Why I dont post here

José;728932 said:
Never visited the OT themselves, Delta (Occupied Territories). But I already met lots and lots of Palestinians.

How about Israel, or as you like to call it Western Palestine? Ever been there?
Originally posted by Charles Main
How about Israel, or as you like to call it Western Palestine? Ever been there?

Nope, the ones I met where expats living in Jordan.

Charles, I don’t give a fuck what a brave, courageous jew who opposes the subjugation of the palestinian people chooses to call the West Bank. He may call it West Bank, Eastern Israel, Judea and Samaria for all I care. My admiration for him/her will remain intact. But I will call Western Palestine Israel from now on since names are such a big issue to you.

It’s a neutral name despite its modern use, buddy. Roman emperors also called the damn place Palestine and as far as I know Julius Caesar never sent any roman legion to help the palestinian cause. :D
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Originally posted by Epsilon Delta
Well, I dunno... these are the ones I saw. I'm not sure if they qualified as the western media you're talking about.

I read your links, Delta, and I can assure you, as far as palestinians being willing to abandon the right of return the guys are lying through their teeth, or rather, manipulating data to their teeth.

Let’s distinguish between opinions and just plain lies. When you say something like this:

“Palestinians who are not israeli citizens must not be allowed to live in Israel.”

This is a personal opinion, a value judgement that cannot be deemed “incorrect”.

But when you say:

“The majority of the palestinians DO NOT support the right of the refugees to live in Israel”.


“A substantial number of Israeli jews support the right of return.”

These two statements are just plain false and denote either a total lack of knowledge about the subject or sheer bad faith. More than 95% of the Israeli population rejects totally the right of return and about the same percentage of palestinians passionately supports it.

From the poorest palestinian living in the poorest refugee camp to the palestinian american millionaires in Manhattan the palestinian society massively supports the right of return.

Any palestinian representative, including the late Arafat, who renounces to this right, will no longer be representing anyone but himself.

Support the existence of the state of Israel all you want, it is your right in a free, democratic society, but let’s not rape the facts, people!!!
But but but then where will we find facts and figures to keep arguing fruitlessly?

= (

You may only use sources approved by Jose, didn't you know that.

isn't it fun trying to debate with people who just dismiss your sources as lies, yet provide none of their own!

Fact- the elected leader of the Palestinian people supports and agrees with a 2 state solution based on the 67 borders.


Now lets make that happen. Then if the Palestinians really do want Israel too they can try to take it and we can all watch them lose what they just gained.
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Fact- the elected leader of the Palestinian people supports and agrees with a 2 state solution based on the 67 borders.

As I understood it, the Palestinians elected a Hamas Government but, like all colonial regimes, the zionist rushed to lock up enough of the popular representatives to give their corrupt quislings a majority, and have proceeded with vile and illegal collective punishments against the area they still controlled.

I have been fascinated to read the contributions of the pro-zionists to this discussion. Some, clearly, are in the position of people who would have believed it if told the majority of European Jews in the 'forties were in favour of concentration camps; others are , on this subject, simply raving mad (A single State of Palestine/Israel, for instance, is always one in which 'Jews will be killed'. Why? It could only come about by agreement under guarantees, but for the nazis that is immaterial - any limitation on their racist dictatorship for these siegheilers means, as for Hitler, that the world must be pulled down in flames).

Similarly, the notion that Judaism is a religion is one I hold, but, manifestly, a very large number of people now calling themself Jewish are not religious at all. They are Jews under Hitler's definition, and any other definition used by the zionist occupation regime is the most obvious disguise. But for that last-ditch defence of German capitalism, National Socialism, they'd be no more 'Jewish' than the descendants of Huguenots are necessarily Protestant - it would be just something of interest to family historians.

