Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

None of us have control over our skin color but all of us have control over our actions

That includes the police. Shooting people already on the ground. Shooting people in the back as they run away after a traffic stop, shooting a 12 year old child armed with a fake gun. It's obscene.

Bleeding poor blacks with nitpicking traffic tickets they can't afford to pay, and overpolicing non-white areas so that people of colour are constantly targeted. Treating law abiding protesters as rioters when they are peacefully demonstrating.

You blame BLM and other rights groups for the violence, but not a single word about the way cops routinely stop and harass blacks, cover up the violence committed by other officers, and then demonize those they kill. This violence didn't start in a vaccuum. That you blame the victims and refuse to hold the police accountable for their actions, speaks volumes.
None of us have control over our skin color but all of us have control over our actions

That includes the police. Shooting people already on the ground. Shooting people in the back as they run away after a traffic stop, shooting a 12 year old child armed with a fake gun. It's obscene.

You blame BLM and other rights groups for the violence, but not a single word about the way cops routinely stop and harass blacks, and then demonize those they kill.
Oh fuck off you stupid old hag. I have a thread dedicated to cop violence & in it I explicitly say change has to occur. Just because YOU didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Besides that, this thread is not about police. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention
I guess for the same reason the GOP sat by and let the Klan take over theirs.
Klan? When was the last time the Klan was relevant in our society?
There are a lot of white supremacist organizations out there, Gramps. "Klan" is shorthand, but you know that.
Do you even have a clue about how many black and brown supremacist groups exist?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs? Sounds to me as if some people are trying to deny that white supremacist groups exist. I disagree.
I guess for the same reason the GOP sat by and let the Klan take over theirs.
Klan? When was the last time the Klan was relevant in our society?
There are a lot of white supremacist organizations out there, Gramps. "Klan" is shorthand, but you know that.
Do you even have a clue about how many black and brown supremacist groups exist?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs? Sounds to me as if some people are trying to deny that white supremacist groups exist. I disagree.
This thread isn't about white groups twit. It is about DEMOCRATS & their passive acceptance of the violence that is gripping our nation.
Oh my the race card, apparently someone has degenerated to name calling as their last defense. As for the police, the day is coming that you will dial 911 and no one will show up ,so you had better arm yourself with more than the kitchen knife.
None of us have control over our skin color but all of us have control over our actions

That includes the police. Shooting people already on the ground. Shooting people in the back as they run away after a traffic stop, shooting a 12 year old child armed with a fake gun. It's obscene.

You blame BLM and other rights groups for the violence, but not a single word about the way cops routinely stop and harass blacks, and then demonize those they kill.
Oh fuck off you stupid old hag. I have a thread dedicated to cop violence & in it I explicitly say change has to occur. Just because YOU didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Besides that, this thread is not about police. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention

Did I insult your or your post? The classic case of "You can't attack my ideas, so you attack me". Stop being an ignorant a$$hat.

This thread is blaming the protestors for the violence. The Dallas shooter wasn't affiliated with BLM. There is no evidence whatsoever that BLM is behind these killings, or Soros for that matter. That's just conservative conspiracy theories.

As long as conservatives continue to pretend that they haven't contributed to this violence with their hatred of Obama, birther conspiracy theories, anti-black rhetoric, things will continue to get worse, not better.

As long you continue to treat liberals as if they were the enemy, and not your friends and neighbours, your country's decline will continue unabated. United you stand, divided you fall.
This thread isn't about white groups twit. It is about DEMOCRATS & their passive acceptance of the violence that is gripping our nation.

But Democrats aren't passively accepting the violence and you're either ignorant or lying if you say they are. My money is on ignorant.
None of us have control over our skin color but all of us have control over our actions

That includes the police. Shooting people already on the ground. Shooting people in the back as they run away after a traffic stop, shooting a 12 year old child armed with a fake gun. It's obscene.

You blame BLM and other rights groups for the violence, but not a single word about the way cops routinely stop and harass blacks, and then demonize those they kill.
Oh fuck off you stupid old hag. I have a thread dedicated to cop violence & in it I explicitly say change has to occur. Just because YOU didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Besides that, this thread is not about police. Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention

Did I insult your or your post? The classic case of "You can't attack my ideas, so you attack me". Stop being an ignorant a$$hat.

This thread is blaming the protestors for the violence. The Dallas shooter wasn't affiliated with BLM. There is no evidence whatsoever that BLM is behind these killings, or Soros for that matter. That's just conservative conspiracy theories.

As long as conservatives continue to pretend that they haven't contributed to this violence with their hatred of Obama, birther conspiracy theories, anti-black rhetoric, things will continue to get worse, not better.

As long you continue to treat liberals as if they were the enemy, and not your friends and neighbours, your country's decline will continue unabated. United you stand, divided you fall.
Liberals as self defined on this board are the enemy. Their ignorance is a threat to our nation.
This thread isn't about white groups twit. It is about DEMOCRATS & their passive acceptance of the violence that is gripping our nation.
Are they accepting of the violence that happened at the "Pulse" club in Florida? No, that's where they draw the line.
I guess for the same reason the GOP sat by and let the Klan take over theirs.
Klan? When was the last time the Klan was relevant in our society?
There are a lot of white supremacist organizations out there, Gramps. "Klan" is shorthand, but you know that.
Do you even have a clue about how many black and brown supremacist groups exist?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs? Sounds to me as if some people are trying to deny that white supremacist groups exist. I disagree.
This thread isn't about white groups twit. It is about DEMOCRATS & their passive acceptance of the violence that is gripping our nation.
Tell that to PTBW, who I was replying to.
Arrest George Soros. He's the main backer of these groups. He creates these groups specifically for Elections. He did it with the the OWS sham last time around. They're meant to to disturb the Election. He's been interfering and inciting in our country for years. He's a criminal. Arrest him, and things will calm down.
Fact check: You're full of Pubcrappe. The NBPP never would have been heard of without you idiots...
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

