some people are trying to deny that white supremacist groups exist. I disagree.
This thread isn't about white groups twit. It is about DEMOCRATS & their passive acceptance of the violence that is gripping our nation.
Tell that to PTBW, who I was replying to.
He didn't bring up white supremacists, YOU DID. And it has nothing to do with this topic.
No, YOU DID. "When is the last time the Klan was relevant?" Responding to whom? Not me.
And excuse me all to hell for messing up your Hate-Democrats wallow.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

Because they mainstream left agrees with and appreciates the support of these violent racist leftists.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

What a silly question, their party wasn't taken over those types ARE their party.
Liberals as self defined on this board are the enemy. Their ignorance is a threat to our nation.

Liberals didn't start the Iraqi War, conservatives did, and that has to be the singular worst decision in the history of the country. The war was a disaster economically, with the horrific cost driving up the deficit. At home, conservatives basically stopped infrastructure spending at home. Billions that could and should have been spent at home on the crumbling infrastructure, were spent in the Middle East, both destroying and rebuilding Iraq.

Liberals did not promote the changes to the banking regulations which lead to the housing bubble, although Clinton signed it into law. This bill was the brainchild of the conservative Republicans holding Congress and the Senate. Dumb and dumber.

Liberals didn't cut taxes in 2002 either. Those tax cuts ballooned the deficit and created few jobs.

Liberals didn't create Medicaid Part D either. That unfunded program also had a dramatic impact on the deficit. That was W's bribe to the elderly to vote for him inn 2004.

Every stupid, wrong-headed fiscal decision made since 1980, was done by Republicans.

So you have a helluva nerve saying the liberals are the enemy. Stupid is as stupid does, and stupid, selfish, white people vote Republican. The smart, the educated, and the compassionate, vote Democrat. Not because the Democrats are all that and a bag of peanuts, but because the Republicans are so much worse.

Conservatives did not start the Iraq war, Bush did, and Hillary voted to go.
Looks like the liberals can do nothing but smear, insult, belittle, and predict doom for Donald Trump.

They must remain strangely silent about their own candidate, since she has no accomplishments, no programs that have worked, and an ideology that has consistently failed for the last four or five decades.
Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

because they can't escape what they are .,,,
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

Soros? He doesn't hold a candle to the Koch brothers in terms of money invested in politics.

As for radical black groups, they don't compare to the white supremacist and holocaust deniers and xenophobic groups that are found on the right.

But let me try to address your question in a way that doesn't presuppose so many obvious and tired strawmen.

When the left pivoted from traditional working class issues to race, gender and lifestyle - code for black panthers, bra burners and gays - it was motivated by the idea of giving socially and economically oppressed people greater opportunity to compete for this nation's resources. The leaders on the Left knew and predicted that the old privileged power structure would kick and scream (and lie and mischaracterize what was happening).

The left also predicted that their new coalition would include its fair share of radicals and morons, but they thought that this former slave owning nation that denied suffrage to women and tortured homosexuals needed to live up to the freedoms it preaches about.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

Soros? He doesn't hold a candle to the Koch brothers in terms of money invested in politics.

As for radical black groups, they don't compare to the white supremacist and holocaust deniers and xenophobic groups that are found on the right.

But let me try to address your question in a way that doesn't presuppose so many obvious and tired strawmen.

When the left pivoted from traditional working class issues to race, gender and lifestyle - code for black panthers, bra burners and gays - it was motivated by the idea of giving socially and economically oppressed people greater opportunity to compete for this nation's resources. The leaders on the Left knew and predicted that the old privileged power structure would kick and scream (and lie and mischaracterize what was happening).

The left also predicted that their new coalition would include its fair share of radicals and morons, but they thought that this former slave owning nation that denied suffrage to women and tortured homosexuals needed to live up to the freedoms it preaches about.
I guess for the same reason the GOP sat by and let the Klan take over theirs.

The klan is the old terrorist wing of the democrat party....the Republican party fought the klan to help the newly freed blacks get their rights...please..study some history.......
Guy, it's time you started reading the paper or something. It's not 1865 anymore.
Today's Dimocrat party is why Trump has been able to distinguish himself by calling himself the law and order candidate.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

Democrats didn't sit by. They enabled and encouraged it.
Because Democrats are violent extremists and radicals...

Anita Dunn: "Mao Tse Tung is one of my favorite political philosophers"


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