Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

All this bluster and STILL...NO answer to the simple question...

What is it that you neo-cons have "learned" from listening to RW radio that you would not or could not have "learned" anywhere else?

You people keep asking the same thing over and over like a bunch of spoiled bratty 3-year olds, "what proof do you have?" although I, and many others, post time and time again the lies, garbage and propoganda spewed by RW radio hosts and their ilk like Death-panels, Obama's not American, Obama is a terrorist, etc., the YouTube vids have been posted all over the site exposing their lies, links from reputable news sources, and you morans keep repeating the same question..over, and over, and over again.

WTF is wrong with you people?!??

What have you learned from RW radio?

Answer the damn question.
All this bluster and STILL...NO answer to the simple question...

What is it that you neo-cons have "learned" from listening to RW radio that you would not or could not have "learned" anywhere else?

You people keep asking the same thing over and over like a bunch of spoiled bratty 3-year olds, "what proof do you have?" although I, and many others, post time and time again the lies, garbage and propoganda spewed by RW radio hosts and their ilk like Death-panels, Obama's not American, Obama is a terrorist, etc., the YouTube vids have been posted all over the site exposing their lies, links from reputable news sources, and you morans keep repeating the same question..over, and over, and over again.

WTF is wrong with you people?!??

What have you learned from RW radio?

Answer the damn question.
well, first off, dumbfuck, if you are only asking neocons, you need to find one first

marc shows what a fucking moron he is as well
YOU are a neo-con DiveCon...and I use the term with contempt.

You KNOW what you are...now answer the damn question.

You moran.
YOU are a neo-con DiveCon...and I use the term with contempt.

You KNOW what you are...now answer the damn question.

You moran.
yes, I do know what i am, and neocon is not it
never have been, never will be
you remain a fucking idiot
All this bluster and STILL...NO answer to the simple question...

What is it that you neo-cons have "learned" from listening to RW radio that you would not or could not have "learned" anywhere else?

You people keep asking the same thing over and over like a bunch of spoiled bratty 3-year olds, "what proof do you have?" although I, and many others, post time and time again the lies, garbage and propoganda spewed by RW radio hosts and their ilk like Death-panels, Obama's not American, Obama is a terrorist, etc., the YouTube vids have been posted all over the site exposing their lies, links from reputable news sources, and you morans keep repeating the same question..over, and over, and over again.

WTF is wrong with you people?!??

What have you learned from RW radio?

Answer the damn question.

I don't know how you define neo-con and doubt you would answer when asked any more than you've honestly answered the other questions to you, but I'll answer yours.

1. I learn that there are radio commentators who have done their homework and can competently articulate a point of view independent of any personality. I have yet to find a liberal radio commentator who can do that or at least who does do that.

2. I get a lot of data, statistics, and key words to check out and follow up with research and almost invariably these are verifiable from other sources. I don't get that from liberal commentators either.

3. I am affirmed that I am not alone in my opinion about many things.

4. Occasionally I hear a perspective I had not thought of before and can either research it or think it through and come to a conclusion that may or may not agree with the commentator. Liberal radio commentators are so inept at articulating any kind of reasoned perspective that this happens extremely rarely on liberal programs.

5. Probably nothing on any of these programs is not available somewhere else--the hosts have to get their information from somewhere--but they frequently cite their sources which is helpful. And I personally find it helpful to have somebody else's staff scouring the news of the day and background information and pulling key points together for perusal. And while I generally visit at least ten or twelve information sources on average every day, the hosts have better resources than I do to do this and will almost always find something that I missed.

That's probably sufficient to answer your question.
Damage control, huh? :lol:

What ever you want to believe Meister, feel free. Reality and facts always confuse your kind.
coming from someone that said the jets were playing the texans, thats just too fucking funny

And therein is the problem with you neocons. I never wrote the jets were playing the Texans, you and the others on the fringe made that inference. But lacking the integrity to admit you and the others are wrong, you rewrite history.

OOPs, Mea Culpa, for real. Of course the Jets played the Bengals, and by beating the Bengals eliminated the Texans. I was wrong, and (gulp) the right wing fringe guys were correct.
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what ever you want to believe meister, feel free. Reality and facts always confuse your kind.
coming from someone that said the jets were playing the texans, thats just too fucking funny

and therein is the problem with you neocons. I never wrote the jets were playing the texans, you and the others on the fringe made that inference. But lacking the integrity to admit you and the others are wrong, you rewrite history.

I don't know how you define neo-con and doubt you would answer when asked any more than you've honestly answered the other questions to you, but I'll answer yours.

1. I learn that there are radio commentators who have done their homework and can competently articulate a point of view independent of any personality. I have yet to find a liberal radio commentator who can do that or at least who does do that.

2. I get a lot of data, statistics, and key words to check out and follow up with research and almost invariably these are verifiable from other sources. I don't get that from liberal commentators either.

3. I am affirmed that I am not alone in my opinion about many things.

4. Occasionally I hear a perspective I had not thought of before and can either research it or think it through and come to a conclusion that may or may not agree with the commentator. Liberal radio commentators are so inept at articulating any kind of reasoned perspective that this happens extremely rarely on liberal programs.

5. Probably nothing on any of these programs is not available somewhere else--the hosts have to get their information from somewhere--but they frequently cite their sources which is helpful. And I personally find it helpful to have somebody else's staff scouring the news of the day and background information and pulling key points together for perusal. And while I generally visit at least ten or twelve information sources on average every day, the hosts have better resources than I do to do this and will almost always find something that I missed.

That's probably sufficient to answer your question.
I'll respond, in earnest, to your answers.

1. Subjective. What liberal commentators have you actually listened to? The ones I listen to have actually done their homework as well.

2. Again, subjective. I was really asking for SPECIFICS. I could have said the same thing about the liberal radio-hosts I listen to as well.

3. So what? Ditto for me and the radio hosts I listen to. Nothing special there.

4. New perspectives? *yawn* Me too bub, I get interesting angles everyday from LW radio. Nothing special there.

5. They frequently site their sources eh? Hmmm...I happen to listen to RW on occasion, and thats at least once a day for at least a half hour to an hour, including various shows on various stations and I don't hear much sourcing...other than the regular RW sources. aka Lewellyn (sp) Group...which is a well-known GOP-supported and financed branch.

Dude, you have wrote a lot and yet have wrote nothing of substance...all subjective and not unique to you or your side or persuasion.

Let me tell you some things I get from LW radio and talking heads that I don't get in MSM, useful information about Blackwater, the RW religious group The Family, the truth about the ACORN smear campaigns, the truth about RW dirty political tactics. Also, unlike RW radio who can find no wrong in anything the GOP does, I also find out lots of information about Democrats in office thats not very endearing to them. In other words, a healthy dose of critisicm of Dem policies and goings-on WHILE they are in office. Not after. I can go on, but these are but a FEW of the types of information I get from LW radio.

Again I ask you.....WTF do you "learn" from RW radio?
What ever you want to believe Meister, feel free. Reality and facts always confuse your kind.
coming from someone that said the jets were playing the texans, thats just too fucking funny

And therein is the problem with you neocons. I never wrote the jets were playing the Texans, you and the others on the fringe made that inference. But lacking the integrity to admit you and the others are wrong, you rewrite history.

Giving a score of the game needs no inference. dumbshit
"Moran" is a reference to the bunch of tea-bagging ignoramuses that didn't know how to spell last summer...



Too funny!

"Moran" is a reference to the bunch of tea-bagging ignoramuses that didn't know how to spell last summer...



Too funny!

actually, i believe that was from 2 summers ago

during the campaign of 2008 and the dem primaries if i remember correctly

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