Why haven't the Repubs repealed Obamacare yet?

I don't think whatever a person has in a bank account or an IRA or stock holdings or any other asset has any bearing on your SSA benefits. Not does it matter what your current income is either, your payout depends on how much you contributed and what your age is, and that's it. I believe there is a minimum you can receive and also a maximum; some say we should means test a person's SSA benefits so that rich people don't get it cuz they don't need it. I don't much like that idea but we goota do something cuz the SSA Trust Fund will be bankrupt in 15 years or so.

If you elect to take SS at the earliest time, before your full retirement age (say age 62) then there is a limit on how much you can earn. Or they reduce the SS payment if you make more than say $20K/year.

He tried to tell me IRA withdrawal was a similar situation. I argue IRA withdraw does not affect SS payments.
Repubs haven't repealed it because it is more democrat government crack. Just like welfare. If repubs remove the crack they lose the votes and the demcrat drug pushers take the house and Senate and get the sloth hooked on more dope. The cycle is self-perpetuating and the marxists prevail. Until the country collapses.
Fuck the democrat party and its ignorant minions.
Trump is going to repeal ACA. After all, he promised during his campaign. Problem is that he also promised to block immigrants from some other countries, fund and build the wall, hire a special prosecutor to convict hillary, close Planned Parenthood, reduce taxes, spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, eliminate the deficit, put ISSI on the run, renegotiate NAFTA, send troops to Chicago to stop the violence, and get a budget passed. Based on his success rate so far, he is a little downhearted and suffering from malaise.
Cuz we have to have something to replace it with and it ain't that simple. It was easy to pass the repeal part through the House 50 or 60 times, whatever it was. Knowing full well Harry Reid wasn't going to let it reach the Senate floor, let alone passing it through the Senate, and even if he did Obama would never have signed it. So it was pure political theater by the GOP, playing to their base.

But the replace part, now there's the problem and of course the Democrats will do nothing at all to help even though the current ACA is a disaster and getting worse. So, as with virtually everything else our political leaders are fighting each other instead of trying to find ways to do what's best for us. And the really sad part is we keep electing these bastards.

Perhaps if the GOP propaganda for the last several year and the Republican debates , it made the insurance companies nervous, they did all their could to ruin it, and as such they own it. The Dems do not want to touch what the GOP tore apart. The GOP will live to regret what they have done.

First, the GOP hasn't really done anything yet, passing a bill out of the House is one small step ahead of nothing.

Second, the current ACA is a disaster and getting worse as insurance companies bail. The number of additional people insured now that weren't before is pretty much only the new people on Medicaid and those who are getting subsidized insurance. There's a whole lot of people who are insured today but can't afford to use it, and that ain't what I'd call progress. Fewer doctors who will take Medicaid patients too.

Well I see you are on Medicare and have VA benefits. Texas never expanded Medicaid, what a shame, as well as a few other states. If the GOP would say the ACA is here to stay, the ins. companies would be fighting over territory in all the states. They would have no choice. Also the insurance companies then need to tow the line, they have gone wild even before the ACA.

The essential benefits with the PPACA, no caps, and no large increase for preexisting conditions was a big plus, a major plus. There was a age increase in premiums but not allowed to be greater than 3 X's and the Trump Care is what 5 times.

The bronze plan was for the younger crowd , healthy, but at least one knew that 6 grand would be the most one would pay.

In MI, there were no larger deducts or OOP max than there were before and we are self insured, since 95 and between 2003-2010, the premiums went sky high. With the gold plan one pays more but the co pays , deducts and OOP max are lower. I fear the insurance companies being in charge again, and the GOP running the states , no one will be covered unless you have a job that covers it. Also no Gop states are going to expand Medicaid.

Do you know in Texas, a family of 3 needs to make less than 8700 a year to qualify for Medicaid, if single adult unless disabled one does not qualify.

Lets not mention the fact that we are becoming more and more a GIG and IC society and people move to different states all the time.

If a person makes 8.5 an hour x 40 hours that is about 17,600 a year, too little for the ACA, which one needs to make a bit over 22000, so that person if living in a state like Texas is out of luck, too bad , too sad.
Hey, everybody just needs to shut the fuck up about this.

As we know, the Republicans have been telling us for eight years that they had a better plan. They laughed when we asked for details and tossed out a couple of vague "ideas", telling us not to worry, to just elect them and they'll nail it. They promised us that they would completely repeal the law and replace it something REALLY FABULOUS. And of course, the man they nominated and elected promised us he'd take care of everybody and that we'd love it.

So, after all that, there's no fucking way they won't come through for us. Not after all those promises.

So chill out and let them work their magic. It's on the way. I'm just sure.

Really, oh I am sure they will, they will just say :boohoo:, no can do, like the :dev2:'s they are.

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