Why I dont post here

No, but they are Brits, which is what I believe I originally claimed as the largest ethnic group in the US for white people.

Hell, might as well include the sub continental asian Indians Afghanis and Pakis, if we're going to include BRITISH EMPIRE as an specific ethnic.

Hey, I don't much care. It's a goofy thing to really argue about, Ravi.

But the Scots don't think of themselves as BRITISH and neither do the Irish.

And remember that I was talking about SELF-indentifying ethnic heritage, right?

The Irish had their own language and culture, unique and different than the English, as did the Scots, and as I was talking about self identifying ethnic cultures, we might as well throw in the Welsh, too, while we're at it.

Hell, might as well include the sub continental asian Indians Afghanis and Pakis, if we're going to include BRITISH EMPIRE as an specific ethnic.

Hey, I don't much care. It's a goofy thing to really argue about, Ravi.

But the Scots don't think of themselves as BRITISH and neither do the Irish.

And remember that I was talking about SELF-indentifying ethnic heritage, right?

The Irish had their own language and culture, unique and different than the English, as did the Scots, and as I was talking about self identifying ethnic cultures, we might as well throw in the Welsh, too, while we're at it.

Yes, it is a goofy thing to argue about. Just as goofy as trying to argue that our country has the right to tell another country what their standard for citizenship must be...and yet, here we are.
uh, how does the US restrict put a premium an any ethnicity again? Do we PRESERVE the dominance of white people, ravi?

Do you make the same argument for Aryans in Germany?
uh, how does the US restrict put a premium an any ethnicity again? Do we PRESERVE the dominance of white people, ravi?

Do you make the same argument for Aryans in Germany?

Israel doesn't restrict for ethnicity. It restricts for religion.

Israeli nationality law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And yes, it is my opinion that people that wish to make English the official language and force people to use it are attempting to preserve the ethnic heritage of the majority.

Notice Saudi Arabia has similar restrictions and I don't hear you crying about them, oh, right, because they're not a democracy. As if that matters.

Saudi Arabia Guide: Citizenship, Is it possible to become a national of Saudi Arabia? As a foreigner, you won

btw, Germany was a democracy so your way of thinking makes their actions valid. As if.
First, ENGLISH is not an ethnicity. Lot's of non-whites speak it. It's a CULTURAL preservation.

Second, jumping back and forth between weather being jewish is an ETHNICITY or RELIGION is as much laughable as it is disingenuous. I posted the laws of return, ravikins. ignore whatever you want to.

Israel is, by its own definition, the state of the Jewish nation, and its leadership believes that one of its primary objectives is keeping a Jewish majority in Israel.[citation needed] Thus, Israeli nationality law is created with a bias in favor of those with Jewish heritage.

your link, brainiac.

Indeed, germany ELECTED hitler into office so, by your standard, who were we to have anything to say about the holocaust, eh?
First, ENGLISH is not an ethnicity. Lot's of non-whites speak it. It's a CULTURAL preservation.

Second, jumping back and forth between weather being jewish is an ETHNICITY or RELIGION is as much laughable as it is disingenuous. I posted the laws of return, ravikins. ignore whatever you want to.

Israel is, by its own definition, the state of the Jewish nation, and its leadership believes that one of its primary objectives is keeping a Jewish majority in Israel.[citation needed] Thus, Israeli nationality law is created with a bias in favor of those with Jewish heritage.

your link, brainiac.

Indeed, germany ELECTED hitler into office so, by your standard, who were we to have anything to say about the holocaust, eh?

I knew I should have posted it for you. Scroll down and read
Acquisition of citizenship

and read the entire thing, don't just go looking for something to support your belief.
I did read it, ravi. Now, do you NEED me to post the definition of JEW? Specifically, the ethnic aspect of that identification? FURTHER, the ETHNIC STANDARD involved with maintaining a "jewish" state?

