Why have the Ds waited until now to panic?

Pelosi can presumably read a calendar. Therefore she knew when she resumed the speakership in 2019 that without either winning the White House or winning veto proof majorities in both houses of congress she would be overseeing the collapse of the D party's tax base at the state and local level. Corruption investigations galore will accompany that collapse seven months from now and she has done nothing to mitigate this train wreck and therefore she should have been doing something starting the second she resumed office to prevent the D disaster but she did not. Why didn't she?

Fox News poll: Trump disapproval rises to near record
Pelosi can presumably read a calendar. Therefore she knew when she resumed the speakership in 2019 that without either winning the White House or winning veto proof majorities in both houses of congress she would be overseeing the collapse of the D party's tax base at the state and local level. Corruption investigations galore will accompany that collapse seven months from now and she has done nothing to mitigate this train wreck and therefore she should have been doing something starting the second she resumed office to prevent the D disaster but she did not. Why didn't she?

Fox News poll: Trump disapproval rises to near record

And, your point?
The talk of doom and gloom is a pretty common experience for the party out of power. Having experienced reading and hearing it applied to both parties when they were down previously, I now take such talk with a grain of salt. Mark Twain's quote also comes to mind, the one he cited that, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated".

These things play themselves out naturally. I firmly believe politicians don't win election, the public asserts its leadership by tossing the ruling party out.

That what happens when you allow people to vote they can't make up their minds as its a vicious circle or maybe its becomes many are confused with the concept of choice

damned if you do
damned if you don't
of course it rotates when they switch places

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