Why I dont post here

That's absolutely untrue... absolutely. You really need to take off the hate goggles or stop intentionally misstating. Either way, you don't know what you're talking about.
He can't seem to understand that a Jew can be used as an ethnic label and a religious label. I honestly don't know if he's just stupid or blinded by his own bias.

Maybe he thinks if an Irish person coverts they have to have semitic dna implanted in them to make them "really" Jewish.
Actually, I just checked. Someone who voluntarily practices another religion isn't a jew for citizenship purposes.

I stand corrected. Sorry.

What about atheists, JILL? whats the rule on people who simply don't BELIEVE? WHAT MAKES THOSE PEOPLE JEWISH?

He can't seem to understand that a Jew can be used as an ethnic label and a religious label. I honestly don't know if he's just stupid or blinded by his own bias.

Maybe he thinks if an Irish person coverts they have to have semitic dna implanted in them to make them "really" Jewish.

Hey, i've posted MY evidence, stupid. REad it or don't. Jill has yet to post shit just like you. I realize all it takes to prove something to you is a pom pom but, and let me enjoy the richness of this lil net moment, JILL IS TRYING REAL HARD NOT TO ADMIT TO YOU EXACTLY WHAT YOU DONT THINK IS TRUE.

Law of Return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

your google finger broken?

note... differences between orthodox, conservative and reform conversion.

Eligibility requirements

Those who are eligible to immigrate under the Law of Return are immediately granted citizenship. Controversy has arisen as to whether all those claiming citizenship rights under the Law of Return should be registered as "Jewish" citizens for census purposes. Jewish status is traditionally granted according to the halakhic definition of being Jewish-- if your mother is Jewish, you are Jewish as well or if you convert to Judaism (though conversions to Reform and Conservative Judaism streams are generally not recognized by many people in Israel).

YOUR link, jill....

come on, JILL.. SURELY you can school this goyim motherfucker better than THAT!
Originally, the Law of Return was restricted to Jews only. A 1970 amendment, however, stated that, "The rights of a Jew under this Law and the rights of an oleh under the Nationality Law...are also vested in a child and a grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a child of a Jew and the spouse of a grandchild of a Jew" (Law of Return).


SAME link, Jill!
The demographic explanation

A second explanation is that in order to increase immigration levels so as to offset the "demographic threat" posed by the continuing presence and growth of the Palestinian population, the law expanded the base group of those eligible to immigrate to Israel.[2]

Again, YOUR link...

say, JILL.. What would you say if the fucking WHITE DEVIL of the US decided to do the exact same thing for the EXACT same purpose?

Critics claim that the Law of Return runs counter to the claims of a democratic state.[8][9] [10]

Critique of the Law of Return by Palestinians and advocates for Palestinian refugees is often linked to the Palestinian demand for a right of return.[11] The Law of Return, as contrasted against the right of return, is cited by Palestinians and their supporters as a deep offense that amounts to asking them to accept what they see as institutionalized ethnic discrimination that privileges the rights of Jews.[1

He can't seem to understand that a Jew can be used as an ethnic label and a religious label. I honestly don't know if he's just stupid or blinded by his own bias.

Maybe he thinks if an Irish person coverts they have to have semitic dna implanted in them to make them "really" Jewish.

Know what he really hates? That Jews have a safe place.

He must think that really sucks.

Critics claim that the Law of Return runs counter to the claims of a democratic state.[8][9] [10]

Critique of the Law of Return by Palestinians and advocates for Palestinian refugees is often linked to the Palestinian demand for a right of return.[11] The Law of Return, as contrasted against the right of return, is cited by Palestinians and their supporters as a deep offense that amounts to asking them to accept what they see as institutionalized ethnic discrimination that privileges the rights of Jews.[1



come on snookie bear, why do you want a one-state solution when Mahmood Abbas wants a two-state solution?

Surely you couldn't have the welfare of the palestinians at heart more than he does.

Or is it that he justs wants a country and you want dead and subjugated jews.

You keep asking about what I am...why won't you tell us what you are?
Know what he really hates? That Jews have a safe place.

He must think that really sucks.

THAT is about as profound as claiming that i want to see dead jews, punkin...

your "safe place" is not a haven for racism.

poor girl.. Was I a bit HARD on you today by asking you to admit that it's not your faith that makes you jewish??? myawwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Hell, JEWS have a safe place in the US too. I dont care one bit about that as long as there is no state sanctioned LAW OF RETURN here in the US...

I've been whupping your ass left and right lately, eh jill?
Know what he really hates? That Jews have a safe place.

He must think that really sucks.

That could be true. I'm not sure.

