Why I don't believe in God

There is a thread on this board about Godly miracles.
When they happen, people that don't believe call is luck.
When nothing happens, they blame God for not interceding.

God has or will reveal Himself to you at some point in your life. You just have to submit... for your own good.
When I look at the Christian Right wing ...this is a gang that clalims to Represent God and Godliness and Jesus ...when I look at those folks and I see their vicious psychotic hatred for poor people I say to myself "why would a God allow these fools to Fly God's Flag" ":

TS, I wonder that too to be honest. My husband and I have this discussion often. We just left a church because we didn't agree with the Pastor, but, then wonder why "clowns" like Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen prosper. I bet there are some very mature and informed Christians that have good answers for this - unfortunately, I'm not one of them.

I can only say that Satan is allowed to work on people and do his Evil in this world. Christians (TRUE Christians) are to be the salt and light and stand out - and, unfortunately, there seems to be very few.

Just know that I do KNOW and AGREE there are many people carrying God's flag and professing to be Christians and either are not or are so misguided they are damaging God and his Gospel far more than any atheist could ever do....
The TV church is what it is....I guess. LOL
People say they don't believe in organized religion. I think ya have to have some organization or you have chaos.
Good luck in you search

I don't DISAGREE with organized religion.
I supposed I am more guilty of expecting too much.
Not perfection, but priority more like it.
Evangelism and Community Outreach should be the #1 goal, and, should be lead by example by the Leader of the Church (the Pastor). By this I mean, organized efforts to be out there, Pastor leading the way, being front and center at all opportunities and knocking on doors.

I have yet to find a Church were that is the #1 priority.
Many Pastors give lip service and tell the congregation to do it, but few say "Join me this Tuesday and let's hit the streets".
OP, like most Religiphobes, confuses "All Knowing" and "All Seeing" with "All Controlling".

The question you have to ask yerself is: Why didn't the Ancient Ascended Masters save these people? Why didn't Allah save them?
Why do you think that those of faith are freed from the natural laws?
At least 4 dead, 14 injured in Maryland crash

"At least four people were killed and 14 others injured after a church van crashed into a pickup truck and caught fire in Hyattsville, Md. on Sunday, according to local authorities."

What's the point of a god who never prevents this sort of thing. Church vans crash all the time.
You sure are obsessed with God in almost every post you make.
Which do you prefer, free will as a human being or be an animatronic figure in Disneyland?
Free will and Death was the choice we made.
There is a thread on this board about Godly miracles.
When they happen, people that don't believe call is luck.
When nothing happens, they blame God for not interceding.

God has or will reveal Himself to you at some point in your life. You just have to submit... for your own good.
When I look at the Christian Right wing ...this is a gang that clalims to Represent God and Godliness and Jesus ...when I look at those folks and I see their vicious psychotic hatred for poor people I say to myself "why would a God allow these fools to Fly God's Flag" ":

TS, I wonder that too to be honest. My husband and I have this discussion often. We just left a church because we didn't agree with the Pastor, but, then wonder why "clowns" like Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen prosper. I bet there are some very mature and informed Christians that have good answers for this - unfortunately, I'm not one of them.

I can only say that Satan is allowed to work on people and do his Evil in this world. Christians (TRUE Christians) are to be the salt and light and stand out - and, unfortunately, there seems to be very few.

Just know that I do KNOW and AGREE there are many people carrying God's flag and professing to be Christians and either are not or are so misguided they are damaging God and his Gospel far more than any atheist could ever do....
The TV church is what it is....I guess. LOL
People say they don't believe in organized religion. I think ya have to have some organization or you have chaos.
Good luck in you search

I don't DISAGREE with organized religion.
I supposed I am more guilty of expecting too much.
Not perfection, but priority more like it.
Evangelism and Community Outreach should be the #1 goal, and, should be lead by example by the Leader of the Church (the Pastor). By this I mean, organized efforts to be out there, Pastor leading the way, being front and center at all opportunities and knocking on doors.

I have yet to find a Church were that is the #1 priority.
Many Pastors give lip service and tell the congregation to do it, but few say "Join me this Tuesday and let's hit the streets".
One does not need a Church or a hierarchy to interact with the OSOTU...its a mirage....all one has to do is be purposefully kind and compassionate with all entities and you are in like Flynn with the Highest power...
What's the point of a god who never prevents this sort of thing. Church vans crash all the time.

That is like asking, "What is the point of the Cosmic Egg if it allows for these things?"

Why the hell do you think it is God's role to prevent people from the consequences of human stupidity and evil?
Free will and Death was the choice we made.
Link ??
Genesis Chapter 3
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’

“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat food from it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”
One does not need a Church or a hierarchy to interact with the OSOTU...its a mirage....all one has to do is be purposefully kind and compassionate with all entities and you are in like Flynn with the Highest power...

You know you are a complete ass hat, dont you?
Free will and Death was the choice we made.
Link ??
For someone so insecure you need to mock Jesus you need to study more.
It's all right there in Genesis.
I don't need to do anything specially anything someone like you thinks I need... I do not mock Jesus the ones who "Mock Jesus" are the Republ;ican Right wing that takes everything in the Bible Literally EXCEPT...the part in which Jesus is demanding Love for the poor and to sell possessions and give it to the poor...that part is translated by you all to read" kill the free shit army"
Free will and Death was the choice we made.
Link ??
Genesis Chapter 3
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’

“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat food from it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”
God wrote that ? you got to be kidding....God blames the wife and says because of that generations of humans must suffer horribly.... sound Psycho to me ... that link does not work for me dude you have to take that link on faith
One does not need a Church or a hierarchy to interact with the OSOTU...its a mirage....all one has to do is be purposefully kind and compassionate with all entities and you are in like Flynn with the Highest power...

You know you are a complete ass hat, dont you?
No I am not ...the Bible says I am God....
Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?John 10:34

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