Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

I think a lot of conservative talk radio analysts have a core belief that our government is a corrupt body of lawyers and other scoundrels who have completely ruined our nation at the expense of our people. They refuse to be slaves to poor government because they actually care about the welfare of our nation.

I think you've pretty well zeroed in on the heart of it here. When I listen in on Rush from time to time, he strongly objects to Republicans who vote liberal, but he's still hanging in there with the Republican Party as he is convinced that it is a newly awakened GOP that will save us from the reckless socialism the current administration advocates.

Hannity is far more likely to take on the GOP head on and is much less of a politican than Rush is.

Both advocate solid conservative values and both want our country to again focus on those core principles that have made us the great nation that we are. Both are convinced that the current administration, Democrats and a few Republicans, are trying to dismantle that.

Michael Savage rants and raves about everybody and everything and despises his fellow conservatives because they aren't conservative enough. Also after he has trashed them again and again and has never, at least when I've listened in, defended them in anything, he resents that they don't rush to his defense when he is attacked. :) Nevertheless, if you get through the rants and raves and listen to what he is actually saying, he is right a lot of the time and he does not deserve the rep for 'hate speech' that he gets.

Laura Ingraham is probably most like Rush in her approach and philosophy but without using as much humor and, alas, the sometimes poor taste humor that Rush uses. But she doesn't pull anywhere near the ratings that he does.

Glenn Beck is a relative newcomer, but he isn't afraid of the kook label and therefore bravely plows into theories and concepts that the others won't touch. And, because he is so well researched and has turned out to be right so often, he has been judged as valuable for that reason. He has Rush's flair for being entertaining too.

And I've listened in on local hosts and other syndicated conservative lesser well knowns (Medved, Reagan, Hedgecock, Liddy et al) and all have their plusses and minuses, but each one obviously loves and respects his country and advocates solid conservative principles.

Conservative principles can be articulated, defended, and can be shown to work. Very few liberal principles can. And that is why conservative talk radio is far more successful than liberal talk radio.
ROTFLMWIAO @ these born again conservatives...


Laugh away, but you still have no credible facts to dispute anything, and personal insults, ad hominem, and ridicule just make you look like you're working really hard to cover up ignorance.
Laugh away, but you still have no credible facts to dispute anything, and personal insults, ad hominem, and ridicule just make you look like you're working really hard to cover up ignorance.
FOXFyre, hmmm...reminiscent of FOXNews.

Speaking about ignorance, why don't you go ahead and click on the article in my siggy, give it a read and tell me what you think?

It was written by a true conservative BTW.
Laugh away, but you still have no credible facts to dispute anything, and personal insults, ad hominem, and ridicule just make you look like you're working really hard to cover up ignorance.
FOXFyre, hmmm...reminiscent of FOXNews.

Speaking about ignorance, why don't you go ahead and click on the article in my siggy, give it a read and tell me what you think?

It was written by a true conservative BTW.

I've read a lot of Bruce Bartlett. I agree with him on some things and disagree with him on others just as I do with most people. This article is no different. Why don't you post the article in a separate thread and invite a discussion? It would probably be a good one.
I've read a lot of Bruce Bartlett. I agree with him on some things and disagree with him on others just as I do with most people. This article is no different. Why don't you post the article in a separate thread and invite a discussion? It would probably be a good one.
Do a search FOXFyre...been there, done that.

I'm curious though...what in that article do you disagree with? And what do you agree with?
Laugh away, but you still have no credible facts to dispute anything, and personal insults, ad hominem, and ridicule just make you look like you're working really hard to cover up ignorance.
FOXFyre, hmmm...reminiscent of FOXNews.

Speaking about ignorance, why don't you go ahead and click on the article in my siggy, give it a read and tell me what you think?