But he keeps posting these bits of information that he thinks prove his ethnic requirement. Because when he reads the word Jew, he sees it as Semite (this is a little simplistic, I know) instead of as a label of religion (like Christian, Mulsim, etc.).

I'm not even sure why he'd think a convert to Judaism would be excluded from living in Israel. That'd kind of nullify the entire purpose of conversion. Like the pope telling YOU if you converted to Catholicism that you'd be eligible for all the bennies but you couldn't visit the Vatican.


Maybe he just doesn't really understand what religion is...
And why does she always yawn when she's caught looking really stupid?

Perhaps lack of oxygen.....it would explain both.
come on snookie bear, why do you want a one-state solution when Mahmood Abbas wants a two-state solution?
Surely you couldn't have the welfare of the palestinians at heart more than he does.
Or is it that he justs wants a country and you want dead and subjugated jews.
You keep asking about what I am...why won't you tell us what you are?

As i've repeatedly stated, despite your claims that I just want to see dead jews, IM not interested in making excuses for a RACIST STATE STANDARD... Not for Aryians.. not for WHITEY.. and not for your little club.

And yes, given that he is a puppet of zionism hoping to APPEASE your racism I do have the welfare of the palis at heart. CLEARLY you only have the welfare of a CHOSEN race at heart though.

poor girly... falling for the same bullshit that caused Wallace to stand at the steps of a college works for you, perhaps, but not for people who believe in EQUALITY.

And no, I KNOW you are jewish. Just like I KNOW that it's not your faith that makes that so. Now go ahead... call me names.. your equivilent to ****** LOVER is not lost on me, jilly bean..
And why does she always yawn when she's caught looking really stupid?

Perhaps lack of oxygen.....it would explain both.

oh it's fuckin REAL CLEAR why she's been dodging left and right for the last 3 pages. The bottom line is that, between she and I, ONE OF US won't accept racism as long as it benefits our personal ethnicity. We don't make excuses for a WHITE America and it's a goddamn joke that Jill, who otherwise pretends to be a humanitarian lefty, would make the same excuses for racism that we saw in German boycotts of jews and White Jim Crow laws.
Let me see if I understand you Shog, You want Israel to end its requirements for immigration and allow Muslims to flood into the country, While they sit surrounded by Muslim countries who themselves limit Immigration, to mainly Arabs and Muslims, and in fact often persecute and or kill people for daring to not be Muslim when in their nations?

Forgive me if I fail to grasp the logic of that.
That could be true. I'm not sure.
But he keeps posting these bits of information that he thinks prove his ethnic requirement. Because when he reads the word Jew, he sees it as Semite (this is a little simplistic, I know) instead of as a label of religion (like Christian, Mulsim, etc.).
I'm not even sure why he'd think a convert to Judaism would be excluded from living in Israel. That'd kind of nullify the entire purpose of conversion. Like the pope telling YOU if you converted to Catholicism that you'd be eligible for all the bennies but you couldn't visit the Vatican.
Maybe he just doesn't really understand what religion is...

Hey, YOU are the one looking stupid now that it's clear that your little hero won't admit the ethnic standard of her jewishness. Ive neveer said a CONVERT would be excluded from living in israel.. THIS is about the LAW OF RETURN, once again.. But hey, you are nothing but a scheisty fucking liar so what more should one expect from your input.

I've posted MY evidence that clarifies just how JEWISH a converted Asian would be considered. Regardless if he is allowed to live in israel, HE is still not a jew. Jillian knows this and her total avoidance and laughable wiki link, which i've thoroughly decimated with quotes, shows this.

Projecting again, AllieBaby?

Although the irony of you calling others stupid is really sweet.

The shit talking is cheap, Jill.. We can all do that.. Why don't you go ahead and take another swing at the chin of this pesky fucking goyim???

or, just follow suit and call me a jooooooo hating antisemite! THAT IS YOUR STANDARD, is it not?
Hey, YOU are the one looking stupid now that it's clear that your little hero won't admit the ethnic standard of her jewishness. Ive neveer said a CONVERT would be excluded from living in israel.. THIS is about the LAW OF RETURN, once again.. But hey, you are nothing but a scheisty fucking liar so what more should one expect from your input.

I've posted MY evidence that clarifies just how JEWISH a converted Asian would be considered. Regardless if he is allowed to live in israel, HE is still not a jew. Jillian knows this and her total avoidance and laughable wiki link, which i've thoroughly decimated with quotes, shows this.


Not one of your links said a convert to Judaism is not a Jew. Not one. The ultra-conservative branch might believe that, but they believe that in the US as well. Just like different factions of Christianity don't always consider other branches to be Christians.

It's amazing that you have so much hatred for something that you don't understand. I really think you are just stupid, but then again, isn't that why most racists are racists?

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