Why I Don't Like Arabs

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I was 19 years old and working as a dock hand at “Rich Bitch Marina” just outside of Daytona Beach, Florida. My job was to assist the boat and yacht owners in docking and fueling their vessels. But, in reality, I often had to do more for them. See, these boat owners are mostly a bunch of fancy-smancy rich boys with more money than they know what to do with. In their entitled way, they have no problem demanding me to do other jobs and favors for them. For example, one old fucker gets me to carry his bags to his boat every time he arrives, then to carry them back to his car when he departs. Most of the boat owners are complete novices and have me pilot their boats around for them as they sit on their fat asses and drink champagne and get blow jobs.

But I did not really mind all of the extra work because these folks tipped me for my time, and they tipped really well. The owner of the marina knew all about this side hustle and let us take a little time away from our jobs to earn a little extra scratch this way. We were basically whores on call for the rich bitches. And that was fine. I needed the money because I was working my way through college. I used to attend school at the “University of Karl Marx”, in Big City. But I ran into a little trouble there and fled south. I then enrolled at the “University of Stalin” in Florida.

There was one boat owner that nobody liked. He was some Arab guy named Abdulla Akbar, or some stupid shit. We all hated him because he was always trying to get us to do stuff for him, but he never tipped. He was also a real asshole. He was like 5’6 and had a fat, beer gut. Abdulla and his brother owned a 45’ cruiser. They would come to the marina once every couple of weekends with 2-3 young cute chicks, all Arab. Some of them would be bona fide 9s or 10s if they bothered to shave their underarm hair.

These Arab fuckers would load up then take off up the ICW. Eventually, they would get to a cove or slough somewhere, anchor up, and the two swarthy brothers would go below and fuck the shit out of those chicks all afternoon. Later in the evening they would return to the marina, acting in their typical prickish manner. Upon docking, the girls had to dismount the boat and go wait in the car while Abdulla and his brother got the boat locked up and ready to leave.

The chicks’ makeup had worn off when they returned and they looked generally disheveled. However, I knew for a fact that this is what went on with them. See, one weekend Abdulla’s asshole brother did not show up. So it was only Abdulla and 2 chicks for the bi-weekly fuck-float. A buddy of mine, and dockhand there, was hired by him to pilot their boat to a particular destination. Abdulla then had my buddy go below and film the 3-way fuck session. According to my pal, Abdulla was hung like a huge horse with a huge horse cock. It actually hurt the girls that he was so large. But that just seemed to get Abdulla off all the more.

My buddy also confided that Abdulla had a lot of stamina, going 4-5 times in a row. Apparently, he punishes these chicks. Nobody knows who these chicks are. There are rarely the same, and they are forbidden from talking to anyone at the marina. It is strictly from the car to the boat, then from the boat to the car, while they are there. It seemed weird to all of us. But he is an Arab and apparently has money, so whatever.

One Saturday morning I got called into work unexpectedly. Another dock hand, Emilio, got into a little scrap on Friday night and was burned to death down at a meth house. It just so happened that this was the day that the greasy Arab would be there. At 10:00 am he came riding up in his gold, iced BMW. He and his brother got out, as did 3 very hot Arab chicks, who were promptly shuffled to the boat by the brother in an agitated Arabic language. I was cleaning up some blood on the dock where some old fucker fell and busted his head open. Then Abdulla called out to me. “Boy! Boy!! Come here, boy!! ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF?? COME HERE….NOW!!!”, he demanded.

I walked over to him. He told me to get onboard the “Magic Carpet” (what he named his boat) because I was going with them today. I really did not want to go because the swarthy fuck would probably work me like a slave yet pay my nothing (like a slave). But I was intrigued too. My buddy, who went along with them and filmed Abdulla fucking those broads, seemed to be change after his trip with them. Not long after he took the ride, my buddy quit his job at the marina and entered a monastery. I never made the connection between the Arabs and that, but later on I would.

I agreed to go along. I was to pilot the boat while the Arabs and their bitches were below. I figured they must want to get a head start on the sex this time. I drove the boat to where they wanted to go. It was a smooth ride. I enjoy piloting a double screw. Plus, the boat had twin Cummins diesel engines, each with turbos. It was a dream to operate! They had a lot of torque, unlike boats with gasoline engines. You could put it wherever you wanted to. I was having a good time. But then, all good things come to an end.

