Why I dont post here

I shake my head in utter disbelief when I see members of the board attributing 60 years of failure to achieve a two state solution to the final status of Jerusalem or the viability of a Palestinian state in the West Bank.

The right of the Palestinian people to live in Western Palestine is the defining factor in the development of the Palestinian national identity.

Palestinian representatives, from Abbas to Khaled Mashal may say anything they want in English to get money from the West.

But the moment any Palestinian leader compromises this right, held sacred by 95% of the Palestinian people, he will be immediately delegitimised and solemnly ignored by the Palestinian people.

But nevermind…

It’s not like this is some highbrow international conference on the Palestinian people organized and held at the Sorbonne.

Just a crappy Message Board where everybody talks about everything… usually out of their asses.
josé;726692 said:
i Shake My Head In Utter Disbelief When I See Members Of The Board Attributing 60 Years Of Failure To Achieve A Two State Solution To The Final Status Of Jerusalem Or The Viability Of A Palestinian State In The West Bank.

The Right Of The Palestinian People To Live In Western Palestine Is The defining Factor In The Development Of The Palestinian National Identity.

Palestinian Representatives, From Abbas To Khaled Mashal May Say Anything They Want In English To Get Money From The West.

But The Moment Any Palestinian Leader Compromises This Right, Held Sacred By 95% Of The Palestinian People, He Will Be Immediately Delegitimised And Solemnly Ignored By The Palestinian People.

But Nevermind…

It’s Not Like This Is Some Highbrow International Conference On The Palestinian People Organized And Held At The Sorbonne.

Just A Crappy Message Board Where Everybody Talks About Everything… Usually Out Of Their Asses.

hmmmmmm, where's shogun?:)

....just read that even in israel, both hebrew and arabic are their official languages with english also being taught.....


Okay, Care...I added up the numbers on your Wiki link, using the 2,000 Census data...

The combined total of Brits (British, English, Irish, Scottish and Scotch/Irish) is 65,330,022, which is greater than German at 42,841,569.

The mysterious Americans (20,625,093) could probably be thrown in with the Brits because, according to the link - Mostly of British (mainly English and Scottish/Scots-Irish, but also Welsh as well) ancestry that they are unaware about or cannot trace. An increasing number are people of several different European nationalities, often four or more, none of which the person thinks are large enough to identify with (one typical example might be a person who is 1/4 Irish, 1/4 German, 1/4 Scottish, 1/8 Swedish, and 1/8 French).

Either way, I WIN!!! :)
and the language will reflect that. It's inevitable. And it's not necessarily a bad thing until we start disregarding the democratic will of current Americans. Hell, we don't speak the same way our founding fathers did. But, creating a language dissonance like we see in French Quebec leads to the same kind of fractured society.

missed this one

not to mention if you are in any kind of manufacturing industry and you sell to them, you gotta pay to have instructions or features and benefits of the product, and country of origin in both french and english for the canadians....
Yep, it's killing the Chinese to translate directions to all the products they sell us into English.
They are Not English, amigo.

Hence those pesky other names for their ethnics that you are apparently ignoring.

No, but they are Brits, which is what I believe I originally claimed as the largest ethnic group in the US for white people.

Okay, Care...I added up the numbers on your Wiki link, using the 2,000 Census data...

The combined total of Brits (British, English, Irish, Scottish and Scotch/Irish) is 65,330,022, which is greater than German at 42,841,569.

The mysterious Americans (20,625,093) could probably be thrown in with the Brits because, according to the link - Mostly of British (mainly English and Scottish/Scots-Irish, but also Welsh as well) ancestry that they are unaware about or cannot trace. An increasing number are people of several different European nationalities, often four or more, none of which the person thinks are large enough to identify with (one typical example might be a person who is 1/4 Irish, 1/4 German, 1/4 Scottish, 1/8 Swedish, and 1/8 French).

Either way, I WIN!!! :)

hey, don't shoot the messenger! lol

I think that those that claim themselves as "American" and not American Indian, can certainly be included in with the English...

The Irish and scottish can be included in with the British, because of course, they are in Great Britain and you specifically said British, you did not say the English only....(these were groups of people that immigrated to this country later on, in the 1800's and 1900's and are English speaking groups)

sooooooooooo, go for it girl, you were right on the british here!
I am not the one insisting that, Amagannakillyouall is :)

Is THAT what the ACTUAL quote was or shall we continue the charade? Need more evidence like your mamma's ass whuppin paddle?

Why don't you look into hows those Jews are treated in Iran, I bet it not any better than Muslims in Israel.

Well enough to tell Israel to fuck off when offered money to relocate, eh?

No I will not name names, I never claimed there were any Muslims in the current government of Israel.

Well whatsa matter, big guy? I thought your fanfare is saying that you've handed my ass to me? If I can pull a fucking name from IRAN then SURELY, fucking SURELY you can do the same in this utopian jewish paradise that apparently treats it's population equal despite ethnicity, eh? Come on, dude.. don't puss out. I've named a jew in iran's parlaiment and a muslim in America's Congress. WHY CANT YOU DO THE SAME FOR AN ARAB IN ISRAELS GOV?


probably never.

