Why I dont post here

Let me see if I understand you Shog, You want Israel to end its requirements for immigration and allow Muslims to flood into the country, While they sit surrounded by Muslim countries who themselves limit Immigration, to mainly Arabs and Muslims, and in fact often persecute and or kill people for daring to not be Muslim when in their nations?

Forgive me if I fail to grasp the logic of that.

Yes. That is exactly it. Not to kill jews or to persicute anyone. The nation of Israel is a place of law REGARDLESS of the ethnicity in power. THE US DOESNT NEED A FUCKING WHITE MAN TO PRESERVE THE BILL OF RIGHTS any more than Israel needs a jew to preserve the safety of both peoples.

FUCK, dude.. if anything, MAKING AN EXAMPLE out of a plural israel would give muslims in the area something to reflect on BESIDES BEING KICKED THE FUCK OUT FOR THE SAKE OF ZION. It's exactly what we did with upset blacks during the civil rights era. We didn't eject them and expect them to just deal iwth it. WE assimilated them into our culture and empowered their identity as AMERICANS.

Now, grasp it or not, avoid my stinging questions if you must... But you konw goddamn well you would not tolerate the same kind of ethnic standard set in place to preserve white authority here and it's nothing but racist hypocracy that keeps you making excuses for Isreal doing it.

Again, APPARENTLY 10% of the fucking Knesset is ARAB. Don't tell me it CANT work. Dont TELL ME that muslims have nothing better to do that kill jews. You are acting like a fucking plantation owner in the south facing freed slaves.
Not one of your links said a convert to Judaism is not a Jew. Not one. The ultra-conservative branch might believe that, but they believe that in the US as well. Just like different factions of Christianity don't always consider other branches to be Christians.

It's amazing that you have so much hatred for something that you don't understand. I really think you are just stupid, but then again, isn't that why most racists are racists?

Yes, as a matter of FACT, both did. Shall I repost them? Shall I BOLD them again? Do you need to see fucking fireworks and some Fanfare music to drag your attention away from looking for something to lie about, ya scheisty lying hooker?

Trust me, given Jills avoidance here YOU might wanna lay off the whole "you dont understand" shit before you finally figure out that this is another topic that you will eventually be having to make another lie about..
Yes. That is exactly it. Not to kill jews or to persicute anyone. The nation of Israel is a place of law REGARDLESS of the ethnicity in power. THE US DOESNT NEED A FUCKING WHITE MAN TO PRESERVE THE BILL OF RIGHTS any more than Israel needs a jew to preserve the safety of both peoples.

FUCK, dude.. if anything, MAKING AN EXAMPLE out of a plural israel would give muslims in the area something to reflect on BESIDES BEING KICKED THE FUCK OUT FOR THE SAKE OF ZION. It's exactly what we did with upset blacks during the civil rights era. We didn't eject them and expect them to just deal iwth it. WE assimilated them into our culture and empowered their identity as AMERICANS.

Now, grasp it or not, avoid my stinging questions if you must... But you konw goddamn well you would not tolerate the same kind of ethnic standard set in place to preserve white authority here and it's nothing but racist hypocracy that keeps you making excuses for Isreal doing it.

Again, APPARENTLY 10% of the fucking Knesset is ARAB. Don't tell me it CANT work. Dont TELL ME that muslims have nothing better to do that kill jews. You are acting like a fucking plantation owner in the south facing freed slaves.

Forgive me If I think that example would be lost on must Muslim Nations governments. Governments who regularly jail and kill people for being anything but Muslim.
Yes, as a matter of FACT, both did. Shall I repost them? Shall I BOLD them again? Do you need to see fucking fireworks and some Fanfare music to drag your attention away from looking for something to lie about, ya scheisty lying hooker?

Trust me, given Jills avoidance here YOU might wanna lay off the whole "you dont understand" shit before you finally figure out that this is another topic that you will eventually be having to make another lie about..
Yes, please do because I've read them several times. When you post them again, actually try reading them for comprehension. Because you are not comprehending what your C&P's are stating.
Forgive me If I think that example would be lost on must Muslim Nations governments. Governments who regularly jail and kill people for being anything but Muslim.

Why? Because they are slow witted and love chicken and watermelon? Because they are LAZY and cant swim? I dont generalize muslims like I dont generalize jews to be sneaky, big nosed, cheap bastards. Why dont you go ahead and take a step towards shedding the racist bullshit. You don't make a population love you by marginalizing them. If so, WHY DONT 10% of the fucking KNESSET get busy blowing up motherfucking jews?