And instead, Hitler's Triumph, we have this filthy Occupation driving people out of their country, torturing, assassinating and, most of all, killing children to terrorize their Christian and Muslim parents. Many of those 'returning' to the Land Abraham allegedly attacked and colonised long, long ago - probably the great majority - are the children of converts, particularly Khazars (remember Judaism was an actively proselytising religion until the Christians prevented it).

The whole racist fantasy is sick, sick, sick!
You'd only have a case to make, Rhys, if indeed the only defining criteria for being a Jew was racial heritage. It isn't. So please move on.

How do Palestinians decide who is a Palestinian?
The Jewish people debate among themselves what it takes to be a REAL Jew, so expecting any of us to have the DEFINITIVE answer to that question is preposterous.

As to how the right of return laws in Isreal are intepreted?

I confess I really do not know.

Does anyone have the definitive answer to that?
As codified in Israeli law as the Law of Return 1950 passed on July 5, 1950, "Every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh". The law was amended in 1970 to grant the right to immigrate to Israel to non-Jews who are either children or grandchildren of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew or the spouse of a child or grandchild of a Jew. The amendment was intended to accept in Israel families, mainly from Eastern Europe, where mixed marriages were abundant, and where individuals and family members not considered Jews under the traditional definition might still be subject to anti-Semitism.

Right of return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Jew (Hebrew: יְהוּדִי, Yehudi (sl.); יְהוּדִים, Yehudim (pl.); Ladino: ג׳ודיו, Djudio (sl.); ג׳ודיוס, Djudios (pl.); Yiddish: ייִד, Yid (sl.); ייִדן, Yidn (pl.))[8] is a member of the Jewish people, an ethnoreligious group originating from the Israelites or Hebrews of the ancient Middle East. The ethnicity and the religion of Judaism, the traditional faith of the Jewish nation, are strongly interrelated, and converts to Judaism are both included and have been absorbed within the Jewish people throughout the millennia.

Jew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as I can tell, there is absolutely nothing that would keep a convert to Judaism from being considered a Jew. So this constant bitching that the Israelis are racist is bullshit.

Now, can someone please tell me what criteria determines membership in the Palestinian "race"?
I'm still waiting for the loud mouthed tantrum throwing brat to answer my question about why HE'S insistent on a single state solution where Jews are subjugated and killed when Abbas is looking toward a two-state solution where everyone gets sovreignty.

I'm also waiting for him to tell us who HE is since he's so interested in what I believe or don't believe.

I also think I asked why it's okay to put a mosque over our Holy of Holies when the muslims win in battle, but when Jews win a) we have to keep the mosque; and b) we're supposed to share the country?

I'll wait... but I doubt the loud mouthed tantrum throwing brat will answer.

I've already posted WHY i am looking at a single state solution.. It may not be the "DEAD JEWS IN MY TEETH " answer you hoped for but I've been EXCEEDINGLY clear about my consistent distaste for RACIST policies. If you want me to dig up my quote I will do just that, jill. You see, I HAVE NOT PROBLEM quoting me like you do. I KNOW full well what i've posted on the subject regardless of your schesty fucking attempts to demonize my position. this is why it's so fun offering you open access to my chin with your best knockout argument and watching you fail time and again. Enjoy knowing that.

And, Im poking fun at your beliers because i've seen you insist that you are an atheist in this here jungle when it fits your current scheme. That, and we BOTH know, poor ravi, that it's not your faith that makes you a jew. At all.

And, if you are not too fucking stupid or falling over yourself to cry martyr I answered the temple mount question too. Go read the fucking thread, jill.

FOR CHRISTS SAKE, 60+ fucking pages and you THINK im AFRAID to answer your goddamn questions? HERE I AM, bitch. READ THEM.
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I would have no problem with a native president. Just like I have no problem with a Black one. Providing they are in line with my values :)

Thats not the question I asked. Can you say the same about a MUSLIM PM of ISRAEL, mr dual citizen?
One last thing.

