Why I dont post here

i dont owe israel shit. Like I said, some polish catholic converting to their religion wont count like a Cohen would.

but, i realize you just wanna flirt with me anyway so.. have at it.
You can't read, can you. I said that Jewish was not just an ethnicity, it was also a religion. But more importantly I said that the Israelis base their immigration status on religion, not ethnicity.

And I've shown you that is true. If you continue to claim that Israelis only allow ethnic Jews citizenship, then yes, you are racist.

You do not understand what racist means, do you? Do talk to someone educated about it.

I know a very large number of people who would call themselves 'Jews', a few of them Israeli citizens, and the number of them who would claim to be religious in any sense is tiny. The noises you use to describe your master people hardly matter (though of course, 'Israel' will accept almost any one who is not a native of the colony, at least for now).

If the old South African Nationalist Government had described itself as 'Complexionist' and announced it didn't care about 'race', would that have changed anything? What do your merry chums care what the game is called, so long as they can thieve and murder at will, and then denounce their victims as 'terrorists'?

The expelled millions outside your borders are waiting still. How do you propose to eliminate them, Oh Religious One? Perhaps the Lord will provide?
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You do not understand what racist means, do you? Do talk to someone educated about it.

I know a very large number of people who would call themselves 'Jews', a few of them Israeli citizens, and the number of them who would claim to be religious in any sense is tiny. The noises you use to describe your master people hardly matters (though of course, 'Israel' will accept almost any one who is not a native of the colony, at least for now).

If the old South African Nationalist Government had described itself as 'Complexionist' and announced it didn't care about 'race', would that have changed anything? What do your merry chums care what the game is called, so long as they can thieve and murder at will, and then denounce their victims as 'terrorists'?

The expelled millions outside your borders are waiting still. How do you propose to eliminate them, Oh Religious One? Perhaps the Lord will provide?

That wasn't the topic of conversation. The topic was what criteria is used to allow someone to become an Israeli citizen.
That wasn't the topic of conversation. The topic was what criteria is used to allow someone to become an Israeli citizen.

It is pretty cut and dried. Fully 20% of Israel's population is Arab with full citizenship rights of which the huge majority are Palestinian or of Palestinian heritage. Those who hold no animosity toward Israel and the Jews enjoy prosperity and own businesses, teach in the universities, and are represented on the Knesset. Those who retain loyalties to the militant Palestinian non-Israelis fare less well and complain of discrimination. (Personally I think they should be invited out of the country, but that's just me.)

Because of its very nature and the purpose for which the nation was founded, the 'right of return' remains in effect for Jews wanting to move to Israel and become citizens. The laws do focus on and cater to Jews though the government is working on ways to make things less complicated for non-Jews. Non-Jews who want to immigrate and be productive and loyal Israeli citizens are welcome in Israel.

According to section 1 of the Law of Return [1950] ("LOR"), any Jew is entitled by right
(the "Right of Return") to immigrate to Israel.
The above also applies to the spouse, children and grandchildren of a Jew, and to the
spouse of such children or grandchildren, even if they themselves are not Jewish. The
Jewish person, by virtue of whom the Right of Return is being claimed, need not be alive
at the time of immigration and need not immigrate himself.
For the purpose of the LOR, a "Jew"" is defined as anyone who was born to a Jewish
mother or has been converted to Judaism, and is not a member of another faith.
According to section 2(A) of the LOR, the visa granted to such an immigrant will then be
an "Oleh Visa", which grants immigrant status to Jews who wish to immigrate to Israel.
IMMIGRATION TO ISRAEL: Immigrant Status / Citizenship / Work Permit Visas

(a) A person of full age, not being an Israel national, may obtain Israel nationality by naturalisation if -
(1) he is in Israel; and
(2) he has been in Israel for three years out of five years proceeding the day of the submission of his application; and
(3) he is entitled to reside in Israel permanently; and
(4) he has settled, or intends to settle, in Israel, and
(5) he has some knowledge of the Hebrew language, and
(6) he has renounced his prior nationality or has proved that he will cease to be a foreign national upon becoming an Israel national.
(b) Where a person has applied for naturalisation, and he meets the requirements of subsection (a), the Minister of the Interior, if he thinks fit to do so, shall grant him Israel nationality by the issue of a certificate of naturalisation. (c) Prior to the grant of nationality, the applicant shall make the following declaration:
"I declare that I will be a loyal national of the State of Israel."

(d) Nationality is acquired on the day of the declaration.
Nationality Law (1952)
Yes, Foxfire, thank you. One of the posters on this thread was claiming that only those of a Jewish ethnicity were allowed to be citizens of Israel.
You're welcome. It's pretty hard to accuse the Israelis of racism or guilty of ethnic cleansing when 20% of the population is made up of citizens of Arab ancestry with no Jewish connections of any kind.

