Why I dont post here

You're welcome. It's pretty hard to accuse the Israelis of racism or guilty of ethnic cleansing when 20% of the population is made up of citizens of Arab ancestry with no Jewish connections of any kind.

Only if you expect perfection in your racist activities, which, death camps now being out of fashion, is hard to achieve. To have shifted from a situation where a few hundred Jews went to Jerusalem to die to one where millions of the natives live miserably outside the borders of their own stolen country seems to me something Hitler would have been proud of. Imagine the kindness of the Master Race - allowing some of the natives still to live in their own country! Nobel Peace Prize stuff, surely?
Try again Shogun. There was my comment about 'civil rights' in there somewhere. Did you overlook that? Or are you intentionally being obtuse?

CIVIL RIGHTS don't put premiums on a particular ethnicity. Again, This is why I already posted the Law of Return before you decided to. Now, feel free to tell me how the US should put a premium on importing white people in order to maintain a WHITE domination of our culture. We can still allow other races to come here, of course, but as long as the state MAINTAINS WHITE DOMINANCE, right?
CIVIL RIGHTS don't put premiums on a particular ethnicity. Again, This is why I already posted the Law of Return before you decided to. Now, feel free to tell me how the US should put a premium on importing white people in order to maintain a WHITE domination of our culture. We can still allow other races to come here, of course, but as long as the state MAINTAINS WHITE DOMINANCE, right?

I do not IMO think being for Immigrants speaking our language and becoming part of our culture, In anyway equates with wanting white dominance.

Not saying you said that, Just telling you how I feel about it.
I do not IMO think being for Immigrants speaking our language and becoming part of our culture, In anyway equates with wanting white dominance.

Not saying you said that, Just telling you how I feel about it.

I dont either. That's Ravi's little logical tangent.

Language is a common cultural issue. It's not a race based criteria. How would you feel if the US actively imported white people from Europe in order to keep the upcoming Latino population from usurping white dominance? Im just asking, not assuming your answer..
dude.. backtrack however you need to. I used YOUR words.

Reread the post I was responding to. I'm not interested in hearing about your supposed benevolence while you insist that isreal, somehow, is impervious to the lessons of history when we see one dominant group fucking another in the ass. OF COURSE THE OCCUPATION IS RACIST. Do you want a fucking cookie? Im commenting on your excuses for segregated two state solutions.. which, ironically enough, you go on to rationalize below.

An independent Palistine that SHARES isreal? That SHARES the land where isreal wants to build the next temple of solomon? Yea, dude.. I fully expect israel to let that happen.

If their citizenship criteria is based on ethnic varibales then yes. I'll return the question, What ethnic group has the right to claim eastern europe? Are you a fan of Milosovic as long as a nation can be carved out for those that were purged?

Kosovo War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IS SOUTH AFRICA A TWO STATE SOLUTION TO APARTHIED? WERE THOSE laughable segregated state solutions REALLY convincing ANYONE? Clearly, you don't mind eastern europe being ethnically purged. If thats the hand you want to play then so bit it, dude.

post your evidence. If you think a majority of pals want a two state solution im going to laugh at you. I posted quite the opposite just the other day and I'll go ahead and dig it up for you. But, by all means, post what you got.

Support ot opposition to a one-state solution in historic Palestine where Muslims, Christians and Jews have equal rights and responsibilities
Support 528 65.5 70.4
Oppose 222 27.5 29.6

For some Palestinians, one state with Israel is better than none
Frustrated by years of failed peace talks for a two-state solution, some are giving up hope of independence and pushing the idea of a single democratic state with equal rights for all.
For some Palestinians, one state with Israel is better than none - Los Angeles Times

again. i've posted my evidence. post yours.

Again, post your evidence. I've had the gonadular fortitude to post mine when making statements..

Note: Sorry for the late response, this thread grows way too fast and shit gets lost.

1) Point was I never claimed "same footing" in terms of power, I was ASKING you if you were saying that the BPP and Thurmond were on the same page in terms of segregation, which seemed like the assumption you were making. Just forget about it.