And, dude... as far as jailing and killing goes, you can take a gander at the NBC nightly news video I posted today. They have their points of valid arguement just like you do. By solidifying both peoples you take away the reasons to hate.
Yes, please do because I've read them several times. When you post them again, actually try reading them for comprehension. Because you are not comprehending what your C&P's are stating.

Fair enough.. NOTICE THE BOLD

One who adheres to Judaism or is of Jewish lineage. See Judaism.
Glossary: J

Who Is a Jew?

It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox. In this sense, Judaism is more like a nationality than like other religions, and being Jewish is like a citizenship. See What Is Judaism?
Judaism 101: Who Is a Jew?

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Why? Because they are slow witted and love chicken and watermelon? Because they are LAZY and cant swim? I dont generalize muslims like I dont generalize jews to be sneaky, big nosed, cheap bastards. Why dont you go ahead and take a step towards shedding the racist bullshit. You don't make a population love you by marginalizing them. If so, WHY DONT 10% of the fucking KNESSET get busy blowing up motherfucking jews? .

No because those Muslims nations governments have been pretty consistent in their persecution of there own minority religions, and because I do not think they put much stock in what Israel says or Does.

calling me racist because I feel this way about nations Governments(NOT THEIR PEOPLE) is completely baseless, and frankly just rude.
No because those Muslims nations governments have been pretty consistent in their persecution of there own minority religions, and because I do not think they put much stock in what Israel says or Does.

calling me racist because I feel this way about nations Governments(NOT THEIR PEOPLE) is completely baseless, and frankly just rude.

AND, those muslim nations are not reflective of the legal protections that are found in israel. Get a Bill of Rights like we have. Apply it equally. I don't fear a muslim majority any more than I do the christian one we have now AS LONG AS COMMON EQUAL RIGHTS ARE PRESERVED. Iran would have nothing to say about the liberties in israel. If ANYTHING, hostility against what they see as backsliding muslims would be met, just like that 10% of the Knesset proves, with resistance of both ethnicities.

but Hey, again, IM not generalizing a whole population based on the actions of a sample. Youll have to forgive me for believing in common humanity despite cultural influence.

did you ever want to tell me how youd feel about a Caucasian Law of Return for the US?
It is important to note that being a Jew has nothing to do with what you believe or what you do. A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew,--

This means that someone that hasn't converted to Judaism is not a Jew, even if they believe everything Jews believe. Just like anyone that hasn't converted to Catholicism is not a Catholic, even if they believe everything a Catholic believes.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o:p></o:p>
[FONT=&quot]even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox. -

This means, once a Jew, always a Jew, unless you practice another religion. They apparently do not share your belief that atheism is a religion. This is not much different than how lapsed Catholics are still Catholics unless they convert to another religion or otherwise renounce their religion

In this sense, Judaism is more like a nationality than like other religions, and being Jewish is like a citizenship.

So if a Muslim woman converts to Judaism, all her children are Jews (unless they convert to another religion), even if she later becomes an atheist.

you are wrong.. plain and simple. Trying to wrap what the JEWISH VIRTUAL LIBRARY AND JEWFAQ has to say about it around your goofy lil ignorant opinon means very little.

nice cut and paste job too, ravikins.. I like how you decided to cut out the parts that put egg on your face.

Again. Pester the fuck out of Jill to admit what makes her jewish. Go tug on Chuckys leg until he finally answers. I dont care if you are too stupid to know better. You ARE, after all, ravi.
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did you ever want to tell me how youd feel about a Caucasian Law of Return for the US?

Law of return from where? There is a reason Israel calls it a Law of Return, because Right or Wrong they feel those people are returning to there rightful land. So would I support a Caucasian Law of return in the US, of course not, because America is in no way the traditional homeland of White people now is it. On the other hand I do indeed feel that the area of Israel is the traditional home land of Jews, and frankly the only home land they have ever had.
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A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not undergone the formal process of conversion but who believes everything that Orthodox Jews believe and observes every law and custom of Judaism is still a non-Jew, even in the eyes of the most liberal movements of Judaism, and a person born to a Jewish mother who is an atheist and never practices the Jewish religion is still a Jew, even in the eyes of the ultra-Orthodox.
you are wrong.. plain and simple. Trying to wrap what the JEWISH VIRTUAL LIBRARY AND JEWFAQ has to say about it around your goofy lil ignorant opinon means very little.

nice cut and paste job too, ravikins.. I like how you decided to cut out the parts that put egg on your face.