I arrived at the destination. Abdulla did not have to tell me where to go. We all knew where they went. It was a little slough off the ICW we jokingly referred to as “Gang Fuck Cove”. I anchored the boat, popped open a bottle of water, and prepared to catch some rays in the waning days of summer. Just then the hatch opened and Abdulla stuck his head out. “Boy, come here, now….NOW!!!”, he said. I rolled my eyes but did as commanded.

Abdulla ordered me to the cabin. Lying there on the V-berth bed were the 3 hot chicks, naked. Two of them were making out while the other one was looking at me lustfully. Abdulla’s brother already had his cock out. In a moment it was in a chick’s mouth. It was a wild scene!! They also had some loud and obnoxious Arab music playing. It was like the, you know, the shit you play to get the King Cobra to come out of the basket and dance? It was THAT kind of shit.

Abdulla placed his hand on my shoulder and led me closer to the bed. He saw the expression on my face, then laughed. He said, “Ha Ha!! You like what see, boy? Ha ha ha!!!! It is time for you go to work, boy!!” I assumed he meant that he wanted me to plow the girls. So I started to unzip my fly.

Abdulla smacked me upside my head when he saw this. “What fuck you doing?!? You no fuck girls. You clean jizz, keep off floor. I just replace carpet. It stay clean!!! You are on jizz patrol!!!” He then handed me a pair of rubber gloves, a towel, and some sunglasses. “Motherfucker!!!”, I thought to myself. I looked down at the new carpet. It was ugly Arab shit. It look like somebody had already puked all over it. I was pissed. I knew that if I walked out they would throw me overboard and I would have to swim miles in the tidal current. They would just lie to the marina master and told them I was lost at sea. He would not give a shit. He makes good money off these Arab pricks.

Just them a long and voluminous rope of spooge hit my left temple and slid down the side of my face. It was from Abdulla’s brother. Abdulla saw it and started taunting his brother for being an “early bloomer”. The brother then pulled a scimitar out from somewhere and attacked Abdulla. However, Abdulla was too fast. He pulled out a Walther pistol and put the muzzle on the brother’s forehead, stopping him in his tracks. The girls continued unabated notwithstanding the imminent use of deadly force. There was then a short pause, followed by both Abdulla and his brother busting out in laughter. They then high-fived and continued fucking the girls.

Meanwhile, I am standing there with a large load of jizz dripping down my face and onto my shirt. I want to murder them all, but I am outnumbered and outgunned. I wiped the sploosh off my face and walked out. I went topside, felt sick, then puked over the side of the boat and into the water. I sat down and before I knew it, my head was in my hands and I was crying. What the fuck was I doing?!? I knew I was young, but still … taking ropes from swarthy Arabs?!? Jesus Christ!! If this is my future then I ought to jump in the water and drown myself.

Just then the hatch opened and Abdulla came storming out, carrying the same scimitar his brother had earlier pulled out of God know what crevice. “BOY!! YOU WALK OUT ON ME!!! YOU PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!”, he yelled. His brother followed closely behind him. I retreated to the bow of the boat, and both of them followed me there. Abdulla was still naked. He did, in fact, have a HUGE schlong. It hung down to his knees and was nearly as big around as a Folgers coffee can.

Once these 2 assholes had me on the ropes they began trying to fuck with me. The brother said, “Abdulla, what you thinking? We maybe cut his stomach wide open and feed his guts to the fishes?” Abdulla replied, “No, brother. Fish don’t eat pig shit. I think we cut his throat and throw him overboard. The sharks will clean up the mess.”

By this time, as the two Arab assholes were swinging their swarthy brown dicks around at my expense, the 3 Arab bitches grew curious and came topside. They were barely covered and not at all inhibited. They were curious as to what was going on. Their eyes immediately fixed on me. Despite my dire circumstances, I could not help but be distracted by how hot these chicks were. I could feel myself starting to bone up.

Abdulla then poked my chest with the tip of the scimitar and said, “You, boy. Your time is up. You will have to outswim the sharks if you want to get back to marina alive”. His brother was smirking at me. They were going to throw me overboard, the motherfuckers!

Having nothing to lose, and with my pecker hardening (which is my version of Popeye eating spinach). I swiftly removed my pants, revealing my huge, throbbing member. Both Abdulla and his brother’s eye grew to the size of saucers as they each took a step back. Audible gasps emitted from each of the 3 bitches. Clearly, I was the Alpha stud of the group.

