Why I do not stand with Israel, if you have the guts to listen to it.

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Yaaaaawwwn! Another JEW hater. Next.

I don't like those who pretend to be what they are not, and who use the US and leach upon everyone else, if that is a jew, which is not a race, then yes, I have no need for them or their likes.
Yaaaaawwwn! Another JEW hater. Next.

I don't like those who pretend to be what they are not, and who use the US and leach upon everyone else, if that is a jew, which is not a race, then yes, I have no need for them or their likes.

PS: those are not jews living there, few were even born there. Most are secular which means they are not jews but atheists, and most are Russian and German.
Yaaaaawwwn! Another JEW hater. Next.

I am missing speakers for my new PC-----what did the
spokesman for pan-Arabism have to say?

get some speakers.

You didn't "have the guts" to listen to the bullcrap? ------
In general-----for the sake of credibility-----you should
avoid using the broadcasts of professional propagandaists
in your attempts to justify your -----agendae. I try to be
meticulous in this regard. I do not even cite highly
credible scholars such as Robert Spencer-------because
I see him as being a person with an AGENDA (since
he carries a family legacy of oppression in muslim turkey---
He is a catholic turk in background)------you cited a paid

Cause you love you some Muslim terrorists?

No, because we know the cause of the Muslim terrorist. Israel and Bibi.

Question for you. Try to think about this. I know it hurts, but try. Islamic terrorism has been around for centuries. Israel wasn't even a nation then. So how is it their fault. Simple fact of life. People are responsible for their own actions. Isreal never made anyone strap a bomb to their chest and blow up an elementary school, or a hospital or a shopping mall. Hamas, and others like them are savages. They don't deserve to live. The sooner we exterminate them, the better.
Yaaaaawwwn! Another JEW hater. Next.

I am missing speakers for my new PC-----what did the
spokesman for pan-Arabism have to say?

get some speakers.

You didn't "have the guts" to listen to the bullcrap? ------
In general-----for the sake of credibility-----you should
avoid using the broadcasts of professional propagandaists
in your attempts to justify your -----agendae. I try to be
meticulous in this regard. I do not even cite highly
credible scholars such as Robert Spencer-------because
I see him as being a person with an AGENDA (since
he carries a family legacy of oppression in muslim turkey---
He is a catholic turk in background)------you cited a paid

Oh I heard what he said and I agree with him. He is highly credible, much more than the piece of c....p running Palestine oh I mean Israel.
Yaaaaawwwn! Another JEW hater. Next.

I don't like those who pretend to be what they are not, and who use the US and leach upon everyone else, if that is a jew, which is not a race, then yes, I have no need for them or their likes.

PS: those are not jews living there, few were even born there. Most are secular which means they are not jews but atheists, and most are Russian and German.

who are not jews ?? "those" as you used it is a pronoun---and you did make it clear to what your pronoun refers.
"secular" as jews use the term does not =
"atheist" In general it refers to a level of ritual adherence
that SOME people would disparage as being insufficient.
Most of what are "Russian" or "german"??? I have----amongst my now dead extended family members----some
people who had lived in Russia ----as far as I know none who had lived in Germany---but lots in Austria----and a few
in Poland. Of those people NONE considered themselves
"Austrian" "polish" or "Russian" In fact they did not
even refer to their countries of origin-----only the names of
their villages-------all considered themselves Jews and spoke
Yiddish-------some did not even speak the language of the
"country" in which their villages were located
Yaaaaawwwn! Another JEW hater. Next.

I am missing speakers for my new PC-----what did the
spokesman for pan-Arabism have to say?

get some speakers.

You didn't "have the guts" to listen to the bullcrap? ------
In general-----for the sake of credibility-----you should
avoid using the broadcasts of professional propagandaists
in your attempts to justify your -----agendae. I try to be
meticulous in this regard. I do not even cite highly
credible scholars such as Robert Spencer-------because
I see him as being a person with an AGENDA (since
he carries a family legacy of oppression in muslim turkey---
He is a catholic turk in background)------you cited a paid

Oh I heard what he said and I agree with him. He is highly credible, much more than the piece of c....p running Palestine oh I mean Israel.

Oh good-----you heard it------what did he say?-----a little
tiny summary would be good. ------not only for me but
for you too. You can sharpen your language skills
Bibi's been around since 92ish. He also said his Dad told him in the early 90's how planes will fly into the world towers. He was missing in action between 1999 and 2002, then he came right on the scene in 2002 and said

if we get rid of Hussein's regime it will have a positive effect. He wrote the books on terrorism and open the Johnathan Institute in 1980 to fight against terrorism after his brother got killed in the line of duty.

Oh he has been around, and the leaders before him , just as bad.
Bibi's been around since 92ish. He also said his Dad told him in the early 90's how planes will fly into the world towers. He was missing in action between 1999 and 2002, then he came right on the scene in 2002 and said

if we get rid of Hussein's regime it will have a positive effect. He wrote the books on terrorism and open the Johnathan Institute in 1980 to fight against terrorism after his brother got killed in the line of duty.

Oh he has been around, and the leaders before him , just as bad.
Do you have a credible source for that?
Bibi's been around since 92ish. He also said his Dad told him in the early 90's how planes will fly into the world towers. He was missing in action between 1999 and 2002, then he came right on the scene in 2002 and said

if we get rid of Hussein's regime it will have a positive effect. He wrote the books on terrorism and open the Johnathan Institute in 1980 to fight against terrorism after his brother got killed in the line of duty.

Oh he has been around, and the leaders before him , just as bad.

He was MISSING? you got the news reports of the MISSING BENJAMIN? Try to focus on reality------
the 60s, 70s were the age of Islamic plane HIJACKINGS--------remember? Stealing planes was
even more popular amongst meccaist murdering slobs than
tying bombs on the asses of their daughters is today. Jonathan Netanyahu was killed in one of those plane
hijackings done in honor of allah ----those Hijackings claimed the lives of many hundreds to the delight of those of your ilk.
As to Sadaam Hussein----he funded international terrorism---
and he funded Nazi propaganda in the USA-----he also murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in
Iraq--------no wonder you adulate him
This has been going on much, much longer than that. Maybe read some unbiased history, for a change.
Bibi's been around since 92ish. He also said his Dad told him in the early 90's how planes will fly into the world towers. He was missing in action between 1999 and 2002, then he came right on the scene in 2002 and said

if we get rid of Hussein's regime it will have a positive effect. He wrote the books on terrorism and open the Johnathan Institute in 1980 to fight against terrorism after his brother got killed in the line of duty.

Oh he has been around, and the leaders before him , just as bad.
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