Why I don't believe in God

Faith provides millions of decent people with strength, support and answers.

Those who feel compelled to hate them tell us quite a bit about themselves.
Just one problem, the answers, and all the rest, are lies. Living a lie is not recommended but most do anyway.
What's the point of a god who never prevents this sort of thing. Church vans crash all the time.

That is like asking, "What is the point of the Cosmic Egg if it allows for these things?"

Why the hell do you think it is God's role to prevent people from the consequences of human stupidity and evil?
The Problem of Evil is one thing Christianity cannot ever solve. Their God could only fairly be described as a monster.

There is a solution however, don't worry about Hell, you're already there...
Faith provides millions of decent people with strength, support and answers.

Those who feel compelled to hate them tell us quite a bit about themselves.
Just one problem, the answers, and all the rest, are lies. Living a lie is not recommended but most do anyway.
And that's fine with me. If it's a placebo, hey, whatever works, as long as they stay out of my face with it, and most do.

But the vitriol I see leveled against them is pretty interesting.
Faith provides millions of decent people with strength, support and answers.

Those who feel compelled to hate them tell us quite a bit about themselves.
Just one problem, the answers, and all the rest, are lies. Living a lie is not recommended but most do anyway.
And that's fine with me. If it's a placebo, hey, whatever works, as long as they stay out of my face with it, and most do.

But the vitriol I see leveled against them is pretty interesting.
If they kept the lies to themselves there would be little of that, but instead they want to make converts to the lies, which they believe makes them more true, but it does not. A lie is the same whether believed by one or billions...
Genesis Chapter 3
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’

“Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat food from it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.”
Paradise lost, only there never was one. Just a Jewish fairy-tale for why life here is hellish...
Faith provides millions of decent people with strength, support and answers.

Those who feel compelled to hate them tell us quite a bit about themselves.
Just one problem, the answers, and all the rest, are lies. Living a lie is not recommended but most do anyway.
And that's fine with me. If it's a placebo, hey, whatever works, as long as they stay out of my face with it, and most do.

But the vitriol I see leveled against them is pretty interesting.
If they kept the lies to themselves there would be little of that, but instead they want to make converts to the lies, which they believe makes them more true, but it does not. I lie is the same whether believed by one or billions...
Most Christians aren't like that.

I can think of one religion, however, that does include an element that currently and regularly uses terrorism, beheadings, slaughter and clear threats to advance their agenda, and it ain't Christianity.

So someone who thinks that Jesus is coming or that they need to go to Church on Sundays doesn't concern me much, especially in comparison.
Faith provides millions of decent people with strength, support and answers.

Those who feel compelled to hate them tell us quite a bit about themselves.
Just one problem, the answers, and all the rest, are lies. Living a lie is not recommended but most do anyway.
And that's fine with me. If it's a placebo, hey, whatever works, as long as they stay out of my face with it, and most do.

But the vitriol I see leveled against them is pretty interesting.
If they kept the lies to themselves there would be little of that, but instead they want to make converts to the lies, which they believe makes them more true, but it does not. I lie is the same whether believed by one or billions...
Most Christians aren't like that.

I can think of one religion, however, that does include an element that currently and regularly uses terrorism, beheadings, slaughter and clear threats to advance their agenda, and it ain't Christianity.

So someone who thinks that Jesus is coming or that they need to go to Church on Sundays doesn't concern me much, especially in comparison.
Forest for the trees, Mac. Evil peas in an evil pod, no different.
Faith provides millions of decent people with strength, support and answers.

Those who feel compelled to hate them tell us quite a bit about themselves.
Just one problem, the answers, and all the rest, are lies. Living a lie is not recommended but most do anyway.
And that's fine with me. If it's a placebo, hey, whatever works, as long as they stay out of my face with it, and most do.

But the vitriol I see leveled against them is pretty interesting.
If they kept the lies to themselves there would be little of that, but instead they want to make converts to the lies, which they believe makes them more true, but it does not. I lie is the same whether believed by one or billions...
Most Christians aren't like that.

I can think of one religion, however, that does include an element that currently and regularly uses terrorism, beheadings, slaughter and clear threats to advance their agenda, and it ain't Christianity.

So someone who thinks that Jesus is coming or that they need to go to Church on Sundays doesn't concern me much, especially in comparison.
Forest for the trees, Mac. Evil peas in an evil pod, no different.
I know you equate the two, nothing I can do about that.