I looked at Abdulla, called him a “tiny-dick, al-Qaida motherfucker”. Then, gripping the base of my shaft like a baseball bat, I picked up my cock and swung it at Abdulla’s head. ‘CRACK!!!!” It sounded like Mark McGwire smacking a homerun! Abdulla immediately went cross-eyed, fell down, started flopping around like he suffered a traumatic neurological event, and the fell he off the side of the and into the water with a loud splash.

I next turned my attention to the shit-head brother. By this time I felt an involuntary contraction occurring deep within my loins. I pointed my throbbing shanker at Abdulla’s brother. Suddenly, the damn burst and “SWOOOOOSHH!!!”, the flow was like a fucking geyser violently erupting!! It hit the brother square in his ugly face, with the force blowing him backward and off the side of the boat. “SPLASH!!!”

There was no way those two fat fuckers could crawl over the sides of the boat and out of the water without my help. They were fucked, and I think Abdulla was already dead. I looked up at the chicks, with my raging shagger jutting out in front of me. I pointed at them and said, “You are my bitches now!” Smiles broke out on each of their faces and they all took off giggling into the cabin below to await their Anglican baptism.

The next morning I was exhausted. All the bitches were tuckered out too and sleeping. I went topside with a cup of shitty Arab coffee I brewed below. I looked around and saw the bloated Arab bodies bobbing around in the water around the boat. A school of sharks were circling around the bodies, but they were not eating them. Not even a fucking shark wanted to fuck with an Arab dude. I unhitched my wang and took my morning piss over the side of the boat and straight onto Abdulla’s face.

I returned the Arab bitches to port. Then I sank the Arab’s boat. The marina master asked me later what happened to the fucker and his boat. I just shrugged and said, “You know how those skeevy Arab pricks are. They are probably off suicide bombing the Taco Bell or some shit. My boss nodded and went on about his business. Nothing else was said about those pricks.
I was 19 years old and working as a dock hand at “Rich Bitch Marina” just outside of Daytona Beach, Florida....


I do not like most Arabs either. That is because they want to destroy Israel.
I was 19 years old and working as a dock hand at “Rich Bitch Marina” just outside of Daytona Beach, Florida. My job was to assist the boat and yacht owners in docking and fueling their vessels. But, in reality, I often had to do more for them. See, these boat owners are mostly a bunch of fancy-smancy rich boys with more money than they know what to do with. In their entitled way, they have no problem demanding me to do other jobs and favors for them. For example, one old fucker gets me to carry his bags to his boat every time he arrives, then to carry them back to his car when he departs. Most of the boat owners are complete novices and have me pilot their boats around for them as they sit on their fat asses and drink champagne and get blow jobs.

But I did not really mind all of the extra work because these folks tipped me for my time, and they tipped really well. The owner of the marina knew all about this side hustle and let us take a little time away from our jobs to earn a little extra scratch this way. We were basically whores on call for the rich bitches. And that was fine. I needed the money because I was working my way through college. I used to attend school at the “University of Karl Marx”, in Big City. But I ran into a little trouble there and fled south. I then enrolled at the “University of Stalin” in Florida.

There was one boat owner that nobody liked. He was some Arab guy named Abdulla Akbar, or some stupid shit. We all hated him because he was always trying to get us to do stuff for him, but he never tipped. He was also a real asshole. He was like 5’6 and had a fat, beer gut. Abdulla and his brother owned a 45’ cruiser. They would come to the marina once every couple of weekends with 2-3 young cute chicks, all Arab. Some of them would be bona fide 9s or 10s if they bothered to shave their underarm hair.

These Arab fuckers would load up then take off up the ICW. Eventually, they would get to a cove or slough somewhere, anchor up, and the two swarthy brothers would go below and fuck the shit out of those chicks all afternoon. Later in the evening they would return to the marina, acting in their typical prickish manner. Upon docking, the girls had to dismount the boat and go wait in the car while Abdulla and his brother got the boat locked up and ready to leave.

The chicks’ makeup had worn off when they returned and they looked generally disheveled. However, I knew for a fact that this is what went on with them. See, one weekend Abdulla’s asshole brother did not show up. So it was only Abdulla and 2 chicks for the bi-weekly fuck-float. A buddy of mine, and dockhand there, was hired by him to pilot their boat to a particular destination. Abdulla then had my buddy go below and film the 3-way fuck session. According to my pal, Abdulla was hung like a huge horse with a huge horse cock. It actually hurt the girls that he was so large. But that just seemed to get Abdulla off all the more.