Evidence, rav.. it's whats for dinner.
Acquisition of citizenship

By return

The Law of Return defines that all Jews possessing an Oleh's certificate shall become Israel nationals and allowed to immigrate to Israel. Such a certificate would almost automatically turn into Israeli citizenship upon arrival in Israel if so desired. In the 1970s the Law of Return was further expanded, and it was defined that the spouse of a Jew, the children of a Jew and their spouses, and the grandchildren of a Jew and their spouses would also be covered under the Law of Return and thus be eligible for an Oleh's certificate provided that the Jew on behalf of whom they request the certificate did not practice a religion other than Judaism willingly (he or she may, however, be a non-observant Jew). In 1999, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that Jews or the descendants of Jews that actively practice a religion other than Judaism would not be allowed to immigrate to Israel as they would no longer be considered Jews under the provisions of the Law of Return.

Israeli legislators chose to make a clear distinction between the Law of Return, which allows for Jews and their descendants to immigrate to Israel, and between Israel's nationality law, which formally grants Israeli citizenship based on the Oleh's certificate. In other words, the Law of Return in and of itself does not determine Israeli citizenship; it merely allows for Jews and their eligible descendants to permanently relocate within the territory of Israel. The state of Israel does, however, grant citizenship to any applicant who immigrated to Israel via the Law of Return if the applicant so desires, though this is not mandated by the Law of Return itself.

Another important distinction should be made between Israeli citizens who live abroad and Jewish persons who are covered under the provisions of the Law of Return. A non-Israel Jew or an eligible descendant of a non-Israel Jew needs to request approval to immigrate to Israel, a request which can be denied for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to): possession of a criminal record, currently infected with a contagious disease, or otherwise viewed as a threat to Israeli society. Israeli citizens on the other hand are allowed to travel within the borders of Israel whenever they so desire without limitation. Israeli citizens are also the only persons allowed to obtain an Israeli passport. Eligible applicants under the Law of Return have no claim to any of the rights or privileges of an Israeli citizen unless they are formally cleared by the government, given an Oleh's certificate, and granted Israeli citizenship.
I did read it, ravi. Now, do you NEED me to post the definition of JEW? Specifically, the ethnic aspect of that identification? FURTHER, the ETHNIC STANDARD involved with maintaining a "jewish" state?

Evidence, rav.. it's whats for dinner.
I guess you are having trouble because you think Jew only means ethnicity...it can mean either. And the way the Israelis are defining it as a condition of citizenship is as a religion, not as an ethnic background. Give it another read.
Hey, you can deny the BIRTHRIGHT (highlighted just for you) of the title if you want to. I really dont care. Arguing that being jewish is NOT an ethnicity, merely a religion, is a sad fucking joke on your part.
Hey, you can deny the BIRTHRIGHT (highlighted just for you) of the title if you want to. I really dont care. Arguing that being jewish is NOT an ethnicity, merely a religion, is a sad fucking joke on your part.

Clearly Jew is both a religion and a ethnicity. I am by birth part Hebrew(Jew) but by upbringing not a Jew, as I was raised a Christian, and now think of myself as an agnostic.
Clearly Jew is both a religion and a ethnicity. I am by birth part Hebrew(Jew) but by upbringing not a Jew, as I was raised a Christian, and now think of myself as an agnostic.

the last jewish gal I dated was also agnostic raised by parents of the same.. But does your faith minimize the ethnic element to your jewish background?

not that any state that puts a premium on a particular faith is any better.

Did you notice that i gave you and Care your due props on the knesset thing? Just want to make you that doesn't go by the wayside since the occasion is like a blue moon around here.
the last jewish gal I dated was also agnostic raised by parents of the same.. But does your faith minimize the ethnic element to your jewish background?

not that any state that puts a premium on a particular faith is any better.

Did you notice that i gave you and Care your due props on the knesset thing? Just want to make you that doesn't go by the wayside since the occasion is like a blue moon around here.

Didn't see that, must of got buried in the sea of posts that seems to flow on this board. Thanks for the props, admitting your wrong about something when it turns out you are is a sure sign of class and good character.