I'm just not bothered by Christianity, as long as it stays in its lane.
Just one problem, the answers, and all the rest, are lies. Living a lie is not recommended but most do anyway.
And that's fine with me. If it's a placebo, hey, whatever works, as long as they stay out of my face with it, and most do.

But the vitriol I see leveled against them is pretty interesting.
If they kept the lies to themselves there would be little of that, but instead they want to make converts to the lies, which they believe makes them more true, but it does not. I lie is the same whether believed by one or billions...
Most Christians aren't like that.

I can think of one religion, however, that does include an element that currently and regularly uses terrorism, beheadings, slaughter and clear threats to advance their agenda, and it ain't Christianity.

So someone who thinks that Jesus is coming or that they need to go to Church on Sundays doesn't concern me much, especially in comparison.
Forest for the trees, Mac. Evil peas in an evil pod, no different.
I know you equate the two, nothing I can do about that.

I'm just not bothered by Christianity, as long as it stays in its lane.
It would be helpful if it would do that, and the same with all the rest...
So someone who thinks that Jesus is coming or that they need to go to Church on Sundays doesn't concern me much, especially in comparison.
The violence in the Muslin country is reflective of their feeling their lands are occupied and that there is a war against their Religion..........their lands are in fact occupied ...they are after all a target of our aggression...

This guy calls himself a Catholic and a Christians but he spouses and sponsors politics for the destruction of the Social safety net...he is savage feral caricature of a Christian ...this
Paul Ryan, 'Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver'

At least 4 dead, 14 injured in Maryland crash

"At least four people were killed and 14 others injured after a church van crashed into a pickup truck and caught fire in Hyattsville, Md. on Sunday, according to local authorities."

What's the point of a god who never prevents this sort of thing. Church vans crash all the time.
Who said it was God who caused their van to crash? There seems to be quite a "presence" allowed in this day and age that has nothing to do with God. In the last days it was foretold that God would take a vacation of sorts and let the Devil run rampant; as the final test of mankind. Just sayin'. Don't be so quick to blame this on God. Naturally the Devil would be thrilled if a church van crashed and killed a bunch of Christians.

The Devil would also be thrilled about gay marriage, global climate change, wars, famine and pestulance. Maybe you've got the wrong suspect bro.
Funny how billions don't believe in Mohammed, Buddha, Hindu gods or atheism but don't feel the need to mock those beliefs.
You know why?
Jews and Christians are not insecure in their beliefs like those in this thread who feel the need to mock only Judeo Christian beliefs. And before you give the usual 'I mock all faiths' show me a thread started mocking other beliefs.

Know why they are insecure and need to only attack Judeo Christianity?
The one true God.
At least 4 dead, 14 injured in Maryland crash

"At least four people were killed and 14 others injured after a church van crashed into a pickup truck and caught fire in Hyattsville, Md. on Sunday, according to local authorities."

What's the point of a god who never prevents this sort of thing. Church vans crash all the time.

I'm not sure that you see things from the right perspective. For me…death is just a way to move between this world and the next one…as far as we know….if God does exist and what we are led to believe is true…though their deaths are tragic to us because we feel for their suffering, and will miss them from our lives…they are in the next place of existence. So no matter how much we may suffer here in this world, and no matter how painful the transition is to the next life…..we are told there is an eternity on the other side…so even if we have 70 years of suffering here…..there may very well be an eternity of non suffering once we cross over. So if you are God and you have created this world…it is only a temporary place for your creations…right? And the way in is birth and the way out is death and you are going back to where we came from originally.

In my religion class in college, the professor pointed out that when a kid skins his knee…for the kid the pain is incredible and shocking….but for us as adults we understand how temporary and minor the pain is….now put that in the context of a being who created all of this…….from the single cell organisms to the places in the universe we don't even know about yet…..knowing too that death just brings people back to him…and it is temporary…..

For me that makes death unpleasant but not an indictment of God…...
If God can create sentient beings on a whim, if Jesus can create food and bread to feed multitudes, then can both save their own faithful once in fucking while.

Did God ever make that promise?
The only thing God promises is everlasting life if you believe in his Son Jesus.
what if you never heard of "Jesus" I guess its tough noogies for those billions of folks..

You mistake God for a Democrat.
At least 4 dead, 14 injured in Maryland crash

"At least four people were killed and 14 others injured after a church van crashed into a pickup truck and caught fire in Hyattsville, Md. on Sunday, according to local authorities."

What's the point of a god who never prevents this sort of thing. Church vans crash all the time.
Yet just yesterday,you started a thread claiming God lied in a bible scripture,get som,e help,or at least try and be consistent.

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