Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

Why did Republicans sit by while their party was being co-opt'd by delusional religious nuts and violent white supremacists and assorted racist radicals?

The party of racism is the democrat party.....their core groups and political leaders are all racists.....

you understand that's delusional, right?

but please keep on cheering every time a person of color is murdered.
Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

Why did Republicans sit by while their party was being co-opt'd by delusional religious nuts and violent white supremacists and assorted racist radicals?

The party of racism is the democrat party.....their core groups and political leaders are all racists.....

Yeah, and I bet you even have "credible" proof...
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

because it hasn't be co-opted by anyone.

concern yourself with your party being overrun by white supremacists, neo-nazis and kkk'ers. and do let me know when hillary starts re-tweeting black panthers' tweets like the donald does white supremacists and neo-nazis' posts.

Funny how the only groups that are punching the opposition in organized attacks is the black lies matter groups....and the black racist who shot the white cops was not a republican.....
For the same reason Republicans sit back watch all those black absentee ballots burn. :lol:
You mean the truck that "may or may not" have had ballots in it? Funny indeed

Transporting leprechaun eggs is dangerous business.
Did libs cry tears of sadness when our Millitary serving overseas ballots were tossed out by democrats?

nice lie from a typical low-information loon.

ballots can't be counted without a postmark. no exceptions.

or should we pretend that you should be able to stuff the ballot box, as it were?

For the same reason Republicans sit back watch all those black absentee ballots burn. :lol:
You mean the truck that "may or may not" have had ballots in it? Funny indeed

Transporting leprechaun eggs is dangerous business.
Did libs cry tears of sadness when our Millitary serving overseas ballots were tossed out by democrats?

I am sure quite a few were happy if it gave them a political edge. I wish voting was spread out over two or three days. They should be national holidays as well.
Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

Why did Republicans sit by while their party was being co-opt'd by delusional religious nuts and violent white supremacists and assorted racist radicals?

The party of racism is the democrat party.....their core groups and political leaders are all racists.....

you understand that's delusional, right?

but please keep on cheering every time a person of color is murdered.

Okay....get ready to run away....

The core groups of the democrat party are all openly and proudly racist......la raza, the black panthers, the nation of islam, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus....all racist, all open and proud about it....

Do you deny that?

The leaders of your party........bill clinton's political mentor was j. william fulbright....known racist, known segregationist, given the Presidential medal of Freedom by bill....

obama...sat in a racist church for 20 years.....

Do you deny that?
Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

Why did Republicans sit by while their party was being co-opt'd by delusional religious nuts and violent white supremacists and assorted racist radicals?

The party of racism is the democrat party.....their core groups and political leaders are all racists.....

Yeah, and I bet you even have "credible" proof...

La Raza....core group of the democrat party.....means "The Race"

the black panters, the nation of islam, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus....openly and proudly racist....all support the democrats.....

Why have democrats sat by while their party is being co-opt'd by violent extremists and radicals?

Why did Republicans sit by while their party was being co-opt'd by delusional religious nuts and violent white supremacists and assorted racist radicals?

The party of racism is the democrat party.....their core groups and political leaders are all racists.....

you understand that's delusional, right?

but please keep on cheering every time a person of color is murdered.

Okay....get ready to run away....

The core groups of the democrat party are all openly and proudly racist......la raza, the black panthers, the nation of islam, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus....all racist, all open and proud about it....

Do you deny that?

The leaders of your party........bill clinton's political mentor was j. william fulbright....known racist, known segregationist, given the Presidential medal of Freedom by bill....

obama...sat in a racist church for 20 years.....

Do you deny that?

Obama's church was only racist according to white racist standards.
La Raza....core group of the democrat party.....means "The Race"

Only if you take it literally and ignore cultural context.
Oh wait --- forgot who I was talking to.

the black panters, the nation of islam, the NAACP, the congressional black caucus....openly and proudly racist....all support the democrats.....

Funny that wags on this board continually remind us (correctly) that the NAACP was started by a lot of Republicans.
Arrest George Soros. He's the main backer of these groups. He creates these groups specifically for Elections. He did it with the the OWS sham last time around. They're meant to to disturb the Election. He's been interfering and inciting in our country for years. He's a criminal. Arrest him, and things will calm down.
As long as the Koch brothers go with him.

Soros is responsible for the brutal slaughter of five American Police Officers. Soros is behind these extremist groups. He interferes and incites violence. He did it last time with his OWS sham too. Their function is to subvert and wreak havoc around Election Time. Soros should be arrested.
Show me Soros is anything but the conservatives' whipping boy, the Thing you point to as being behind many, many people's chagrin at how they have been treated. Soros is not behind the police actions that incited these protests. If you can show me real valid facts that he is behind this like some evil Joker, I'd be pleased to hear them. He is a man with lots of money who has political opinions. He spends his money supporting those opinions. If you don't like his opinions, you won't like how he spends his money.