My buddy also confided that Abdulla had a lot of stamina, going 4-5 times in a row. Apparently, he punishes these chicks. Nobody knows who these chicks are. There are rarely the same, and they are forbidden from talking to anyone at the marina. It is strictly from the car to the boat, then from the boat to the car, while they are there. It seemed weird to all of us. But he is an Arab and apparently has money, so whatever.

One Saturday morning I got called into work unexpectedly. Another dock hand, Emilio, got into a little scrap on Friday night and was burned to death down at a meth house. It just so happened that this was the day that the greasy Arab would be there. At 10:00 am he came riding up in his gold, iced BMW. He and his brother got out, as did 3 very hot Arab chicks, who were promptly shuffled to the boat by the brother in an agitated Arabic language. I was cleaning up some blood on the dock where some old fucker fell and busted his head open. Then Abdulla called out to me. “Boy! Boy!! Come here, boy!! ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF?? COME HERE….NOW!!!”, he demanded.

I walked over to him. He told me to get onboard the “Magic Carpet” (what he named his boat) because I was going with them today. I really did not want to go because the swarthy fuck would probably work me like a slave yet pay my nothing (like a slave). But I was intrigued too. My buddy, who went along with them and filmed Abdulla fucking those broads, seemed to be change after his trip with them. Not long after he took the ride, my buddy quit his job at the marina and entered a monastery. I never made the connection between the Arabs and that, but later on I would.

I agreed to go along. I was to pilot the boat while the Arabs and their bitches were below. I figured they must want to get a head start on the sex this time. I drove the boat to where they wanted to go. It was a smooth ride. I enjoy piloting a double screw. Plus, the boat had twin Cummins diesel engines, each with turbos. It was a dream to operate! They had a lot of torque, unlike boats with gasoline engines. You could put it wherever you wanted to. I was having a good time. But then, all good things come to an end.

I arrived at the destination. Abdulla did not have to tell me where to go. We all knew where they went. It was a little slough off the ICW we jokingly referred to as “Gang Fuck Cove”. I anchored the boat, popped open a bottle of water, and prepared to catch some rays in the waning days of summer. Just then the hatch opened and Abdulla stuck his head out. “Boy, come here, now….NOW!!!”, he said. I rolled my eyes but did as commanded.

Abdulla ordered me to the cabin. Lying there on the V-berth bed were the 3 hot chicks, naked. Two of them were making out while the other one was looking at me lustfully. Abdulla’s brother already had his cock out. In a moment it was in a chick’s mouth. It was a wild scene!! They also had some loud and obnoxious Arab music playing. It was like the, you know, the shit you play to get the King Cobra to come out of the basket and dance? It was THAT kind of shit.

Abdulla placed his hand on my shoulder and led me closer to the bed. He saw the expression on my face, then laughed. He said, “Ha Ha!! You like what see, boy? Ha ha ha!!!! It is time for you go to work, boy!!” I assumed he meant that he wanted me to plow the girls. So I started to unzip my fly.

Abdulla smacked me upside my head when he saw this. “What fuck you doing?!? You no fuck girls. You clean jizz, keep off floor. I just replace carpet. It stay clean!!! You are on jizz patrol!!!” He then handed me a pair of rubber gloves, a towel, and some sunglasses. “Motherfucker!!!”, I thought to myself. I looked down at the new carpet. It was ugly Arab shit. It look like somebody had already puked all over it. I was pissed. I knew that if I walked out they would throw me overboard and I would have to swim miles in the tidal current. They would just lie to the marina master and told them I was lost at sea. He would not give a shit. He makes good money off these Arab pricks.

Just them a long and voluminous rope of spooge hit my left temple and slid down the side of my face. It was from Abdulla’s brother. Abdulla saw it and started taunting his brother for being an “early bloomer”. The brother then pulled a scimitar out from somewhere and attacked Abdulla. However, Abdulla was too fast. He pulled out a Walther pistol and put the muzzle on the brother’s forehead, stopping him in his tracks. The girls continued unabated notwithstanding the imminent use of deadly force. There was then a short pause, followed by both Abdulla and his brother busting out in laughter. They then high-fived and continued fucking the girls.