Well why not, buddy? Are you ever going to admit the racist nature of having to maintain a JEWISH STATE? Should the ghost of Strom Thurman be told that ******* will never serve as OUR el presidente? What ethnic population can THE US go ahead and let know that they are not racially pure enough to sit in our highest office? Hell, im ALL FOR jews holding Merkel's office... Geee, pal... whats the problem with equality?

you have proven yourself to be an absolute idiot....

there are 12 members right now and there have been 59 in total so far....and yes they have power, even head some comittees.....
Mohammad Barakeh
there's one....
the rest are HERE- Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YOU were owned shogie! not that i am in to that....! :lol:

Cool! Now, when do you think a guy like that will be elected PM of Israel? Can you give the same answer to a muslim elected in the US?
Opinion over the condition of Jews in Iran is divided. One Jew active in arguing on behalf of a benevolence view of the Iranian Islamic government and society toward Jews is film producer Haroun Yashyaei, who tells visitors and reporters the Ayatollah "Ruhollah Khomeini didn't mix up our community with Israel and Zionism," and "Take it from me, the Jewish community here faces no difficulties."<sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-27">[28]</sup> Privately many Jews complain to foreign reporters of "discrimination, much of it of a social or bureaucratic nature." The Islamic government appoints the officials who run Jewish schools, most of these being Muslims and requires that those schools must open on Saturdays, the Jewish Sabbath. Criticism of this policy was the downfall of the last remaining newspaper of the Iranian Jewish community which was closed in 1991 after it criticized government control of Jewish schools.<sup class="reference" id="cite_ref-28">[29]</sup>
History of the Jews in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yep, they sure sound equal to me. :cuckoo:
<sup id="cite_ref-28" class="reference"></sup>
Thanks for the info Care, I knew there were some, but was to lazy to go looking for them, it appears so was Shog :)

So now shog, how many of the 20 thousand Jews in Iran are in their Iranian government :)

holy shit Majalli Wahabi a Muslim was once acting President of Israel. Wow, those Hateful Racist Jews must have really lost it then eh Shog.


Oh WOW! You mean the house negra gets to watch the house while the massa goes on a trip? How GENERAOUS is the massa!


And, Iran has had a jew in their gov since 1908. Go ask Iranian jews if they are treated poor enough to be lured to isreal by cash!

Now, when will an arab ever be elected PM of Israel, again? What was that? Never, you say?
I would add that those 12 Muslim members are 10% of the total 120 members. While Muslims make up 16.2% of the population, Muslims constitute Israel's largest religious minority.

So that is pretty close to an accurate representation of the % of Muslims as a whole in the Government.

But I am sure Shog will just tell us they are nothing but Token Muslims with no power at all. Then continue to rail about how Israel is a racist nation.

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are goddamn right they are. Given titles and status despite the plight of the rest of the arabs is a pretty big indicator.

here are some Nazi Jews.. You tell me what this is supposed to validate.
Nazi Jews: A Historical Paradox | THE CUBAN REVOLUTION

and yes. Israel IS a racist nation.
it isn't, but then I am sure Shog will say it is, and I am also sure he will never admit he just got served by you. :)

Good job Care :)

While I AM glad to see that there ARE arabs in the knesset.. a fact I will freely admit that i did not know, I still have a problem with your statement saying that Muslims can never be the PM of israel. I STILL have a problem with any nation that insists on an ethnic standard for a special population. Hell, if anything, posting evidence of peaceful arabs working with the Knesset PROVES that a single state solution, and equality for all, WILL work.

Go ahead, have your happy dance now. You both deserve it.

Yep, it's killing the Chinese to translate directions to all the products they sell us into English.

Speaking of which.. how many Chinese dialects are there and HOW many years was that nation at war with each other?
hey, don't shoot the messenger! lol

I think that those that claim themselves as "American" and not American Indian, can certainly be included in with the English...

The Irish and scottish can be included in with the British, because of course, they are in Great Britain and you specifically said British, you did not say the English only....(these were groups of people that immigrated to this country later on, in the 1800's and 1900's and are English speaking groups)

sooooooooooo, go for it girl, you were right on the british here!

You will find the Irish extremelyunwilling to be included as 'British', I should think, whereas the Cymry, the people you call 'Welsh' ARE the British, originally anyway. Since our national consciousness was at an extrmely low ebb in the early colonial days, our contribution doesn't show up well in your history, but those who go in for such things assure me, for instance, that eighteen of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were of 'Welsh' descent. The was a very interesting (Welsh-language) series a few years back on S4C about the contribution of our people to the Northern Army, and there's speculation that the surprisingly large number of Welsh names amonst American Black People come not from Welsh slave-owners (very thin on the ground) but from admired Welsh chaplains who preached to those set free. As I understand it, an increasing number of Americans are now realising their actual origins in Cymru.
More evidence of your inability to separate Jews from Israelis. You really don't have an actual grasp of anything, do you?

Do you need an actual translation, admitted AFTER THE FACT by news sources, or just a cookie and some bubbles?

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