Why I carry a handgun, 2024

YOU can't carry a gun because you are nothing but a serf. Same reason YOU can't practice free speech or freedom of religion.
Third world countries are among the most devoted to religious superstitious beliefs Ter.
Check out the facts. They make up the majority of actively practicing Catholics.

Freedom of speech? What country's people are running their mouths on speech being curtailed, ad nauseum? What country had their election stolen?
The illegal immigrants are almost entirely peaceful and only want to go about their business of tending to their families.

Americans definitely don't want to push them into feeling they need handguns. That will create a duplicate situation that has been created for black Americans!
Breaking the law entering this country sets a precedent that does bode future lawfulness.
Many of these law breakers continue to do further, such as drug dealing, burglary, robbery, driving intoxicated, car theft, assaults, etc.
Third world countries are among the most devoted to religious superstitious beliefs Ter.
Check out the facts. They make up the majority of actively practicing Catholics....
What a surprise, the spineless lefty atheist doesn't "approve" of religion. Make no mistake serf, if your godverment ordered you to, you'd have your powerless ass in a pew every Sunday.
Over the top ... even for a Windsor girl ... fashion from the future Queen of England:


Guns and Women go GREAT together ...
Guns are a better form of protection than a knife, or mace/pepper spray.

Still, an unarmed woman is an easier victim for physical abuse, assault, rape and other crimes.

These ladies have the best idea so far;

Ladies Of Lead Group Therapy, LLC

Ladies Of Lead Firearms Training for Women - YouTube

Ladies of Lead | The Source Weekly - Bend, Oregon

What a surprise, the spineless lefty atheist doesn't "approve" of religion. Make no mistake serf, if your godverment ordered you to, you'd have your powerless ass in a pew every Sunday.
You're no teacher Ter.
It didn't take more than a minute of rattling you chain to finally find that out.
Rethink your behaviour if you need to keep playing that game!
If I was that afraid of my surroundings that I felt the need to carry, I’d carry regardless of whether it was legal or not.
How many times have you had bullets fired at you Nancy?
None, I live in a safe place in rural Viriginia. I also do not need to carry, as many around me when I'm in public are. They make things very safe. It is the denizens of the blue urban hellholes who need to carry heat because they are in danger from their fellow blue critters at all times. I'm smart and know when I'm most in danger and when I'm not. Do you?

Now, I will remind you again that swatting bullets away from you doesn't work outside of Superman movies. Have you figured that out yet?

Oh, almost forgot. You don't get to choose how to address me. You may only address me by how I identify, and to you I identify as sir.

Why I carry a handgun, 2024

25 May 2024 ~~ By Mike McDaniel

No one really knows how many Americans regularly carry handguns, concealed or openly. The number of concealed carry licenses doesn’t tell the tale, particularly since 29 states are now “constitutional carry states.” Unless otherwise prohibited by law, Americans need no license to carry concealed weapons in those states. As I recently noted here at AT, some 36 states allow open carry.
We do know that April was the 57th consecutive month of more than one million gun sales. It’s reasonable to believe tens of millions of Americans regularly carry, and most don’t advertise the fact. But why should anyone carry?

Never leave home without it! Biden’s Amerika is about as safe as any Third World country at this point.
Firearms are like parachutes; if the situation arises where you need either and you don’t have one…. you're S.O L..
"Gun laws disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

Who else remembers, back in 2008 when that smartly dressed, well-spoken, Radical Marxist usurper and closet Muslim with questionable citizenship credentials promised us a ‘Fundamental Transformation’ of America and told us how important it was that ‘We’ had a national security force just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded as the military? Interestingly he neglected to identify exactly who the ‘We’ actually was…. We the People or we the Government? Initially there was speculation that the Peace Corps (Oh the irony!) would become the nucleus of his proposed neo-Marxist-Brown Shirt Brigade but it now seems that the IRS, having already amassed so much data on so much of the population, is apparently considered a more viable candidate. From 2020 to the present the IRS has spent over $10M on firearms, including fully automatic long guns, tactical gear and ammunition. The IRS…!
Please note. The Second Amendment isn’t complicated, Yet, Democrat Neo-Marxists and the "Deep State" have been intent on endless further restrictions, or even overturning it completely, since at least 1934, and probably earlier than that. I’m not onboard with their goals.
Lol @ "Biden's America" being any more dangerous than any other administration's.

You do know crime is going down, not up, right?
None, I live in a safe place in rural Viriginia. I also do not need to carry, as many around me when I'm in public are. They make things very safe. It is the denizens of the blue urban hellholes who need to carry heat because they are in danger from their fellow blue critters at all times. I'm smart and know when I'm most in danger and when I'm not. Do you?

Now, I will remind you again that swatting bullets away from you doesn't work outside of Superman movies. Have you figured that out yet?
Guess what Nancy…

Stay away from drug areas after midnight in any city and you are perfectly safe.

Only Sissy Boys need guns
Guess what Nancy…

Stay away from drug areas after midnight in any city and you are perfectly safe.

Only Sissy Boys need guns
You're safe because enough around you carry to scare off most attackers. And that's sir to you. Remember, you have to address me by how I identify, that's woke PC 101.
You're safe because enough around you carry to scare off most attackers. And that's sir to you. Remember, you have to address me by how I identify, that's woke PC 101.
I have walked around most of our major cities after dark and never needed a gun Nancy.

Those who need guns are Girly Men
I have walked around most of our major cities after dark and never needed a gun Nancy.

Those who need guns are Girly Men
What's a gun nancy? Never heard of that, so I guess there's no need to carry one. And, yes, it was a lot safer when the street lights were powered by gas.

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