Who is paying all these lay abouts to descend on Cleveland? You know they aren't self funding. Now we have two more dead officers in LA.
It's primarily urban myth. Of course these protesters are self-funding, with contributions from those of like minds. In some cases, that may be Soros. I do NOT know (1) that the protesters are "layabouts" or (2) that they are all there earning their supper via Soros' check.
I grieve for the police who are dead. I worry about the cops who will be like a bunch of sitting ducks this coming week in Cleveland. I hope some sanity drifts in from somewhere and SOMEONE stands up and says "Enough!" Two wrongs don't make a right.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

BULLSHIT. Some do, but most Americans of every ethnicity, color and creed want justice, not revenge. Bitter, angry and ignorant people engage in calumny, lies, half-truths and echo each other creating a false reality.

Tell a lie over and over and biddable people begin to believe it. That is the strategy of Trump. How many times has he repeated, "crooked Hillary" sans any evidence of wrongdoing? And yet, there is no echo coming from Trump's admission that he donated money to elected officials to get his way.
Soros is responsible for the brutal slaughter of five American Police Officers. Soros is behind these extremist groups. He interferes and incites violence. He did it last time with his OWS sham too. Their function is to subvert and wreak havoc around Election Time. Soros should be arrested.

As of right now that numbered has increased to eight.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

BULLSHIT. Some do, but most Americans of every ethnicity, color and creed want justice, not revenge. Bitter, angry and ignorant people engage in calumny, lies, half-truths and echo each other creating a false reality.

Tell a lie over and over and biddable people begin to believe it. That is the strategy of Trump. How many times has he repeated, "crooked Hillary" sans any evidence of wrongdoing? And yet, there is no echo coming from Trump's admission that he donated money to elected officials to get his way.
Like "hands up, don't shoot"?

Slither away now scrub
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

BULLSHIT. Some do, but most Americans of every ethnicity, color and creed want justice, not revenge. Bitter, angry and ignorant people engage in calumny, lies, half-truths and echo each other creating a false reality.

Tell a lie over and over and biddable people begin to believe it. That is the strategy of Trump. How many times has he repeated, "crooked Hillary" sans any evidence of wrongdoing? And yet, there is no echo coming from Trump's admission that he donated money to elected officials to get his way.
Like "hands up, don't shoot"?

Slither away now scrub

feel free to take your own advice.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

BULLSHIT. Some do, but most Americans of every ethnicity, color and creed want justice, not revenge. Bitter, angry and ignorant people engage in calumny, lies, half-truths and echo each other creating a false reality.

Tell a lie over and over and biddable people begin to believe it. That is the strategy of Trump. How many times has he repeated, "crooked Hillary" sans any evidence of wrongdoing? And yet, there is no echo coming from Trump's admission that he donated money to elected officials to get his way.
Like "hands up, don't shoot"?

Slither away now scrub

I left out a lack of empathy, but you did provide a nice example of an echo.
I guess for the same reason the GOP sat by and let the Klan take over theirs.

Because you and the truth are far apart?

is your fearless reality show host not re-tweeting the posts of kkk'ers, neo nazis and white supremacists?

perhaps you'd do well with a bit of reality yourself....but then you'd have to separate yourself form your bigotry and anti-semitism. i'm figuring that's not going to happen.
BLM, Black Panthers, Soros......Those groups and people don't give a shit about law & order or peace or your political agenda. All they care about is having their rhetoric & violence "sanctioned" by your silence.

BULLSHIT. Some do, but most Americans of every ethnicity, color and creed want justice, not revenge. Bitter, angry and ignorant people engage in calumny, lies, half-truths and echo each other creating a false reality.

Tell a lie over and over and biddable people begin to believe it. That is the strategy of Trump. How many times has he repeated, "crooked Hillary" sans any evidence of wrongdoing? And yet, there is no echo coming from Trump's admission that he donated money to elected officials to get his way.
Like "hands up, don't shoot"?

Slither away now scrub

I left out a lack of empathy, but you did provide a nice example of an echo.
Haha fail. Hands up, don't shoot. Sniper fire on the tarmac!
I guess for the same reason the GOP sat by and let the Klan take over theirs.

The klan is the old terrorist wing of the democrat party....the Republican party fought the klan to help the newly freed blacks get their rights...please..study some history.......

Yuh huh -- that essplains why the Klan got Ed Jackson elected governor of Indiana. The Democrats were tired of running the place. Or why they elected Rice Means Senator in Colorado -- the Democrats found the Senate too crowded. Or why they got Owen Brewster elected in Maine, or George Baker in Oregon, or Clarence Morley in Colorado. Democrats just spreadin' the wealth around, right down to the Anaheim city council.

Also essplains why the Klan mobilized to get Jack Walton kicked out of the governor seat in Oklahoma, and why they demonstrated against Oscar Underwood and Al Smith at the Democratic convention. And why the first POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Grant was Lyndon Johnson, who watched his father and uncles stay up on Klanwatch overnight when he was a kid.

"Study some history" :lmao: if history books were water, Hunior, you'd be the desert.

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