Again. Pester the fuck out of Jill to admit what makes her jewish. Go tug on Chuckys leg until he finally answers. I dont care if you are too stupid to know better. You ARE, after all, ravi.

I didn't cut out anything but this:

One who adheres to Judaism or is of Jewish lineage. See Judaism.

Which was pretty stupid of me because it states in a nutshell that you are wrong. A Jew is one who adheres to Judaism (practices the faith) or is of Jewish lineage (has a mother that is Jewish).

But from your response I know you didn't even read my previous post, so I'm done with you.

Time will tell if you are stupid or a racist. I've been leaning toward stupid but you might surprise me and be both.
Law of return from where? There is a reason Israel calls it a Law of Return, because Right or Wrong they feel those people are returning to there rightful land. So would I support a Caucasian Law of return in the US, of course not, because America is in no way the traditional homeland of White people now is it. On the other hand I do indeed feel that the area of Israel is the traditional home land of Jews, and frankly the only home land they have ever had.

RIGHT OR WRONG the germans felt the same way when purging germany. Dont rationalize racism dude. Dont give me an excuse. ARYANS had a similar arguement about THEIR motherland.

no, of COURSE you wouldnt. But yes, AMERICA is traditionally a white nation. Name the jew that signed the Declaration of Independence. Weather or not you FEEL that the land is rightfully the homeland of the jews does not erase the FACT that it's the same damn homeland of the muslims too.

And, give me a break.. Jews are found in a plethora of nations from Iran to the US. Jews have homelands. Regardless, so too should the Palis. And if you cant fathom WHITE people taking a state sanctioned effort in preserving THEIR white culture then spare me if I dont weep any tears for jews doing the same thing in israel.
I didn't cut out anything but this:

One who adheres to Judaism or is of Jewish lineage. See Judaism.

Which was pretty stupid of me because it states in a nutshell that you are wrong. A Jew is one who adheres to Judaism (practices the faith) or is of Jewish lineage (has a mother that is Jewish).

But from your response I know you didn't even read my previous post, so I'm done with you.

Time will tell if you are stupid or a racist. I've been leaning toward stupid but you might surprise me and be both.


yea.. clearly you know what LINEAGE means!


yea, i guess you do need to be done here given the handprint on your face.

trust me, i give a fuck what you think of me, ravi. Truly. It's like the axis of my entire world.

no, of COURSE you wouldnt. But yes, AMERICA is traditionally a white nation. Name the jew that signed the Declaration of Independence. Weather or not you FEEL that the land is rightfully the homeland of the jews does not erase the FACT that it's the same damn homeland of the muslims too.

I think the native Americans would disagree with you on that one bud.

And Muslims have many nations to call their homeland, while Jews have only one.

Ok feel free to call me a racist again, I am used to it.
4 apologize, apologise, excuse, justify, rationalize, rationalise
defend, explain, clear away, or make excuses for by reasoning; "rationalize the child's seemingly crazy behavior"; "he rationalized his lack of success"

Indeed, and Im all for including Natives into our common AMERICAN culture in FULL EQUALITY.. Can you say the same for Palis in israel? Hell, im ALL FOR a native president! Can you say that?

and no, MUSLIMS is a generalized term. PALIS have one homeland. One with a rich historic FACT built upon where isreal would really, REALLY like to build a temple.

Indeed, so am I. You can rationalize hatred then so be it. so too did the Germans think they had a good reason..
Er..natives are in our common American culture in full equality.

Unless by full equality, you mean eliminating the reservations and the separate Indian nations....
One last thing.

I wouldn't give a flying fuk if it were true that Jews selected by ethnic heritage. It's a religion. Religions are allowed to decide whom they take as members, just like every religion in OUR country gets to decide.

And this Hitler comparison you keep making is just insane. Hitler wanted to exterminate two "races," the Jews and Gypsies. Israel is not trying to exterminate anyone AND they apply their law of Return to the entire world, not just Arabs.
Indeed, and Im all for including Natives into our common AMERICAN culture in FULL EQUALITY.. Can you say the same for Palis in israel? Hell, im ALL FOR a native president! Can you say that?
I would have no problem with a native president. Just like I have no problem with a Black one. Providing they are in line with my values :)

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