Meanwhile, I am standing there with a large load of jizz dripping down my face and onto my shirt. I want to murder them all, but I am outnumbered and outgunned. I wiped the sploosh off my face and walked out. I went topside, felt sick, then puked over the side of the boat and into the water. I sat down and before I knew it, my head was in my hands and I was crying. What the fuck was I doing?!? I knew I was young, but still … taking ropes from swarthy Arabs?!? Jesus Christ!! If this is my future then I ought to jump in the water and drown myself.

Just then the hatch opened and Abdulla came storming out, carrying the same scimitar his brother had earlier pulled out of God know what crevice. “BOY!! YOU WALK OUT ON ME!!! YOU PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!”, he yelled. His brother followed closely behind him. I retreated to the bow of the boat, and both of them followed me there. Abdulla was still naked. He did, in fact, have a HUGE schlong. It hung down to his knees and was nearly as big around as a Folgers coffee can.

Once these 2 assholes had me on the ropes they began trying to fuck with me. The brother said, “Abdulla, what you thinking? We maybe cut his stomach wide open and feed his guts to the fishes?” Abdulla replied, “No, brother. Fish don’t eat pig shit. I think we cut his throat and throw him overboard. The sharks will clean up the mess.”

By this time, as the two Arab assholes were swinging their swarthy brown dicks around at my expense, the 3 Arab bitches grew curious and came topside. They were barely covered and not at all inhibited. They were curious as to what was going on. Their eyes immediately fixed on me. Despite my dire circumstances, I could not help but be distracted by how hot these chicks were. I could feel myself starting to bone up.

Abdulla then poked my chest with the tip of the scimitar and said, “You, boy. Your time is up. You will have to outswim the sharks if you want to get back to marina alive”. His brother was smirking at me. They were going to throw me overboard, the motherfuckers!

Having nothing to lose, and with my pecker hardening (which is my version of Popeye eating spinach). I swiftly removed my pants, revealing my huge, throbbing member. Both Abdulla and his brother’s eye grew to the size of saucers as they each took a step back. Audible gasps emitted from each of the 3 bitches. Clearly, I was the Alpha stud of the group.

I looked at Abdulla, called him a “tiny-dick, al-Qaida motherfucker”. Then, gripping the base of my shaft like a baseball bat, I picked up my cock and swung it at Abdulla’s head. ‘CRACK!!!!” It sounded like Mark McGwire smacking a homerun! Abdulla immediately went cross-eyed, fell down, started flopping around like he suffered a traumatic neurological event, and the fell he off the side of the and into the water with a loud splash.

I next turned my attention to the shit-head brother. By this time I felt an involuntary contraction occurring deep within my loins. I pointed my throbbing shanker at Abdulla’s brother. Suddenly, the damn burst and “SWOOOOOSHH!!!”, the flow was like a fucking geyser violently erupting!! It hit the brother square in his ugly face, with the force blowing him backward and off the side of the boat. “SPLASH!!!”

There was no way those two fat fuckers could crawl over the sides of the boat and out of the water without my help. They were fucked, and I think Abdulla was already dead. I looked up at the chicks, with my raging shagger jutting out in front of me. I pointed at them and said, “You are my bitches now!” Smiles broke out on each of their faces and they all took off giggling into the cabin below to await their Anglican baptism.

The next morning I was exhausted. All the bitches were tuckered out too and sleeping. I went topside with a cup of shitty Arab coffee I brewed below. I looked around and saw the bloated Arab bodies bobbing around in the water around the boat. A school of sharks were circling around the bodies, but they were not eating them. Not even a fucking shark wanted to fuck with an Arab dude. I unhitched my wang and took my morning piss over the side of the boat and straight onto Abdulla’s face.

I returned the Arab bitches to port. Then I sank the Arab’s boat. The marina master asked me later what happened to the fucker and his boat. I just shrugged and said, “You know how those skeevy Arab pricks are. They are probably off suicide bombing the Taco Bell or some shit. My boss nodded and went on about his business. Nothing else was said about those pricks.
Something to help you out with your puerile racial prejudices:




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Particularly when their quality is so indifferent and , as in this instance, it could have been quickly ended by admitting that Arabs more than dislike him .
WTF is “indifferent quality”?
Tell foreign guests that tipping is expected in the United States. That would have solved your problem with these Arabs.

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