The only Arabs the Israelis have a problem with are those devoted to the extermination of Israel and the Jews, most particularly those actively attempting to accomplish that by kidnapping and killing Israeli citizens, blowing up crowded markets, synagogues, and bussses, and firing many thousands of rockets indiscriminatley into Israeli neighborhoods.

The Israelis are 100% justified in retaliation against such activity and/or defending their own people in whatever ways they feel are necessary to defend them. Such of course does cause grief, displacement, and injustice to innocent Palestinians as well, but such is the most tragic result of all wars. The Palestinians would have nothing to fear from the Israelis and would find the Israelis to be good neighbors and trading partners if they would simply agree to Israel's right to exist and would be good neighbors to Israel.

Israelis are not the racists in this conflict.
Because of its very nature and the purpose for which the nation was founded, the 'right of return' remains in effect for Jews wanting to move to Israel and become citizens. The laws do focus on and cater to Jews though the government is working on ways to make things less complicated for non-Jews

I didnt say that ONLY jews were allowed into israel, ravi.. ONCE again, you are a fucking liar and I welcome you to quote me saying anything of the sort. I posted the LAW OF RETURN specifically as an example of the state of israel putting a premium on the jewish ethnicity. FOX rationalized this. so do you. Trying to be a scandelous fucking liar about my posts wont get you anywhere.

Indeed, if the US allowed all ethnicities BUT MADE A CONCERTED EFFORT TO PUT A PREMIUM ON WHITE FOLK you'd be crying like a fucking stuck pig. As it is, you can accept racist double standard for israel. don't bother poking your grubby fucking finger at William Joyce anymore in one of his racist as threads because the irony of your position makes you a total fucking farce.. when you are not lying out your ass, that is.
You're welcome. It's pretty hard to accuse the Israelis of racism or guilty of ethnic cleansing when 20% of the population is made up of citizens of Arab ancestry with no Jewish connections of any kind.

uh, so too did the US have a significant population of blacks in 1945. What is your point again? South Africa had blacks in 1983. Did you need to clarify?

The only Arabs the Israelis have a problem with are those devoted to the extermination of Israel and the Jews, most particularly those actively attempting to accomplish that by kidnapping and killing Israeli citizens, blowing up crowded markets, synagogues, and bussses, and firing many thousands of rockets indiscriminatley into Israeli neighborhoods.

HA! yea, and when you people GENERALIZE any arab as merely a terrorist in training..

Watch any good videos lately? I've posted a few you'll want to insist is just antisemitic propaganda.. from the NBC nightly news even!

The Israelis are 100% justified in retaliation against such activity and/or defending their own people in whatever ways they feel are necessary to defend them. Such of course does cause grief, displacement, and injustice to innocent Palestinians as well, but such is the most tragic result of all wars. The Palestinians would have nothing to fear from the Israelis and would find the Israelis to be good neighbors and trading partners if they would simply agree to Israel's right to exist and would be good neighbors to Israel.

yea yea yea.. and the only good INJUN is a dead one, right? You people and your blank check worhsip of the new master race would be laughable were it not so pathetic. Jews are just as capable of the same bullshit anyone else is. Don't believe it? go ask the ghost of Rabin about those oh so benevolent zionists.

Israelis are not the racists in this conflict.

The law of return IS racist. If you can't fathom the same application for whitey in the US then you probably want to go ahead and whip out your scarlet A.
msnbc.com Video Player

Here ya go, fox.. Go ahead and IGNORE THIS TOO. Why is it that settlers are not supposed to reflect on israel... but a terrorist reflects ALL palis?
You're welcome. It's pretty hard to accuse the Israelis of racism or guilty of ethnic cleansing when 20% of the population is made up of citizens of Arab ancestry with no Jewish connections of any kind.

The only Arabs the Israelis have a problem with are those devoted to the extermination of Israel and the Jews, most particularly those actively attempting to accomplish that by kidnapping and killing Israeli citizens, blowing up crowded markets, synagogues, and bussses, and firing many thousands of rockets indiscriminatley into Israeli neighborhoods.

The Israelis are 100% justified in retaliation against such activity and/or defending their own people in whatever ways they feel are necessary to defend them. Such of course does cause grief, displacement, and injustice to innocent Palestinians as well, but such is the most tragic result of all wars. The Palestinians would have nothing to fear from the Israelis and would find the Israelis to be good neighbors and trading partners if they would simply agree to Israel's right to exist and would be good neighbors to Israel.

Israelis are not the racists in this conflict.

I imagine there are racists on both sides of the issue.

It's interesting to note that the right of Return is now not applied to anyone of Jewish heritage that practices a different religion.
Why shouldn't people be able to organize a nation for 'white folk' if you have enough 'white folk' who want that kind of environment? I wouldn't want to live there, but what is wrong with the concept? What rationale is there for anybody to not have the right to organize a country for a particular group so long as nobody's civil rights are violated in the process?

