Why homosexuals want to promote their 'way of life' in Russia, not in Iran or Saudi Arabia


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Why the West pushes homosexuality to Russia, not to Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia & Co?It would be great if European homosexuals purchase tickets and fly to Riyadh for carrying out of homo parade. They can show us how they are bold and stand up to their values.
Russia dislikes homosexuals, it was always since 2,000 years, gays shall go to Ukraine - the biggest homo brothel in the world , their already renamed their capital as Kyiv - the Cock City to please gays.
Why the West pushes homosexuality to Russia, not to Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia & Co?It would be great if European homosexuals purchase tickets and fly to Riyadh for carrying out of homo parade. They can show us how they are bold and stand up to their values.
Russia dislikes homosexuals, it was always since 2,000 years, gays shall go to Ukraine - the biggest homo brothel in the world , their already renamed their capital as Kyiv - the Cock City to please gays.
Promote??..pretty sure they are just in the live and let live mode.
People who accuse others of "promoting" homosexuality need to first define what constitutes "promoting."

All that I've seen, living and working in area with a sizeable LGBT+ community for decades, is LGBT+ folks living with, working with, and wanting to get along with everybody else. Nobody is recommending how, or with whom, to have sex. Nobody is having sex at work, or in the middle of the street. Everybody is just living their own lives.

What are you rabid anti-gays playing at? Your obsession is getting really annoying, not to mention boring.
Why the West pushes homosexuality to Russia, not to Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia & Co?It would be great if European homosexuals purchase tickets and fly to Riyadh for carrying out of homo parade. They can show us how they are bold and stand up to their values.
Russia dislikes homosexuals, it was always since 2,000 years, gays shall go to Ukraine - the biggest homo brothel in the world , their already renamed their capital as Kyiv - the Cock City to please gays.
Promote??..pretty sure they are just in the live and let live mode.

I know a great place for homo to live
No right-wingers, no Christian bigots, no Trump supporters, no republicans, a paradise for LGBTQH

People who accuse others of "promoting" homosexuality need to first define what constitutes "promoting."

All that I've seen, living and working in area with a sizeable LGBT+ community for decades, is LGBT+ folks living with, working with, and wanting to get along with everybody else. Nobody is recommending how, or with whom, to have sex. Nobody is having sex at work, or in the middle of the street. Everybody is just living their own lives.

What are you rabid anti-gays playing at? Your obsession is getting really annoying, not to mention boring.

You're correct, we shouldn't accuse gays to promote their 'values', we should give them free tickets to the next Muslim countries.
Of course they will enjoy Muslim hospitality

What is wrong with you?

Yes, many Muslims are bigoted against LGBT+. But we are here in the U.S., and most of the bigotry is coming from people who actually refer to themselves as "Christians."
Why the West pushes homosexuality to Russia, not to Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia & Co?It would be great if European homosexuals purchase tickets and fly to Riyadh for carrying out of homo parade. They can show us how they are bold and stand up to their values.
Russia dislikes homosexuals, it was always since 2,000 years, gays shall go to Ukraine - the biggest homo brothel in the world , their already renamed their capital as Kyiv - the Cock City to please gays.
It is not just gay codes but women codes as well instead of black codes.

What is wrong with you?

Yes, many Muslims are bigoted against LGBT+. But we are here in the U.S., and most of the bigotry is coming from people who actually refer to themselves as "Christians."

Question: why presstitutes don't blame Muslims for bigotry but 24/7 bash Russia for its own way of life?
Why the West pushes homosexuality to Russia, not to Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia & Co?It would be great if European homosexuals purchase tickets and fly to Riyadh for carrying out of homo parade. They can show us how they are bold and stand up to their values.
Russia dislikes homosexuals, it was always since 2,000 years, gays shall go to Ukraine - the biggest homo brothel in the world , their already renamed their capital as Kyiv - the Cock City to please gays.
qestion is

Why do you promote your homosexuality here, ded?​

Why the West pushes homosexuality to Russia, not to Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia & Co?It would be great if European homosexuals purchase tickets and fly to Riyadh for carrying out of homo parade. They can show us how they are bold and stand up to their values.
Russia dislikes homosexuals, it was always since 2,000 years, gays shall go to Ukraine - the biggest homo brothel in the world , their already renamed their capital as Kyiv - the Cock City to please gays.
Maybe they are inviting Christians from Western Democratic countries to respond by promoting knowledge of spiritual healing that has helped people such as Milo to recover from sexual abuse that can otherwise cause unnatural cases of LGBT conditions in people who were born naturally straight.


The Middle Eastern countries and churches don't promote spiritual healing through free speech and free exercise of religion as in the US.

But China and Russia may end up investing in the research to prove this medically before the US does, because of the liberal bias against Christianity that is obstructing this information from becoming public knowledge.

Russia and China could just order their govt medical institutions to conduct R&D while Americans keep arguing over politics and what is Constitutional or not....

What is wrong with you?

Yes, many Muslims are bigoted against LGBT+. But we are here in the U.S., and most of the bigotry is coming from people who actually refer to themselves as "Christians."

Question: why presstitutes don't blame Muslims for bigotry but 24/7 bash Russia for its own way of life?

You do understand that you live in the United States, don't you? Are you defending Russia under putin? All religions, Christian, Muslim, Judiaim, Hinduism, all, must be condemned for bigotry., not only against LGBT+, but against the female half of the human race.

What is wrong with you?

Yes, many Muslims are bigoted against LGBT+. But we are here in the U.S., and most of the bigotry is coming from people who actually refer to themselves as "Christians."

Question: why presstitutes don't blame Muslims for bigotry but 24/7 bash Russia for its own way of life?

You do understand that you live in the United States, don't you? Are you defending Russia under putin? All religions, Christian, Muslim, Judiaim, Hinduism, all, must be condemned for bigotry., not only against LGBT+, but against the female half of the human race.
how can a homosexual old grandpa Baron live in Muscovy ? Moscow czar kills , rapes old homosexuals like him ....


What is wrong with you?

Yes, many Muslims are bigoted against LGBT+. But we are here in the U.S., and most of the bigotry is coming from people who actually refer to themselves as "Christians."

Question: why presstitutes don't blame Muslims for bigotry but 24/7 bash Russia for its own way of life?

You do understand that you live in the United States, don't you? Are you defending Russia under putin? All religions, Christian, Muslim, Judiaim, Hinduism, all, must be condemned for bigotry., not only against LGBT+, but against the female half of the human race.

The question is pretty simple: who're right, our creator God and the human history or 'progressives' who transformed the Earth into Hell since 1968.
There are no homosexuals in Iran.
There are homosexuals everywhere.
In Iran if the mob gets them they are killed. If a male or female homosexual comes before the government they are given full transition surgery and must live as their surgically imposed sex.

Why the West respects traditions of Muslims and don't pushes LGBTQT etc etc etc to their countries.
Russians rejects so-called 'democracy' ( dictatorship of satanists, lunatics and presstitutes ) & 'human rights' and wants the West respects their values too

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