Why I dont post here

And you too, Chuck.. Feel free to dive right on into how you'd shrug off WHITE GOYIM using the state to make sure minority groups never usurp their choke hold on this culture.. Care to see some Olmert quotes conveying the same damn thing about about the result of a failure of a two state solution where Israel ACTUALLY HAS TO allow equality over an ETHNIC standard?

Your call, Tex.. After you get done with the schreiking reproach regarding the tenor of my tone feel free to remind me why the SWISS were THOROUGHLY chastised for their attempt at racial standards for immigration..

Go ahead.. dont be ascerred.. She's not israeli and she doesn't observe the faith.. So, by all means.. ASK HER WHAT IT IS THAT MAKES HER JEWISH.

I promise, calling me a racist wont make you any less of a fucking ignorant ****.

Damn, you are totally whacked. We have been talking about what makes one an Israeli, not what makes one a Jew.

Pathetic, seriously and totally pathetic.
Damn, you are totally whacked. We have been talking about what makes one an Israeli, not what makes one a Jew.

Pathetic, seriously and totally pathetic.

Scroll up, brainiac. We've been discussing what criteria qualifies a person to recieve consideration under the LAW OF RETURN... Not merely who is israeli. Once again you try to LIE your way out of feeling like a fucking idiot. Shall i repost your quote again?

One who adheres to Judaism or is of Jewish lineage. See Judaism.

Glossary: J

Who is a Jew?

A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism.

It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox.

Judaism 101: Who Is a Jew?

myawwwwwwww... whoooossee a sad little cloooown now...


Come on JILL.. Tell me all about your FAITH IN THE HEBREW RELIGION... TELL ME ALL ABOUT HOW THAT IS WHAT makes you jewish AND NOT YOUR FUCKING ETHNICITY. It's cool, you can even toss out a few spiteful Scarlet A's while admitting to Ravi that it's not MERELY faith that makes you a jew. Here kitty kitty kitty.. come on snukums.. You can DO EET.

Why would I?
Why would I?

indeed, given that admitting as much would prove my fucking point, WHY WOULD you.

calling me a joo hating racist sure does relive any necessity to be honest.. thats for GODDAMN sure.
indeed, given that admitting as much would prove my fucking point, WHY WOULD you.

calling me a joo hating racist sure does relive any necessity to be honest.. thats for GODDAMN sure.

Why on earth would I try to have a sensible conversation about faith with someone whose proven he has no interest in it?

You must think everyone but you is stupid...

Newsflash... it isn't so.

What part of this don't you understand?

A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew,

If they convert, they are considered a Jew. Even if they started out an Irish Lassie you jerk.
Why on earth would I try to have a sensible conversation about faith with someone whose proven he has no interest in it?

You must think everyone but you is stupid...

Newsflash... it isn't so.

Like I've said.. we can BOTH talk shit jill. You are no more interested in having a conversation where you don't use the Scarlet A like a fucking octopus uses ink than you are being honest about the ethnic requirement of your heritage.

Indeed, your ducking and weaving makes your input stupid, jill. I can respect those who return the favor. Thus far, in every goddamn thread where your blessed fucking homeland might see some dirt you've proven your capacity to fall short every goddamn time you toss out the Scarlet A. Hell, for that matter, why don't you go ahead and insist that I just want to see dead jews like you did the last time I had you in a corner. Who needs quotes when accusations and crying martyr works, eh?
I tell you what.. when you figure out how to put the Temple Mount inside a pali state then you get back to me. Otherwise, the two state solutions dry up as soon as the thrid Temple of Solomon breaks ground. You assume that palis, and muslims everywhere are just going to pack up and forget their heritage on that common land when teased with some bullshit hypothetical that would have happened already if it ever was going to.

What's the Third Temple of Solomon?
I have a better question... why do you insist on a one-state solution when Abbas is for a two-state solution?

Ooooh...oooh... I know the answer!


and you JUST cried about the standard of this conversation?


I argue for a single state solution for the same reason every other western nation with plural cultures have one: BECAUSE WE ARE NOT THE FUCKING RACISTS WHO THINK THEIR SHIT DONT STINK.

now, by all mean.. tell me all about how I want to steep my morning tea with the fetus of dead jews.. Dont forget to cry about the nature of this conversation either. THAT wont be ironic as fuck.
What part of this don't you understand?

A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew,

If they convert, they are considered a Jew. Even if they started out an Irish Lassie you jerk.

snipping out the portion that you think works for you won't acutally make you look any less stupid, ravi. I posted my evidence and thats clearly not what the standard is.

But, you are ravi so go figure.
Why should you indeed, he's a moron.

And you are a scheisty fucking liar riding on the coattails of this conversation like a tick on a dogs nuts.

Again.. I've posted MY evidence.. feel free to sit there and ponder why exactly jill wont answer the question regarding an ethnic standard of being jewish..

Fine, you go right ahead and pretend that there is some ethnic component that the Israelis insist on for citizenship. I'm sure the Pals appreciate your tireless efforts on their behalf.

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