At the heart of every collectivist/progressive, is the heart of an violent anarchist, hell bent on supreme control over their opposition through force.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.
Since the GOP is aiming for 0% of black voters, all black org's are Dem now. And everything you know about Soros is BS, dupe. No money for BLW period, certainly 33 million is a total fantasy. GD uppity n*****s...lol
Klan? When was the last time the Klan was relevant in our society?
There are a lot of white supremacist organizations out there, Gramps. "Klan" is shorthand, but you know that.
Do you even have a clue about how many black and brown supremacist groups exist?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs? Sounds to me as if some people are trying to deny that white supremacist groups exist. I disagree.
This thread isn't about white groups twit. It is about DEMOCRATS & their passive acceptance of the violence that is gripping our nation.
Tell that to PTBW, who I was replying to.
He didn't bring up white supremacists, YOU DID. And it has nothing to do with this topic.
I guess for the same reason the GOP sat by and let the Klan take over theirs.
Klan? When was the last time the Klan was relevant in our society?
There are a lot of white supremacist organizations out there, Gramps. "Klan" is shorthand, but you know that.
Do you even have a clue about how many black and brown supremacist groups exist?
What's that got to do with the price of eggs? Sounds to me as if some people are trying to deny that white supremacist groups exist. I disagree.
This thread isn't about white groups twit. It is about DEMOCRATS & their passive acceptance of the violence that is gripping our nation.
Nuts with guns. Great job, NRAGOP! Everyone need an AR-15. Stupid a-holes. Thanks for the world depression that has nothing to do with all this...Read some history.
Soros is responsible for the brutal slaughter of five American Police Officers. Soros is behind these extremist groups. He interferes and incites violence. He did it last time with his OWS sham too. Their function is to subvert and wreak havoc around Election Time. Soros should be arrested.
Show me Soros is anything but the conservatives' whipping boy, the Thing you point to as being behind many, many people's chagrin at how they have been treated. Soros is not behind the police actions that incited these protests. If you can show me real valid facts that he is behind this like some evil Joker, I'd be pleased to hear them. He is a man with lots of money who has political opinions. He spends his money supporting those opinions. If you don't like his opinions, you won't like how he spends his money.

Who is paying all these lay abouts to descend on Cleveland? You know they aren't self funding. Now we have two more dead officers in LA.

Soros groups created to subvert U.S. Elections. Their function is to wreak havoc around Election Time. He did it with his OWS sham last time. If the Democrats win, these groups quickly disappear after the Election. I mean, when's the last time you heard from an OWS wingnut? Where'd they all go?

They serve their purpose and then they're disbanded. But this time one of his extremist groups went too far. They slaughtered five American Police Officers. He needs to be held accountable. Arrest him immediately.

Yuh huh.
----- on what evidence? A blog by Alex Jones? :tinfoil:


Soros is the money man. He should be arrested for interfering in our elections and inciting violence in our country. OWS and this BLM group were created to cause chaos and divide the People further. The Democrats have chosen a very dangerous ally in Soros. The man is a criminal.

Interesting. I have thought he was behind these groups.
Liberals as self defined on this board are the enemy. Their ignorance is a threat to our nation.

Liberals didn't start the Iraqi War, conservatives did, and that has to be the singular worst decision in the history of the country. The war was a disaster economically, with the horrific cost driving up the deficit. At home, conservatives basically stopped infrastructure spending at home. Billions that could and should have been spent at home on the crumbling infrastructure, were spent in the Middle East, both destroying and rebuilding Iraq.

Liberals did not promote the changes to the banking regulations which lead to the housing bubble, although Clinton signed it into law. This bill was the brainchild of the conservative Republicans holding Congress and the Senate. Dumb and dumber.

Liberals didn't cut taxes in 2002 either. Those tax cuts ballooned the deficit and created few jobs.

Liberals didn't create Medicaid Part D either. That unfunded program also had a dramatic impact on the deficit. That was W's bribe to the elderly to vote for him inn 2004.

Every stupid, wrong-headed fiscal decision made since 1980, was done by Republicans.

So you have a helluva nerve saying the liberals are the enemy. Stupid is as stupid does, and stupid, selfish, white people vote Republican. The smart, the educated, and the compassionate, vote Democrat. Not because the Democrats are all that and a bag of peanuts, but because the Republicans are so much worse.
Liberals as self defined on this board are the enemy. Their ignorance is a threat to our nation.

Liberals didn't start the Iraqi War, conservatives did, and that has to be the singular worst decision in the history of the country. The war was a disaster economically, with the horrific cost driving up the deficit. At home, conservatives basically stopped infrastructure spending at home. Billions that could and should have been spent at home on the crumbling infrastructure, were spent in the Middle East, both destroying and rebuilding Iraq.

Liberals did not promote the changes to the banking regulations which lead to the housing bubble, although Clinton signed it into law. This bill was the brainchild of the conservative Republicans holding Congress and the Senate. Dumb and dumber.

Liberals didn't cut taxes in 2002 either. Those tax cuts ballooned the deficit and created few jobs.

Liberals didn't create Medicaid Part D either. That unfunded program also had a dramatic impact on the deficit. That was W's bribe to the elderly to vote for him inn 2004.

Every stupid, wrong-headed fiscal decision made since 1980, was done by Republicans.

So you have a helluva nerve saying the liberals are the enemy. Stupid is as stupid does, and stupid, selfish, white people vote Republican. The smart, the educated, and the compassionate, vote Democrat. Not because the Democrats are all that and a bag of peanuts, but because the Republicans are so much worse.
All off topic bullshit. Congrats to your continued failure

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