It was written by a true conservative BTW.
typical ignorant bullshit from you, you ASSume that her name has anything to do with fox news
you are just proving me correct in just calling you a fucking moron with every post
These poor libs don't know what they're missing.... Mark Steyn subbing for Rush just now... encouraging us to convert to Amish so we can do our barn-raising without paying the healthcare tax. :lol::lol:

See. These socialists trying to stick us with the bill aren't going to know the ins and outs of the new system, and all because they're too stuck-up to listen to talk radio. How sad... for them. We'll all be Amish... and they'll all be paying the tab. :eusa_shhh:
These poor libs don't know what they're missing.... Mark Steyn subbing for Rush just now... encouraging us to convert to Amish so we can do our barn-raising without paying the healthcare tax. :lol::lol:

See. These socialists trying to stick us with the bill aren't going to know the ins and outs of the new system, and all because they're too stuck-up to listen to talk radio. How sad... for them. We'll all be Amish... and they'll all be paying the tab. :eusa_shhh:
Glad to know you're currently listing to RW talk radio.

Now tell me, tell us, the rest of the class...what have you learned today on RW radio?
These poor libs don't know what they're missing.... Mark Steyn subbing for Rush just now... encouraging us to convert to Amish so we can do our barn-raising without paying the healthcare tax. :lol::lol:

See. These socialists trying to stick us with the bill aren't going to know the ins and outs of the new system, and all because they're too stuck-up to listen to talk radio. How sad... for them. We'll all be Amish... and they'll all be paying the tab. :eusa_shhh:
Glad to know you're currently listing to RW talk radio.

Now tell me, tell us, the rest of the class...what have you learned today on RW radio?

.... I learned that I can stick you with the healthcare fine and avoid it myself by saying I'm Amish. ;)
These poor libs don't know what they're missing.... Mark Steyn subbing for Rush just now... encouraging us to convert to Amish so we can do our barn-raising without paying the healthcare tax. :lol::lol:

See. These socialists trying to stick us with the bill aren't going to know the ins and outs of the new system, and all because they're too stuck-up to listen to talk radio. How sad... for them. We'll all be Amish... and they'll all be paying the tab. :eusa_shhh:
Glad to know you're currently listing to RW talk radio.

Now tell me, tell us, the rest of the class...what have you learned today on RW radio?

.... I learned that I can stick you with the healthcare fine and avoid it myself by saying I'm Amish. ;)
No problem. I don't mind my tax money going towards people who are unable to afford health care for whatever reason.
No problem. I don't mind my tax money going towards people who are unable to afford health care for whatever reason.

Good to know. Maybe you'd be nice enough to post your name and address, so we can all send you our tax bills. :eusa_angel:
According to dan22 there...FreeDom has been taken away.

I'd like to know WHO took it? And WHEN did they take it?
I think some Conservative Talk Radio is great but some is not so great. I mainly listen to Conservative Talk Radio to balance out the Liberal dominance of the overall Mainstream Media. Liberals really do dominate most of the MSM News we receive. There's a Liberal slant to their coverage for the most part. I think most common sense thinking people can see this. Media outlets like CNN,NBC,CBS,ABC,PBS,NPR,and the NY Times do slant their coverage far Left. It is what it is. Conservative Talk Radio provides at least a little balance in my opinion. It's not all great but some of it is. Hey that's just my take anyway.
These poor libs don't know what they're missing.... Mark Steyn subbing for Rush just now... encouraging us to convert to Amish so we can do our barn-raising without paying the healthcare tax. :lol::lol:

See. These socialists trying to stick us with the bill aren't going to know the ins and outs of the new system, and all because they're too stuck-up to listen to talk radio. How sad... for them. We'll all be Amish... and they'll all be paying the tab. :eusa_shhh:

I did catch a bit of Mark this morning and he was really on a roll. He (and you), however tongue in cheek, do make a very good point. :)
I think some Conservative Talk Radio is great but some is not so great. I mainly listen to Conservative Talk Radio to balance out the Liberal dominance of the overall Mainstream Media. Liberals really do dominate most of the MSM News we receive. There's a Liberal slant to their coverage for the most part. I think most common sense thinking people can see this. Media outlets like CNN,NBC,CBS,ABC,PBS,NPR,and the NY Times do slant their coverage far Left. It is what it is. Conservative Talk Radio provides at least a little balance in my opinion. It's not all great but some of it is. Hey that's just my take anyway.
Snap out of it Apocalypto...the last 8 years should have squashed that Neo-Con talking point about "da librul media."

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