Japan's laws for citizenship, work permits, immigration laws, etc. etc. certainly favor those of Japanese ancestry. I wouldn't want to live there either, but I don't have a problem with that. What is wrong with that?

The Jews, however, are a unique situation. The Jews have been systematically persecuted, discriminated against, and have suffered ethnic cleansing most places in the world for most of their entire history. They have had no homeland where they could ensure protection from discrimination because they are Jews since 70 A.D. So, considering all that dismal history coupled with the Holocaust at the hands of Nazi Germany, the world community, via the UN, tried to set things right in a small way by giving a tiny TINY plot of ground to the Jews where they could finally have ability to determine their own destiny.

For the life of me, I can't see how anybody should have a problem with that.
Why shouldn't people be able to organize a nation for 'white folk' if you have enough 'white folk' who want that kind of environment? I wouldn't want to live there, but what is wrong with the concept? What rationale is there for anybody to not have the right to organize a country for a particular group so long as nobody's civil rights are violated in the process?

Japan's laws for citizenship, work permits, immigration laws, etc. etc. certainly favor those of Japanese ancestry. I wouldn't want to live there either, but I don't have a problem with that. What is wrong with that?

The Jews, however, are a unique situation. The Jews have been systematically persecuted, discriminated against, and have suffered ethnic cleansing most places in the world for most of their entire history. They have had no homeland where they could ensure protection from discrimination because they are Jews since 70 A.D. So, considering all that dismal history coupled with the Holocaust at the hands of Nazi Germany, the world community, via the UN, tried to set things right in a small way by giving a tiny TINY plot of ground to the Jews where they could finally have ability to determine their own destiny.

For the life of me, I can't see how anybody should have a problem with that.

Thats all well and good until Ben Gurion started ordering people purged from their homes. Then it gets icky.
Thats all well and good until Ben Gurion started ordering people purged from their homes. Then it gets icky.

The 'purge' was to eradicate the source of terrorist bombers who had killed and maimed Israeli citizens. Had the Palestinians pointed out the terrorists, had chosen not to defend or hide them among themselves, there would have been no eradication of the source of the terrorism.

Was this overreaction or excessive? Some think so. Was there reasonable cause? Many think so. It is the same principle of the security wall declared "Apartheid" and worse by such ilk as Jimmy Carter and others. But the Israelis were suffering daily bombing attempts, and more than a few successful attacks, before the wall went up. Afterward, the bombings pretty well stopped.

Is it Apartheid to fence peaceful society off from those who are not peaceful (aka dangerous criminals) in this country? No. Nor is it Apartheid to fence off peaceful people from militant terrorists determined to destroy those peaceful people.

It's all a matter of perspective. The Bible talks of rain falling on the just and unjust. In matters of war, the reality of that metaphor is inevitable.

If the Palestinan leadership acknowledges Israel's right to exist, and does what it can reasonably do to apprehend and stop the terrorists, and agrees to be a good neighbor to Israel, there will be no more need for 'purges' or 'security walls' or any other measures Israel now employs to protect its people. If the Palestinian does that and Israel does not reciprocate by becoming a good neighbor to the Palestinians, THEN my criticism will be strongly targeted at Israel.
Why shouldn't people be able to organize a nation for 'white folk' if you have enough 'white folk' who want that kind of environment? I wouldn't want to live there, but what is wrong with the concept? What rationale is there for anybody to not have the right to organize a country for a particular group so long as nobody's civil rights are violated in the process?

Japan's laws for citizenship, work permits, immigration laws, etc. etc. certainly favor those of Japanese ancestry. I wouldn't want to live there either, but I don't have a problem with that. What is wrong with that?

The Jews, however, are a unique situation. The Jews have been systematically persecuted, discriminated against, and have suffered ethnic cleansing most places in the world for most of their entire history. They have had no homeland where they could ensure protection from discrimination because they are Jews since 70 A.D. So, considering all that dismal history coupled with the Holocaust at the hands of Nazi Germany, the world community, via the UN, tried to set things right in a small way by giving a tiny TINY plot of ground to the Jews where they could finally have ability to determine their own destiny.

For the life of me, I can't see how anybody should have a problem with that.

I guess we could ask the ghost of Martin Luther King that question, fox. WHITE people tried this shit back in the day.. how did that work out? Are we a better nation because they failed or not?

SOUTH AFRICANS for that matter thought the very same thing you did. Well, WHITE ones at least.
I guess we could ask the ghost of Martin Luther King that question, fox. WHITE people tried this shit back in the day.. how did that work out? Are we a better nation because they failed or not?

SOUTH AFRICANS for that matter thought the very same thing you did. Well, WHITE ones at least.

Try again Shogun. There was my comment about 'civil rights' in there somewhere. Did you overlook that? Or are you intentionally being obtuse?

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