I wouldn't give a flying fuk if it were true that Jews selected by ethnic heritage. It's a religion. Religions are allowed to decide whom they take as members, just like every religion in OUR country gets to decide.

And this Hitler comparison you keep making is just insane. Hitler wanted to exterminate two "races," the Jews and Gypsies. Israel is not trying to exterminate anyone AND they apply their law of Return to the entire world, not just Arabs.

Again, you are three shades of wrong. Me and every jew posting in this thread knows it.
enough said, but then why do you keep talking to shog, man that guy throws around the insults like nobody else I know :)

Did you see him call ravi the C word. I about shit :)

a word made you just about shit yourself? I suggest you get that little incontinence problems checked out. She replies for the same reason you do.

And, consequently, is having her as handed to her for the same reason too.

PPssst! better go grab some ass paper...

He sure does, I know if I called my wife that to her face, she would rip off my wang, cook it up on the stove, and feed it to the dog.:eek:

I learned long ago I can call her a lot of names, but not that one.:badgrin:

Fortunately, ravi is not my wife. And Im not one to use swords against those I love either. However, im not one to let social taboos regarding vocabulary hinder the point I am making.

It's hilarious to see you act like a reproachful bitch as if im the only one reaching for the ad hominems, dude. ALMOST as hilarious as watching you and jill dance around the ethnic element of being jewish.

The whole "jews get to hold a racist state standard becuase I think it's ok" routine though.. thats just sad.
sure sure, what ever you say BIG BOY. The Palestinians are ready to accept a 2 state solution and recognize Israels right to exist along the 67 borders, Why cant you!

Can you PROVE this? I can prove otherwise. Ive posted the goddamn article from the LA Times at last 4 times in this thread alone already.

Hey! WHY don't you assume he just hates JEWS and wants to bath in hebrew blood! I bet he likes gore and guts and veins in his teeth! As long as it's jewish, that is!

Whip out your evidence, homeboy. You failed the last time you tried this "palis just want to leave the land too" bullshit.
But but but then where will we find facts and figures to keep arguing fruitlessly?

= (

oh well from the JEWISH VIRTUAL LIBRARY and Jpost!

im sure THOSE sources will say what a zionist is wanting to see.
You may only use sources approved by Jose, didn't you know that.
isn't it fun trying to debate with people who just dismiss your sources as lies, yet provide none of their own!
Fact- the elected leader of the Palestinian people supports and agrees with a 2 state solution based on the 67 borders.
Now lets make that happen. Then if the Palestinians really do want Israel too they can try to take it and we can all watch them lose what they just gained.

uh, the ELECTED leader, buddy? You mean the guy who WON the election with THE MOST VOTES? Or, did you mean the guy that israel decided was an ACCEPTABLE winner? the PUPPET? How many American Presidents are you willing to let some foreighn power elect?

oh wait.. your jewish.. thats a trick question.

you see, THIS is the kind of shit that gets you called out on your scheisty fucking sources.

Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace Efforts in Mideast
Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace Efforts in Mideast - washingtonpost.com
You'd only have a case to make, Rhys, if indeed the only defining criteria for being a Jew was racial heritage. It isn't. So please move on.

How do Palestinians decide who is a Palestinian?


still not getting it yet, ar ya ya little goyim puppet?

The Jewish people debate among themselves what it takes to be a REAL Jew, so expecting any of us to have the DEFINITIVE answer to that question is preposterous.

As to how the right of return laws in Isreal are intepreted?

I confess I really do not know.

Does anyone have the definitive answer to that?

Hey, I"VE posted my evidnce. JILL nor Chuck wants to clarify because they both know damn well it's not merely faith that makes them jewish. You can argue with the fucking jewish virtual library if you want to. The FACT remains that a converted Asian can never be a JEW while a Cohen is undeniably so.

Now, the very fact that there IS a law of return would send you into a fucking human rights fit if it were ANY other people applying such bullshit demographics control. WHY do you accept a double standard for jews?

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