2) There is no more evidence that the Israeli government would allow a real, equitable, and non-biased democracy than a 1967-borders two-state solution. Obviously what the Israeli government would like is to continue either continue occupation or grant them independence in the form of the "swiss cheese" state. Except, that the majority of Israelis also support a two state solution:

Poll: 70% of Israelis back 2-state pact, 63% oppose Golan pull-out - Haaretz - Israel News

(On the other hand, there's some other outrageous poll results about other issues)

3) I'm not saying that any state should be based on ethnic variables. As the example I said before, any Slovak that so chooses can move to the Czech Republic, eventually become a citizen, and have all the corresponding equal rights of a Czech. It should be the same for these states. Nobody should be a second-class citizen anywhere. Or another case, Canada is kind of a good example of a 'one-state solution'. If Israel would behave towards Palestinians like the Canadian government behaves towards the Quebecois, then a one state solution would be totally viable. But if Canada was treating the Quebecois as second-class citizens, with a policy of installing English settlements and total natural resource control, then Quebec wouldn't be a RACIST nation for wanting to become an independent country. Same goes for Palestinians. For a people that are being occupied and oppressed, having an actual state to defend their rights (or at least a state they will not be oppressed in) is a viable option, and I don't understand how that INHERENTLY implies that it's a racist state. By your logic, then every state is inherently "segregationalist", and the fact that there is a border between the US and Mexico, for example, is a racist sham.

5) As for evidence that most palestinians want their own state:

Middle East Transparent ? Poll: Majority of Palestinians now support two-state solution

Readings of Interest

And perhaps most importantly, from the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research:


The rest of your points were kind of strange and wild assumptions of my position, which I guess is reasonable if you still don't understand the difference between segregationalism and statehood. Segregationalism is what is happening NOW in Israel, not what would happen if there was an Independent Palestine. Segregationalism occurs WITHIN a state, in which two types of people are, by law, required to live separately or discriminate against each other. Like I said before, if an international border between Israel and Palestine would be 'segregationalism' according to you, then by the same token an international border (worse yet, a wall) between the US and Mexico is also 'segregationalist'.
I dont either. That's Ravi's little logical tangent.

Language is a common cultural issue. It's not a race based criteria. Im just asking, not assuming your answer..

Logical. Exactly.

Language is a common cultural issue. So is religion. Which is what the Israelis base a part of their immigration policy on NOW, since 1999, not ethnic background.
How would you feel if the US actively imported white people from Europe in order to keep the upcoming Latino population from usurping white dominance?

Such irony.
The rest of your points were kind of strange and wild assumptions of my position, which I guess is reasonable if you still don't understand the difference between segregationalism and statehood. Segregationalism is what is happening NOW in Israel, not what would happen if there was an Independent Palestine. Segregationalism occurs WITHIN a state, in which two types of people are, by law, required to live separately or discriminate against each other. Like I said before, if an international border between Israel and Palestine would be 'segregationalism' according to you, then by the same token an international border (worse yet, a wall) between the US and Mexico is also 'segregationalist'.

I tell you what.. when you figure out how to put the Temple Mount inside a pali state then you get back to me. Otherwise, the two state solutions dry up as soon as the thrid Temple of Solomon breaks ground. You assume that palis, and muslims everywhere are just going to pack up and forget their heritage on that common land when teased with some bullshit hypothetical that would have happened already if it ever was going to.
Logical. Exactly.

clearly, you are not picking up not he sarcasm.

Language is a common cultural issue. So is religion. Which is what the Israelis base a part of their immigration policy on NOW, since 1999, not ethnic background.

RELIGION IS NOT THE MIDIGATING FACTOR IN BEING A FUCKING JEW OR ATHEIST JEWS WOULD NOT APPLY. good fucking grief. Ask Jill if it's her FAITH that makes her a fucking jew, ravi. Get ONE motherfucker with hebrew heritage to support your goofy notion that it's a dogma that is the midigating variable

I'll wait.

Such irony.

By all means.. answer the fucking question. We don't increase white demographics in order to minimize a growing non-white population. If you can find evidence of such then, by all means, POST THAT SHIT. Otherwise, take your snarky ass down the road.
I dont either. That's Ravi's little logical tangent.

Language is a common cultural issue. It's not a race based criteria. How would you feel if the US actively imported white people from Europe in order to keep the upcoming Latino population from usurping white dominance? Im just asking, not assuming your answer..