I have never been one to say Israel is a nation of Saints or anything, but I do believe they are a damn site better than most Muslim nations.
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And, in turn, i've never insisted that israel must be driven into the sea. Every nation and all humans have the capacity for the same kind of human marginalization. jews are not impervious to the same motivation that elected hitler. And, Arab nations are NOT my ideal standard of state governments. But they don't claim to be western. Israel does. I don't expect those nations on our side to use the same excuses as those we fight against. I'd love to see Iran reflect western democracy.. But ignoring our lil buddy acting like they were once treated in Europe just doesn't fly with me. This is why i've been adamant about a single state solution. If 10% of the Knesset can function already then the apocalyptic predictions of those who refuse to extend equality to ALL pals and jews and christians is plain rubbish. Anything less than blind equality, and no regard for a special status, only put isreal in the same basket as those muslim states rather than ours.


anyway.. until the next time this issue blossoms..
And, in turn, i've never insisted that israel must be driven into the sea. Every nation and all humans have the capacity for the same kind of human marginalization. jews are not impervious to the same motivation that elected hitler. And, Arab nations are NOT my ideal standard of state governments. But they don't claim to be western. Israel does. I don't expect those nations on our side to use the same excuses as those we fight against. I'd love to see Iran reflect western democracy.. But ignoring our lil buddy acting like they were once treated in Europe just doesn't fly with me. This is why i've been adamant about a single state solution. If 10% of the Knesset can function already then the apocalyptic predictions of those who refuse to extend equality to ALL pals and jews and christians is plain rubbish. Anything less than blind equality, and no regard for a special status, only put isreal in the same basket as those muslim states rather than ours.


anyway.. until the next time this issue blossoms..

I would assume those 12 Muslims in the Israeli Knesset, do not reflect the views of some of the more radical Muslims in Hamas and the other groups, If they did I doubt they would have been elected.

However I will allow that I could be wrong about my vision for Israel, which I have stated is a 2 state solution based on the 67 borders. In fact I hope I am, But I still doubt it.
Ill reply with the same quote I gave you once before.

If you will it, it is no dream.
Hey, you can deny the BIRTHRIGHT (highlighted just for you) of the title if you want to. I really dont care. Arguing that being jewish is NOT an ethnicity, merely a religion, is a sad fucking joke on your part.

Nope, you are still wrong. Here's another link you can read.

Today, approximately five million Jews, more than a third of the world's Jewish population, live in the land of Israel. Jews make up more than eighty percent of the population of the land, and Jews are in political control of the land, though non-Jews who become citizens of Israel have the same legal rights as Jewish citizens of Israel. In fact, there are a few Arab members of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament).
Jews continue to immigrate to Israel in large numbers. Immigration to Israel is referred to as aliyah (literally, ascension). Under Israel's Law of Return, any Jew who has not renounced the Jewish faith (by converting to another religion) can automatically become an Israeli citizen, somewhat similar to the way Ireland gives automatic citizenship to second or third generation descendants of Irish citizens. Gentiles may also become citizens of Israel after undergoing a standard naturalization process, much like the one required to become a United States citizen.
Judaism 101: The Land of Israel
HOLY SHIT!?!?!?!?


sarcasm off.

like I said.. believe what you want. Take Chuck's testimony or don't. I don't care if you comprehend or not. As with every other thread youve participated in you continue to hope that purposeful ignorance will trump the fact of JEWISH ETHNICITY and the state based preservation of that particular influence.

if any other nation did the same thing against mexicans, women or jews you'd be screaming like a fucking tornado siren. As it is.. well.. again, it's a typical ravi reaction.
HOLY SHIT!?!?!?!?


sarcasm off.

like I said.. believe what you want. Take Chuck's testimony or don't. I don't care if you comprehend or not. As with every other thread youve participated in you continue to hope that purposeful ignorance will trump the fact of JEWISH ETHNICITY and the state based preservation of that particular influence.

if any other nation did the same thing against mexicans, women or jews you'd be screaming like a fucking tornado siren. As it is.. well.. again, it's a typical ravi reaction.

We do something similar. If you are born in the USA or born anywhere to American parents, you are automatically a citizen. :cuckoo:

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