Why I do not stand with Israel, if you have the guts to listen to it.

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besides never reading the bible-----she never even read the Koran. -------I doubt that she read the odyssey in Junior high
school------or even Romeo and Juliet-------not even the
"classic comics" version. Lots of people hate to read books
besides never reading the bible-----she never even read the Koran. -------I doubt that she read the odyssey in Junior high
school------or even Romeo and Juliet-------not even the
"classic comics" version. Lots of people hate to read books
Sometimes, I think the internet has made people dumber. It's so easy to find something on there, written by another idiot, that confirms their bias. it's also easy to rewrite history on the internet. And there are many who think it must be true, if it's on the net. Look how many use wiki as a reference source.
I will help her with a smidgeon of history here-

The longest hijacking incident happened in 1968, when passengers from an El Al plane were held for 40 days after Palestinian militants forced a flight from Rome to divert to Algiers. The Algerian authorities held 22 hostages, releasing the final 12 only after a boycott by international pilots.

Other hijackings in recent decades include:

1970: Palestinian gunmen force three planes with a total of 400 people on board to fly to the Jordanian desert, where the hijackers blow up the aircraft - from the United Kingdom, United States and Switzerland - after releasing most of the hostages; after 24 days of talks, the final hostages are freed in exchange for seven Palestinian prisoners

1976: The week-long hijack of an Air France airliner in 1976 is brought to an abrupt end at Entebbe Airport, Uganda, by Israeli commandos; they kill all the Palestinian hijackers and free 105 mostly Israeli hostages, but three passengers and one commando die in the raid

1977: German commandos storm a Lufthansa airliner in Mogadishu, Somalia, after a five-day stand-off during which Palestinian guerrillas have killed the plane's pilot; three hijackers die in the raid, while 86 hostages are freed

1981: A Pakistan International Airlines jet is hijacked and taken to the Afghan capital, Kabul, where one passenger is killed before the plane flies on to Damascus; the hostages are finally released after 13 days when the Pakistani Government agrees to free more than 50 political prisoners

1984: Two American passengers are killed after Shi'a gunmen divert a Kuwait Airways flight to Tehran; the stand-off ends after six days when Iranian security forces disguised as cleaners storm the plane

1985: One American is killed and 39 are held for 17 days when Lebanese Shi'a gunmen divert a TWA flight from Athens to Beirut with 153 people on board; the stand-off ends after Israel frees 31 mostly Shi'a Lebanese prisoners

1985: Fifty-nine people die when Egyptian commandos storm an EgyptAir plane seized by Palestinians and flown to Malta

1986: Twenty-two people die when Pakistani security forces storm a Pan Am flight carrying 400 passengers and crew after a 16-hour siege

1988: Two Kuwaitis are killed in 1988 when Shi'a gunmen hijack a Kuwait Airways flight from Thailand and force it to fly to Algiers with more than 110 people on board; the hijack ends after 16 days when the hijackers free the remaining hostages and are allowed to leave Algiers

1991: Singaporean commandos shoot dead all four hijackers who seized a Singapore Airlines flight

1993: Two hijackers and a woman passenger die when security forces storm a hijacked Ethiopian Airlines plane in eastern Ethiopia

1998: Pakistani commandos overpower and arrest three hijackers of a Pakistan International Airlines plane at Hyderabad airport; all 29 hostages are freed

besides never reading the bible-----she never even read the Koran. -------I doubt that she read the odyssey in Junior high
school------or even Romeo and Juliet-------not even the
"classic comics" version. Lots of people hate to read books
So, she might need to research her so-called facts. The whole point. Anyone that quotes wiki is intellectually challenged, if it can in anyway possess a political bias. Well, on other items as well.
besides never reading the bible-----she never even read the Koran. -------I doubt that she read the odyssey in Junior high
school------or even Romeo and Juliet-------not even the
"classic comics" version. Lots of people hate to read books
Sometimes, I think the internet has made people dumber. It's so easy to find something on there, written by another idiot, that confirms their bias. it's also easy to rewrite history on the internet. And there are many who think it must be true, if it's on the net. Look how many use wiki as a reference source.
Lets repeat shoah, the genocide. And people have no were to go, and no homeland? Really?
People have every right to protect themselves because nobody else WILL. And we all have a homeland.
So, she might need to research her so-called facts. The whole point. Anyone that quotes wiki is intellectually challenged, if it can in anyway possess a political bias. Well, on other items as well.
besides never reading the bible-----she never even read the Koran. -------I doubt that she read the odyssey in Junior high
school------or even Romeo and Juliet-------not even the
"classic comics" version. Lots of people hate to read books
Sometimes, I think the internet has made people dumber. It's so easy to find something on there, written by another idiot, that confirms their bias. it's also easy to rewrite history on the internet. And there are many who think it must be true, if it's on the net. Look how many use wiki as a reference source.
I don't know who you're referring to. I was referring to people in general, but mostly liberals.
Me, too. I was agreeing with your statement. I was referring to Penelope, though, as well.
So, she might need to research her so-called facts. The whole point. Anyone that quotes wiki is intellectually challenged, if it can in anyway possess a political bias. Well, on other items as well.
besides never reading the bible-----she never even read the Koran. -------I doubt that she read the odyssey in Junior high
school------or even Romeo and Juliet-------not even the
"classic comics" version. Lots of people hate to read books
Sometimes, I think the internet has made people dumber. It's so easy to find something on there, written by another idiot, that confirms their bias. it's also easy to rewrite history on the internet. And there are many who think it must be true, if it's on the net. Look how many use wiki as a reference source.
I don't know who you're referring to. I was referring to people in general, but mostly liberals.

Cause you love you some Muslim terrorists?

No, because we know the cause of the Muslim terrorist. Israel and Bibi.

Question for you. Try to think about this. I know it hurts, but try. Islamic terrorism has been around for centuries. Israel wasn't even a nation then. So how is it their fault. Simple fact of life. People are responsible for their own actions. Isreal never made anyone strap a bomb to their chest and blow up an elementary school, or a hospital or a shopping mall. Hamas, and others like them are savages. They don't deserve to live. The sooner we exterminate them, the better.

I don't know who you're referring to. I was referring to people in general, but mostly liberals.

yet no liberals have posted in this thread.

The thing that calls itself "Penelope" is nothing but a bag of protoplasm lacking a human soul, and so pissed about it that it has devoted itself to hating Jews rather than taking any steps towards making itself human.

The creatures called EOTS and 911insidejob (if they are not actually one and the same) are suffering from severe untreated psychosis, living in a dark, shadowy world where they create paranoid fantasies to explain other paranoid fantasies to explain others still.

Georgephillip is just a stupid child who actually perceives his extreme ethnic hatred as some sort of heroic undertaking, living in a child's world where the litmus test for political correctness involves an unquestioning commitment to the Islamist cause of killing Jews.

Not one of these things operates according to any liberal principle.
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