I believe we have at least in the past, done this very thing through immigration quotas, don't you?

Are you saying a nation and it's people do not have the right to set quotas on who immigrates to their country and from where?

You are aware that nearly every nation on earth does this right?
She's not a fucking jew. She's a Jew. And as far as I know, she isn't an Israeli you flaming racist retard.


Go ahead.. dont be ascerred.. She's not israeli and she doesn't observe the faith.. So, by all means.. ASK HER WHAT IT IS THAT MAKES HER JEWISH.

I promise, calling me a racist wont make you any less of a fucking ignorant ****.
Who says I don't observe my faith, moron? I'm more secular than not, but don't you dare tell me who's a jew.

And if you weren't such a jewhater, you wouldn't get called a racist.

oh yeah, i forgot, it's mexicans, too. guess i'm not alone.
I believe we have at least in the past, done this very thing through immigration quotas, don't you?

Are you saying a nation and it's people do not have the right to set quotas on who immigrates to their country and from where?

You are aware that nearly every nation on earth does this right?

AND who is defending those past quotes? Certainly not me. We also used to allow slaves. What is that supposed to say about our current policy?

Im saying that those quotas are not ethnically set in order to maintain the rule of a particular demographic.
Again, if white gentiles decided to enact a law of return to keep latinos, blacks, asian and JEWS from collectively outnumbering their political power how quickly would you accept it?

What western nation determines quotas in order to protect the dominance of white people, chuck? It sure as hell isn't the US.

Unless you can provide evidence otherwise..

Go ahead.. dont be ascerred.. She's not israeli and she doesn't observe the faith.. So, by all means.. ASK HER WHAT IT IS THAT MAKES HER JEWISH.

I promise, calling me a racist wont make you any less of a fucking ignorant ****.

calling Ravi and Jillian Ignorant childish name will not make you any less ignorant and Childish.

Really ****? You are better than that arn't you.

Language Guidelines:
Foul language (profanity) used in USmessageboard.com will be loosely tolerated and at the moderators discretion. Derogatory statements directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are permitted with the stipulation that you generally look like a fool when resorting to these tactics within a serious conversation on real issues. If you're comfortable playing the fool, feel free to do so.
What western nation determines quotas in order to protect the dominance of white people, chuck? It sure as hell isn't the US.

many, especially in Europe. Switzerland comes to mind. I suggest you read up on their immigration laws. Instead of just railing against Israel.
Who says I don't observe my faith, moron? I'm more secular than not, but don't you dare tell me who's a jew.

And if you weren't such a jewhater, you wouldn't get called a racist.

oh yeah, i forgot, it's mexicans, too. guess i'm not alone.

Bitch, i've seen you admit that you don't observe the jewish faith MANY times before.. Many, MANY times before. But hey, NOW you are a fucking practicing member of the flocki as long as yuo get to wield your mighty Scarlet A, eh?

THATS fucking hilarious.

Now that you've crept up from under your rock after the NBC nightly news videos i've posted why dont you tell both Ravi and myself if it's your FAITH or ETHNICITY that allows you identify with the jews. Or dont, you disingenuous bitch. It's no skin off of MY yarmulke.
many, especially in Europe. Switzerland comes to mind. I suggest you read up on their immigration laws. Instead of just railing against Israel.

im not much on non sequiters, chuck.. im afraid your going to have to provide evidenc that the swiss puts a premium on white people.

and, dude.. feel free not to avoid my other questions about the US putting it's own law of return in place in order to make sure WHITE GOYIM wont lose their dominance.
calling Ravi and Jillian Ignorant childish name will not make you any less ignorant and Childish.

Really ****? You are better than that arn't you.

spare me the lecture and admit that you would cry like a fucking siren if white people had a Law of Return in the US. I give what I get. If they both want to be name calling motherfuckers we can all be name calling motherfuckers.
Come on JILL.. Tell me all about your FAITH IN THE HEBREW RELIGION... TELL ME ALL ABOUT HOW THAT IS WHAT makes you jewish AND NOT YOUR FUCKING ETHNICITY. It's cool, you can even toss out a few spiteful Scarlet A's while admitting to Ravi that it's not MERELY faith that makes you a jew. Here kitty kitty kitty.. come on snukums.. You can DO EET.

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